teas, concerts, and sponsoring plays, were some of the sources of funds used to carry on the work of the Ladies Aid. In 1910 the new parsonage (the present mouse) was buflt. Here the Ladies played a very active part in the proceeding, although once again there are no records. In 1919 Mrs. Jas. Robinson received permission to place an honor roll in the church in honor of the boys of this congregation who enlisted for active service in the war of 1914-1918, (still hangs in its place). In the years following, the Ladies are mentioned in other phases of the church’s work. In 1921 the names of Mrs. J. M. Oke, Mrs. Musgrove, Mrs. Norman White appear working with members of the Board on various committees. Ladies were appointed as district visitors; Mrs. S. B. Oke, South-East, Mrs. J. HarriSon — South-west, North-east Mrs. Vern Willson, Primrose ~— Miss Gertie Harris and Mrs. Kilmury. Town — Mrs. J. M. Oke and Mrs. Hibbert, Mrs. C. C. Musgrove and Mrs. Becksted on the missionary committee and Mrs. B. Hill, Mrs. Allison and. Mrs. Ashley were appointed to try and stimulate and interest in young people of the circuit is higher education and direct their steps toward Wesley College. In 1922 the names of Mrs. C. C. Musgrove, Mrs. N. White, Mrs. Gamble, Mrs. Oke are mentioned in connection with Quarterly Official Board meetings and later that year, Mrs. Robert Latimer was elected to that Official Board. In 1928 a report of the Ladies Aid was given by Mrs. Robertson as secretary and named Mrs. B. Hill as president with about 44 members and the average attendance as 20. They raised $450.00 and had on hand $248.00. The 1929 report to the Congregational meeting was given by Mrs. J. Pennock, treasurer, and thanks of the congregation was expressed and conveyed to the Ladies Aid for their action in installing new windows in the auditorium, and later in the year for placing a piano in the auditorium; In 1931 and 1932 mention is made in improvements they had made to the interior of the basement and auditorium. And so, during this period of the church history, grateful acknow- ledgement has been made of the great contribution made by the Ladies Aid to the upkeep, and the life of the church at large.