SCHOOL SPORTS IN MIAMI _ stam‘t-zMBistt I924 \ JUNE 1929 . u . . "loom" between the ' the final ytars of tht l ‘ N0 World TlTheiswt/j: the Boom that ended “he.” lhc Sle Market Crash of 1310::an 1929 ushered in the "Dt‘Prcmmll ”l [hp “BOX In these years before the “Crash".- people hztd been thinking more and more of such things as Art. Music. Drama. the Speech Arts, and Sport. It was our good fortune at that time to hate. at the head of our lnspectoral Division. one of the greatest lnxpeetttrs of the Pr'n'lnce in the person of the late Dr. D. S, Woods. :t man of vision. possessed of tremen. dous energy. and a great leader. it was through his efforts that the already established “School Fair" idea was extended In intlude :iLIlViIlC‘S such as: a Festival of Speech Arts and Mttsie. an lt.'t' Meet and a Field Day. all at the level of the Inspectoral Division rather than at the Commumty level only. These events were held at different times throughout the year. The Divisional Fair took place in the Autumn. tSeptt-mher or October) in conjunction with the Teachers‘ Convention. the exerting programs taking the form of a miniature Musical Festival and il l’uhlit Speaking and Story Tellin Contest. The 'ud es were usuallv from \Vinni ten )eu 10 like Miss A J g l . i . i e . Ethel Kmley who was dotn outstandin' \\I>rl\' in .\1tt