4 THE that. .“.:;:f:;:‘:::::::::’;'. CALDER To he Blec on Published everv Saturday, at 547 Main s:_, Winnipeg. Po. Box 7-22. Subscription $1 peryear. ’hree month525c THE VOICE PUBLISHING PUBLISHERS. A. W. I’m-ran. t2. Pawns. CO. H. Cowax. “In 65:10:: liter: 1': Slrmblrt/i.” FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1897. COMMENT. The “’aterworhs companv threaten to raise the typhoid tax 75 per cent. 3*: We have come to the conclusion that the “'aterworks company were in favor of the passage of the by-law \Vednesday last. The publication of their resolutions was the best scheme of getting votes forit that was thought of. Bravo! xxx: Constant agitation is having its good effect. “fitness the following from the London Daily Chronicle: “So long as this policy of smashing the unions is pursued we shall advise the workmen at every election—and we doubt if they will require much advising—to vote against the men who are identified with it. be they Conservative or Liberal.” ¥ 3 3 Our worthy Mayor see ms very anxious to point out the possible abuses that may happen in connection with day labor. “He did not believe in giving men soft jobs under the pretax that day labor was better than contract.” If the Mayor knows of any such cases why dosen’t he expose them. \‘Vhy doesn’t he tell of the hundred of ways that the city 13 skinned by contract work. Ah, \Villie, you are sadly changed. Time was when you laid awake nights and wept o’er the working- man’s woes. But things are different now. as a: It has been decided to place 313'. Wm. Smallin nominatson as a candidate in \Vard 4. This is a splendid selection. There is not one of our Citizens that de- serves more. at the hands of the public than does Mr. Small. He has ever taken a foremmt part in the endeavour to secure good. honest civic government. As a private citizen he always interested himself in the affairs of the City, and did not writ until he was placed in nomina- tion before he spoke out. If elected he doubt show the same public spirit. He is not the tool ofany political party. and electors may feel if he is elected he will judge on their merits and vote accordingly. 1: a: a will no things 1! A meeting was held in Selkirk hall on Tuesday night to discuss the bylaw that was passed \‘Vednesday. It was a pity there was not a larger number of citizens present. Mr. Howell, during the course of his remarks, brought out a point that the citizens should reflect upon. That is, once acompany is given the privilege to use our streets for any purpoEL is the' Label of “'innipeg Typo— [lol ‘~ /"\ whore/W PH is graphical Union. Ask your printr to put it on your work. It prove s tthob to have been done in a fair ofllcc. Spcirs’ Bread GQWQOQOOQ—OQQ ‘Q-QQQ Diplomas awarded for Best Bread at the Winnipeg Industrial Exhibitions 1894 and 1895. A trial respectfully solicited. Call our driv- em or telephone No. 6. J. T. SPEIRS, Cor. Maple and Fonseca Sts OUR Ladies’ Fine Gauntlet Mitts, grey Prices draw the People. color . . . $1.00 ’ Children’s Fine Moccasins . 50 Ry’s 6‘ l‘ - .75 Small Boy's “ . .65 Ladies’ Good Gaiters . . .23 Etc., Etc., rm, Etc. E. KNIGHT & 00 351 Main St... opp Portage Ave. YOU INTEND XBUYING A PIANO mull It will cost you nothing to secure informa- tion that may give you much money and more trouble. DO YOU KNOW? That M eikle & C0. are now offering bargains in Pianos and Organs such as has never been equalled in \‘l’innipeg. \Vitness the following: PIANOS ( Squares). Dennis (Montreal) - $50.00 Colgate (London, Eng.) $50.00 (Uprights). “Bell” — From Heintzman & 00.} $150 to $300. Slightly used. Good as new. Guaranteed. . ORGANS. Uxbridge, high top, quite new, piano case - - $60.00 Uxbridge, (new) - - $75.00 “Bell," (6 octave, almost new) - - ‘ - ' $100.00 Uxbridge, (high top) - $50.00 Doherty, high top - $40.00 C. M66 85 00., low top, - $35.00 Melodians in good condition at $20 - and $25.00. - J. L. MEIKLE El C0. WINNIPEG, - MAN. . iu‘u'fi‘r‘u‘lfiu‘l‘r‘u‘u‘t‘I’r‘r"I‘r'il'ir'r'I"l'r'fiWifi‘il't’l'fi’l‘fiW‘r' Pickling SEASON. . . ”We still keep the same quality of spices which Miss Livingstone, of the cooking school, said were the best she had ever used. The succeSS of your pickles, sauces, etc., depends largely on the spice; used. \Veliuvealso Rubber Rings For Gem Jars 5 Cents a Dozen. Also corks and hung; {orall kinds of bottles. Try our spermaccti “ax for sealing bottles; better, cheaper and lu~s trouble than any other wax. (OI-IN F. lllillllll) & m. Opposite l‘o-lofllcc. nutnlplnpannnluunnuluunuplun pm... ... ....... ..... ER. ‘u‘t‘c‘r'WM?«‘1'«WIVI“ii“M'IWI‘IVI‘IWI‘I‘IVMWfi’t‘llI‘uWI'I’t‘ ‘r‘r’r "IIu'r'uu'u'l'u‘uuuir HUM an. In: iln‘r'u’r'u'r‘u'fl ‘b new twice-M -wet-mm.inemu-mt-.-.wmwuuwmmwwmwmwit ’1 . 1 a 1‘1 All mar/J jim:/m/ m 1/1: («'51 qul/I/c’ .r/v/e. I’rz‘u': from/molt. S. GPA Y, \ HOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO 574% MAIN ST., \VINNIPEG. Every Breeze That Blows Sings the same song—- Buy Over-coats. The snow that winter soon will send means—— Buy Over-coats. The voice of economv cries—- Buy Overcoats. Common sense commands—— ' Buy Overcome 496 Main 2- Underneath