quay), < .. C ., ‘< , :v. ; ukf' *. i‘ ' "i" ' W‘ .'. , ,5.- “ unx'wnmmgngn, . .u... 2...! anigw .- we. v1.1 ‘3. . ‘thrn-afirn-I-h-t- r-I .362 '._;_am. ...£-‘<‘t "in ' I“: ~ Wham " -~ A mumm4vmh: worse. 1%: 31m: Wmvm 1m; “Emu-mlm' w“ W a. W ‘ 1 Sun. PRIDE 78m cam _ rimming. xovnmsnnfia. ism. was ”WES! Mil-WAT. w; W to amino an: the mm. at tho W 30‘:th Railway. so mtupfiuu in ihich the hon: inter-ash: ' All {in whole Moon In: involrm‘l. no “la-fin; W by judicial [ML jugs. which um~ calmlalml so rn-ndnr .33an ii an: :olnully downy. all the. advantages which will moo {mm “m mm I; don- mm singula— Munch w _whnprino. a Provincial one in may “upon. and can in which thus famous of a lot-go Winn of tho outflow of this Pruvinou m convex-nod. lulu had to mom with a series oi im- Wm it we may not: the won]. which. tuls'unnllogczhor. loo}: vary like a mummy. and in which then: is pinin- ig.’ no homo the Junior lama. In the unit 01 Young on. tho 31.33“ 12.11.. we Jun-o no internist with either puny. 42:. mph the common internal. urination. H the Company am: Mr. Young anything. . or if ho him my lmuuinry claim to ho mmnml. we no partway content to githim the benefit of lli‘n court»; to colic-cl. his! claim. it ho cannot. get. it mtisfiod in may other way. Mr. Young's rights!!!» 1.! mod in tho nyus of the law us than: of tiny other citizen. and we believe: the Manitoba. soumwwwm Railway enterprise would lose. nothing mornlly or Inninriully. by mulling up manta and shaking luunlu with tho goal-lunar}. But; we do think it. n gram: and startling Mom of ufi'nirs. when we ohmrvu tho whole uouuuul of the Province rebound. in u manner nur- mptitiously. and than on notion brought. hulom tho only judicial tribunal we have, much in the snow way as the m5- nmsuin springs upon n alum-mo}. do. Inna-elm and drugged victim. In this action. not only tlan rights and iummtu of tho Builwuynm concerned, but. tho welfmo of the whole Province. xuul in a. tumor which wholly moo-Ls Lho personal Welfare ol‘ every man in Manitoba who ovum, or over proposm to own. :1 foot of land here. 1!. is well known that. unions :1 dolly (min is running to tho Dayna this you: (he North Duilurin bonus will be lost: to the company. and what. is “on inure serious. if filly miles of the mail ho not entirely oomplctoc‘l by 1862. the land gaunt o! the company. upon whom: basis. and relying upon tho good faith of the (lover-amount and courts of the. Pro. vinoo and the. Dominion. tho cupintlisbs 'conoomorl in tho onloerKo advanced the may which has been ox- pnudml' on tho road. will hips-o. and tho railway practically be killed. There am so nanny phases of vital int-er- rant on the future of this Provinuo bound up in this matter. that. we cannot post tho position of afluirs over. without mulling on most nppuulio those whose intercom are being attacked in this suit to study its true bouings. null to Sake some stops in provost tlumawlvns. 1n the firm. place. if the mid object. of um. unit. which in to kill the Manitoba South~ weswm Railway. and to rob those who have invested means in it. he untied out. we any (more: hid adieu no ~. the. hope of bringing inn flu: Province outside (:5me an aid its local ontcrlnisos. Next, the question 01 whether mi, people of Maui- boha. are lobe [minim to have u. nil- way of their own, a: all. is involved. This Inojecsod railway 1 tins ilzmugh . and will form an artery for the best section 0! the Pro» Vince. '1' be people “if owners of pro- perty throughout themgion along which the line runs. await its completion with nuxioty. On the strength or it. new towns and villages have been inmate-(l, and farmers. ufims. merchants and laborers hum invested ' their capital. The mail has been advancing in the most. satisfactory manner. and nothing appeaml to manila; saunas when iis ..\myexis&wois threatened byncnhul ~making:nsoofmo oourbsi‘lo obsmzcs in; ' progress with the undonbwlobjec: of pro- _vonnng it from fulfilliugfiicoondxtions on . .Lhez‘isuII-é oi which the capital han‘boen 'suppliea. 'Peu-lups nopeoplo one mom interested 'in this mater than the mer- chant»; uadlmsinesn men of “'innipc-o'. They, borrow the fiéifit. they have k "‘"M-an-r WWW no" .A. «V‘- - .. .. - ’ THE SUN, NOVEMBER 3. 1881. w. .4..--..«............-..;.... ”w... .-- .u--. — -. - — :odmizalifim? Pause opinion mm; in bought—lo 3:1:an some dupe. wt Pontiac; ' _~.u~- m- Tnll.‘ ”WARM 31.1(1'1041. m that ho um i: candidate is our only pul- liufion, bu sufiuml u was; huxuiiiuzing . , will be chwhlmhcd ii: iii-.- Oalznloom (Infant. 513“” bum}: ”mm”! under down) college. Sort-ml $100 subscrip- Llacxr nuances. A rL-npocmhlo Conwrvw Lions; have: been securml. the two! in: being an tmrhezmuyi Personal Paragraphs. 1 high. “1m. will limit magmas of 119-" . ’ ‘5'”; ... , __ Iiofbc if Q'Jiurmiy ’W a: ? “WM :. magi“ ”"5“" “‘“ 4.“.an ‘ ”"4" line So 13% from!“ 1*! M53“: Aw. Damon in .z‘. prawns. zzz. 13.-- Par-1 10 be strangled in; lnzal or judidnlguau violin: iriuulu. 343:. C. ll. Jinan-nu. of ill-.- I‘c-nngc‘ Tn'imar is in like :11)“ on banking-.- a l Hour-I. Snow. Cotton- and other. pros-out ddnnppucnu: imfmdingmxi-zwflcyo...‘ 1m“. :0, 02mm: 53 um; fim of flu: bminmnu u! the whole :ooum u! a fear «In-n. g .‘S n ,1 H“. SRV-LVT GIRLS . Emu. Intefizem 0': App)? to W tho I I... _ .. inseam..- .» _ ~\RT ETIM‘ ' -b he“ $31.19;.” no 83:5 0320:. ...._.. u:..~_~—~ YN 9* Andy: . .— EM T0 PPJ..\TERS.—J\‘antc~d. T1 3.9: prev-.5 n: l -. LPN ”Playroom w '5 ”0'1“!" “mt“- Per—L: Mr. link-ll. Honk-r. :1 unil-knmrn- " ' Sixtulzsaor o'.’ 153 ciao-3.5. 051.. drfl’fl‘J in the city L1,»! ""I‘J“ and Mom 0:13, to: Brandon 24.: boy had m-flmv. 31:. Peat-r Duly. readily of Ottawa. .~ “’0.qu lite oambinnxion which in ha» momma is”. services: to Mew-emfi jm now mfmfily running use 1’10. Vaughan. Doom.- k C4). ‘ _ I visicizl Blunhino fun! awn; was“: WW “Mimi” 9’ .“WKF- mud“ in“ . . mg n Harm] favorite. and his runny ova-r tho mull. of tho clouwn an limo. {zit-min: in 01.23er will be glad 20 learn lion» Their (313355413149. 311‘- Tonic. for 1135:. he has got into so excellent a posi- thcnscnzion of whose name the incl 50:31:12“: Mr. {half in a «MW-- A Garfield choir of mzcicn1-1mumugcx tit-ohms been chm-Mod our. of an election. which he might have won had it. no:- bocn' for that ixilorfcrongn oi the lewlor of the Government. Mr. Sifmn luvs anaconda} in securing as out. in the Ltuialnwru. rind now can— ntiluwu an Oppoxition of one.——£hn!. is if ho “slaynput.” owl ruinous to be roped iuz-o Lhn ring. ll. now lies in his power. if be In» the courage and the ability. to ‘ do good a-crvico to the people of the Province. by alerting the menus which um wuufitmioual machinery of the lcgismturc uflonL-i. and ins-mung on got:- 1 ling at the bailout {now connected with ‘ leoudmiuwlmtion o! Ihu min! which has thus In: unnatural in escaping; criticimu. or any kind of that. supervision which is coulompinhml by our kysunn of Government. and which is mutinl no the welfare of any oumumnity. While we can agree Unit. in certain nwnnurc-s of exceptional im- portance. coucuruing our relationv-s with other Pro'rinccn or the Dominion. in as Wall [or a government and n legislature to ho 1; unit. Limb does not. Idler the ubsoluto and punk mouni notes-xii)- ior tux Opposition in the Legislature. This umy bo noon in the Local Luginluiurc of Ontario. There. in the boundary nmt‘ . the cow's-u of rho (iuvommunnou tliequcscion.“ us a “allowed by an unanimous vote of the House. but in 1111 other matters. tho Opposition puz- sucs that. course of useful criticism which i'l the guarantee of the people of the in. tugficy of tho umungoment of their ni- hu'rs. The election in Brandon is the crack of doom for tho Government of Mr. Norquny. and is no indication of who: may be anticipated in the coming general elections. Indeed, it. is already whisxmrocl thutJorL-sceiug the broth-up of tho cabal. some of the members of tho Government. urn intriguing to divide the Hausa uud oust Mr. Norquuy in the Griz: interest. This. howovur. is not. what. the people contemplate. As for 311-. Siltou. is does not manor that. ho is not. a Conservative. if he is ready to do his I duty as ho finds it. .AN .lB-‘llEIiD nt‘noun. A dosputch is given curmncy to which asserts thut the question of independ- once and the election 01 u Chief Magis- i.ntc or Governor-General. will occupy the attention of the Dominion qu-lin- menu of the approaching session. Of course this comes iron: on American source. and is ms silly null ridiculous nn idon us was over formulated in n mmml. Tho Canadian people have not the slightest. desire in the world of changing their politi- cal condition. except. it. be to change one government for another, under the sumo political spawn. and tho Canadian Purlizuucnn have other and more useful work to engage their attention than dis- cussing L110 subject. of independence. Independence may be the destiny of this country. and when it. come-s we will be ping-mod to woo: the rcslwnsibi- lilies of national existence. But. really. the proclamation of independence and tho election of a chief mugisLNw Ko~ marrow would make no appreciable change in the course of our political events. The machinery or government. and legL-zluxion in this comatry is pmlnllnly the {most and most. harmonious working in the worm, and i: is not. at. all hkoly that it will over he changed. All that. independence would do would be to nfilict the people with the expeusuol a horde of representatives uhron‘x. without any mimnuge to the people a: home. “'u have now ouo foreign mineseamrive. and he costs usiu pretty iii!) of expense. The Chicago! Trina." will mi: in vain for what. it pro- ‘_ winning; as the first mop onwards. annex» ~. Tin: cuseoi David Young “.5. the South \mem “i." come before the. Com at. elm-cu o‘clock m-rnormw morn- .VARIETY HALL I NEW ADVERTlSEMENTS. UPHOLSTERING— «AND-— Mattress Works, June. 25qu three door. Ira-m Elam Sire-c: coat. Parlor Setts, Bed Lounges, and. In; other C phal~uu~1 Goods. Marin: Bosh uphol—urul in any atria. flux. “Wool. Film» Sou (in-.1. mad ”the: Maura-nus. l’caxher Hedi. Bub-lure nu:l l'i‘losrn in order. Kain-asses Renovated. and lie-made, , uul any Jt-ldvzns: Uphol-u-ry done promptly. JOfilil'll n.1illl0\"(‘LOCGu. .._57:"’3.E w ‘ (7-1er 1'5? 5&2, 3% $1 3&1»- CUSTOMS DEPARTME IIT. Roguhninns governing 'l‘rM'ellcrs' Cur: ringer, kc" cro-isiuu rho frontier. su- pemc ling the Regulations on lst. .I :umzu'y. 1579. Tin-11mm unll- runsru'. the frontier puriR in dun-lam: v» :m "can mm- . .’ Favour-x3 rum r.-..rr:i-.. go~ lath-u "I"! murchmulL-e.‘ and In: ulfunl 1hr.- utnnht Ir. "in"! - pur in‘ vixu‘ug llm DuL-zimon for 1.11-1.11 :2: Harp» uL--_ 1‘ :xix' or“. “111‘ tho pro- xuc inn or he lievuuuo. :‘.c .‘llUlHEJ‘Y or Contains bun nmir um HE 12m (”Honing “licguluti m:- and. lihltzl‘lthm" lot—Jlm-ulur thBU'I tux-l lumkanflxcs the owners or tho dr. mun um kuuwn lo lec o XiCCAB. may be allowed 1.. cross tho ironiivr and return. wuluu u-m d:1“-. whlz-m'. Doing n-qxun-v' 2:; mu}..- an en- try an I llsl-Dlll Ila-U515. uni-wot unlyiulhe L-l'lilllt'd‘)‘ os'mxiun‘mu. r er. (:11 run: LIB: cc: on. m-.l~'l‘r:.vel'c a L‘:.mu‘iu-: 1 - rennin “id-Ln the Delphi ~~x :lu: u. long-c: neriu‘. Gan.) two nlnyu. use Inquire-E ’n n'l cake: to nan-- r: and cuter than: lmrms_ curring-4 and inn-111m: oqm mgu ; and in «Lu-Is \vlu-re .I:o_\‘ \- in): Lou-Lil to rL‘ilVL' at tho same pom: is: WES-:1: thov (-uu-r. :- nro uncennin ( u um: point. they must .Iupmx: “An the crller {or too lull amount GI duty . n such homo-3. car- rinses unzl other tillliuilio avuu‘oafio be returned only u:: l‘ eir turninl in; enlntnckir)‘ undone:- let !‘-n «um: um ‘lua have ‘mcn rotumed uu- changod to tho 1" itml Strum. T‘“.3 i; not to up- July in coumwruinl tum-cue“ with samples 0! oomuwmiul \‘uluc. not to poddli-ra with gt‘dl‘i in: hole. The gm“:- In their case bow-.3 bubject. to duty w thou: mandamus. moo-Tho {lino to be nllowc‘l tnvullena in either tn.“- :hull not oxcml one calendar month unl a! that tuna be exceeded. the entries shall be equslnlr-rnl Dom: fi-l( \‘hfl'k‘: {or duty. and be in- ulndul in llm new-nub u! the port. {Ur-All mom-y: moire-<1 by Collectors on de- pcai: rumor the above Regulations. shall be, it pox-dbl“ dupositcxl ml inlrrin. in a bank. in the Lfolleczar'.» name; and ii them is no bunk avail- nlslo. film in some other place of sucurln' under the Colloclor‘s credit. and a. vapor-mu uccr um. oi the weary: and (113px and or ouch denim: would be :gut quulorly to the Department 5:1:wa0 outfit-u in bnclz clue hhnuirl contain buchudcscn lion t-I' the hank-a carriages to, uni-ooh! can lo we Collector or other officers to idcnury them on their leaving the Dominion: and ucopy shall bo fumiuhed the owner or other person making such nun-y. which dull ho is: permit for traveling in the country. J. JOHNSOS, Commiaioacr 0: Customs. Ccs‘roxa anmrxm'r. On nu, I so: August. mu. I L" MONEY 10 will: The Real Estate Loan 6; Debenture Ce. [L l. M I T 2 9.3 Can. accommodate bottom-ers- wim Lows :41 hunl—s 0! $330 to $341WQ Inn-as: low. Pa} mums u I car. No comzzission and numeral law charges. Apply to G. lchllCKEN. Gil-am Manx—r. NE PERSON “‘RITES thus of "nous nun BAIAL- -z um it much snipe-sic: o I‘n‘u li-ilez. 1: use: .ss.‘ 5243.: double 3 . to take. and E» ”wen :;\u u beneficial.“ l‘fiuu 2.x: . pox home i-‘o: 5350 a. lire Chg: l’harmacv- * AL— .. This Space Reserved for J. R. Cameron. See Advertisement in To-Morrow’s Issue. m u .,_ - q or alum Tm: Sm, “-lizgsg‘zhaeu. A???) ‘ —mnn and. wae I bastard. A 3. I’mm AL» _ thms’gl‘gLfio Hm. PAVQIT' .DM ‘3‘ MEV will find ' - A ‘ meedm . 150.5“me ~ r: Winnipeg. mo... films... ”Pill: \ THIILE IMPROVED FARMS ‘ ‘ in Lb: gnsnm‘hhogtséeadzngleu: “o mailman; " ~Pariah of St. John's: ngéi‘rg-mmh a! 20') or +00 items In the vicinity of :eimtd Pu: d RESERVE; 101:: Lots ' wpst: three lots on Cm" 5923‘ Pg?! Dune n “.RBossEamte.andsixlah~ in onion“; Ofiice.—VACGKA.\'. D233 e PW. 30: 3:11. ‘13 POVVDER-tho best ‘ - over-ed {or preacrvmg’ . clun’liififin‘fi‘fiagf-i d” be teeth. For sale or. Citv Pharmu-v 4‘" north 0! Post. Oflice. ' ' “en a” A... _ ARRIVING AND TO mum; —FOR— FALL AND WINTER USE ONLY: 500 313. Portland Cement 500 BLS. CALCINED PLASTER. [,000 Boxes Window Glass. w. H. MARSH 2. 00., OIL, GLASS —-A.\'D—- GRACE CHURCH BLOCK, MAIN ST., WINNIPEG. Q IVE ALSO SUPPLY INSUR- ANCE IN TRANSIT, AND INSURE IN BUILDINGS ALL SIZES OF PLATE GLASS. \V. II. JL-tRSll 6: (30., ‘Vinnipcg EEAJISAY, DOD.“ «S: C0., Montreal. sepLzsmly T. F.filurray’s PBOVIN C-IAL MA_PS. Showing the Province of Manitoboas Enlarged and subdivisions by Comma, Also every Post Ofice up no the last 30 days. Besides all Railroads. Rivers. Lakes, Streams and Creeks. and evei'F trail leading from one town to anodlt’: in Manitoba. ‘ This is the latest. and newest map 03“ Just the thing for Speculators 335 Immigrants. For further particulars apply :0 Finest Assortment In; the City. Choice Fra-EZ grant Teas, Splendid; Values, Wholesale, at? ing- ___,. ., ...,._.._ - .43; «, u ' Geo. Wishart 3:. Co.’s. 414%." ALEX. TAYLOR STATIONER; MAIN’ STREET: raw: 1 ‘ ' WD'NIPEG. E memn.—VACGm . "r 3k"?! 015.00 Box 325. ‘ DEX-‘15 L COXPLE P; ' ' _.—'—-——n—_ ‘ h‘ _ - *“vfia-R—r S11 LOTS o.\ THE thsnsm i the Cit!" ‘I‘ithin eight Initially. wu‘fléfpffitiun d f ‘3 COWAST' p_ O. , ‘3‘“ ‘ :, AROMATICSAPOXACEOIIS Toor : '- COLOR MERCHANTS I Manta-"w. w. .._. - . ‘. i Municipalities. and Electoral DivisionS- -