Ministers of Methodist, Presbyterian and United Church Congregations METHODIST MINISTERS Rev. Oliver Darwin, D.D. ............ . ..................................... 1887- 1890 Rev. G. F. Long ............................................................................ 1890-1893 Rev. W. A. Vrooman .................................................................... 1893-1897 Rev. J. M. Harrison ...................................................................... 1897-1901 Rev. Wm. Somerville .................................................................... 1901-1905 Rev. '1‘. B. Wilson ............................................................... 1905-1909 Rev. M. C. Flatt, B.A. .................................................................. 1909-1912 Rev. B. W. Allison, B.A. 1912-1913 Rev. J. W. Bowering, B.A. .......................................................... 1913-1917 Rev. 0. Coleman, B.A., D.D. 1917-1921 Rev. B. W. Allison, B.A., D.D. .......................... 1921 . 1923 Rev. H. Dodds ................................................................................ 1923- 1926 PRESBYTERIAN MINISTERS Rev. J. K. Welch ............................................................................ 1889- 1891 Rev. Peter Fisher .......................................................................... 1891-1897 Rev. Alex. Hamilton .................................................................... 1897-1912 Rev. H. McKay, B.A. .................................................................... 1912-1919 Rev. J. F. Stewart ............. ., 1919-1923 Rev. A. A. Armand, B.A. ............................................................ 1923-1925 Rev. G. Lockhart, B.A. .................................................................. 1925- 1926 UNITED CHURCH MINISTERS Rev. R. E. McCullagh, B.A., D.D. .............................................. 1926-1930 Rev. P. N. Murray, B.A., B.D.. D.D. 1930-1938 Rev. Wm. Wyman, M.A., Ph.D. .................................................. 1938-1943 Rev. G. M. Marshall ....................... 1943-1950 Dr. S. C. Studd .............................................................................. 1950-1961 Rev. Jas. Maxwell .......................................................................... 1961- 1964 Rev. H. Smith ............................. Rev. F. J. Markowsky .................................................................. 1965- _5_. SESSION MEMBERS ma Notes on Session Activities Since Union To prepare for the Union of the Methodist and Presbyterian congre- gations a joint committee was appointed — consisting of five members from each congregation. St. Andrew’s had the following members on this committee: Mrs. Charles Robertson, W. Hanley, George McDonald, A. R. Welch, and C. Y. MacKenzie. St. Paul’s was represented by C. C. Musgrove, Mrs. Hugh Johnstone, James Harrison, Ben Hill, and Norman White. C. C. Musgrove was committee chairman and C. Y. MacKenzie, secretary. Recommendations of this committee were: (1) that all officers of the two congregations resign; (2) elections be held to fill the positions of the TEN Elders, and TWELVE Stewards. (3) salary of the new minister to be $2500, giving him one month’s holidays; (4) order of service to be that used in St. Andrew’s; (5) Presbyterian Book of Praise be used; (6) a Board of Trustees, three in number, were to hold the property on behalf of the congregation, their term of office to be determined by the congregation. 0n the Session of the new congregation were the following: G. A. Culbert, C. N. Dow, C. Y. MacKenzie, C. C. Musgrove, J. J. Musgrove, George McDonald, John Oke, J. H. Spencer, Marshall Little. Rev. R. E. McCullogh was the first minister after Union. Mrs. —-7—