l (a. .. is- mg, sag;— Eirnmn wasmnsmn yfllcvemente of the New '3 - President. Ibo Bnprerne‘conrtVaeancy.m 55W j ‘ musings; mi V . A‘— I i “L Ina-mm mean. i W m min-President :‘Artbnrnet np'nn 2'ocloekthis‘inx‘niorn .. mam _ ”e “'unfiskir‘ " . “ to um‘ die-olefin: ct ii: liv- firn: rendered ' Mlfieelmfiontothe Presi.‘ eyeptthedej with 89de netting until110’ this morning. and saw woodcuts: WAxlminthenftcrooonhed a numbered emu. Attomcy-Gmenl Meow-ah colledet-lendehertly after werflAniet-nt 3mm “‘05“th Hitt Secretory o conver- nationwith tho Wt. cg ‘ WOW I“! 11123. The collector elintcrnnl revenue for the Wall etrcetdietxict, New York. had .: along WM)? with Common - nim‘llem on tbesnbjcct otdclin noel. banker-e bank. and broken. here were above 500 enacted by the r'ecent'defined the commissioner and some considerable than will be required to make the mm examinations, endcelcnletotheemonnt of taxes due the government. 0mm ow «mom 3m 3 _ .m Jcflezean tine. ed 681% 33mm fiiwl Renee We plantingsnd was shoenovergtbc :8!» but] with her theeilver incest presented us -Thos. Jefferson "by: the centennial cougr can. tom-hie eeryioe'e to w‘borty' u‘. drifting the declenfion‘oiinde cc. - ensues. m. Senotofllo‘hneon" eiyn'} that' Senator Ben Hillwillyrbbnbly never be abloto theinty at monster. al- h'e’” milk eble to nppear at the mention recited e! the Senate and Tomi; Senator Plett. oi Connoticut. who is ill. will fjlitli Senator Kill should tholeter it.__‘- m 30m V1.61!“ 92 . W Sept. BOP—End Garfield hrodmthnmsllhle doubt: thug glee: Juliane Horace Gra , «Mu- lotto, would have named to All the vacancy the Sn tome Guatemala! by the indeed: of notice Clifl‘ord. Ex- -Attornoy General Downs hind come one to fill the vecony,‘ and monongly nrgedon Garfield by Hayes. How-es. however. appointed as- eociete justice oltho Supreme Court of Maenohueotte by Gov. Long and will boutinflcd. itie said. by appointment. to the chlel‘ justiccehip oi the some oonrtiepleoe ofGi-ey should Arthur my not the cut made by W. .1qu Grey is dos by Senator Done on a men 0! large inherited wealth end the beat Hoodolfiemhneotte. Hestudied In“ hompnxe lore of relocation. and was 4030." old. He never been in- mud or employed by railroads or other ceqioutiona. and is _entirely free iron: such influence. He" is a. Republi con. butbeetakenno pertin the 01*“ genitalia: of thoparty or in working its SECBE-‘lllll MACVEAGH. *— :Hle Reasons for Reelgntng. - .. Sept. tin—Attorney -Gen- - —~ I: stated this evening that - ‘. ~ loitefnlleottlieproprietx out Arthur selecting no his eon- mariners demon who had ' ' relations. not ooh good-.will but also ygy with him. hams tony administration could ' the coil: of oilioc 31;;th said Thelmdtenderuihie ticninwrit» ins. Holt-deluged thePeoeident thettherefignefienmenoteiombm dinettendhehoped it would be con- sweeten 3331051“ KB 850C330}! by the time the Senate metro special swan. MeeYeagh added that on pub- lic gioncds he felt no gmzy‘ in insu- ' the course his die The work towhich benttnched .COP. our aim 'e.uoenb omoddo , .- v THE SUN,O OCTOBER 1,1881. t -R.‘. 8. BRADLEY -& 00., — We" «flee-Celebrated Clo-1r Hanna ”161’.“me ’ CIZGAJRS' Juliane-d e. We! W magnum we: mousse-imam. mammal-seem ABOM'ATICS YONACEOUS TOOTH POWER—'0» been W radio: . Esmmmws m Fresh Butter. ‘ g c: mu Eggs 0 : Z Fresh Sugars. y g F: Fresh Teas. "’ g momma Goods "t" ,- Pic :5 FroshPiokles. Er: g a; Fresh Potatoes. 5-! g ’ Ev in the Z 3;; c: “fisfiflw‘ pg .0 mrmmrmm m 0 MANITOBA LAND BUREAU. A- R- Main 3‘ co., 366 Main lend. “'lnnlyex. OPPOSITE CITY HALL. NORTH-“EST HOUSE BUILDING . ‘— LANDS FOR SALE. e- ACRES OF SELECTED end well located Wild Land: for 5Q,000 __——_. PROPERTY IN EVERY portion oi the city. CITY See our new advertisement in n tow days. LIQUORS “ OFALLKINDS. IN BOTTLE AND WOOD. WHOLE SALE 63 RETAIL. on: 03010352? WINES. . 903mm 6%.. Always on hand in large quantities. CIGARS 0]? TE BEST BRAKDS Alex. 'Mclntyre 939 Alain Street. .— r. sL—crrx' Lo-rs so: new. In BRANDON BRANDON. Brandon is going 2‘0 be the Chicaga OF TIE—IE WEST- And those who own Lots in good situations will realize Enorm- ous Profits within one-year fromDate of Purchase. Brandon’is already making Repid Strides towards being the Railway Centre and the Hub of Commerce of the West. _ WE ARE GOING TO GIVE YOU ONE MORE 0]?- PORTUNITY TO BUY GOOD LOTS ADJOINING BRANDON. YOU WiLL NEVER REGRETUBUYING THESE LOTS. Every Lot you Buy will Return-You Double the Amount of Your Money in .One Year. YOU CAN MAKE-70,000 Do/lars BEFORE NEXT AUGUST BY BUYING THESE LO'IS NOW AND SELLING THEM AGAIN NEXT SUMMER. YOU CAN “MAKE YOUR FORTUNE NOW as “Easy as rolling offa log.” ”Come and Buy Some Lots. ‘~-Eyen?-‘if You don’t want to Buy, come and see the Plan so that You may say Next Year “ What a Fool l was not to get a few of those Lots When I had the CHANCE." VAUGHAN, DENNIS & 00., ARE THE AGENTS. BRANDON BRANN w A. SHEPARD 6; HEADQUARTE Brokers and y Land Agents. ~‘ .v ye, amines” ._-}: 3-4:"; _~ .1“: OFFICE AND MAP ROOMs: ‘ 276 mm s . 2,4;559-9‘5555‘ —_ —— SELECTED. FARM LAND 1n ellperts at Manitoba end West. 544% "' Hmumlm. some]; FARE-LANDS IN THE RWER'BELT FARMS TO LEASE s‘. Alimit-“’13?” Houses and Lands in Clty T0 BENT. Taxes Bald on Manitoba. Lends owned by parties living out at the Province. _. A ‘ V Arrangements him 9 been made to hold Public 2 Sales of Manitoba Lends, during tho can“ ' winter, in 7-H y. 1: Toronto, London and Ollnwn.’ l EMIGRANT OUTFITS COMPLETE. j. A r. _ £1, \Vowillfumish GUDESiIdesiredtopurchiLI ersof lends. w. A. SHEPARD & co 276 Main street, Winnipeg 5 :3 THE VULCAN IRON ;; W ORKS ‘1:- I V ‘ii Maple Street, POINT DOUGLAS, Close to C. P. R. Station, Winnioeg, - Manitoba.j CASTINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION In Iron and BraSS. Forging and General Black smithing. Engine," Boiler and Machine 7 " Work-bf All Kinds. B Q BOLTS OF ALL SIZE-S'- .74: PIPE some, . , memoms —_ CAST IRON COLUMNS FOR B 'I i. mes. ” F. H. since. »