PREFACE If brevity be the soul of wit anywhere it is most especially so in a preface; firstly because those who do read such things as pre- faces, prefer the-m, like grace before meat, in an epigrammatic form; and, secondly, because nine-hundred and ninety-nine people out of every thousand never read a preface at all. Some of the facts in “Now and Then” have been gleaned from real experiences told by word of mouth, copies from other records, supplied by those who have been most helpful in the compilation of this Jubilee Anniversary token. For all the assistance, so graciously given, my sincere thanks. May I stress, too, that this book is published as a sincere tribute to those pioneers who, back in the days when strength of body equalled strength of heart, laid so well the foundations of our pros— perous community. Because of my limited knowledge of the earlier days, this record will not be as complete as I would like to have it, but I have done my best with material gathered with considerable personal effort. If, at any time you discover certain omissions or errors, please be assured that such are purely unintentional. Let us remember that the active citizens of today will be the revered pioneers of tomorrow, and in so doing be assured that Friendship, Kindness, Love, Courage, Hope, Faith, Sincerity, For— giveness and Perseverance must all be consistently practiced if we would attain the most precious gem of life—HAPPINESS! “If your friend has a heart, There is something fine in him; Cast away his darker part. Cling to what’s divine in him.” Fred C. Norris Killarney, Man, April, 1957