William John, born in 1900. He married Nelle Deachman. They re- side in Chicago, Ill., and have no fa- mily. Harold Russell was born in 1901. He was killed in 1933 and was single. Effie Barber was born in 1905. She married Robert W. Bissett 1925. They had three children. Mr. Bissett died in 1962 and Effie lives in Crystal City. Nina Calendar was born in 1907 She married Roy N. Scales. They have two children and live in Chilli— wack, B. C. Charles Kenneth was born in 1909 and died 1949. He served in the forc- es and married overseas. He had two children. Three children were born in Crys— tal City. They were: Gordon Deach- am who was born in 1913 and lives in Chilliwack, B. C., single. Bessie Jean, born 1918, married Stuart Cudmore 1938 and resides in Crystal City. They have three child- ren. Marjorie Grace was born 1919; married Roy Scott at Chilliwack in 1941, had two children and was di- vorced. Later she married Stuart Lightfoot and now lives at Crystal City. WILLIAM JOHN LEONARD William John Leonard was born in County Fermanagh, Ireland. He serv- ed in the first World War with the Royal Enneskillen Fusiliers and in the second World War with the Ve- terans Guard. He farmed in the Aber- deen district of Crystal City until 1942. After the War he was constable for the town until 1954. Mrs. Leonard predeceased him by quite a few years. They had three sons: Elmer of Winnipeg, John of Vancouver, and Melville of Rivers. They also had five daughters: Minnie (Mrs. William Enns) of Morden, Eli- zabeth (Mrs. John Barnheart) of Darlingfo-rd, Violet (Mrs. Stan San- som) of Crystal City, Olive (Mrs. Alex McLean) of Pilot Mound, and Pearl (Mrs. Verne Bridal) of Bel- mont. Mr. Leonard passed away in April 1964 at the age of 77 years. JAMES ELDON MaCARTNEY In 7894 James Eldon Macartney came to Crystal City from Malakoff, Ontario, to work for his brother, John Allen on the SWl/4 30-1-11. In 1896 Jim bought the north quarter of the section and farmed the half section. His sister, Bella Macartney came west and kept house for him until his marriage to Eliza Jane Cudmore in Dec. 1898. In the spring of 1903 they sold the farm to Mr. and Mrs. Farrell and bought the north half of 23-1-12 and moved on to the farm in the fall, as soon as they had a house built. There the family — Lenna and Her- man —— were born. They farmed un- till 1909 when they sold out and mov— ed to- Crystal City, renting the farm to Thos. Alderson. Jim did carp-enter work and then worked for Mr. H. H. Howard in the elevator for the Young Grain Co. This elevator was located north of the present fire hall. In the fall of 1910 he bought the Internation- al Harvester Co. agency from Mr. James MacNamee. The building Where he set up business was located east of the present Locker plant. They sold machinery, coal and wood. In 1924 he bought the garage building from Mr. J. E. Parr on the corner of Broadway and Crystal, taking his son Herman in as a partner in 1925. He continued in this business until his death in April 1937 when it was all taken over by Herman who still continues the business. In 1949, Her— man married Vyrna. Joyce of Killar- ne-y, Man. They have built a lovely new home on the north side of town. In 1946 Lenna and her husband, Haro‘ld Robertson, moved onto the farm 23-1-12. They operated this farm 171