PRICE THREE CENTS. on: I). (-92-: -: Sun Skits. .\ ransomn announces the arrival u:' M -. lle'ison at Montreal. where he h..~ ( - - 2—) take cth'gc of the Penitenti- . V -nwnt de Paul. ’2' e .llanitobian. the nn‘ ’ Fm ~.. . which succeeds Lt 31d:- m ‘ ‘ . :3 made it first appear-uncr- 3. and it very creditable one. Won}; has been commenced upon -. zrcc story brick hotel Io be erected It‘- :.I:. Geo. F oulds. on the east- side . L: un street. near the C. P. B. passeny." w (ion. 3!“. JOHN FAIR. Surveyor of Bnun‘uri U n ho has been engaged west of For. 1: .4 33.“! c .‘L remarkably short trip fun“ ._ : piece- He lei: Fort Ellice at 3 pm.- r - the Sub inst. and reached \Vinnipw I. .- Ihe C.P-R. at 5 p.m. on the Sth. THE F. nor-son Exprexs says :—"Th-- v. ._. ”we“ .\uu intends makingsomc Tel » .- - 2...}. improvements as soon as .. ~ into its new premises. It wi' ' be issued as an eight-page daily .\lo -- elbow to our contemporary. u. . "RV-H E ' 1n»: lacrosse match between the- \\ _.nipegs and Garry's, at Dufferin Purl Io-morrow, will be u warmly conteste- :-nd interested event, and we trust t'- I 'izens will manifest their interest a. “:0 national game by a liberal m .' tendnnce at the grounds. Tn: Isms-r christened by H. E. the] Governor-General near Battleford was :. child of Mr. J. G. Fairbanks. former-I) Deputy-Registrar of Baie St. Paul. wh.- : i:-:ppene-.l to be encamped near His Ex- 3 Ltllency's party, on his way to Edmon % u 1. The fortunate youngster received a. handsome (lam-cur from the Marquis. .\.\‘ extra. of the ([{iiciul Glue-Hr con- tums the proclamation by the Lit-m.- Governorfappointing the 20th day 0“ October as a day of public “ thanks giving to Almighty God," for the wonderful harvest with which He has ble~sed the Province (luring the present yczu. Sons blacMuard, doing the posting for the Pnine-Brocolini troupe, but who we suspect belongs to the Free Press- 'l';'mrs combination, last evening pasted IL bill across the face of the bulletin board of Tm: SUN. If We can- ascertain who perpetrated the act, we shall take- steps 1-0 introduce him to the Police Magistrate. 'I'IIF. Sec‘. ion B contractors have I. 1. I.‘ {H‘- l,)-. Eh. :v. locomotive and thirty flat cars u: L_‘l :— e to be placed on Section A. :n: .- .,-,,. up to the eastern end of Sc: - tic..- ‘r; I.) be used in the work of co..- s-J: -.- and taking in supplies for fine- I. 1'. Mr. John Shields left yesterday for Duluth to superinteud the transpc -:- tation. by steamer to Fort William. )ln. P. J. KSAPPEH, who is about to open out business in Mr. McKenzie's new 1201" here was entertained at n In» I'. It-L by the people of Fort lVillian- o.I . r.- eve of his departure from thm 1v - ' . and presented with an address. XL 9: dug in the most complimentary ll .. o the good qualities of himsef . . éfl :. ,.._ . . ammb e lady. h is understood that the Attorney Gent-rail, who was called upon for u.- Opinion. has decided that it will be neces- I‘ary to have the proposed by-luw of the mm 'cipnlity of St. Andrews. granting :2 bonus of 370,000 to the C.P.R., sulunittcl to the ratepayers, to be valid. The peti- tion to the Council by the ratepayers. to submit the by-luw, has been largely signed. Tm: Gateway 1:.‘.l'])l‘('c’$, referring to 0111 truly good contemporary and his wxckcd partner, says : " It is all very fine fox " the Free Press to talk about the Tim-- " 'bmwlcrs.’ but we fancy the Free Pry: " is as good at that business as the " Tim's.” Our contemporary is nbom right. They are both tarred with ti - same stick. It's r. case of six in one an - half-u-dozen in the other. 3.7 Srosx-zwALL yesterday the nu}- tiuis of Mr. Alex. Hickey and Mrs. Lili- - \\ we performed at the residence of t'. - 1 ; All”. by Rev. Mr. Campbell. 311-. J: (-JI‘ZSIiIe supported the groom throng}. I .._ trying ordeal, and a. large number 01 l _ uted guests ‘VlblleSKPll the cere- nzony. at the close of which an elegmu :lqimnn- was partakeu of. \l'e wish the , contra: . uzpnrties all happiness in their your; course through life. ITJS contemplated. shortly after the opening of all the public schools of the CH}: Lu make the presentation of the prizes. some $20.) worth of books, to the .- -1ccc~~z’ul pupils of the last term, at public meeting, at which addresses by prominent citizens interested in the cause of education will be delivered. The idea is a good one, and well calcu- lated to awaken fresh zeal and keene. emulation in the competinon of the next school year. Hons}: stealing is becoming entirely in common throughout this Province. End 11' the authorities do not display Jr-m: zeal and arrive at ttcr resul: ~ the pursuit of these criminals, “ —‘ mini not be surprised to see th. 3. ..:L-:-.-. taking the law into their own 2 I ..-I.~,. (In: Tuesday last a. horse Le“ 1 2-4111; M Mr. Royal, while tied to u. - 1 m aunt of the residence of ti:p ; 11 v..';«:x priest f 5*. Norbert. was drive... I “""J: - inn-z no tidings have as ye: btfcu i he. -. of r...- wherenbm~:.—. A detective , *3 t. .=... .I) (luv. ; lion .1: tin: Unrf; 1 .2“ .\.;.l.|,- in, ,~. Hit-i111": I The. ‘ I' -' n_'-,: v ‘l'l L :)r' L ' I I‘ _l L I' - "I: In. 12‘ . l’d ‘ - r'. ' . ‘. n, _ ‘: 1:l2-:nlc.' La- 1-5; 1-55“}? (diam. I . cape of steam from the boiler. . was called in and his were very severe and painful. : siie. )Iondny evening ; Rossmere. Tues- Hi: ' '.";E)I}‘ of the spirit manifested by the “ii—0| Nul-‘~ Sun S'-' ‘zs. GET tomorrow . \clnnz's SL'X for - “-n. :: n'pur: of the Govcrnoch-zend'~ 2-1:. sp .\ech upon the Canadian Sortlx- ; u r-‘t —-—u six logo paper. 'i‘us mnmznn'h Tram» of ..I ‘.~.- '_ nos. exhibited :.'. Kit" I‘ m .- '-. L 1. "$.10"! here. w:.- :r l‘vuu‘nl 1:.trncuon at the Portage exiuud’iuu. iizsinsx'rs of or visuoxs to the Min Ontario will find on file at <1 \- oflicc the daily and weekly news- ‘ Mrs of the lending cities and tow .is ; Unasrio. the perusal of which is m. .z..:n: free (ins-pom. - .\. SERIOUS accident tool: plum in :hei ofiice ox our evening coutemponn'y about i I I I l i I u l i~.. .- ( half-past eleven o’clock this morning. “'In. Litlc. the engineer. \\‘:.\‘ badly scolded on the face and neck by nu us- A doctor in j lll'li‘w. which attended to. AT 'rms sinuses of t ac year. :I...- sop . \ - .~ of the practical tinsmith am: in. ~ : -.:..-d.-le to the comfort and \\'elI-l't‘.:h‘ ‘. I Inc well-remiluted citizen. Perm-us? I. uniting the services of first-c2 l‘~i \- lunch. in nuy brunch of the trade ' advised to call upon Mr. C. IL} Whit-n who will be found at his store. 4:15 Main street. Satisfaction isgunmn- reel! in all orders entrusted to his car . 50:3 .‘Txv. .\In. STARR returned yesterday :o.n taking part with Rev. T. B. Ben~ an. of Stonewall. in the Methodist mission at Plympton. The following “as the programme of sex-Vices : Sunny- f A _‘ dayczening: ILnd Plympton, Wednes- ~v manning. Rev. Mr. Starr spcuks - uple. and especially at the Iiberality \\ .:I; which they responded to calls for :tid to the great cause. Tm: PusmBuocouxr comic opera combination appear in the city hall on Monday evening next in " Funchcttc,“ with which they commence u. season of live nights. The company is one which, if we may rely upon our exchanges, we can cordially recommend to the patron- age of our citizens. The London Times. referring to Matilda. Scott Paine, says: “ The softest note was heard in every “ corner of the rust building. Her ren- “ deriug of ‘ Rejoice greatly ' was sim- “ ply perfect. showing wonderful execu- " tiou, every note she uttered being a “ pearl of great price." The leading tenor was the original Pirate King in the “ Pirates of Penzance." and the members of the company are first—club's artists. “'e hope they will be greeted with an appreciative and crowded house, and are sure they will be recommended by their own merits to future audiences. Tun AUTHORITIES have issued notice that the provisions of the following Order-iu-Council will be strictly enforced: " In‘ the Province of Manitoba and the Northwest eterritorics. Whitefish shall not be fished for, caught or killed be- tween the ‘20th day of October and the lst any of November; provided. that indiuns may catch or kill the same for their own use only, but not for purposes of sale or trufiic. “'hitefish shall not be taken or used, bought,sold, or possessed. for making oil or feeding domestic ani- mals. Speckled uont. shall not be fished I‘m. caught or killed between the lst day of October and the lst day of Junuury; provided that Indians may catch or kill rho sumo for their own use only, and not “or purposes of sale or trufiic." Poor Lo, . :c Indian, will probably pay about us . uch attention to this ordinance as he 151’ch on the average to the ten :om- nmndments. "Wanted Izimediately! 250 MEN, -—-.isn — IUD WAGON TERMS AND 20 PLOW TEAMS. in work on the MANXTCHA Sournwzs'rnnx lI-AlLv \\ n‘, ncnr Heudlngly. llfgbcul ‘Vngcu l‘nld. (nth llonrd for Men and Tennis. .\pply to MICHAEL SIN)?! )TT. Hutingb House, Main Street, Winnipeg. By order, wn. NIL'IZDOCII. Ort. Inc. 11:81. Chief Engineer. _\'. B.—--It is distinctly understood that no mm. - r reruns will be hired who Icuvc Contractor 1'. J r-rown's employment. 511:! MONEY 10 LDIIII. The Real Estate Loan 36 Debenture C2. 'LIMITED.) (Jun urnnmxnodnte borrowers with Locum .l‘ ... -n 4 of .53.!) to 550,01). Interest low. Pa) men:— --...y. .\‘o ColuulE-ni In .\.ud reduced law churgtn Apply 1') G. nchlCKBN. ' :‘:n Aozsr A. ~“1053—5935::an BY THE “5% tiiiiPAINE-BRDCULINI Redemptorist Fathers; 1.1031 1050510. I t '1" Oprn on Sunday. 16th October, in ' xx. Mary'- Church. 51:! .Los‘r'. L:)-:., on Thursday evening. between G and 7': I .. clock. between St. lion's Church and Mayne - 5 Livery Stable. :1» Fur Cwnk—Antmnul. The . finder will be liberally rewarded on l-flsVLBL,’ m ' Tm»: 5:3 omcc. .My one mooning panesswn u.’ _ the some alter this notice mil bu prosecuwl. 4145 ; THE SYN. OCTOBER 14!. l (:i'\.' 1; 3.1-2.. OPERA SEASON, COMMENCING . Neudav Next, Till Friday} :lls'r ISSTAS r. 0 para 00 m pany. For particulars- n-o Bills . \ulmiuiou 75 (mun. lion-reed Henl- ‘dl. ‘ -\ A :I a: Post Odie“ M4! SLEIGH SHOE "STEEL." JUST RECEIVED! .\ Lzu‘ge Assortment of 891 _ ”H EABQU'AETERS so... {6105}: ant lenlt. I in. ‘30";5:I~ and II. hou- Sleigh Shoe Steel.¢ Also all Sizes L‘ Home Nuns. l ) 5111-1.“ MULHOLLAND BROS. , PIANO TUNING. JAMES SHERIDAN. Piano anc Tum-r and lie min-r. from .\. .K' S. .\‘uruihciuwr. Toronto. On on for tuning received at Onnonll'n Jewelry Store, Mchrmot street. just opposite l.yon'~ \Vholcx‘nle Grocery Store. Board: at .\‘orfulk House. Uflico. Rupert urn-e: west. octluu} ROOMS to RENT.j T\\'O FINE Fl:U\'T IIHUMS und 3 Iuljoixzin: rooms. over l‘i-rlv Iv Hey “LI- new clothing xunl furnishing ~Iurx- Alum 5'.“ .\dmimbly ummncd for omen» J J. 13. l’liIPIl‘f. 50-6 'l‘uluvonnwrc L) l’illN'l‘E RS.—\\'nnted, Threo Let- u-r press and two Job Printers. l‘crnmnont employment to xiistrclnss workmen. Apply ul. or mun-u... Tm: Scs, Winnipeg. ‘E. sféiiéi-Ti Ebb; REAL ESTATE AGENTS FOR SALE, 4 good corner lots opposite C. P. R. station. 1 Several good lots near St. John's Ladius' Coi- cgc. ‘ Villn lots joining city limits on .\‘otrc Dunxo street. Villa lnts Plu‘iéb of SLJIunoB, 2* miles from city. This property is now being sudevidcd inlo acre lots nrd offered. for hair. it communds a. fine view of the city, and is high und dry at all times of the your. .\ Government drum runs along the rust side of the property. and n grndI-d roud on the west. Sold on easy terms und choup Tp x1, r :l w, 5 e1» and sf of 1: c1- Sec 2 ; 240 acres. Tp 11.1' 2 w. b of Sec 31. and wk of s w} Sec 82: :40 acres. T1) 8. r 5 c. n e} Soc 16. qul nfi of s of Sec 16: acre... Tp 5, r 4 c, n c1- Sec l. and In} of s c} Sec 1-2; BCIUS. T1) 13. r l w, My} and hi 0! n wi- Soc 19: 210 new; Tp 1‘2. r l \v. s of Sec 2% and nf of n 0'; Sec 21 240 BCYU'n T): H. r1 w. s e} and c1: of s w} Secs: 210 ucrcs. Tp 13, r .7 w, 111: of 5.1. und s1; 01' n 0} Sec 31; 240 acres. T11 4, r 5 o, n ul- Sec 12 and s§ of s 0} Sec 13; 210 acres. '1: 5, r 3 c, u w} and Iii of n (3} Sec L's: 9.10 urn-s. NE: Sec 3, Tp 11, :- 5'3; 16-) acres. S \V quarter Sec 2. T1) 11.. r 5:: 169 acres. 5 E quarter Sec 10, Tp 10, r 5:: 103 acres. X F. quurtcr Sec 1, T1) 4, r 31; 163 acres. \V hull Sec 3, T1) -l. r 3 0:310 ucrcs. N ha. f See :l, T133, r 3 o: 33') acres. N hulf Scc :L-I, Tp :l, r 3 e: 3.50 norm \V half Sc: 33, Tp 3. r 3 o; 31.; .' urea. “'holc Sec 35, 'l‘p .15, r 4 w: 610 acres. “'holc Sec 30, Tp 15, r 4 w; G“) [LUIEL'n .\' “1' quarter Sec 18. Tp 15, r ll w: 16) lLCX‘t's. S \V" quarter Sec ‘24, T1) 15, r H w; 16.) acre». “7 hull Sec 156, ’1‘)» 16. r 15 w; 330 acres. N \V quarter Sec 1 1, T1) 7. r 1 w; 160 ncroa. Lot .53, “'illium street. good house. Lot 34, Juznium street: good double tenement. 1') lots on .‘iotro Dame street. Sovcrnl lots Cnry and Young 51%. chcup. 3 acres west of St. John's College at a. bargain. 13.3 feet .lequ 5L, l’ritclmrd estate. I Lot 0, 16 and 7 Disraeli 6!... with three houses on or. 6. Several lot» on Alexander-st... west of Dullcrin Park. Lots 210 and, 206 cast of Duflerin Park. II lots on l'oint Douglas Avenue. 76 and 77 Gladstone 5L, coon: feet. Several lots on Jemima and Itoss sue. Lula 'J nnd l'.‘ with good houses. Churlutto 32.. Lou. U] to 115, Glmlatoue dc Gomez at; one third cunt), be]. 1 unu. : yours. :5 lots Common 5L. ncnr East ward school,50.x 1|!) 11:01. 2J3 and 217.) Smith EL, Hudson's Bay. Leta G: and 63 corner .\‘utro Dame and Ellen ~LruL'Ls. E hull lot 7 Adelaide 51.. Lot... 41) and. 5 Rosa st. Lots 10 to 450 to 4.53 and 47: due estate. Lot 5, near Mr. Henderson, None Dame. Several lots Logan at, joining city lunlu. Lot 51, Common street. good home. Lots 105 and Joe Jumimc street. Lot w, Rosa street. Lot 6:, Rupert street. good house. 60 feet corner Main street and Portage Avenue. Lot 12., Rupert street. 50 feet opposite czty hull. 1.150 mm. liildonnn Parish, first side river, in x.AJL'n ll’uLu Louise unuge : .5 arr-:3 511.1139 phi. e mum... on river. alllcnmu mu: for residence. .2 good no ucrc wood lots 17 Mule: {rum city, cur .. Lot 7:51, corner Kennedy and. Graham an, H. r . Lot 519, Carlton street. 4 good lots comer 1:03: and. Ellen at. 'i p o, mugs- .' east. n o: and 11 hall of a e 2’7. 'l'pb,mnge-_‘cunt, sonnduhnlfol nail. 'L‘p:,rungo-leuat,nwnnxlwhnlxofnow. '1'}: 9, range -.' c151, n e and e lull! o! n w 4. Tp. 4, range -:. cut, 5 e and shell of n e 17. . 1‘13, name 5 cunt, u w half and» half of a w . .-_~, name; Went. secnzlwhnlzol n en .. . H. s. CROTTY a co., _. .2: :c, .\‘u. :7: Main o:. opp. Lizy Him. 2-10 210. to (70' Rive)- I I I l I l 1" .....— .n: z.“ I .. - The Place to go: It iFIRST-CLASS MEAL: ('IPIIH. Quin and In muted Ordrr. l\ .\T THY. ENGLISH RESTAURANT, I’U RTALI l-Z .\ \' EN L‘ E. w..— 353’ OYSTERS RECEIVED DAILY. w. CLOUGHER, Proprietor. w ANT: o x 30 TEAMS, $4 per Day and Found. 50 BIEN AT $2.25. Board $4 per Week. S'l‘l'IADY “'OIIK lll‘lS' ‘ OF SEASON. BROWN 8 CD" (Jusrmcrons, .\IunitobIL Southwestern II. R. ocufdln J. Robinson WILL OPEN _0_\"_. TUESDAY, 11th Instant, -—-I.\' THE-— A I'M/e Black ——\\'IT.I{ .-\——- Fill/ST - CLASS S’ITOCK wor-~ DRY GOODS. JERRY ROBINSON. uctluxnly REChLl-J l.0'l‘l().\. — A perfectly harmless 1:r-..-}I.Ir.'r'.Iun, quI u. ponitivo cure [or Freckles. 'lun, Moth l'utchcs, uud Illl quluc roughness of the Jain. leaving the coxnpluxzon (in: and velvety. (‘ILy Pharmacy, JAn. l-'. .ILOLLh, .‘aI.D.. next door north of the P05! ()lilco. magma " B To}. THE SIGN 01" THE BIG BOTTLE. Opp. Portage Avenue- Wholesale and Retail Dealers in CHOICE LIQUOBS, WINES, a-nc u. u.’ :l. - CAN AIDA LIFTS? .\unumnce Company, :3 In Vial-I ‘lrrtl. u uh nun-g. “human: him In: amt ‘ -* ‘. .\. I}. l:.\ .\l-i Y. .\(a‘h'inf) . It. HILLS. hnprI-rmicndvnl o! \awmm J. W. MARLING. ‘-' .\rrxuu. W. L. “61:11)", (Brut-h: .\.r. ~knivif R. s. BRADLEY a. 00., .\lnuuhwtun-n of the lick-brutal l‘lror I? It“. Hour) Clav, Calm u. and Rip Van “'zulilu gCIG—ARS! Jux: received a lnr ‘1! maturation: of .\i‘... . (hunk. lino lmpurtm )lm‘uxm Cigar-n. and \ .-.. Cob Pipes. Factory on .\‘oLN Dunc Street East. and Olllcu :59 Main Show l. mu- REAL PROPERTY IN EVERY l‘.\ll'l‘ OF THE CITY FOR SALE. Reasonable Terms. 353 II A If" N'l‘ll l': l'Z'I‘. hullll'l Fred. Roth, lime Just. lie-Opened with -—or—- ENGLISH, GERMAN, CANADIAN TWEEDS, \‘u'lllCll HE [S .\T PRO)! $15 PER SUIT UPWABDS. BOYS GIVE FRED. A CALL. 97 McDermott Street. :‘W. EILLIO'I‘T 8:: 00.1 THE DUTCH TAILOR.3 sluh‘ ' w.sLLI0TT & Co,;_. ._ E state__Age nts; 3.150 50,000 Am: of Wild {and For Sale :‘ - I i I I A New and. Extensive Ssock ill I I PREPARED To MANUEACTU .3: EA . -. , ..........- ,- ........ . A... .... Q... .0...” mango-mew», C“. IN". IE?» 3;.- ACK, ‘ ' ..~.‘ ~‘ , - ‘uu?’..l Choice notions AND GRéC—EREES. .E‘" 0 RT VV’E LL'IAIACT , 1 12:13-— " 3". MIAKET 593., WWW; .. J U 5' i: l’l—l "\l'o‘l. l”. GENERAL AUCTIONEER. c... Ian—— AEIL ESTIIE AGEE‘E'. "I 3.1!.“ 1.: l'-.~.n--"' Hun. i.~nne- .\..c ntu IRA“ ‘,5L! II '.2‘ ML}. -' . I u‘ an'm-d r. lint! linhlu' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘Iu' Qul-I'M‘I Ilutui. Um tun .. . . rug-ulnr h‘nllt LIZ Hm hum: -r' :I (hr I'll? n! \VIIII-x-u-J. :.'Iu:u Llnulntn IE I! .._ . . x-rnrvrtll‘w I'll «I -.- . .- -.-\-.._ qul nullci: Iron: 3- ».ry duu'u hull-qua.) of In uhulhrr l‘IIy. Town or l-... M‘nllull ul IZIH bzslo Hon-H: .lm-h It I \ I'n' lny nullL'I-I 1‘ .1 final In the .imn'n ul‘ um .I . :n NIL. room In prom. -.-.. .-.-I.: .II “In I‘lly. mu! Llu I nl’ .In- I:u'..:v:r1-UI‘Huuu.' . up. - !--r .h.‘ purpoeo w: I.-. “rum l‘Inm‘w l'rnviuu :.u quit-k “nu: UNA-u «the: v. . :u L‘Izr .‘ Elm lw't :nwu' n - nI . ~:I Linda of nm. ,. m-i- ~\I'l‘l:~xl|l: “-lli I-v: ' .-I- I --.~ spur-I hr m:- L . .o 5.:m- n lnn'al “thIII~:VI-. . :u\.—-. ..:. l'lng-u'... _...', - Tm. sin-Mu 1-H; II—- .I '..l!?. m - . Tum“ .-! ..- :-- 71:.lll.|!l."-.:I:I . Hm I» .ZuILI nut. . . I.-r o'h J 0o. ‘1’»! Q L F. .I._ . . - . ' ll" :n'zuunsisu, if Ilum 11.1 . a. LIxn'I‘1.l.-'.‘. rm nqu. 11". 5:. .II' |il- Pl- M“- 'l :4 . ‘I . l.. ".r‘., M; m..- 0. an}; r- cr- . :Iw : , “2!; ‘ I; ‘ . "In 51:... W p a: wm'cusz; SPECTACLES, as. .~:...ia‘, . hLR‘r’, ..J..r .... '4...'.Ik..::.. .1. H. 02m (IND. “'nn'bmnh- . . 1.. -.l;.' opp. I’m-,1 . . c. on .\Ichnnutt ‘~ ... ' aiLVEH HEIGHTS BEEWEEE --.—-—.— FOR SALE, ALE and FORTE"? l .‘ r' 1-; .\ 2-.1'. 1"1: 1';ij '1' Jun: hruna :«u 1 una- ::.;-. 124‘. . Hi -‘.'I v..L .'. .' -..~' .. . — . .Izuth. .4... .I . .. i .1 (1‘. {,‘l’ l’, 1‘. ‘l . (2‘ H ' ii ., .xND CIG-‘.1L‘§. . Lr'lfcizghln. l: . malady wth'IIn --I g I . C? THE WANZER n S— K N . '. -~lT IS— I" 1111-9 the FINEST FINISHED "(Md-IMF!” and Is the BESTIMADE .lluchmr in 1m.- h‘uf‘ _ market. Its shuttle is ”I’ll/Irmlliny: Its needle is srl/luuiug ,- its bobbins c..n be filiwl Mil/mu! removing Ira/I: or ”Mm-I:- AUTOMATIC WIKDEB. 50 nimliih‘ in construction and light-running that A CHILD CAN USE IF Ill/ll lc’. ZE‘I'VE :1 EJLREB- .,- .— CONKEEE‘E mm... SOLE AGE}. :35 .1 I ,I‘. @- .. r... 32% ~ MA. :N— 252222;; _.'- _ l- i ii] wmu :Pscs )1. :7 ul.. . -"§\ ....... .. .0“- «'7. .,..._,,;.., ,....,.,.....-,. .H .r—H‘vunnu- m .- .1 :‘4, 3 .- l ._..-... ..,. .n. ... A“ u...“ . . .. .\..vq . , '2. I. ., .. .'~ Alia/LN.»— - '=-<«, A...“ .. -..._.....'.'.~ 3‘ .4 Lift... a la..’.’.’... l'tr‘".“‘~'( ”I, ,—