AN EXPERIMENT. ” John Jones was telling his wire—they haul not been married very long. by the way-mum: a man Who came home one Dlltbt Iodmnk that he had to lie down on the floor while his wife pulled his choc-s 06' {or him He lily) mentioned the (art that this man's wife did not seem to take her husband's condition to heart vex-y badly but. made mthera Joke of it and twltload him in the morning quite good hurnuredly "ouch a spirit..' remarked Jones. "strikes me as being very creditable to a woman It isn‘t cum-y man's wife who rewards an occasional lapse so lcnicntly .‘vow as you know. 1 am not a drinking man but it i should get drunk one of mm nights-4 say if [should—~how would you Luke it?‘ And he watched her face carclully as be asked the qucstion Mrs Jonas laughed heartily The idea set-mm tonmux-e her very much. but she strumhicned out her features and assumed a shocked cxprcsslon "i should be dis Rusted. John. shc said. 'pcrfcctly dis- um-tod Why. I shudder at the mere idea at your being intonuitcd. You would lose my respect. John right away. and whatever you do you must never forfeit that No. John. dear I could never stand your being drunk" .lohn hsnzncd with great, attention to thts reply, and he came to the conclusion that she didn t mean a ward of it He had detected in the tone 0! her veice what he stmnpcd in his mind a:- u {also note Jones was SOiIictlllnH ol 1: rcuder 01‘ character and in his own quict way he had been studying the various phases of his wife‘s disposition ever since they had been mur- ricd twri years ago Hc therefore dctcrmincd to see precisely ho“ shc would conduct herself if he did oomv homc drunk oncmuht, or rather. if sin: thought him drunk, for he dccldcd to simulate the condition in order to make hu- UliN'rViltlons llcur mc. murmured Mrs Jones. one fllL’lil’. or early morning, about a week Bit: 1 their COUW'K‘SHUOI) ulrcztdy noted. “1 ,womlcr when» John can be' He 5 never been «0 late belorc out playing poker I loci «lulu.- liuxmus l‘llc hour was 238. m., and Mrs Jones was «mud in a chair with a book in her hand. which she was not reading Niddcnly she hwiru thc ruillc of a. key in tlic lock oi the outcr door oi the liar. and in 11 low ll‘lOlllL‘lllx licr cars noted the sound or smut-thing stumbling along: the mill rhc urcw pair and stood up The parlor door was opcnctl With considerable violence. and she saw—well. she could scarcely believe her eyes at first Was this but husband? The spectacle in the open doorway was [but of a man with a battered but torn coat and trousi-rs splashed with wet mud H15 clothes simply rocked with whiskv Hc gzizcd at. her “'lth blinking eyes and his mouth trembled. and lccrcd at her His eyeglasses were fastened on 00 his right ear Lo" ‘Uh. John 1’ was all she could say Lo, :il‘rlzi. hc rcpcutcd Lo' \V'ash mu r? W y u got come 1) gimme iss, licy'" 'l‘hcn he ClJIICkll‘d ‘Llcv?’ Inc said uguin in a loud and ln-rcc [one oi voicc ‘Uh .lolin shc soul approaching min “'llh reluctance "come into tho room. tor “notifies: sake and close the door The people in the flat above “'1“ hour you ‘U n can: l {boy do" he n-plicil. still hanging on to thc knob unrl swaying about uiisu-udllv ‘\\'ho cam-3' Ha. ha hu' Who cares" ill-v’l bitl' She cluscd the door. and he immediately Sllppt‘d to the iloor with u thump She sun-Nod him us he luv there With an ex- prcssion on liar lace ilmt lmd m-wr been llii-rc bclorc And thcu slic \vonilcrcil what was to no donc As she wundcrcd. he m'nlc two or tlirce spasmodic mowmcnts us though trying to rise. but be lcll buck cm h iimc ° b‘inzilly tic kissed his hand to “UT :n u muudlin lushion hitting bimscll' in this by c l‘ull oil lllll‘lS' he commanded bhc turned away With a. glance of nver- l sion Pull oil boots" in: rcpcutcd hanging his lltti: on the cm'pct Slzc llcsliidt'l'. ior mi in~mnt but UlM‘) cd him 'llmvctcr did vuu not your cluihcs ull over mud that way . she asked him lluh‘ Uh. tcll u street-thwli how.‘ he rcplicd ”()lc shuit wash odds any “I’ll" .-\s u matter of fact. it really was an old suit. and he bud insisted earlier in the owning on wearing it to the poker mine. somewhat to her surprise She rcmum U'rcd it as he spokc Come. .lohn she then said "Try and get up Sm. it you no take hold of my arm 1'“ tulle cure of you. dour Come Then. 5 a good boyl' Her tone was quite ailwtionzitc ll St‘cliicd to have some effect on him. lot lac rose without us much difficulty us might have been expected though he loan or: on her heavily She lcd him out to the bathroom. "Gel; in the bath. now. dear. ' she said sweetly 'Ue n wot" he exclaimed. "l‘hc bathtub be rcpt-aired ‘ But cr gommc clozo on he objected looking at her Uh. no. you huven l, .lohn, ‘ she told him You think you have. but. you haicu t t\ow gut in like '1 good boy ' Her argument svciuul ullllll:“’cl‘llllle to him. so he luughul foolishly and slowly climbed into the tub though in a hesitat mg Kind of a way too He was no sooner m than she grabbed his head. pushed it under the tap and turned on the cold water at. full force It took him so much by surprise that he was at first motionless but he soon commenced to struggle vio lently in vain She held his head with both or her hands. saying it s an old suit of clothes. you know .lclin You would wear them. and it won t do theiua bit 01' harm—nor you either dear At this he gave a superhuman elfort. and stood up straight in the bathtub Herc. hex-c" he }'I'lil‘d "what the cam anus Ihb mum." His enunciation was verv clean indeed Airs alarm .luuc-s laughed very heartily 12.10111 ‘1 “'3: sobering you up dem- " she to altod Bur l'm not drunk!‘ fill-ally not drunk? You don t say sor’ 'L‘crtmnly not.x l was only prctcnding —--iu;1. to tool you” ~— v-» ‘Yes dour Iknow was 211» ' alum l‘hen what in an nail“ did you do that for?’ he u. - shock the water out of hi.~ un~ i "l‘o touch you notto tn iuill di‘1‘l\i your Wife" And when she left him almw mm mm or {line hucknback tow-d.- ln- \‘nlilr n, the .-- nt'lusicn that he would quit .‘tllklf‘lilfl U’lr various phases 0! his “'lit' 2 r‘xmm'h'r mm 1' ranrnsco Examiner SILAS HUMBLE. As i was drivin over the dusty road which leads to the town of Busted Hopes an milectin as l drn that goodness ullus pay: at least 900151 the dollar i met afcllcr pilgrim With a one boss outiit He was also in the show bizncss He was e-showm of a trick bug on sellin a cure lor sun strain-s un trust bites When we had green cd with other With that corilmlity which is ullus ubszu'ved among the proloshun. he winks at me an sez “A combination oi mishunnry on show D‘lzllL‘SS wouldn t be bad A trick box on a pzlnornmy would bring out all clusscs. suyln nutliin of the other curiosnics ' ‘ Art thy object the elevashun of mun- klild" scz l '.\or so much as to ketch suckers. " 54:2 be. With chr-cri'ul frankness "1 Wish tlicc well but hogs do not ele- vntc i “‘1“ continue my labors single hurl—led , His innuuuue to me as I drlv onward was not tincturcd with respect nn 1 was gricun ovcr the fact when i met up With 1: numbcr or men on lit-ssback 'l‘hcy Stop- pvd un Imikrd me over an one of them soothingly : 'z “ i’cilcr critter. the man we was expectin tn hlliiL'. today has gone dead on we are lrlokiii fur ~mubody to tulle his place Bust: any UlUl‘CtlUllS" A low scz 1 ‘If I was woken away, -thn Would be nobodyto run my panoramy of the Holy Land, which is billed to show toumrrl-r night in Busted HOpL'a [‘m shnwm (but pnnorunly iur the moral elo- vzuhun 0! my teller mcn ’ But we vc got to her somebody. ' he 5L2 us all looks disitppouitcd 'i'licn gallop on an uvurtuke the feller in the one boss \'li;:l[l scz l 'Hc s got :1 show but it mu t on clcizitin show .\0- ball} who wuntcd to imikc mankind better “ulllll bu Show in a trn k ling ‘ "l'bat : true ‘ sez he an away goes the gang i think they overtook the man an over— run-i: ms thL‘CEICIlS. 12 he had any limn us “'9 was both In the Show biz 11ch l lclt a. fraternal lcelir. fur him. an yit u showman who is actuated by sordid motives alone should not be allowed to live out his career When i driv onward ag‘m. i found myself suyin sich sayin’s as " Vurchcw is its on n reward ‘ ‘intcurity never Ship: 3 cog ‘ ‘Bc upright an you won t be hung." "l'ruc modesty ullu: gives the other fel- lcr the rust chance ' l hei ugin added to the collcckshun, nizikin up my grand ziggregashun of dead on ll\l[l wonders on call uttcnshun as £01- 101‘.) line stuft owl in placrd repose (dead) (Jnc Sllllt prairie (log in ditto (dead) 0in Ukluliomu hornct (alive) The bonnet and u bumblebee bev bin pliiccd in the same cugi- tcgclhcr. tin the inner-cont. umuscmcnt they \vill git out oi tncklm cuch other Will please an interest [lli‘ tcndci hcurtcd cliildrcn lclon- my show opened at Busted Hopes the mayor cum into that tent to satisfy ll1~\i‘ll that then- wzts nutliin to (“grade Llw morals oi the community He lound i nutlim. an be grow-0d brothcrly un slapped . mt- on the back an \Vllzkl‘ll his etc no sex "l‘llc b or oi thcdn: is loud tur in.» into ' 'As to it liicb dog" sw. i ‘As to any dog suz lic wmk 'l'm-n l pondered an reflected an Drum,l out we gullon mo in which i kct-pzi liquid to wurd oil Sllll~ll'0l\i‘> ziu cyclones [t \Vzh \\ but in: most dc;ii‘cd. an no dullicd l lung mi urn-rod blLlea oi sittislzicimu ; \\ lu-n he could dully no lorigcz he put i dcun tlic iii: on said lint lui Llic clouds of today we uould nut :; ; ii‘LLili- [inc \llllFlllnc oi LUIlll‘l‘l‘L‘l An nut liu mhursity \vc Would not ' kinm :mppmc», si-Ll ll untur had made nobtailcd coons thur would hci bin no rabbits scz be An we wmkcd an lziuuhcd nu poltcd curl; other l‘l‘uV us to the openin of the show 1 UNION n putlu'tlc SpL-cch mgzirdin iii} llvci rcguluiur iii) the 5&1on lontcu up L“: bullli'r l “21> kccrlul to rccomim-ml it tux inc liv er only an sich ptfl‘n‘flh it: bought it to curc consumption did M) at their own risk up must not hold inc rcspizuqnlc 1 had slubsly begun to uuwmu my punurum) an start on my intcrcstin lcctur when ti crit icr rose up in the cultivated audience on sex Stranger thought l as you a question Without fear of bciii shot M" ' i’c mought scz l "l‘ncn i would like to know yer ochck in sbuwin this show: “To boost upun clcvntethe moral stand- ln oi llll human crittcrs scz l "l‘hcn it s u sort ol mishuuury work?‘ ScZ he 'a‘hc be The small charge lur udinish‘ un is only to buy boss feed an postage stamps ‘ "That teches my heart." sen he “I‘ve bin teelin a. wave of goodness wavin over me ever sincel read your Signs on the out- side of the tent. an now my emoshuns hev filled my eyes “‘ltb tears An as I went ahead his tears tell. an be wept, an the mayor bimeby got up an said he'd passed through some tryin scenes in his life. but nuthin like this had ever softened him up so much belore By the time 1 showed the pictur oi Noah loadln up his art hall the people were in tears. an 1 was so ufiectcd myscll that my vorcc almost failed me Things was goin beau tifully when an ole sass riz up on one of the back seats an yells "l am is Seen] no mew! in that percushun an i want ye no gin bun a show ' "The mcwl's back that behind the camels. m L Melina be or an menbe he s bin left to drown. sane “ll he's that trot him in main or the camel it he's hm throvvcd down on mum of his ears. l'ni in: rats in a now right 06. ' is“ p1. ‘< l. With another -i\‘E-lBER ‘26 , . -. . mm so themayor 1.; out be was sot in 1... Hum: out This A ll u“ 1.“ [mu :< , . n . sum an llh~§cd up tbc . . - .-,.. .; ui damage on fell w '.\l ~ ‘ 45 . ~ . .i m I‘JJTnVW' Bulls W on L”! '- .. Hull -.:.\ LIKI? in £1? (:35!) at the door v. i... . x. . n- gnu. 5.11 out ol a hole in the Cain 1: ll \mm uidn t snow bis buncss the unu. r~..:n-1i rtl “'31:! Ali-H“: his An l but hi1: up an llllhfl on 351 flit my dihxlt'flcc was Dlll‘rh'l‘u‘ 5“ (My soul at My >lL.-\= Hi smug izcncrul Shownmn sud Philosopher -l\ewurk Adi-certi-ri Schoolgirls Crltlcln n Mom It is interesting to watch the attitudes and the expressions on the faces of the multitudes of pwple who go to see the Sistine Madonna of Raphael at the great art gallery in Dresden It is perhaps the highest example of human art. It repre— sents the Holy Virgin with the Child in her arms appearing to St. Sixtus and St. Barbara, with two cherubs looking over the balcony beneath, says a. foreign corre- spondent of the Chicago Record. It brings hundreds of thousands of dollars to the city every year. It occupies a. room in a dis- tant corner a” the royal gallery without anything else to distract the attention. and seats have been placed around the walls for the benefit of those who desire to study it. Some stand rapt Others kneel to prov as if the Mother of Christ were a. liv- ing being. Some kneel and cross them. selves, while others coolly inspect the cam vus with the nirof critics and connoisseurs. One day a beyy of schoolgirls came to see the painting They stopped suddenly before it, and one of them, more impres- sionable than the rest, exclaimed, “Mercy. isn’t it beautiful!" “Yes," replied another, with a draw], “but don‘t you think it would look better it the Virgin were a little taller?” Gum, Mackerel. It is not generally known toamateur fishermen that the common mackerel of commerce is a game Ilsh and when at all hungry will take the fly and fight as pluck- ily :is the brook trout They have to be played skillfully, us their mouths are very tcndcr. but the booking and successful landing of u .\'o. 1 mackerel, which often weighs- cwo or three pounds, with a rod and reel, is worthy of the most skillful flshcrmun.——Pittsburg Dispatch. The World’s Tunnel. Tho tunnels of the world are estimated to mnnbvruboui 1.142. with a total length of 51+ miles. There are about 1.000 rail- road tunnels, 12 subaqueous tunnels, 90 canal tunnels and 40 conduit tunnels. A Noble Work. The Woman’s Relief corps, in na- tional convention at Bufl‘alo, has accom- plished a noble work. According to the report made by the national president, Mrs Agnes Hitt of Indianapolis, “it has endowed and supports anational re- lief corps home for the wives and moth- ers of soldiers and dependent army nurses; it has led in the founding of homes in Michigan, Iowa. Wisconsin. California. Illinois, Indiana and Mis- souri; it founded and supports the me- morial home in Pennsylvania, ; it secured legislation for the founding of a. home in New York; it; secured the legislation that provides government aid to the des- titute army nurses; it established indus trial training for girls at the Ohio Or- phun ‘5 home : it; has built; memorial halls and monuments, and it secured a united movement for patriotic teaching and a flag on every schoolhouse." An Eccentric Author. Those familiar with Paul de Kocs could 57.1%” the nature 01 the novclist‘ work 6‘5” a glance at his dress When writing a comparatively serious chap- ter. be always wore a frock coat of military cut and ornamented with frogs. If engaged on lighter VVl rk, his costume consisted of a blue flannel dressing gown and an elaborately embroidered smoking cap. She Found Out. A Boston lady stood on the dock oi the little bump non-(i Octnuvthu slum-- cr in Florida. nv tl-book 1: 1-1. lrr"::i-.~ttc i. hand, risking pondcrous questions of : lzy roustubout. “Is the alligator amphibious?” “'3‘ fine of her questions. Thc dorky scratched his head. I: was a hit puzzlcd. us tili‘l‘i' 11;-(1 bet 1: more com pone than dlCEil 11.117 in bi: bringing up, but his Quick vit zuu' Batman} logic did not desert him as l}: replica: "I rcckon he am, mics‘. Hcdriue bit yo” 511mm of yo’ monkcy wid him. “-— New Orleans Pi 11}'12.218. The Plural. Boarding School Tcucbcr—And nov. Edith. tell me the plum}. of baby. Edith (promptlyPTWV'iiis—Pick Lit Up. Autobiographical. The self made man was :ix‘aking lEr said: "My lather Was a. raiser or has There was a. large family of us. " And tiicl. his mice was drowned by the applause.— Nuggcts Bad to Lie There. ‘Is he a truthful inan?‘ “Why. yes—that is. outsidc of the c: cling club. "—Chicago Po=t Another Hypothesis. Wealthy a: UGlcllcl Hi: Bifl acts so like when w: are alone i verili :x'iimt h; l: in love Him." um l’crlmps be is in debt-— Detroit J~"l' a»... pulp-ism; Furnished the Hunt. '1cachcr-— i-rizz tell me the name of the “11118.! that furnishes us with hams "The butcher ' —Pliiiadelphla Times Subscribe tor the Voice, 81 a. your. Subscribe for the Voice, :1 ; yur. - ~ —...—‘—‘-th-. = Subscribe = ~POR~ ®®®®E®®®®®®®®® THE “VOICE” @®®®@®®®®@®®® iSubsuip ions 011 3’ er Year See us before placing your -| We are prepared to do everything in that line. 3% Estimates on all kinds of printing are ,. : readily given. ~ )3 ‘Qv Your organization wants letter heads, envelopes, etc. Q ‘Qv ' ’ Give THE Voics a chance to bid on all such work. R Q Q : {@“79 can put the Union illbeileOll our work. if? if- i The Voice Pub. Co. BOX ’72".