8 CHEAPSIDE’S SEASON OF. BARGAIN GIVING. For 10 Days from Dec igth to Dec 25t th, (\20 PER CENT DISCOUN Tn 011 all the lolloWing lines 1 MEN’S Ready-made Suits, MEN’S Ready~made Overcoats. # _____J THE V0103. FRIDAY, D CEMBIR, 24, 189?. $3 -(‘*r%’%%v.“ (v.4r -(ir. f(%fl‘*(t. (v “V..(Y «*%y-,£%§§§§‘+%fi l X ,1 . x x ."“”‘f"2‘~:"‘?“”f= .' ‘1' i: ’ ~ '33Wifom l g as 2%. 1 i HOW to .2 Correct i 3; 'I' -. v.1 Clothiers 11'. P «1 K: " 1: V . l .1" 33 l”: the M 617 "3?» '3‘ W ,J 1 . fl ’1 5: 3 xi ° '~ .41.; 11‘ .5 LOOK AT THE SNAPS. ‘3 if 3 on hat e relatii. cs or friends that you 111 ish to Show E 3 around for present them 11 ith something nice to u ear and a? 25 per cent. ofi‘ Boys’ Suits. they are sure to like it. Vi e ‘ that strike the men's fancies, and eterything is useful to hai e hundreds of th1ngs here *5" “car. Neckwear, Gloves, Silk Mufflers, flandkerchieis, .. 3.. Fancy Suspenders. Fancy Vests. Fine Fur- Gaps etc I; ‘ " '1. e. etc—~No FANCY PRICES at C01 rect Clothiers. The Commonwealth, ~31- Hoover :2 C0. Cit} Hall Square. cor. Main St. D )' 4 )". I'A )'4)'A )%)',<.)~'4)/()/ 11'4 )'A )*4 )u )‘A)' ;)T¢)'4)' VYYWVVQ'YYY'Y’B'W’T’Y ___\- __ _:__-____ J l 11 luur Xmas lab 6 Frui IS ‘1\'e have the best varieties at the lowest prices. Ulll' home made Mince Meat is giving every ban-faction. HARDY & BUCHANAN, GROCERS 414’ \‘otrc Danie cor. Isabel St. Telephone 269 Items of Local Interest. President Gompcrs was re—elected pre- sident of the American Federation of Labor. The will A’rnerican Federation of Labor appeal for aid for the striking engineers. it i-1 expected Eugene V. Debs will lecture in \Vinnipeg some time during A pril or May. 'l‘hetelegraphers on tho eastern divi- siuu of the C. P. R. are having some lit-'lc trouble in adjusting their schedule. Nothing serious is ant1cipated, Conductor Thompson and his crew have been tra 11~fcrred from Liar. Portage to the Medicine Hat run on account of the great I‘USll of trailic in the west. Bryan a: Lee, the cigar manufacturers, axe distributing a very neat Christmas souvenir. The young lady is not robed in a winter costume, still it makes one think of summer. The commission of question inquiry into the of cost. of contract, and day Mr. Kelly and the city llL‘l‘l an informal meeting \Yednesday. A11 adjournment was made until the 10th labor betWecn of January. -ltthc Brydon rink tomorrow after- noon and evening (Christmas day) the Cilizcn’s band will lurnish the skaters A good/sheet of ice is promised to all who patronize this popular winter pleasure resort. with lllUsiC. lhellctail asswiation have decided to hold their annual banquet at the Leland howl on Tuesday. Jan. 11th. The com- mittee in charge are sparing no pains to make this the event of the season. It is tl11- 1iL1~lle vi the association to interest all 1‘x:‘.i1lcl“ to a greater extent. We are l..ll11’111t1lnfcps are being taken to amal- I‘ictallcrs and Caterers gimme Ihc u“.1ui;1l‘_i(111_~. Herbert N. Casson Coming. 'lhe ~orretary oi the Labor Party has reteit-wl a. favorable reply to his invita~ non to Herbert N. Cussun to v1sit \Vinni- peg. The lecture will probably take P1308 in the early Spring. Mr. Casson has lately returned from a visit to the Brillih l~les and is writing in hay-11v manner of his imures sions and ex- periences, especially In connection “i.h the Sicialist movement there. The Lynn. labor church was founded by Mr. Herbert N. Cassou in 189 ’1. and HP®Wup5 a VET) is now .' gr 1 NEW... . _.}/R5w 1W O memes MAN ' "H" ‘1’"r'¢QQOQOQQQQQGQ 11121111 12111 1111311111 LIGER h“ The Finest 011 the "Market. Bottled and in Casks. ONE PRICE HOUSE =X/VIAS= Thousands of Pretty Novelties for Christmas.‘ Handkerchiefs ~— Every kind, splendid silk embroidered, hem stitched, for 25¢. See them. Pretty Cups, Plates, etc., for the children. EDWARD L. DREWHY. Manufacturer, Winnipeg. U ‘ 1____ A brother claims your so nmn . #Smoke our ‘Bcllo Llamas" Label and so help him out. Army (S Navy Wholesale 8:. Retail Tobacwnists. ’Enion Buy early as possible and avoid the rush. Th 13 eststock of Imported and Domestic Ci is. £13” and Sundries at 511 Main Street, Dunwoody, Steam 6: Co S. .corner of James, Winnipeg.