1—— > The Drowned 1 oragenr. has increased in p-o1><n=°== as the bridle
A Ccim éespatcl; says; 3. great gin-0:2: lzuxu {alien ove: the parzg.‘ oi Cila- % vayxtgcnrs by Line :-a.-: death of Ilouiacuouinzt The whale boat. 21:5»:- nei by the Cfinfiuilmni -was froth»: through the Gsxzzznel _c::‘.:«u-.u:;..~.. in 11;:-ta style. the pausnrze only oocugafiug wzi m:n:ut4r.:=_-. Their L'llCC3.§.-Is um: ::1'Ei"~*:'~ with l.H‘:8..l"a.:-‘ ciwerzs {mm the z-e«.:ulz_u-u. Jusz as the inn‘. go: tlsmugb the rapists, Gspwinc. vsililc standing up 1:: 1 =: bout 1r§'iu;.'_,i' is supposed. to change seats =a‘11I.a :: com;-:-.niou.!v:-ll oT=!'t0&f‘5- and was ewcgrt away. He was a. _ln_5!}‘ iiwrimmer. and r:;:s.'.Ee szruzg but frultlt-ss efforts to rcsci: the shore. Ltle buoys were thrown to him. but none came vritbiu his nasal). llv: :-trugleo for 3. fevl: sect-aria. when, with a d-e-_-palnug some ‘ he suddenly threw up his arms and vvas carried down we stream Jaud dviuled ugsirsst tile ro-cl:~. H15 Do’ if “”8—‘’' 1103 IECO\’E.'t-13. ‘file f.lI.:C»&'zLs(.s: wasa Cfiuilj mwaga ll.--‘:5;l::. '.L‘:‘ T631‘.-.. of :15:-.-. and 19»: been engaged by Lord Melgund at Caug- uawagga.
Take 3 piece of gum camplior as large as a CI!C:°s¥JUZ and place In one pint cal.-zlcolzol. The mixture may be periortned to suit the taste. ‘v\ ct the scalp with this dzuly. It will stirnulat-e the scalp. promo-'.e: t be growth of the hair, and in mail)‘ cases prevent it from full- ing 05. German in otncn are noted for their luxuriant lzzur. Once in every two weeks they vs-ssh the head thorough- ly with a quart 05' 502: water. in which a. handful of bran and a little white soap had been dissolved. then the yoke of an egg. sliglztly beaten. in rubbed into the routes of the hair. This is allowed to remain afexv minutes, and then the hair xswuslieti and rinsed carefully in soft water. It is then wiped and dried tliorou-,:bly. combc-d from the fore-lle.'1.‘. and pzirted Y-'~‘ll’.ll the fingers. After dr_v- 1ng__:.appl_v a. little poznatuzn. n;:=.dc of beef nmrrm-.' boils.-«l in ‘L hlllull quantity of ulxv-.: of": null sliglztly perfuuied. Do ti.-is nail: the {ire} in v.iu:w- or in 5. very wclrzn rt‘--..::.v. .‘\i:;x-.i.-3. all (2 rlisag fluids lift: l.l2'..‘l"f' lLE}IN_l.*lZll‘llS: ‘Nil’. “Till {I “'Cil.k 50i'Lll.3')'.l 4',-'.l—ll)i_;::'..~~_ :r lira: r.2;d lsw.~tiu_«_: lmir. Till-1.
fo:::. ':.=.\_'.‘ N1.‘ r,;:'.'. H 1-.» tin-
suluziraz: is in«.:::'c-naive. 'l'i:-e 'l:zLir ~:‘.'.-Jului lM.' wvil .. x. l '.'u:'v cleu. in x_. kc-;-;:.:: 5 ~Z-.- '-.3: "1-:1
Us--.: lllvr 1.-_-~'. ll: ~l:t:.~.. llii:
Cll:'.J.i4 ~'. i-'l ...--
vciy ls... .._.. :1:..I l--: nix rut t'z‘~' . . j })‘.’-.‘:':'-.:.l .-.-.-. 1.:;' -~. -.ps:._: In t.;-.-- :...-.- r-
.-1. (1.-ix '2-‘. tan! L -—'-.\:'.;.' .~.'l:\’. Llu: 1.2 . \'-All.‘ ho: ;,».':lz;;~: L-ll‘. illu y .‘.xln r:::~.l'.«.. '.'-I ~;: l~.- ~. 3--:.r -‘.~ ' :32. . :.'2.:j.' ‘ u::=i *.'..:.'...;u:‘. mu: =.\. n'..lli ::.,..:i . ..-_ bl;-_.=..u ':u- .-.§.}«.i-.-«: -2: !.i:ru.':-;.. ll...’ u:l.i:z., 1...‘ l....)‘-\Ll:1lll l.-c-x’ -.-l;,:l;Ll.".. A gin.-i .*..‘.-.l '_..z: -215 ~7. \\1_"-ll 1 ‘ .‘.c- :ur'»:\':.,u-__ ' ~ -_ \-.lx ,~ - . 15112.“; . \'~.a'e".1l:-l '.‘m_- Liz;-.-—; q": ..«.:.;.' . r_.c:'-arc, 1.-re<lic.-a: ..; .:..';.r:.'. -L- . . 01 C-4? .- L1». .3:-;-i_».’ x-.3131 :1 l1.h’i‘. z'- L‘..- zlsc rusll.t cl l.:;1:..-.~.»;.'-'. '-1'. atl-.y l..‘..-.i :‘l' ' .i: Ll- - ‘-5-; _\.'.I ~;.‘ but ‘.lr.t:. ‘t--‘. u-.\. .. .-) .' . Tl: - .L:‘|;‘.'u _ /. . ‘J’ r " . . _ -...'Ji:.l(’)d- plulil ‘:.u-. -; 1.. El e_5p-‘L:}.l.ll_\'2 :- ' . -.-. ---. li;:..._..l;_-,' or I.LlL' iltu. \‘l)ll(. .1: .._._ , hklll’. ~l2<:. lzve-.1, prolcn\,;c-ll .-ser . 1-; 1’ 'i'i; 3
<y— ———--—
ilczw To 1.‘:-ll :5. filers‘-.-‘:3 _'..:-._e.
'.l‘ln: fr-:-.i is hm: with twc. Winn four fr 17.1:-..:.l. lxzz.
ve {:z'iu:.l' ‘.:l:»r.l-.: .'
8pp(.‘!1!‘ulJ(:%..'. I.--1" .2-. .’\‘~'£ .-:4: 1 _\"~ 4.
and when the :«.-'~'.‘. :‘ u. ..~a'Cl'C ‘L.\_'l-f.- s~.I'.'c_- its age -.-.51. :.u .-.-‘.v-... zxvrnty-:~i:* 2'. (lays. ‘Ilia corner teen: xualze their u.ppé_-z-.:z1‘.ac-:- '\‘~.lli.ll Lllc iual i-I. Llgllll.
rnoutlzx Ulll. um: these i:-. --.1‘ l-.EI:l.lll the lici;__;l.: of :31; iron: iv.--3:2: :12 Zllu line of ti. yr:-.2-. 'l‘:u T.’-‘FU-_\‘:‘.LZ"-ulnl l:::.:~ Hze l-zt-rncl -—-Llli: (lurk s-.i‘:».-.i:lz:c:: in the middle of the to -*.l:'.~ r::’u‘.\'u~—,t,;rullml out or’ ell the front teeth. lu tile third year tho tuiti- dlc front tecnli uro being shiltcll: and when tl:l'~:- - xx-:t:'.-5 old Llzusc are :<ul:.-ti- tuted by: vvhicl: :-..c l:u';_:c-r zllaii more ;.‘«_.>liuv2' Llum tllui; }li'u\iL".‘t..'.‘ .~-.-is. 'l":::.- 1;;-5;; 1’-ml‘ lcrill ETC blllliril ‘
Ell Ll:-~ l'.»u*::1l}.'uz.2. :n:-l zlx-.:
corucr tee-ti: Ill the tiztb. ;,'ivin;_ pl-.-.c-.; to ;
the ;-,ui'::2'.‘.n:.'l:=. Hippo rs.
A; rive years of age is hOl'.\(: has l'ort*_.' ; teeth. of wine]: twenty-tour are grxmlers ?
far back in the jaw, with whicl: vvo have little to do. But, be it remember- ed. horses iuvu1'ia.bly have tuslles. which mares very l-urely do. Before the age of six is arrived at-. the tusll is full grown. and has It sliglfi groove on its 1' -tornazl surface uvlliclx generally disap- pears ‘with rice, the Lush itself becoming more round and blunt): and at six the kernel or znuri: is Worn out of the mid- dle front teeth. There will still be 8. diif-.~rr-..:ice of color in the center of tbe t.oot.'..
'l‘ll:: tltslzcs l::lv-2 now :-.:r.€xia:-.-d '.lz..~ir full f_11'()'»\':.ll, b».-iu~.: r.e.=rl_v or quite an inch in : \'_‘0!)Vt:R ‘C-'1I.llCI1lE. t‘onc.1va: withi,-... o.-.':~Ex::;_: :-.- 9. point. 2‘.'.2Ll the ex- tremity sozuexvlmt curved. Now. or per‘:mp.~-. :~:o:nu mouths befcnrc. the horse mi-._v be .-.~:v£.l to have :1 pcrfcs-L mouth.
A: sl-:‘-'cn years. the mark. as dr.-.~.cribeCl isvezy nearly worn out :11 the: four center
nippers. :‘.1.l(l {asst Wcarin-_' :*.v.'z=.y in the CO1‘-l€.':‘ t:-c:l1——esw_:eomlly in 1‘.lY£'.'€5 1 but
the block 11121:}: still remains in the teeth. and is not completely filled up until the animal is eight years old. As he gets on past seven the bridle teeth begin to wear away.
At eight the kernel has internally disappeared from all the lower mppers. nod begins to decrease in the middle nippers. it is now said to be “post mark of month." When more than seven. the knowing ones are accustomed to go by appearance of the upper fronts. from which some conclusion may certainly be drawn, as the marks remain in them long after they have been lost from the bottom ones. Much reliance can never bo placed on the Iusks. for sometimes they may be found quito blunt at eight. and an often remain pointed at eighteen. and sometimes those in the same month would show an apparent difierenoe 01 I on o. mane.
era are indications which enable vary shrewd observer: to guess at 3 hot.-se’a age she: eight years even. but none to enable accurate determination.
. In the ninth yoartbemnzk has entirely dinsu from the upper middle. tooth, and thahook:uthoeouno:on‘ly.
p¢.'i"l.lLL1lLliLO‘.' horse tr-.-:lx. '
_At eight the uppe: 5t1I.laDE:fi oi the rappers are all o-.~;:, and 15 the .n1J1‘.'1‘lLl get‘ older they .35.-:::.cish in cl:-'ltb. but not in :.i;:cl.‘.z:e.-=-L zip.-y ‘oecetur. mt-re manned and Appear ville: up-s:':. _
A: 3-orelrc _ve:*.r~ of age toe crown of all the iu"~lt3.l' iron: :4.-e-.ix 5.01:,-.;u'll.:.'. teeth r:;uci.- were down; but anything ionizer must he left to experts. and would szve no useful purpose to exzlarce usuu lJE:1‘..‘. We .-2:3: not. however. omit mention the lac: that as nurses advance in age. their gums shrink away couveyiug that long, narrow appearance of the teeth which has long formed the subject of a proverb They lilzewise loose their upright appearance. and appear to lean forward. more particu- larly the upper ones. which assume an 2.rc'neci shape.
beyond the indications of age afforded by the teeth are some others... which ve-:;.'l17.tle experience will render fam- iliar. A zlarllcolorcd bothe-nsabrovrn or a bag.-—vv1ll in time. turn gray about the face. marze and top of the tail. Tile buck l)LUO1..J".’:llOllO“', and the pit or cavity ab.-at the eyes gets by degrees more and more pronounced.
Pretty Strong Breath.
“ Do you tmnl-2. O‘l{a5erty was in his right mind when he oiled?" asked a lawyer in a disputed will ease,
" To my notion he was not, 502'."
" What are your reasons for believing mat be wits not in his right mind when he drew his last brea.tb?"
“Because when he drew his last breath he didn't draw it wid a corkscrew. Nivir before, in his whole loifo did he dvaw any'.'l:in;; that had a. strong smell of v.-hislsey about it without using a. COX‘l:l:a..;c'.\‘."
Plants and Health.
Liv! n;-Booms In-nun.
An eminent physician cites 2: use in
'l:nv’t‘r.\ 2::
:'.:..i::r.c-.1 \.-::-LI‘: :'1bux-culnr L'0ll\l.1lll}_a£l‘.l1i. bur Llciltll. ll: tin; l...‘.Ll.ll‘.:ti l.‘L->ul't ul sin-in
u :«'.-t'ri'u1o._- ¢ll:4::.~(.‘ lrciu;-_‘, exp;-cu.-«.2 u: may
to move zllnuug LL-r plztuz-», oz moi.‘ .\.llU
1.»-.-.~='.-ssr;--.1 :1 E lr,~,;».- n ::::_-.+_-:, In l. - ~: . . ; l1lI_‘_ lUL:I.: ...-. Juli .-.~ ll: ‘.113’ will. ~;u.:c:
11.».-1:‘ in lI’.,\l.’\ (.;U1:1t‘i\'. “to: l;:.:..
1 L‘
nll..‘U'I.k. is but0n.,- of u:.=.::__. c-u.~.: -, i-..- whit. -. trzbczl.-ulalr COl.lal..U.J.l}_JLl()ll l~.'z'~ l)::Cl.J
We i-;;i~:w of cases in ‘.»i:icE.- -:::-.-_ ".<: . n:i:::..‘.«_-2's, and stu-.len.. \vv..- ,;..u.upe.‘leu no cllosc-.1 prolessions on account Li luiliug llealtll, 1':-~:orte~.'l to 51.!‘ .vmv'.-cry or hot- lzuusu. in I1lLl-U.3l. ::'u'r;l_‘-’ l:‘..-....l.1.lUU rost.:-r- ution to vigorous lwuitll ‘.2-Ll.‘ =1-.-u result.
We conto.-mi, alien.-lo:-2, :.'l:z-.'-. Lilia‘ old .\tl]J(.-1‘~.£it.-loll that ll0U‘- juziuus to lit-alt-h.is nothing but a. niytiz
l.'......I .;; .2 L
.-—-.I.u:+:s S1Il;l~.‘il.\:.' .-".2: .-1 m:'r::.;1: _-1;:-2'.--.-.v.’. .
t:.'r.".~.‘ _:'o}’ .\'u:'. --<¢Q3>o aw —~ lion‘; E-‘(ml with ':'~.:t::' Eyes.
.-ug;:<-.~:lun~ from an :3p:i\-nu: .l':u-,a:l hi: iZ3'«'.-_'in.-M.-s nn-‘n ~p-~x l:|.(.‘l(‘\.
_ " ‘flier: in it grcllt villi’-.,-rt-use ll) tin.- ‘ 1).[‘lC(.'>- u: e_ve;1,lzl.-.:~'os an-1 .<pL-cL:.tc-it-<," an optlciz-in slid. " You can mxy :1 p.;lI; 3.»; ‘ L-ye;:,l;Ls.scs tor tiltccu cunts, while a. pair that looks exactly like Lllclll will cost you 52. The d1fi‘e1'ence betvs een them is than by using one pair a. man is very liable to ruin his sight, while the other will materially uid it."
-- Wlmr. makes the difference value '3 "
"The quality of the glass and the amount or work used in polishing them The cheap ones are generally made of very common glass. and are by no means perfect.-. Sometimes there are :l1r bubbles in them, and sometimes there u.ru wavy lines. You have looked Llirtzzigli a. \\'l.Il(l0\\';{lkLSb that distortell ‘cu-rytlllng. h:».vcn'r. you ‘P '
..—-... ......... ............_...._......__.__._.__..._........—....,.. ..........
\‘\'¢.-ll, 3115:. uu:l;_;ine tailing such l~lin.i ul‘. glass‘ to improve your sight witii. Persons are uu‘.. halt careful cnougll oi Ellull: eyes _ and ‘Elle: szglit of thousands of persons 5 has been injured by using bad and un- lslllmblc glasses. Poor quality glasses _ are injurltus enou:,ll,but when :.t per- ' son looks tlirou<,:h glzlsses ti.-at are door poor iuiquullty and in no way fitted to improve his sight, he runs EL terrible risk."
" Cannot one tell if the glasses help him-?"
" it depends on circumstances. If a. man finds that he is getting for sighted, and tries on 8. pair of far-sighted glass- es. and they make him see better at that time, he is apt to buy them. They may. however. be too old, and thus strain his sight, or they may be too young for him. and he does not receive the benefit. that he should. By going to u firsbclsss opticun his sight would be tried in a proper manner, and he would get just the right. kind of glasses. It is u. very false economy to buy cheap glasses. I've seen a. man stop at astand in the street and buy 8 pair of glasses for a quarter. just by trying them on and looking at a newspaper. Lots of persons‘ eyes are not 0: the some stren- gth. and ought to have glasses of difier ont an-engthin the some home. If a .mu‘u with eyes orthis character gets a reodyzmude pair of spectacles he is goingtosufior."-N. Y.
lrss become ; IZul..l:' vgular,‘ and the bridle
no Friend of
u-1:;-:1: ms .-.l.~.Eul‘. lL‘,:;C\l may year-. was ‘
tltllr, but ‘uc-ll;,:_{ .:.l.- nrdu-.1: luv-.-r -;. pl.-...-:.~ ; 2-.l.w.l I‘.0'.‘.'cl‘.~. .~l:-.‘: nus u.e.ll_\' :1-.--..::~'.-c-moi; 5
._.v,_ .
rc~:tu-.:.z1no.i somtuncs \\..-..;. cured b_.- . the sz:-.u:.z>.ry effects pro.‘-Jet-ii ivy xx r:rl;i:.-,-_ _ .«.mo1:,_; plants for o. co :~i-.io.—..-nv.L. time. _
1.~i.ln’..< are 11:- ~
£3: Brandon
Nil? iilfifigllfi
ISAAC n."fiEsB£:=:3r
um ': r.i<:rc2rzu:os' _ .
[WEB 4533 ‘Ll USE IN MANITOBA. Orders irom a disunccpromptly attended to
I? Farm-:-rs and others clubbing together and .- . ill); .az-;:r.- uni-.-rs will receive 3
Liberal Discount.
I::forr.-:r.:i':»n rt-sporting Sinking and Curbing wells cheerxullv gxven.
Cisterns built on short notice.
Oflice and Works —— 9:31 5‘... between Princess and Lorne aves. Brandon, May 15, I334. Bmos.
A clear deed Will be given.
This is an excellent opportunity. acres a: Vrlzrtut in cr-.»p. as well as oats potatoes. chas-:1. PEI ‘::ZRSO.\'. or to
W. J. 51.-\.lt'l‘I.‘Z. on the preniiseo:
3 '3':-..?§§E'.$. ‘€88 '. E )1" 53'} '_;’1 1'; -'§‘!."'("“ lL.;':~..-l; -":llil‘<..-is . ‘ "r: .
. Buzsirss. EFIRST LASS S'E"!Ll'
R f‘t - \-J
K: 1
ST.-\BT.E 0.\' (‘ml STE} LET. .\'l-I.-KR I’Bl'.\'(,'l'ZSS AVE. Fl.-‘ICE—Duucan }’»1'o.=.. Corner Rossor .\v-.- '.::‘.=. :~_:r -oi. L-_-‘ Soecul rates to (.‘oimnerL-ml Travellers
HF. subscriber oft-2's im: 3: {urn} prom-~.-t_v.: tel ‘
and a hull‘ stozu-;.'~ :~ City. Tlxis is nu L'\ one vn‘:a‘nin: to su-.1-r place at pr..~.'~- ' J. JABI-ZZ
. , one :31 L'U.ll:i]‘_ in ac-uris O'l\p0rl1l!llt_\‘ fox any . L'll" is no store in tin: _ to
>2-'-1:1'is City. Sourisburg. ['.O.
EEEi:§=.? $
23'3"‘! BEKEFSY.
has (:O'.).ll1l(".'l’.'£-.'l the Jlatlaingi Busxcn.-ss at the linker)‘ in r:-.::' of ‘.b-.- 3lerclxunts' Hun}-::
THE. BEST SA'1'lSF.—\CTlO‘.\'.
17 louees for $1 4 loziv :5 for .5 cents. Excellent quality buns. cakes, etc, at nnces
Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in the 3-H]: Section 01 the " Act incoxporsnng the City of Brandon." the copies required by said Section to be so trsusmivzted or delivered or the list made pursuant in said Act, of all person: up- pearing by the lust revised .-I -out ROI! of the said city, to be entitled to vote in tile said City at elections for Inembers of the Legislative Asaembl and at Municipal Elecuons,'.and that me ggid is: was firs: posted 1: at my omce, at Brunrlon on the twenty-slxt do; of August, 1884. and remains more for inspection.
Electors are called upon to examine the laid list. and it my omissionnpr other erro:-sure
ire-d menu, to take immediate proceed- xngito hove the and errors according to v. _
Dazed ;:mgci:yolBrnndou this Eth due!
August. A.D.. 1&4. B. KABTINDALE
clerk or zmfcm ox Bnndodl Lu.B. on
The subscriber offers for sale the SW 3 242‘. 9. 13. six miles from Brzmdzz-n. uxeellexiz land. uood water all the year round. S':$'e:lt_\' acres brolzen. Terms cash. If not sold bv the 15: of Au-_'n~*t. it “'tll be vrithdrnvvn. Forty-two and
Horses and im pie:-.1‘-.nts can be pur- I-‘oz furtlwr pllrticuinrs apply :0 A. M.
. -' s I
l"-. HORSES. 5
Can you info:::: me where I can find the rzosuzz: our co-ans up :¢ono.\' STORE or
P 1‘ PA! SLEY ~ I. E Y
see his nazmt every wbez-e.‘;_";I am anxious to see him, sud make some purchasen _ ' Oh, I see: \\'ey. yes, my friend. I will be only too happy to tall: you then. \\'e will find thiszstore on Rosser Avenue, ‘Ind door east. corner 9th Street. He has just returned from the e:Lst——Chicago and Morxtreal : and his purchases of
STAPLE ill! l'A.\'Cl' DRY GOUDS AND l£0Tl0.\'S are now being opened up at prices never before heard of in Brandon. Then
the goods are so tasty, and you an: used so nicely. Here we are! \\'lmt a. I
display of beautiful, new goods .
SPECIAL .\‘o'r1c2:.a§:xxi1plc-.5 and prices mailed to parties at :1 distance if desired. Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for Goods.
WILSON & C0,. %lardware,Smves,Tinware. Sun.
A Full Line New on Hand Comprising Mill»: Sans, Flour" Selves. Mus. Cans Dinner Pails,
I _. r
3.7 sh Pains. .
‘-9 "I?‘i.§S‘<.§'L.§iQ &c.. .5_~.I’.Z-:.-‘Sc,
Boiled, Raw, 51-..:3l1i11r.,
lvlzmuactrlrers of, and Dealers in,
ii ‘iii siiififi
0‘? ti". .= best quality, have openci out N LL! 61h Street, northsicle Rosser
An i;:3pection invited anu custom soncfied.
L... ._.._._ .
A. L 33 E:3‘..«'ZlT L }B_§‘:_ ”
T9 '~’l’...’I.§.l{Z<} ‘l..'€B THE EAST E
fJe1'l.\‘('-.V"X'[1l\iI\(:'1:‘. ~._:.£:.3~;i.':x ‘: N. - 3.2-‘>11. ; '_l"ll(:>‘-. _\}_'EZi._~;~’_l‘‘ln_Txi'__I:‘ri: ” W‘. "- -- )[1uu(::;pou'_3_ ..-JU ‘ 5 -l I ._ 'F}J(5F. ‘ Y» ed. lllllr. ; '.l*‘1'l. E Slit. ; 5
Arrive a..‘1:n. «i “led. I four. L23. 5 set. -' sun. 1 Mon. , Th ,, , 3:5 . .. 3 .. 3 .. . . .. .' .. __ : u g .1 g u _ u 5 -- E . .. : 1 ,_ . I. D | .l I 1 u _ u . u i u u _, : 9'50 ; .. .. i .. E .. -1. 3 .. .. u 1.3‘) ‘.1 % u * u In .. t - § u .n H 655 r. , u u : n i In 1 ; u “_ Montreal.. 7-00 “ l “ l " l l “ i l “ 1 “
E’ This is the famed l)l.\'l.\'G CA5: l-3XPltl-ZS.‘\‘- Comfortable Day Cars and . ullmuz:
Palace Sleeping Cars J. F. McF.-1 RLAX .
Manitoba -‘xgcnt, 5:34, Main St., \Viuuipc-g.
JOE A. McCO.\'.\'ELL. Truv. Pass. As;-:.'. JYD. Gen‘) = MENNEAPOLIS. cfllfdfi.
and Puag Agen t
wllainéiii &; trim
Has Large Cohsigrnncnts of Crlmls just to lizm-. .-.t Low Prices in the l‘I:lst(:rn F-lzirlo.-ts.
and more cxpcc-ti,-d every day all bought A very fine lot of
ls expected in a few days. BOOTS _A.]S|'ID SfE-EECLFJS
Just to hand u'.d,will be sold at LOVYQPKICES. Also,
Teas, Fruits, Spices, Vinegars, and everything in the Provision Line 3‘ AWAY DOWN LOW FOR CASE. 1!
. .-L’-1 n n ¢| L
. I. u ‘