}; *.A.\.’l.2o.\' If-L".\l
‘C. U!..'l. 3'}, 1 ~54
. - na:..'oo:c -.1 .=. -_ ... . . .3’. Tc‘-uz:.«i:«.<:s. }:..;'l.. V.:-.'-.,
$21.0; II: .' .
-. hipaauui.
. "I ‘tram: Will 1... a. ' ' flilxrnlifitaczczg . fine us! the .“>r.-.cr-.-:..:r;. .
I -I 01: Totals} ;:.-‘. '.'..-'-rl-
! , I3xl.:i;.»p-.vl f
1' ll:-: V"
.._ .
L’!-'-:'l.l1.,1 o
3'3 r.a.r1-.
’ra.. —
G -. H:
il .’.‘1’..l:l*- >1. *.-if'I-.
"3 ‘now an ar..-r.-.-,~-.- -..-2‘ 'l'!rn'."$ zw._-;~.--. :. ‘fie-nu can 5 xi-..:: -.123;-p-.——l.
M1. llcln‘-.-ital.-. of '.:‘.o.- lilezilxzl-r ll- '.'.-.-- in l'i£"€!tJ t-t:.;ar-.1‘-.1-_: iii.-1 hi-
‘tables. -.s3.:r.?.-. Ml.-fl :::.e~..*l-fl. wzl i--. ururni and u.-::.-: .~:-...i .« 1- .- ::.-- -.-..;.:-'~r.
A man l2nlL'.- «i 5.1:: I l.'.;~ {-1.1 xi :1!”-.—-Iv. i. ll. Wirznigx-5,-oi;1:.---'2-x..t'?: zit‘ . -- ago from 11.:-1'.‘-.-r-."-l.l...:.. l=. ‘.~ l l..:.r,.- L that ho 0:.-:..::.--.: :;. .2.» y un : —: :‘-..— .- pretcnc-.-3.
2413:. J. l..u.-E-':— ::.r ;- puizr ;...ri- 3.8.1-i14.‘:l" at l::.-. lrullli l;:t- in -~ ll -_'. - .. 1.1.- pomtiou 6:! lr-.;;,.'i,; z:....; UL . .- r .-.=:, n;. place in the yin! i-_-r- I--::.-,; r- 1. .- la -. "scant. .‘-lr. P‘.-lo.:r~ l-..:.- :l.:- :-. .1 . - :. -
cult;-2 dullc‘-'-. Tan pulpit of :':u- ill-1 ..-ll~!. cm: was filled on fills. i.;:.'
:r.l:i::i__; l.-.
Nixon. of ‘Nix.-n.l o.:-,1: ..:.-I :n :;n.- »-rt-i.:.,:
E Sfltlle p-mtigr, l’-«:$'. .'-ir. ll<_-2.;-. :lml:.. iu, the pl£'!:3...~ll2zt: U! 22- t-n:;,_;.-¢-«,;;i.‘.-.-:x. .'-3r.: Betta ltiiulzgg --=.:iic.' i.‘ Z_'.~ rcx. ..'.'-..r«--i iron;
“-3 IBCBU5 ll.i£l;'~-A '-.I '.'C.‘ ll.
—~ ——.7.-.-r-.r\'u=~u=.-
M153 Lal.r:¢,;. t.--llclie-r of
department in ulll [I_ll;ll(.' -.. '.-Jnis. ml; I leave on ;5lil.unil.;c in-xz. to t-o:nx:;uu..--.-;
her bfiilullzg Winnipeg. Bali-s .\i\Jl.hl.l, u; '.‘,ulllls city will take llL'l' ;_i3.lc«. in t.l~.-,~cl.-no: our-_-.
T81: labor».-r.~ use still hi. vxnrk ll'.}'il.;__; Q16 pipe L’; l:l.;lim.~ct ¥.l.u [Salli-i nl. Ill»: 0.l.’.li.. Iouullliousc will: Llar on-; .':!. Fix ‘$11.-ct. from wllicli water '-Hal in: (lI't.L'-\'l.l to supply the one lit the ronnlih. u.-.1-. The distance is libuut tlircc fourth. ul E5. mile.
Wrru wheat in. flow 44) to .30 L’-_:li[~ }_i€-l‘
‘bushel Sllouiti Ll--: Lnlilo.-is uuz. L'Yluf_'u
some desire In rc-.luce the pri---: of lluiir : to some-tliing like it proper ti_;'.i.l.- in ElIu'
&060f lillcst‘: 1.Il.'l.L'L‘.7. D-LL}-IU '.'\‘l'lE.lu;.I hgvo hqalrtl 5li:Ll’: tl iur b.*.:; ii.-uu I'!)»lllCl:(l to $2.50 per bag.
Tan Asai Tudgo 'l‘sylor presilling. In excacdiugly long one, and will last- about lilirl.-c weeks.
hr each oi the following oficnccs: inau-
pctty, and perjury. 113. Hen-on, who ran Ellu skating rink 1'. winter, is cr--ctiugz 11 new rink. on fie corner of ltossi!i- .-lvenue and 7th St_ will be more convenient than the one bccupied by him last winter, and as he i well suited for the position of manager cl’ such an institution, he will he well pstruuized this winter. '2‘ CUB old friend. W. A. llast-lugs, Esq.. ngnager of the 0-gilvic milling Uo., has I their fa.Lnll_v tlour
[out us it bug ul finviug given it EL fair trial, one of the ' best house wives in the Provincc~thc wife of the editor-——sa.ys it is of extra. gaulity uml superior to any she has used in this Province, and that means it. is superior to any made. it is sold at . $3.50 pet’ suck.
slinlolzs ACClD£Z\"l‘.—|.'l‘ BIRTLE
As Mr. Tl:os. Patterson, of the firm of E; fattersun .5: Gibson. Cabinet. Makers, of m Birtle, was returning from Elkhorn with cloud of urganslor the firm, in going down the hill. no the crossing of the Assinibolne, his horses ran away, break- ing ‘his leg between the knee and hip. E5 was taken home the following day (the '35th inst.) but we liave not been ‘me to obtain uu_x‘ iurther particulars.
__...___ -¢
THE (‘ITY l".l'I‘fll-IRS.
At all‘ Council me-v.-ting on Monllay e\'g.,
there werc present, the .\l:iyor in the chair -
d Alli. Sifton, l)urst.llucke, ll ugbcs.l.ee,
N-ncuu'.Sinith and Cauier:n. 'l'h:-_v all oirincxd consnicr.-ll-lc intl.-rest in the pro- ‘°e.dif.gs_ 'l“nc uiectiiig was .1 short one. an 3 ‘ounmient Q‘ li.
lllSSE1?’l‘l.\'(: AS 01.!) Bl'lLDIl\'(-I
At the rear of the .\l:isonic Blctk lie the remains of the building that was tired about ‘yur sgo, and since that time have caused more or less anxiety to the Aldermen and um cigiuns geucrslly. It hats List been de- d&-d bu get rid of this nuisance, and if the
on beiul: properly notlfiell, do not
g-«nails _ _ _ ' will be: the duty ol the
1”", it removed, it . -—. '9 I . Er-2 luspéctor to b-1“...‘.' mm". . . . - - u ho“-ere-, Aid. Llelnenti bniito tel: 3.5 up . . 3 he gh"\ul¢_i ohgcct. It i:ii_g_tit not re pru- dnnt ta ¢;rn—.ss the opinion til.-it it [mu-lo.-s c‘£!e1‘en‘fi!‘.“‘(|0ti, that flit.‘ .-Xi-icrnian is land ‘gent, that (hi: land ofiicc is in '-jflgsonil: there: Chi‘ “'1”- lits. In W?‘
_gins .1:-v gr.-.li-ually _..:rouin; the .-\ldcr1.:-.:ui e.:r-rcsx-d hfis difictifln that without an): outsilic assis- hiloe the. pmbnliu:-._a w;-_rc_tmt: zhz-re We-and I‘ nuihuin vcstige o! it lczt by sprinz.
daughter, forgcr_v, malicious injury to-
'I_fl.'r'rI‘ali ilorne on T 31. “"l.".L:|' ll:-Z I’.-.-.— . 13.911?
c.-is .‘.£.'.GfdlZ‘.j- nr.-x'.. at ‘..c«.-
4-v <:l.u-l
ht llie .\'.irm..l :sl:n-;-..l.:
I i I I
l E l 3 l I a' l l r I I l l
.‘!iE.E'I‘f.‘i{£ Oi‘ P.LL'5‘l*.'.\. A r.-:».- .A .- .3. ::.~«-:::._- -.5 :.-.-_ :'t-tras c-fl. .ili::~- 1 . '- ll-.'ri
_ {.1 . ._-;.r.3.;.,
-vl.‘l‘.'>‘.-.411~’.4’l;'.- liu L--2;:-l In -.-. L‘ ‘ .' -.- .t. .'
.... ... ...- .’-‘,1’:-3'-'.
“lilil 1:24;. .i xii P.
!4<:a::.c !
:rl.- .- .~r.:::.z:.-.»r .l.': all lz-.31: luv the
T lit.‘ '>:.'1:l."'..
.,. .-
.1};-.-:.~.....« of .''-i- .l.-.‘'.'-_:: ‘-&.'-.s 2i:.:e<i 0;;
.' 2'»-in.-E --l:«.i:i'la on
'Cl.' sl_‘:’- «..:
ll.-* 3- ‘l jutu 1.‘ r ‘ ::-- .:n-l 2,-us .l-‘ks the «-it)‘
l l'i'..'l(.'“. :1) ." TU?’ ‘. E2, x‘i..lllllll,_' ‘Lina’. ill-' fa-l".llt.'l'
we-..~ l:--: ~;.:...'-. 2-..: --l:.v.' :.ik;u;.: a map, at l..-.:- : 2.». li: :. .- .. ;:-t -~.: l.i:-.- _x.:.ir:-. The r:..'i.::.'.:'..-. 2:. . A X: :li---S
' —~—- Q-~— -
T Li... uil.-X3 2“.l. PST.
' _..._.—
."5“..~." .5. -.- A l .:'l»-_!‘?. f'C's'§;_;___..__ {.'l- - -'. .Z.J!‘~i ' .- i __ . Ii i’--l ill" I-"fs’.l-.'u.¢-',‘! of Z’ I‘ «.:~: '..‘.a 3.: . " -- -l.-.1n4'.:- . _,_ ,-,-_.; 1. :- z '- 'z.e «--..-:.-—r of l'r::: .-~- l’1 ‘ 3: -ri:l¢-zi '.':i-- I .. L. .,;z - __ t- :- ..:‘-i'.l‘.i:ir».'i. and to ‘. :- l ..: 1- .l:- ' '..=.- (:2 .‘--.\¢.'7.'. -r tn .--ln- Z. '1 l. -3-‘ T‘ '1 il- 1' 1* l)'."‘fl".p in- !-‘.n.. 1- .1.
-__ - ._ _ ._ .9. € '.T'E”l'.§; 3"}: 3 ll.
- J.‘ . 1*-:r~: V‘ :"-r :3»-im-:1 :n«-eting on
-I‘-ll. .- ._'. .i-'.: ‘:-'., irztru-lxic:---I .1
‘m -7 -- - . . .-- :_‘.' Al-l. Slit:-ll :'- illv: ci- :'-.- : '.'.-.'. i: 2.. :.--«~-~-.r\' zo x:s.'1':ili.-.ii :1 c.-.::. 5...‘, ..: ::,-. ~-l.;-. :i.::e ll'lHllllc' .i coni- n.:'.:»- :- i--I~'.. n.:-- all» i'u3I'LL‘l‘ and :e',..r‘. .l’ :.- rt .;--::: :. . - :'_:._-. 'l‘l.-.- ;li'l_I':'liLlIIilti'_'§
';-.:- :2: .7 -'l. ;. . -.-.ll l,o'- -.-.-Ia! li~l:-.--l. to l-I’ ll- ill '5 ..|".':. ll‘.-' lll."‘.’. In lltf ll‘:l'l ln_'.’-'Jl'L'
,l'u:;-'. ...i~. - l!.I[|'1ll w..-5 tllrri-_--l. 'l"ii-.- i -...l .._-.il.-.l :: .l ruttlc zliir, n.-= l.-:i.~ 1=l't-i.'i-
‘ --:2 }-- 2«».:l'. ‘-V Till: .\'I'.\‘. is it
‘ ‘s not :l'u'~ '. cs; ml---1.3-..-;.l_
SKA! L 13- .-1 Y 351 ’E''!‘ E its
(‘omiiimiil-aliozi ill-twee-ii south- ern Tvlzniitolili and lirzuulun.
Tho .!.lr.lvr;n.'*:i 'l'n:l:iiiuous and . i'iib£ic. .'l:"cvt'll=.-.- to be Held.
l ‘tile: '- I
r l
'i"ln'_ I'dll\'.d_'y' l..lll '.’~':i'~: set rI.»1!in_;_- at 1
C'.)l.‘n-IiL'll me-.tizi_-.__' on .‘-l--:i- .l_x' liiglit, ll\' :
re:a.ii:i.~: of .1 -.,'~l.'l1lIi.ll-.‘1lLiI.l fr-).n M
D. 5:.--l-.'.irt. of l'llo: .\lunnal. liskilig the co- rlp{'l'.lllUll at the C inn-.-ii lnwar-ls dex-eloi,.ng a :Cllr:ln': fl.-l‘ the building‘ of :1 road from Br.izul'.-ii sf-="‘
l l I I l I I l I
l".‘r-s-‘.r-:"t_',‘ tlix-iligh the comi-
-- ' :i.:--..'t.-.n-_-z- to till: ":irnio.-rs hi. ‘I. low '4 fruit i.-rl_,i. or r.i‘..'n- :~ ~ mil--‘.:i:z:_' mi \-Jhfl-ll !c;--.-li-
Til 1:. 39.13"}: .?1'I‘i"Hi:;'v’v .13 ft 0.11..
I l A r»: -.13.: n : 3-3:‘. For :;.-1:.-, ::.::ln:i;;r-: of :1i.- $.c...L.-.:- 1;-,~.y to - ~ : . : ‘ ".'.". ‘ 1. ' " cr.-_-welt: L ."=.§inr‘. has .—-:l_'I 4. i\_l.|. -. ‘.'L it _ _ E-' ‘-_I_.. A u.U.\:ii-1:. 1 2 ~ -..-C... :or A-3:}--;ri1L.E HE. 'l .l.;~.- sr-_ ' . Q. - . ..~ 3-. .-mi: ;-sci-5--137 ~u;ie.'; L’ to . . - ' , _ _ ~'-:uu~: ~ ~ .. 3...: 1!- l.'. .1 ..i.~2 st‘.-»"=:_', .121 1. ‘.3123,’ t..--..-!’_='-‘..:t.l- LR“-t. I ' ' . :i..\::._'. -.\;:.--:. _ .. _- _! _ . I ' -:“u-'. §~.: l:..:__.- .. ~;.'-.--.-n-.- . in.-.-.::c l(:.HEL2;,' ..:»; .ill1Jr:.\. “.2 ;..,,1,-_._ :.. ._._~ __.,;l in.
_..-_-:i'..':.-~ only inc l3ff_::'X' null 't:.'Lr.il-I por- tions. us- int: it in a. box stove, is b we lJ=.lI1lcl'. and a stove clainzeci to he ~p£-ci:l‘li;.' uxl:-.plu.l
-to !‘L$ use, lii nll 2: burned well. there l»;-in;-_:.1_4_.t a particle of \\',‘£:-'.(.'. We also used it for our t:l.l;§ll.u.‘, ’:I.l.lLl lL'llLl'.l it to get
We ha-:-c L'l'.‘::n i: it fair test.
L .-_ rx.\l‘ a..’ lL*.l :i.'. l-.t" }\\l.)' lid--n: .-z' '1 :'.i: ‘CV5. lfiuslsfc.
riloi-;.l-zii‘ l.\ i.xci;.x.\'.av ;~'oi: .1 ':‘.\i:.\:.
up ~:c;;n. .‘Ll.'kl. rl.-ta:-.: it lc-tiger tli.-tn W ml. :i’_ .1 ii-1.!‘ l-.:.~~ C-->2. ‘\l!'. J. l:5.t‘1.x-llv-'2‘ '
the cell 1-.n-.-'.\:i it-.lzn.~rx-r has the :._:enc_v
-.1 Zlil~ 1- .1li..
will .\ l .i'f.(.' (. In I.\ :~‘—I‘:i.\ iI.lllD.'~‘.
Tiv :'--ilouiiizz arc :ln- ills;--.-.-:i-an rill-3: ::l-—L ._\ tlu c\:.l::.l::lu: 1»--aid Ul the l‘-'z:lni ' l-"5 “U-Ari ‘-'3' 1? --1r. Ztllll ulilczi ‘will, in Li.-l
prI.;lJ.i':-.l.'.._\'. '-r ...s-~}.'.:-l 1': i .37. '.h-: :ie\t
:l.-.- T. .I 02 Ill; l'ri.g_;.1; l: :-;.l.--»m‘__; (Hr '.li-.- rules of the ‘~'v'i1ini-
--._' l'~:.u-: of lrmlu, llU\\ in :'orl_-_-, =;u\'r:"l'|lll.; U:-_ uisp-.:u’.I--li l.-.' ism.-.1’. :
.\'o. l l“l.\§~;l- :1-i<i-cl; \\ lll2.A‘l'. :ih.i|l r-.-ll i_\ iv: '.i'!:u_-lit, '|Jl:i4l.lJllll__ 1:-wt more 7.h.sn to.-ll I--.—r c-.-nt. .u:sni.\tlll'v.- or s--its;-1' vzirit-tie.-5; mu-t l--_- --lilul, ~\\.’ii cle-in-.-I, uli-i weigh not lass lilull -‘Ki }--lulu]: 1-.» Elli: lTn:a.slil‘v.-ll liuallrl.
.\'u. L’ ll.-‘\l..'v .‘_l'lll.‘-'-2 \\'ni:.\'r.—-.\ll;lli r-ll ."_.‘1'~: \slu'-.l:, l.-ili:..i':l.ili._; not tin.-re than lull t-ul‘ \.I:IiI.. (till!-lxlllrc Hl .~l_-I'.1‘:’ \';Ll‘lt:T..lt§: inilst ln: snllmi. ix-.l.~I»li:4ial_\.' Cl‘.'..Lll, .ln.l uclb-ti not less th.ui 56 ;-nunlls to the in-.-.1.~nred ‘n'.:s.‘ie.~l.
.\‘--. l >1-i-'.1.\-: VA‘-.ll cleal.--I3, uzul --ulgll uul 1-.--.ln«l.~. to th-.- l'.ie.lsuzv.-d inisti.-1.
\\’nx.a"r. —-.\l us:
less Lllill:
ll-.: sound, .35
l.._. L
be 3
Sn. L’ .>i'lu.\'«. '\\ li5Al‘.-—- .\1nst 9-c sound, V
fL‘8éIJllillll)' ClLiLll, and we;-_vn not less r_ii..n -70' ['..llLul.~ I-v Illa: ll:c.iSm‘ull lJUSlll l.
“tic.-I ..: 1-. i‘ \\;u‘eliUu.snig_ no: class cu-.-ugli
-\o. 3 .\P.‘£l_\h \\'ul:.u'.——- Sh ill.L‘L)lllpt‘lbc .iil _
L:,'l:x l-:1:-. m::'-._- ....l- l‘l--.l-u- :...—:.--ii nn.s:_i=llm fll'SZ~.lisa‘l’~ 3131:‘. Ml §.'I..k-., _s':;L-1 _,_;;_| _‘;;},_iu._jhi
"bu" _
- l!'ARP.fi GF 93453 ASHES
r _' 3.. R.‘ _ ' . 3 ' 9 - ‘o " 3
: —- "
‘ . It ,1 N.
- . Dr-gs!’
3 ~ - .
' 1
' \Url'll.‘l.
.- ht-reb_v 4‘.-I42‘: '.‘..~.: h -_.:-u: will ‘:i.- he. .. 1-o.-r ‘I ’ stun: to ll‘.-9 \ \-24."i.~ ..~; .......~.-s . . 1... -;..'.- ii-‘.l-3°-11-‘H-x :‘ - -- ». . . _
; Hahn 3lu:-ic:[v.si' ‘xv: .o- .~'. . Kin-Jr. ..x- ‘ ' l lag} 3’ I "3 '3 1 i-ox the kl-u.)i_I t.:;:':~ « El. . " ' i
l l"_1.~ . .;l._'\u-LA:.i;v.:: :- .15 J: J I ‘ L»: 0-. ‘cf. ...\~. ..: -l . .
. hear fllltl ..--'. r'.;;.i:.-u '.. s u-. .. L :,-.r..L-..~ .-- _...
I urrurs h.2i.l - ...~.-...>.-i~ :.-- :-..e ‘Vx-L11?‘ :.l~is: :.'.e
; 3-L1:.:c 1‘-.\.:'i_\ .-i \\l.::l-... . l I.-. .:.~. g_' 3.‘-.1-.;\
All p-.-r.~un- :i.~.\.;.- in-ss ..: 3...(' .\.;-i l‘.--..':
\' ,
\H:.'l 0! Winter L’1.'1‘ u: '.'.-u .1h:x:<‘ i!f0pur:‘e~}V_} L are r._-. -- - - - - - . - - . - ~ - .-
_ _ - - ~ - . _ . g...ru-. .i.!.u.. lul ...v.'.\.1.... i.-..n‘.»!l-.1 ':-..:.t. 3__\ \ h ‘_\[[;r_ ‘-5 ‘i l _‘ -__ _
tne c;.}‘_t-I :i:s-:-.o::. \‘- ;:. L.\‘”l2t..‘:L'n' lur lui inn. : Daze-L ~;;;- ‘ 1, ,-N‘) U. U ._U“_r. L“. . - 'l.i.i .~«.ru..:_. as. of 00! SI
pro‘. 1,-<1 _i.-.ru: l.'uH’ :0 Br.-nil:-.... l"-.-.' lurtziur g _ _ __ _ in-;_.~ 3”. . l_. -,
uM'I:C'.2ua.".~ ii .'I\ :c. - 1-l.\.I. .-li:.\l\il:U.\x9 ‘ “ ‘ ' " l- . , ‘-i "‘- 1' “"'K1-V- l ., ‘ ;‘ ''’‘' 3"‘ -‘-"" :‘“-- 9‘-l~*-Ii) ;5:.".. :. . 1;.-' .- _ r =. r ..'o.:' R .,.-;!‘.m\. 0,’
Lrsrlv-..' ..I.u:.i:-or ‘i‘..i.l. o.'«.-r:.-.:- nu. >;r.-t-: sad 1 .‘ . . _u- -- . . I 3 '
l;o~-cr Av. 1.'._‘r. llr -: l -: _, . ._ _- _._ x "' ' "“ ""‘ ‘"5’ _ __._._._._.._ ____._ ,_ ________ " r -.77‘; v- -- -'-< '- - “.3, V . :-1 I . ' . ., . . ‘ ‘ _ A I u.I’h._‘ ,1_ A . Ul. )1.-i.-.i;._\ .\.:...i.-. -_'l. , l:.|‘.ll ‘:1 ‘l-_‘- 11- 1-_ -1 "-5 H ‘I. Eu‘: 2: I I‘ ; I 1%“ _‘ h ;_ H: s L A fl; \ . ...ln. L-.\ .. .1..n. x.<.. H i..£....A H oI1..f 5.2.: .11. 5,» 1' 5,1, . .. .. . _.. ,\- H .. . ' ‘ ' -‘ ‘ "5 5' i'-?-‘=- A--.'H‘3~l <1‘----. =‘--2- \\:...L- M. iI.~l :» Lin.
7 I 'h'.A \ ‘.1.-' .'. .2 .,_ .i. r‘ Lin 2.» 1-,; ii“: k‘. _ I‘ ...-ll A L-_.-I_:‘.\.‘ :|i_:'__ ‘J ., L A A U:-J‘ “hi
.-v (x L lii.\~ xsl. - \.... ;-._\ .r.2 ‘.21-J ""'* “ "' —. . :....'..__ -. ,' . I l ' ' '
7111.4, lilo L-.‘..~ l.v:~- uni l.- 1. . _xL;_-Ni} ..:; l —- - . - , . "‘ ' ‘l‘“‘"d
‘H H 1. —‘i_.__ ‘ . ' - -- -‘l l" -~— =-_n :-Lizucmul ' .\ ,_\ - g‘ -.--..,u; -I - LI. I. .- sh: ..-...-, \\l..ll2lrI
\l. i... ' .. ,l_ .. ,__._,_-‘ .;, H‘ l I . - - I1 . . , , ‘ .%...~m. l .
._.j_.__...__._.__ __ __ .- . - ' ,' i “‘ "" ' ‘ ‘-'i .\ |-- 11:0 bill 01
' l!.‘LL.:l‘': :‘x.-'~ . . .- .‘___). N .1 ...~\.xr.:-L‘n...'.[.3-1-.uk.._-_ ,_.h“,r:;o
f 1 ‘ . \ .'l‘:L.'tll--.~ ...L- K . AH :. ..~. mu--l i..~ l c , .. . ;y,_..} upon
I 1 .\1'll~'.ix‘.,L_ — _ . . .. \-_..l (. _-‘- _._..‘ \_.____ ‘cupx or
A . ~ llzitsliul 310212: I. r’.-l'.~ :i:i ill :2 .: -_- 1.. I . 1-. _w 1 - . '-~ .:.'. ..: _. .,-__ .. .,.._..___| ,1. “‘1,_:'dn.
1-0 “-H__,“ H. MA’. ‘ U_\L_‘:“\ c.. ‘ 1' 5.: ...' ~ int:/'...\p . ... n_..l: . .._ .l'. \u_ ‘.3. in . an --. ,_ ~ ., .. ' . . .ll. .. \" _» -- -. .1: -. ..
-\U'---—n' 1: film: U) ::.‘:«-.. :I:..t 11;»: zulrtzit-rsl:l , (ioillezi l..-.vli l 2- 1:‘ - \l-.:‘.‘-:‘-"L.‘.)- ..: -2" . . l . 1. .- :. I ..: l ‘ W.“ in"-m.mb.
‘ _ _ _,_ ,, I. . _- N _ ---.~--- in .1._ l.-...-.. - - x.~ r. n.(_'r|[Lg('\or
LU-FR I -i 0- ;J.....l - l. x IV\Ll .t..l 12.30;. lu c - ~ I -I . - ll —
- r , ., , ' . '_ ‘ - ' , " ‘ " ' .‘ - ---.. -A-. .-..l.rv \‘ -in n: [[19 11.1.. o. ...: lxvllln (Ll-La~L-1:1; ,._-1, - I ‘ . “ P i - ! ‘O .- . ' ' . _ _ ' ' " ' i ' ' “ . 31'!‘-(‘T
Us 1'0».-1 A. nu-.n '.\.L-,1: i .,.,,_. ..,.U.,. 1 ‘my * Hi". \ ,- 7- -l~ , ‘ -' “ '
. -' - -- .: - ~ l.- .. ~. '_
‘ul Jll._V AfL::., d.i.~:.1l\'i- ;. :-;l-I ' :.x:.jp.1. '_uc-rflul) ' D .l_ 3. ED’ .‘.;‘ l -l‘. X. l I“ ‘ ''”b_‘\‘ u
- -~ " - .5. . ) _ _ “ v . :~Llil rx-.:i:al.i~ -llssuih.-I .\.n n.- uuulils as-..'.u:l.sZ - . . .; _-1 , ,_.-‘ ‘, H. .H‘ ' Lu”. , the :~:1l-: in-.rt:1v.-r=.'..;~ an: : . l,-u ll; uuuu r¢;{.1,,r,_._1 l 1'3 “W l Ft‘:-l-"-‘~ UJ luv. flu 2:1 .~'i.::u' -'. ‘vs RU. .'.z. . . ; ,, — .‘ . . ,'-'. K N'"‘'‘'‘ _Pr°‘pMd' to \‘- .\ .vl\.’lJ'.7Llu.' :, i5dl’:l\’.g'l. u: t.2:.- cit‘. 1 ti“ 9- "‘=.'l‘ 45- ‘~- 0-3-‘ _\”r--' H‘ \-\-_:: \J..u is :i.l:.- ... ii \. .. .i'.‘ '' “'0 5" ‘ “um”-
;-_3;:l;._;- -fin‘. .h_.”.. -.. .. I _ “C U” ‘,.hl..L.‘;.cu. Lllutl. Hull -l \'v.il‘:- (I .: ll‘: l-"'1.-1‘ Ir ll . u i (I . A‘ .‘‘n' I? L“‘ . “U yd" H Ln“ ““"”‘5 “HG,-
. - ~ ---~-- - . .. . -1' - __ ._ _ - ' ‘ _ ' “‘ ‘ ' -- ~ s. n‘ ..~. -- ,,.y_- ._ ‘.1 ._._‘. -_ ,. _
Z4‘i'l.Z.ln;. “H”; ._‘.I ___-_l_ __ ‘. H‘uJ_ ' Hill. \:Ll:\u llL.'('. 1...... l. ... h.-3... .. -II .n... ...( .l ...l..| 1 2. ~ ; K - 1"‘ i H J". “”h“ur or l).L'.'~‘l -.-7. 5..i..l ll 'l..~'.':'. ‘ i’ 111;: ‘U .- 0‘-H‘? ‘C531 -‘-l ‘-l"i11L'L'I'-. ‘cl’ r'.. ".. _ . - - ‘ .-‘ ‘ I H . . -
.3 (1 . Law). ‘ l l ‘ ‘H k l C H M‘ . =*”““l')'1'l‘x.=‘..i)-:5‘! ‘Pei :\ .-l. .;.-..k,.. . l .\.i .,.-.l. ,-iii“ 3‘ ‘ ‘ .:'“‘mNl‘ ""““ ““‘ “m‘-"3 ‘mg? _ _ - \ _ _ _ ‘ ' - ;I‘“ ‘_- - * .- : tun n-...'..«»:-l- 1, ho put in 3 g \\ :.. .~‘\ ._ : ._ep.. .1». .u. l.\_\_‘_\ A.‘ 5 l _ ..l |- ..l t ,. ;_., .._ ;_,‘,,_._._‘ _._“ 1 “H” on um \\ A .-u‘1),.!_._,; ,_ , \“~ER£Ik 1; :{!-LL)- '- .xl.v.‘\ luivl list‘ ....'.x Li; Bill: ."\lur_
_._ . _ _ _ _ ‘ .\l. . . 1, - L . - - -~— - ., l --~-- 1- W. L...ui_.L)_ 1.’ fl‘, — 1; s ; DUCKb- huh-roe. I .. , ~ _ K - .. . -. . .-. . A 1 .-rl. l Pure brcu A_\.- >.I..l'\ ..‘u- l\'.~ 5.-r .~.-.:.- lilo . . l‘ ‘\ |"l“ ."”‘ “‘ “‘“""‘- = “U”! '-HIl*0I'iv«1 ll:'.z.-- »;.-..i:.-..: .~'.--cl. l'.-.eu so i “Iv -11- -I'-- il .in-.- I 11;-funrlnnh
'11:!‘ No. ‘.1, ui-l n c._;.".ln_-.1 no: i'.:.i.~. than 54- poizr Is In the niu.is-.ln-ii l-usnei.
i-:l.ri;cri;o .‘Tl'Hl.\'(} \\'lu».'.n°.—-.$li-.lll coni-
_pl':.~e sll \\llL‘&:.l. lit tor \\s'll‘4..‘ll(.vll::lll_' but too -
.11!“ lh " ::l__',llt or u't.icr\= ise unlit I-ir Ex... ‘.3. § .\'u':'l-2 .-X. ----All good \\l)t'ZlI M liieh is slight- : ly alunip :lli'.Lll l.l‘:'—lL'I}Ul't1‘.'\: “no 3x'.l-lo" \:lIll ;l'.lit: ilnlacct-»i's lHIl.d[l'JLlS us to qn.ili:_\' and :(J')l:'ll:l‘)ll.
fxlrrl-; .b.———.-Xll whc-at that is in ll he.-.itin;_' :\."'li(ll\'.lUll ur tun sllilni, to in: C‘llJ.~lli1'?'L:lE .s_ifu for \\.ll'::llH\l>lu=' ul‘ tlmt ii.l.~ un_, L".rl:\‘l-ll:l‘.ll»lL'
.lulnl..\:ure of lul'L'l‘Cf!l ‘=._’,f'LLlll or so»--ls, on is
limily bin-liurnt, \\ll.lln.'\ cr grzulc it llllgllt otlicrwle. lie, shall he reportetl “ con «lei: ned" with iilspv.-cu.-r‘s notuti-.»ns us to quality an-i condition.
.'\ori-: L'.—‘.‘.'ht-:1: colitainint_v, any :i(ln‘ii.\:- urv ul “_-.,'un.~u xx heat " shzill lvc grade-l " re- 0:62‘:-i."
i‘Co‘rl-; I).--—\\'ht-at contaiiiint; smut or Sp:‘uuti_-d 'kern-.-is, lll ll0\VL.'v'(:I' sliglit (lc-,;rce, shall. in no cnse. gniule in its class as hiuhas
F 1
‘tics of .3"-Jiitli L'_i.-pr:-as. !_h-i-by zliid Lorne to. .\'-i. l.
Tlicrc are Iourf . , ' ' '- ‘ I ' ‘-.. l l.) ' criminal cases, ulnoiig ..lieui l)elU}_{ one - “‘”‘ “ll"’”’“ ‘ -"
I u l I i
4 i E 2 Q l l I
being m.uic shortly lifter riinc '
To this 1.::— 2 , , , ' .\(.!'ill'\\ es: «sin: iillcct
the ‘
open on 'I'uc_-stlriy next, 5 thellntcrn.liioxi_zll l_‘.uliinl.'lr_v. 1li~-re to connect l . .
-~ - - - -\.u:- r'c tll
llju docket is . ,“}“- ~‘“- - ." t .
. lln: LUllll:l'.l!llCctll('Jll .-.'.:itexl that Mr. Hill,
.-._','-.-ten: of railways. —; of St. Paul rolul, lizi-3 in!’-.nrnic«l Ivlessrs. Green- waiy, .\l.l’ l’. and 'l‘honi[-son, the delega- Iiie Solitlierli Maliitolizl pl-ople tn lll!z‘l'\‘lL“.'.' him on i'.iilwa.y llHJ.[IA:I‘S, that it was the intention of his Company to fudcll the llouiillzlry lis .~.«.-mi usp0s'sible,1n::l{- i mg l’»r.ln<loii the objective point. The coni- niuniclition also contaiiicti a copy of a reso
lution passed at the meeting lately held at Crystal! City, in which it asked tlizit the Councils in the municiplilities a,l:ove-name(l appoint llCl(:gLlC('S to meet at Pilot Mound on the 7th i\'o'.'cniher to (ll..':‘L:llSS the a.dvis;i- hility of lipplying :0 ‘the Local Legislature tor a. .'.-hllru-r for El rolld built lroui Brain
don to run southcasterly through the couri- ties indicated. M r. 511:“ art requested the , Council to zippoiiztzi (lt.'lt‘gill.l0ll to ilttexltli the Pilot .\lonnll nict-ting. Ald. liuckc re- ferring to the w.-inniuni-:;i.tion, movl d, sec- I onllell by .-\ld. lluglies, 1: l‘cSull.li.lOll, mun-I
' Cl '1‘ Y R B1‘ A I L M ARKETS
During the past. week, the qiiiintity of \$‘ll£'il.£» ll:-_-u:_:lit inb'o the city has been .--oznctiiing remarkable. For some d.-i._v5
' it kept. -..bour. the same figures. but the
tenllency has been :1 ,r_{ra.€.uzil decline- until yesterclziy it-reached 4'7» cents per bushel. The blank expression of the farmers‘ counteuaiices when the decline in price was announced maiy well be conceived. .‘\lc)1illa..i has stopped buy- ing, owingiu,-,' to the expected close of It. is expect.-_-d LlJ:Ll.'i the price will go still lower. It is affirmed by the buyers bliat the price is ten cents per bushel less. than if the (1. P. R. could
Dang Li.1l')u.
ing lx \'.Ulllllll[tCC of C1LlZL‘llS and liklernieli ll! llltxl-illlg the lliI)l’.l'.)Il lliueke Sillll ll. suliply cars P1011) pt,ly_ wlis his wish to lu.-..ir t:.‘\'1Il':’:'sa‘l0l]3 from the ‘ F] _ 100 j mm: 1 so 0 50 Aldermen. He vas of the opinion that Slflgfisper 1° “ 75 thc"u \\.lS nothing so 4.-ssciit1:il to the city's when per busn.................... ..u) ." -.o 0 49 prosperity as the rzulioaxls that would cen- gills Y «fin as g trc liars. and he thniiglinit important _that }.,::_"f"’3_;°85t";, pohgd :00 00 00 13 this nutter should lie well considered. He -- 0 ________ __ __oo 15 on is was uwlire tlur there was alreazlya commit- Beef. lire weight, per [00 lbs 4 so 5 ten, but on lookiiig lit the xizmiesconiprlsuig P‘_’_"kég:)‘: Wright ------- -- yg £ 15 it_he _wci.-= inclined to think that it was out .« 1:-m.me,S P6,. 100 l,,,,'____ -_-5,0 9 on or existence as its lllU:lIl)CrS were so ap.ltli- Mutton. run.-t. per pound . ..0(_1 00 00 etic to rliilwziy 1xmuv:x's, And it would be ‘'5: d0 ‘’ -- better were an cllLll‘L:l_\' new committee .. 3;, ‘:00 lbs _: _"“§ ,0 15 00 flppln.l.)l’.<:tl. _ _ _ I Ham, pgr pound _ _no -_ 00 U.) The .\‘:lyor said that it would be improper; £8-¢";D 3° -- - - - - - - - - g3 for the Council to {like the privilege of ap- ‘ per Wm ° ' ' ' ' ' ' ' *''':,_O 00 a W polxxliiig citizens on 2: clilliiiilttzte. sausage‘ per pound 00 15 00 Q) Aid. U.unci-on tliuuulit it would be more lg’-0|0l_!m1 5Rll’h:€ d0 ..m 16 a3) ‘.11 sa.tisf.'ictor_\' to Call. is public niecting of cit i';‘\'_‘3_k‘“ ‘Bi?’ gg O3 02 1Z*=}3-"- , _ _ _ _ . Kidney do foo no to -20 llil: .\lzlyur this also or this opinion, and j Heart do .00 00 U0 ‘JU After s.,.nic gem-ral lll.~L"d$al0ll, Aid. Buckc ' 70”‘-Kl"-‘ ‘-l° --U0 09 ‘O 3” witl tl ~ " cl t 1. " his‘ ‘e"ondcr withdrew ‘ Chopped 59“ do 1-° (0 09 ‘ "- cm” ‘ " ° " _ v , Prairie Chickens. per pair .00 50 00 If» his !'t':()ll.1!.‘iL>il, -Alill one was introduced and - Wild Ducks. per pair__,,,.,_, _ oo 30 no :9 -..'3!‘’“.--:] uskini: the .\l.i_\'or to call .1 public 31111?!‘ P5503003" - 33 - . - ~ -- -mi - . - _xiieuti._;;; on l‘l'lil.‘._\' 8\'ctllll‘.I ueict, iii the cit)’ p,;1;_’Lpi';" w g wmu. fi31,_5mok,=d_(.3 0.3 00 1.: hall, tor the purl-osc oldiscussing the diti'er- -- -' salt 00 00 00 lg. out l'2Ill\\u)' N..‘llclll\:.'4 now hciug projected.-— “ Trout. salt .................... .......0o 00 00 lo Actir u on M r. _‘tew.irt's couimuiiication Pomtgelfkglgrl b'u's'h "" """ 0% :3 \l-.i_< lleicrrt-ll until the meeting. Beans. ,‘,.;,, ._n,.;-L, _'_‘_'_'_::_'_'_'_‘:_':::_'_':(x) no oi3r1,0 _ ____ ' Beans. l0l:)’-'- Der 'r>ush.. .00 00 2 .5 !Tnrnipl-5. per bush. ..O0 (:0 00 00 . _ . - _ _ lcarroai “ ..CD 00 O 00 .-lffzurs in tho .\ortlns est. :3”... -- 0 an loo . ' O ' :2 . " 0 II) 5 U0 The riuluziy now about owns the me ‘ per nouud _oo oo oo :3 - - . ‘ ‘ V . countr_\'. And this rul(ll!.l0!1H.l boniising ! §“°y°.3i,__l,'f:0‘,°,”_d_ "‘_"_‘_:___ _:_ g £ 5 go t-Lri~es entlr--ly train the imvuitous mon- , _ I _ .1 W I. .‘__ C 1. P ._ i lnhumnn cru.-Jly. Oll“ }‘ ‘- “‘“"*‘ “ U“ 3m“ mu “Cum; It is R barbaric crueltv to torture the weak
bzirglsiu. if l-raiucli r.-iilways were al- lowed out of the‘ province. there would
not hzive in.-en any u-.-c~c.~.~it_\' for 21 cent 0.‘ !'i-W grant. The rziilwi-i_s's whose Cll?il:L‘l'S. \\'r'!'r «li~liilowcd. and other
rsilwi._v.s. wl.-nl-i lzm.-c been completed ari-i runzin-_: «re this. The country Ii have been opened up. and the set-
w'iul.i have had the full reward of
\'. 11- l.-
l’. would have repress;-.l nilich ill .-lll\’i~’rl speculation in the ‘ "-e prosperity of
(if the l LA.‘ the L‘L‘xlIl)Il'_\’ on i .~om.li and lasting li:t.<i.=.
But 'l:-:- l.’x.‘.~l.lll.' is that ll}0Il'I[)~.‘l}‘ still
‘ rules, 7.1.29 lsnd szill ls ;;obblt~d up by the ttsliwfi)’ C':!1:p'-=.ri:(‘~. while the settlers
Bloclz, zuld that nince its lr:lll'.|'\'.Ll I
niu~t not onlv p l_V.l.lll’ l.-i_«_:'nc-.<: price the lsind “ill fa:-L'll.l:l1€ to ca‘. the proliucts of it to tnsrket. he must pay about e-very Cl nt profit Lllel-J is for his work-— _3r:1u'- iord l-Ixpositor.
1 hair labor in good returns from the-ir_
stomach: of l-hrrinic l1l\‘,Llldi with linrsh purga- , tivnsanli sickerixng drugs. wnen Burdock Blood 1 Bitters will regulstc the 5ZOlll&Cl1. bowels. li\'O!' .a.ud kidxicys in so as_:reea.bla 1 manner.
! . __ -- _ . .. . 5 FOUND.
l A gold charm. near the Grand V14’.-'-V. The E owner can have the 5.-‘lrne byapplyiziz :0 cm!-.r POLICE. l-- ———--— -—--— - -- -——— -- - ---- -
. Shanty for Sale.
l A Vizirm, (‘onifortablc Shanty 1 1'2 x 2'3, will be sold Cheap.
l For particulars apply
; THIS OF!-‘ICE. Wanted.
.\ .$er\‘:::: Girl. Ap;-l_r :n. 3185. 3. L SI.’-"I‘O.\'. Sixth Street.
I.\ ' 1. .‘-I.\‘i lllh. tr I-‘i’-i..\\\' Nu . -, oi-' ‘rut: Z‘-.lL!.‘Al.1l\ -1-‘ iiltlz.-. ‘inns’ .luT..i" .....Z .1 l:_.-in .' ‘L in 315.‘.-mze the
.-.:l'.LL.'-21-I,. ll)’ \\d\' U.’ .. l:«)l.':‘..~. -ll-Lu-:il.'.2x’\u it.’ ttlu u.\'u.e:itu1 cs‘-.-.«-,n:_, lo: the 1-'.l_'p my I: LL3 -iii; in tho co:is:i'..'c‘r.on Lil tile 11;‘.-1-usv.-. .‘i1.;lil1ui.-.» ll..J\l. _‘\or'.;.‘v.'-c.~te:u i..iilu.i_\. ;...=- been \l‘.ll_\ p.n.a3l,-,1 b_» the Luuncii Hi Luu .n:i.i‘.«.-.1-.l.:it_-, ul nlrr... llint '4'.'!:}Jl'.1.|l.~ -.-I the x..;. 1._._~_~m”- xx 55,; 3,. link‘ .n.i.i ul tliu iequiix-.lle.:-s Ul tin: sl&:.li.e in th.-.: l)L'l.HI.Al pr;-iinliun.r_\ to its llclu: ..u ;..._.-_..,..l l4'al\'ill'=, lJ{'|'ll i.I_:l.lj_Jila\.'l \\i..l-. u..\'._- -,,,_.._.,] ,._m. llll\.l.l.‘.A 1.” l.l.- £l1|llUl' Lllu tlli l,.; U! Lu-.1 C iullly Lulu: or nu.-.c.c .l'=. lit. L)l.~ill\‘i., “Ho 'VVLll Du ztp,-.1 in mu‘ .1. ti-i" ».'.i'.l- its 2,. _~.,.u1 ..:; -l..‘w an ik‘: inc 5:: -\".s..-lis U; .3._-.-;.._m, 15; nu.) 1..‘J. \ n.:t.ul... Lllug :.:.-- on . r Ui_'2ul‘U rue 211‘~: Ling.’ ox iIu..z.'lll-Udl‘. 3.1). loo.
l.)ul‘.o.:.1 ul ’..'.t- .\.luu.-.i;-.ui:_.‘ ul Lilrtlc the ‘."a:l\.l.l day 0: Uciubv.-I‘. .'\.l.I. ..\§l
J 1: L"uoi\', Cl-:l‘l£ .‘nnii.-ciplliiL_\‘ Birtle
s. --
UL‘! 0U .31.
units For Sale. ltoui.-u LJ'...v.-ks tor mic. ul :1.‘ pl.-i pu.1r. Apply in N. 11'. ML-(.:i{l_.l£, Uh:-run l’.0.
Supt. $5. :11 F ._ . .. 0.. .. 0 bit: H l Htrl . oi suction :l.:, tn. 7, i-go. 1.‘, west. Lldlllg 3-30 acres close to bourlsburg. Lil.-an olili.uii,,'s uuu -‘iUu.ci‘us Druliun and Iv.-:ul:e.l. A uewelui, l'L.S[JUU‘ slble party can Have arm. urublu lezisu :or it Ldrtu 0: years. Possession iuiiiic initei_~'. .-Xuoue.-s, W. lllLi(:I.'\‘.$ -5; CU. VVlu1.llpU,'..'.
aepz. 9.5. in: ‘I 5- "1 - (Joan J: ound. 1-‘Juiiu on }:‘ri.i.l,'. Lue 1'Jtu lust.. u. unrk under coat, with lcttui'siLu..i p.i.pcrs in tho pouliut. on trail Ir-.uu Bruin ijrucii LU ueloruiuu. Also is cog collur in too \:lL_\‘. Apply to ‘ .L.. Li. ’l‘li0.\ll'a‘O.\. Cui. .tn :i-.. o: l’u.(.. Ave.
bop L ‘:15, ‘.31
Lost or Stolen.
A Cronin l’un_\ -—wl...e u..l..iu niid tliil; tail cut squiuw.-. ru:L- Ul:J.LlL‘— cut. ..l.,,,'c about curse yed.i's.
5 suppos. -. Lu nu... slr.._vu.l o.l.'.-. lo l.u.LlzLu ite- serve. . lnller will uuiige I.) "’.).ul.lll.luli.'l.lI.lug with.
(31.0. l~‘l'..‘-.ni-.21. U1 l.‘~LG:x> .. .....)S.. .D1'u.u'..lD!J.
Purse Lost-.
Lost in the ul\.)', On the -.’.'itli septeixiber, A red loestucf purse cu.i'm.u;u,,' +5.; in c...sll. uuu ciiocque. la couple or lru.l.-uh Ul iu.:., -I..lJ other \'4lu.i.olo papers. lino un.er wil. ueiiherullv rownrdal oy leaving it ut me h'ali_v House.
Oct. :13: sin-.Llici-ne, }’.0.
NEW 831'‘! BAKER Y.
has commence: the linking lsusicusa in Mr. .i.'lcl1.lo'5 ol-1 scan-i, iirunuon.
Till’. l£l~Js'I‘ SA'l'lSl-‘AC.'l‘l0.\'. 15 losses for $1 4 lo.i.ves {o r 30 cents.
Excellent quality buns, mikes. etc, at owes: prices
1*‘.-lll.‘llli ll)“ UNION.
.-krrangunenrs are now coiiiplote:‘i’,{or1tho3
in connection with the Union.
and agencies 1157..-l.'0llSll8 l at once for _ the con- veniencv of th-- V'rl.l'l0.l: brim»-lies of the L-nloxi at as :num' points as possilllc. A. l~‘LE2a1lZ~'L-'. President.
gJAl!lESiiS. GIBSON Li\'vry. Slain ét Feed Stzihle.
Uxen. Wagons, Sleighs,
Buggies. Cutters. &.c.
(i_\' 61'}! .\"l‘Pl-Z}-‘.T.
l'l:l.\'l.'l~Z.\‘:~‘. .-\\'l:‘.
F1-'ICZ-I-—-Dv_:r:L-an I r -=. C‘n::i-2': }’.oa.-er \'.'a .-'1
.-fine: i'» -u.:'
STABLI-‘. -‘~'l'3-‘xP-
- r-19.3 'l”rliv<=llc-rs
Lf SK‘t’\?‘.1l‘r.il-‘
- . l.‘.|ii
::l:v.L _\.u.i ll .LlIs\\'ur or
}-.:.~::.i.:: . - (..-.5 .31»-.i\'eurda;r ~ ....»_v .-I-'....:l .t.. u. .ur Lo “.39 Ln. -._.-....~l_.ml ‘ '\.'our!.xnay
per Lrlu llrunlion.
\'l .:7'unr .i:. {nu .\l.~l.- ll I--w lm;i_~_.
- .1‘!-il .. ..l'i' . ill
1. \'-. .3 l..iL'
BRONZE TU}-".‘K'a?.YS.
:ul-l i. 1-4: 1-u u.:..llc-ll to on
'. ‘iv. 4-. n|.\2_|
1’“‘-”L‘ 51'‘ l'L‘-- l'n-I‘. .'\~- - \!.-L . l..l:‘:.'u fur pill-k -- U ‘*2 ‘ '--2.4. .~:. . \u'J will not l'.Cul\’(l an lug and s...;-..._.'. U: .l;.~ i'|\ g,_,_,, in _~l.;l.[, Iu.-1..-I l.--Ll 1- u: u.l-lutllie ivi'uc.-l.-.nlii:s in
lltteziuezl to, l-un.~.-
l'lZ!CL"i ll. .\.l.l..\'» ‘.3.
lluluitu unlit‘. .\lnu,
l=l.\.\'l;ll.\llli .~:- A!l;l.0L2K l’.--...i.'1!.\' F -lil:i!l>ri.2
L -C _ H 2‘ 5 _"' . *1 ""2 "'5. _ - "-‘ll-“‘,§“,‘,-" ‘-7 -:3; ‘ax THE ilfillilllil llliil ll'l- to: mill} la . lLIMITElDl-
'1‘ O b‘Ai{_lVIEl%
The Conipluiy has for sale on elisy terms of pl=.ynient. F ARHIN G AND GRAZING in the Province of .\l.im-.uii.i. .t:ill in :ii-; N'ortliw-..-.-it l'e.'rltories of C.i:i.'id
lire oli'.;i'ed HI block of from ltil) to 640 zicr-.-s e.ich,
Without Cultivation or Settlement Conditions.
Sc.-111.113 tf
Those land:
'1‘I-11:3 I .A1V
were selected after czu'el'ul ex_uiiiu.itioli bv c miper.-.ili':. pl‘-ifes-sio.i ll min. Tlld bulk of tho lJ.1lLl is in -.-loscly-suutlod districts, and near the Ill-.i.lll line of the
Inforlnation and maps showing the position of the Lzimls for s.LlU can he obtained at tho
Head Office in Canada, 18L, MAIN S'l‘Rl:ZE'[‘, \-Vl;\"Nll’L*lG, i\I.—\.\’l'l‘OBA, OK ON .-'\l’l’l.l(_.'A'l'l().\' TO
H. J. Skynner, Agent, W. B. .50.-\l{'l.‘H, .\Iu.nliging Director. Brandon, October 16, ISS4.
Manufacturers of, and Dealers in,
Of the best quality, have opend out Near 6th Street, north side Rosser Avenue.
An inspection invited an-:1 custom solicited.
Asniii BROS,
____ ._ ._ -1 ____._-__ __ _.—..3z'
I M M E N S E A R. ll I ‘v'. A L .8‘ OF F U ll. GOODS.
CAPS of over)‘ kind. ' . _ Ladies’ Astrachzin jackets in special makes and finish, very Cheap.
Buffalo Coats, Coon Coats, ctc., and a very large assort—
merit of FUR GOODS, \V'U0lCnS, €10-
......... ........ _.-...-_. ...._.
l l '2 --idI>C§3-