[ IBIS BPtA.}IDOK S11‘? .
,,___._,_.._......._....__ ......_...... ...._. ..-...._. .........__........ . .-......_
BKASIXJF MAS. ('.9(.',"l‘. ‘Z, l\'.~4
Tar. manned the coal battle. and acute tosell at $14 per ton.
DL'I4ISG ye-s.i.erclay’.-g wind :-tonal. some ezciv..u.:¢-or was a.d.zi‘es.i to its interest by the running av. 3}" 0! two or three horses. on Bony.-r Ave. No injury was caused-
Dcaiso the heavy wiii-ti on rfundsy night the Telephone wire connecting vnth shield‘: saw mill bit.-'-5' do‘-'~'u actor-. Pacific A’-‘cnue.
Cam. in Chicago, at one nine laat
3\‘or=..h-We.-=1 Fuel L‘-u. lisve G311.‘-
“ c:'.::-
week, was-. as ii.-;,li Ev: eighty cent: per _
bushel. While when: mi.-. quoted at 7.’: CCDT.-':-.
T51‘. lirandon liiile '~‘-‘ill wind up the sea-yon‘.-a prugrzimzuc by :i grand Turl-;ey shoot. on béitutillsf after- noon next. The day is sure to be flim- nuri excellent sport will be the !‘€::lllL.
on Ixlondny evening.tiie ‘_"91.lJ. oi Supt. quite in heavy rain set in. Dunng high; it c¢3.~;(;<l. and ii ll'U.-sI——‘LlJ-_: tits: of
nay account we have lind lllls sc»..~oii.——- (0110,,-ed, some grain svm ll1jllE(‘\l by it butit wa.sn.|ost.ly on low ._. ing or heavy‘ ground. and very 15.1» at that.
As a fsnner named J. Hu.—.—;+.-ii. '-‘-1.-0 re:-sides near (J‘.i.::r_-I. Was Cl-'WU-15: 1101135‘ :1. load of lumber on Saturday 6.-'-‘x.'mu:_.', his horses shied, and TZLLI bgrtlllai :1 tele- graph post, near Mr. .-1 rtlillr -5 I Ht-'~‘-‘l-’l-1
was thrown oil the loud, and nubtzsldcil .
in severe fracture oi the leg. He ‘Wu-.
brougglzt into town and attended to and i
is now doing well. Y:-;s'rP.ui»Ai' afternoon a foot tutu 101'
$100 11 side, distuiicu 7.3 yard.-=. took-
place on the rzice course. ‘D?-‘T-"(if-‘U McLean, of Brandon, and Cameron, of Winnipeg. The event caused quite ts sensation amongst the :‘p(..-1‘L> of the city, and it good number ;:..- ambled to see the spin, which was won lJ)' Cl“-l—‘°' Ion, alter a close and exciting nice.
05 Tuesday last, the parties having Dr. L\1e«,.;gctt's Montana in llaLl]tl,ll':l(.l him in front of the lloyul practising him with 8. saddle. The .\lontai..i objected most strongly and it was only the mat- ter of ll few minutes till it held the sad- dle 013 its back, freed itsell ii-om its trainers, and started oil on its own ac- count.
Tun-tic on the C. P. R. is now very brisk, large quantities of wheat being continually shipped to til“ east»; as much as twenty-four car loads having been despatched in a. single day from Brandon alone; and in addition two heavy trains of cattle have arrived from the west, each cont-aimng several hundred head of cattle, and four more
_ trains are to zollcw.
Yxsrnnnu the Farmers‘ Union com- polled by the dilatory conduct of the Government, in appointing an inspec- tor, completed arrangements with Mr. J. N. Peer, of Toronto. to hold the position of General Superintendent. Mr. Pccl."S intimate knowledge of the pain trails will serve him in good pur- pose. He will superiutend the entire grain irmie of the Union. And the grades will st:-.nd Nos. 1 an} 2 Manitoba. hard. 'l"noy have also made arrange- Ilants wiah Messrs. W. 5. Howlfilld & Go. to ooiiduct all liuanciery connected with the trade. Circulars will be is- sued in .1 few days giving full partic- hrs.
On Saturday morning a carpenter l'£3111L‘.\l John-zton Smith appeared before Iolice ilagistrstc Fortier, charged with nilliciuiisly injuring property belonging to l\1r..J:-.2-. .-\. John.-ton. It appeared tint. Smith had been trespassing on a house nl fxlr. Johnston's. and q'ecte<l took the first opportunity or‘ tearing; the house down. and removing n—,_ VH1-Jxi Mr. Johnston appeared and 0I1dt3.‘<l1‘Ol'L‘\l to prevent it, Smith becauie troulilcsrimti and threatened violence. The v vid-.-ncc as to the commimion of the oficnco bull.)-=; clear the magistrate oouimitiui tlm ofiender to stand his trial :1; the F.i1': lL4alZG:l. Clifiord Siftou for prcsecntic-n. '1‘. N1. Duly for defendant.
Ous l'«.‘l3;\V‘ citizen, Mr. W. A. McDon- ald. bi-it-.;: about to leave for a short time, in -:1--ier in take unto himself a wife, his ll1Jl‘llc;.”'.l~' ‘uastchelor friends do- gggminui Lu gin .~'. farewell supper in token of their .'.p;-re-.-iatiou oihis go.-natal qualities ; the er-_-at came all’ cu Tues- da__:,- g‘;\'cnir.;i;: s :: ‘‘Gl’iul(l Vi»;-xx Hotel" when :1 goodly 2-u:~.:’.w-'_-r sat .l:m-.1 to an recherche lffllf-.i‘\'. .~.’l'\'0(l up in Most Boi:-'--c.:'m':-' “ell 'ss:o'.vn .~t_vie. .\l*i.}'Or Dslv L\€(‘(‘.§~l8d EEC Clinir, and was ably supported by Mr. ‘F. W. Peters of the C. I’. B. On the rc;*.;ovs.l of the cloth. several new a-pcecl:-.-s :23.-ic. and
' u L -..u
‘TC fr:
‘ <1 i'clls:-- .~ ‘ luv sand‘ tons: s;:.'. s-:::ti- 2,, _ . ‘mum. .~'; I f: pleasant avet:i::.¢_, “-"}u~ ' I 1 .. .. ‘.._..'..,. ,..._
1-1:1"? -"-
wiicu ;
— ‘g? 33-. ' --.-_ { !.’2CvZ:'!l .*:lll.'i:‘.r'-, -'.: .-.". 2.-. :- :3 ..:;: _ ‘ Wl*I:«*: 7. ZS-.i::‘.ru.4=.'_ 1.-:;1:; --.=:< zi-_-ed of E SELE "0 r‘.1:fiT in -\!:i:"::: mi-.. 11.»; 51': P0“: Z-i~'-xifv. and .-.;.;s :.II.~:l?L*.l' he 5:-i.id~ R A l “L Shan‘y for Sale‘
i3=:.:-.:‘.iZ' T 3"
'1': i.'i_'4'C. IL '. Ill'.r“3lZ: -‘-‘F Ir’) 'nv:—‘ --.12 ll'l~ averaarcti. :5-ust
' :2.-izcl-= of ca‘ ' 22;’ bu-h-;-‘:~ p . l)avr_- bezter -.--...
-.4 _,.
l '2 -:i tl‘.=.:i 325' he
-~-‘.''- ~ l.i
ii ‘-;;.f_ in 1,._)‘:«. -—; . ".l‘.\-. K
:,~-15.1.-i ::§;.war(:- 'i- lEl~ \\'llx':3T. was
'. .-_
. horizo-;-.i of -"‘~*- ‘-11- sown in 1'
mi in :it::e-. .«. - . ~- ,- 24- :1-.-avg." as any {has _—‘v.-en. if ..: _.--_i» 2- 55.2.2 to l-e an Q3-_c._-11»;-1;: HI.. 4;: '..l;‘.'.‘___ CL-l'..’llli farm‘;-_;g 1»; g. i» 4'. :: \-.i‘;i i.»-2 .-.::i-.ir: 1 19 pay by )1: ‘Hi’. ‘ll.
~-_r-. .3: (_Xi1“\'Ji\1u‘.‘:>‘1-‘-I
311:. L’. W. .~
.1 .,-
;};_-; Ci:-; ;_ ,‘._--- »-.'-- ~iz;u-.'.inz1 in coii'-'L—r- sailor: with l=.z_-: v.-L l-_‘i:l'll‘:£l tiiu: the
c:-.pe.cii_\‘ uf 2.‘-U.KJU bu~.li£.-l.~; is ji. He
has been on '.;-.p- 1.-:~r:l.~ and south in the
elev.ilOr. wli.
‘;l;n‘,[:, r.~oiupl«.-to-Ci.
COIl:l(ICI'B.l)l£,‘ -'-cc..-.--. 31:‘. J. H.
quality wlienz. U1; l.|a..'lS-:u._'i.'.l!.l',1. llzirmuv will 1552' l-Ilrhels acre. The li=.r<_u:r portion of the grain in this locality 1- l‘.‘C;_:.l'l.cll 10 pa.-.- Llll.‘0Llg_'_l‘. the Ciriswold 4 Zr.-vu‘. r. la the north. in the Oak luv li;_;11t 3 (lariizige to l.".'. : -.2:
. Hi.‘ K"-U1-(|I'i.\' 5
1‘. I‘ v'.'l
S[,)C‘E‘.li~‘ with ::.1: 3. L") .11-no
cc.-*-. in tin: cit-xa:-Jr .1’. ‘lllikl’. point.
.: .__.:- o...
-—-.\i:‘-. \‘-.'.-.l -iu.-_:»ni lL‘I.l.ll'l.l(:il0l.l 'l'ue.~.- E (lav lx-rm ll-.1‘ tn : 1-: 'l uruntu. . - l -—(‘.-.;»:. ‘\\'.-I-in-. :‘L’..llI‘lll:(l froiii Winni- on Slitui-«i.-i_v l:.-.211.
———.\Ir. J. C. -,lMllJC.\nl . proprietor of the Belleville llli'.'lll§;Ul'\::.‘l‘. -ind son-in-law of lien. .\lH.L'i{r.‘llZlu Bow-.a.ll. has been spending: u. for»: uiys in the city. He returuezl :1 few ll-.._v.~: since.
—-Mr. und )1 rs \\';u'- en H-ainan returned _ve.st:_-rrlziy from their trip to Whitby, Ont. They enjoyed excellent j health while z«L\\'u.}‘..'Lu(l rotur .ed gre-itly recupe-ruled.
THE “TIE.-1'1‘ Ill.-\l‘{I&E'l‘. .1 Weeks Opera tions—0vcr 39.000 ' Bush;-ls Marketed.
The past week has been an unprece- dented one in the grain market of this city. The street 2- have been daily lined with ‘teams lomled with grain. The competition has been spirited, and the prices very fair, there being four buyers on the market-.
With the exception of Mr. Arkell, Ogilvies buyer. who says the sample has been only fziir, ‘the buyers say it is good. Since Werlnesday of last week, over 39,000 bushels have been purchased at an average price of 65 cts. per bus- hel. The following will give the quant- ity purchased by each buyer. and when it is considered that this has principally been from farmers in the neighlierhcod, it will be conceded that the amount is
very large, average 6500 bushels a d Ly. Bcsu. Price. Ogilvie 6.: co. 17.000 62¢. 1 arrish 6: Co. 13.000 62 to 65 Alexander. Kelly .55 Co. 1.000 55 Selby elevator 2.000 85 37.000
Parish 65 Co. have purchased 3000
bushels of cuts from 30 to 35 cts. _,_..
Mr. John Campbell lost a. valuable mare on the morning of 22nd inst. It appears he was assisting in removing the engine, belonging to Mr. Crensteins threshing machine, from his place to Mr. Cari-ol’s, a. short distance away. and had arrived at the 1a.tt-er's place, when the horse fell down, and in a. few min- utes expired. The cause of his death fs unknown.
Quite a number of farmers have thrashed part of their grain in this neighborhood. and their wheat averages from twenty-five to thirty-one bushels per acre. Scarcely any cats or barley has yet been thrashed. and their yield per acre has not yet been correctly a.s- certained.
Since the 16th inst. the weather thus far has continued line. and farmers generally commenced to draw in grain on the 19th ii2si.. though quite a num- ber commenoed the day on the 18th inst.. but the grain was by no means too dry. Wheat sprouted in the stand- ing shock. and farmers were becoming anxious about the result. but the wel- «- -me breezes dried the grain, thus dis- ux sting all their fears. But the weather continues threatening at present. and the probabilities are that more rain is close at hand.
Mr. Crenstein has been threshing, the last two weeks. for s..:ne of the farmers in this district, wiil: ins Sl.E'8.1!1 thresher He rushes bC|SlDC.~~l. does good work. and the fnrmers ill‘-1 well satisfied with the results.
Quite a number the female resi 813155 0! the nP.l0lil‘+O‘. :':r)o(]_ and 3150 frgm engaged of late
and other song the banks of
E 2
«.:-..--:-.--i ll) time. ‘l.l2l'£:>l.-_
-wit!-in n r::'.ii':-. - .-.
otncr, one (in; E: - L -5. ‘ll-'.: lean-'~ :«.:- .~‘. tzir"-ii.-5 _-.'- '. .\v ‘ and dropg;-.._~-f: ' r- u»_-:-. tlizzs r-_-1:. 5:} ing LL-. aim: ~:r.-I.. :. -.c:uii-ii n..r.s .-n-
. ”-.- '--Ull (sh liifllll ‘ -‘.:ib7e~ :.::-i other
v.he.+z '-xiii‘
-Ll: V
_ pm‘: 3:: the m_-:-'h- I H .
. to make such an assa.-rtiou. e.dva.nced the price because cord was scarce, j ' nor. in fact. lla\‘c.‘ we done :0 at all: and we '
pzenie 1.: It-v.‘ vu t:i'rI.-_ i.iti:.;: ll-l:-.s:.. F.ir:-.;-.r.~ ; rey-:::-u _v..u: d ‘r-lling l:ou.~-:_-.~. t.=:i:l:ni"icif:i5:.s1:~<-r-T:--r. t 1 :4: an f-;:u.llll'.'~- for ‘-.h-.- zzts-‘. :~.ppr-.-sch- in-F; \\‘ii::«. r.
_~’r'.\'i‘!.1I. "
by \'-‘i1;-’.-L: ;-'
Psi: ;’.:..=--is-_'~' 5-cs‘
‘~\“c llotl-Eu, in last \£‘I.‘c:'r:.:
i.\~:v.-. 3:: urti«:l«.- from Cratmgus, arm-usiii; iri:_r-lz-merit -3- .-.l.-:'.~ of uuiit of GUI-L'I'pK‘l:L. 3.il\l '-
' ordinary fc-rt-.-ig‘.::. ind of tukin,-_: udx-aziulge . “ of fzirim-r-. i-_\' r.xis:i:;__j the price oi twin-. t --
«loul-lc its value.
It cviii-.-nt he has not ln.-c.-H u.<i:1'_' :1
Brzuizford Binder. or he \\'fJll.l(l have in: ,-,,u_;.- .
“W: lm.‘-‘x: not
know our u:n:u-rnu- x'n‘.r--nu‘ will bum‘ ‘us out in .<:1vin_'. Lb-:\' l|.\\_' l-«:1 .1‘-le. :1: .u.\'
. time llllX‘lll_'_' the sezisnn, :4. 5.3: ¢;n()u,__:h :\\-iue
to tlsef , - take at lc.-..~‘t :l half ll‘.ul'c card that
’ learn the :':iv_-'..~, zuui
to keep T..l:ll‘lHlLt_'l1l!IL":: running, and at the
. . _ . - ' san '- uric: .i-' if urc'r‘:i '-d L"ll'l\' in :‘:*. .'u-n- )uLcrQS[-~_, 01 z; -- (_ Ol‘.:]_).-ill_\'. and reports, . mm_"‘ 1 ‘ P ‘ “ ‘ - “ ‘ ‘ 'rla.rt- ;
. me‘. 135,; pr; -,. ..,,,.m.l- ..f um _\c;u,ri,, f six vezirs. nu-E have n-.-mi‘ yo.-t failed to keep . _v "' ' ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ' ' -
will have a't_~o-at lzsouu bu-nels of aura -
Yin liavc :-‘old bimit-rs in this country for
ti‘:-in SU‘f\[‘il(‘ll with i-1*‘-‘.iu_-__: material.
So inu«:ii for v.-uti-r;-rt.-L-. Regaruliiig want of :7-ix-sigltr, \v-- think tllatnnt .-v:-:i(‘r:1t«i- gus foresru\' that 1311- ‘pr-_-.~c::t crop Wrvul-l J:-2 .~::inc
If "!i:oui_vciis" \\‘i.—l‘:->= .-t.-in-ineut.~.. he _~‘::oul-i «--n-lcmn those --nlv to
flCl‘('€“.gL‘ lust \’~'."l'. E0 Eiillivs
' whom his remrirks 2i!‘l' :1:-3-licailnlc.
.\lr. Spc-ers‘ nee oi the suC- '
'A. ll ‘xi-!lll." SON X ("(3. Brandon. Sept. 2:0-ix. l\S4.
NORTII FIEIJ) §('!E{|0li.
The following marks wcr--olit:iixic<l by the
pupils of .\'ortliIieI«l .\'clm-.i for :‘m- nu;-utli of.
Sept, l.’\‘.-‘.4. .\lzi\'imuu- -l2('.
CI.\~'~ \'.—-llzinnzilx .\'lr1--ni_\.' ill). CLASS l\'.——llt-it ln_vr:un 401). .\loonc_v 402, Artie l:othw- ll -‘.00, Nuisuiitli 290. Cl.A:«'.< Ill.-—.Tos. l’. th--ll .-\u«_:u.~' ~40-l». l"r:m- l‘-ur: -.-tr ilsfl. CL.-\ss ll ii-wm .- 45".’. T. l{ci1i1<~d_v3Ofi, .—\. Burnett 30“. l“iH.<'r (‘,L.us ll. l*'lEl(' lllgl‘alll Mznncla .-\.ugn.s -W0. l-‘znmio ll:i_vmou<l Ht-0r_r__:c lngrzun .'l\‘O, S. l).'i_vinrm«l?T-1. F. A ..\'\‘llL'l.'I'\’.
.1,(‘i4 , 39:5 .
)In.i.roi:n, Sept. 30 , 18*‘-1.
——-—————-Q -39 cm.-
The “'ay by which a -Fortune was '
Robert Bom~.r_-r. in.-.p.iL" r of the .\'c-w
York [.511 tr. on one ncc-ision went to .§'
the New York I1erala' with a six line ad- vertisement which he wishel inserted once in each column of one of the ad- vertising pages, the rest of the column and page to be blank. The clerk. taxing the lidvertisernent. re"erred it to the publisher, to whom Mr. Bonner said: “Can't I h-urn :1 page to myself?" “Certainly you can.“ was the reply. " Can't I lmve two? " Bonner asked. “Ycs." “Can I have four?” "I guess so." “How about There was some mechanical difliculty. Bonner had to content himself with his six line advertisement insterted twenty- four times. at a. cost for the single da._v’s publication of about 32.000. But he
always claimed to have “ bluffed " the- The apparent absurdity of = repeating the same little announcement ‘
in twent-y«f0ur colnmu:~: caused his min- ister to remonstritc with Bonner on his extravagance. " Why do you adopt such business metliorls ? " be was asked. " Solely to make you and others notice them," was his sagacious .eply. Such methods were the basis of the splendid fortune which enables him to own Dex ter. .R8.).'[lS. Maud S.. and to house them like princes in a. palatial stable.
How is the president of the United States elected? is a. common question these days. he is supposed to be chosen by an electorial college, compris- ed of electoral delegates returned by every state in the Union. Each state chooses a number of electors equal to its total representatioh of senators and congressmen. This scheme gives the smaller states :1 slightly disproportion-
ate intlueuceiiiasmucli as under the fod- .
ernl system no state whether large or small has more than two Senators. .'.l.DIl. the members of the Lower House are chosen onthe busis§of population.
ticket in every state, comprising men
who will vote for El. certain candi;late..
It is within the power of any voter to ‘‘scratch'‘ the name of one or more members of a ticket, and even substi- tute those of electors who prefer an op- posing ca.ndi:late. The votes are count- ed as given to individual electors an-;'l not to tickets. and therefore it is possi- ble, though it seldom occurs. that the vote of a. state may be divided between one or more candidates. The electoral college having been chosen. the electors meet by states. and ballot on the candi- dates, who must be native born citizens of fourteen years residence in the coun- try and not less than thirtyfive years of age. Every candidate must command a clear majority 01 9.11 the votes cast. and thus if St. John carries Kansas. Butler. Massachusetts or even New York, no candidate is likely to command this clear majority. The House of Re- presentatives will then choose one of the three candidates commanding the most votes in the college. and as the Congress is likely to be Democratic, the chances are against Blaine and not Cleveland. though Butler still hugs the fiction that he will be the Conm-aqaion
choice. The Sent .on of Vice-President in : ' ~houl ’ the college hill to: . - .‘.o.‘ce.
x ':v-: 1‘r‘«llowc.i EL. .1‘
.\'ellic- -
-106. Tliomn:-: 5
eight 7 ”=
Each, political party nominates at electoral‘
:1-*: no '.':'.t- 1 . . .‘.a\ Iain. l: .‘{‘u"l‘ s . .‘ 2: 1.. «.2 any xzlic j ' L 1' :‘Ia’.2U:.' to pro.
2: :n:*.:~-- .- l!_“l.‘-‘ Ix .2-..: 1.
!t.*. .-.__-. I-.5-L:..‘_ 3-,_-1.27:-. ~1.¢;~_}; _.;_ [119 :_v3-=5“ ;cr:J-.-._u-.- 2:: ..t',-. zimiiuc ii: nice-tim:~ 1‘_l.':;:l('.l3-i in .pprn:..s:7.:=.-ti to lllz‘ Li:.-vc:'n- ;'J.‘L‘llI. l--.z::= l-_n;:iL~h p.'i3\crs give the - — l I u‘ o‘ ’ ' .r.-.\pi.s1.‘.1.lm.. 011;‘ L . .’.nL.~i Ll.lLL'hlIl£{.\ xx :15 'c'1lir-_Lll.=\'Jl’-TL“'ll:~v:Ll£ullT.. in vrhicli ah. ; ‘£)L‘£‘.l'L\l :.l:r.:.~-- um-.~' :
‘ l’ l L‘ X i C.
“T!!! ‘rial-: '.-‘«.JLl.u'\\‘i.\G .&TTR.\CTlc:.\’S:-—
l)zan'.'in-_: ‘
1'; 'lli'.".‘!2 .3..\‘.‘*. DES !
Firexvoxks . E I
3 Hi the Giounds.
.\'.-. . \\‘
-‘- ::~; u «.‘11'.;-.l:.1‘ 1 lr- in
’l.- X l .i\(‘
E.\:2ix..\' ii.-. \'. :'1‘ll(‘;lli'... 'i"ui:'. z'.-.:--; s Vain .1‘, 1);-‘til-lit...
ll:vl‘>L.~ lrl.'. I! :‘»v:
"c-t'.»\‘n_-:1-C: t'zi=:«:-u 1:iu_-.1 -~!t!u.-‘n.1l-
.un(:v: I.-r tl;:- Iiiu-\'=-.~.
In)‘-l-' .‘~'. 5- l".. 'Jl.- '\'0~l«‘l'nl:-.\'~'.' :u».--. :I:.;: - 7 :i.-- \‘. l'Su'.Cl'Zl l'\'-lr' in 1lCC'0l'klIlllL‘c «\x:l: l‘l'c\'lL;i.- -_J._.;i,-e, the
rnlloxxing rc.~ol::=.i(-n was lllEl‘H(lllC“I.l by
'l'luit the -.-.in_~_' be mlclml [U the rules iof lllv.‘ \\-cfn'.v.‘l£- l"lLlI' :t:~«.~oCl2iIl()lJ.
inn WlL'.'. b~.z,r. -n:i'i.:uoi1.- llI.]ll(Jl\‘. -_-i‘ in- ? tm;ic:itiii-,: dri-.il..~ of aux‘ kinil xvii:-itover 3 .=1x:4ll be z-.iiow-V-:1 to be :<«'_:l'.l on Elm ;:i'uun.l ' Lllnl. Lllu.-‘ no 1;-.-r.-nu s\ be llil.- piirchmseii or [nay lit-11-~iftei' p1ll'Clltl~L‘ :: l)O-’_)’Lll. u
',\I.dll\l. or 0Ll:cr plzice in: tin---‘.a.le of re- '-
. fix-.~i nu-cts or for an‘; utiioi‘ rs-Slim‘ pur- -}-o~c '\\ h:-.tc-vcr. slmll he iiiimvo-l or [):'l‘-
;!lil[[t!l titer-.-iz. iu ~t-ll :lll‘\' llzinvxlcatllig
-"Flt The l‘L:.~ulll(lC-'.: v.':_s unani- llIUll>l_\' B(1.i1)Lg:gi_ Ji my Ctirrcl. lit-ll l)O‘.' in the Grl::,‘.’.
. ll-oi: -.
1”‘-ill:-u 213.;-.). frozn lt'i.ll'.‘l‘u'L‘ at 'miiu_-_: .1: u..c the pi. '.'iuu<
’I‘.i.'1n.-in lll: life.
". IK
l)'llll\'l‘l‘._‘ in ‘\‘.'c.—.tei-u '.)nt.u-ia.. has had to -u.-_2u nd_ \\'ll.ll li.'.‘:»iii:ie~; zit S-1‘J,0Ll0‘J some say l‘. million.
Flour per 100 pounds.................... Slit-rts‘ Win.-at per bush.. Unis do
-, ...u0 , i'.:-rlc_v do 00 OC ; In-«.-i‘. roast, {:7 pound . on 00 9 " do ........... .. ..00 1:- ; Bear‘. live weight, per 100 lbs. .. -1 50 € Pork. live wci-.'.lit ............... .. -1 U0 3 (‘hop ...UD 16 3- 1-‘armors per 100 lhs....... 750 ‘ Mutton, ma.-I. per pound . ...u0 00 “ leg do ..-.5 -30 " chop do . ...00 -20 ' per 100 lbs ............ .. 16 U0 I-lain, per pound ..0o 20 Bacon do 00 16 Lard do 00 00
Lard, per pull Sausage, per pound Bulogznn sau’ge do
Shanks do Liver do Kidney do Heart do Tongue do Chopped suet do
Prairie Chickens, per pair ..
stssgéégtélé 8888888888388888%%588888558
\\‘ild Dorks, per pa.ir..... ...... .. : Butter per pounu .... ..
Elms, pe.-rdoz . . . .. .
l~‘isb.Lk Wpg white flsh.smoked.00 "‘ “ salt. 00 “ Trout. salt ......................... ..00 " Pickerll ..00
Potatoes, per hush.. 3 Beans, pcr- uurt._.
f Beans, ionir, per oush ......... .. s'l‘urnlps, per bush. . . .. . .
Carrots " .... .. ' Beets “ ..
I Onions, i " per nouiid ; \\ cod, per loud ..... .. Hay, per ton .... .__.___¢_._m For: lxzi-gains in hsrdwue :.''> :01’. Molbenii. Rosser Avenue.
;;2.;sss2s acam~o8m8o8888888888888888A8885888m8mm8888¢ G sssssssusssssassssseesawsssszsesusssssaauesau
See those new Dress Goods 2: ,-..:2n color-sand checks. Velveteeus and Satin .2-tripes. the admi- ration and wonder of all who have seen them. at JERRY ROl5l.\TSON :1: CO5.
Gmzur cloumnce sale of hardware M: R. Ho- Lean'a. Roster Avenue
A large stock of sugar just at band. 11 pounds gronulziterl su a.r for one dollar: 14 pounds light yellow sugsr or one dollar.
Sovmzns «S: Jomuvrow.
Lost or Stolen.
.1 Cronin 1"ony-—-white mane and tail ; tail cut square. also mane cut: one about three years. Supposed to have strayed back to Indian Ile-
iseryc. Finder will oblige by communicating I W 2 . I I GEO. FRASER, of FRASER BROS.. Brandon.
Purse Lost.
Lost in thc city. on the -25th Se itember. is red ';ee.tbei' purse conminini; $5111 cas . one chocquc. acoupie of freight orders. and other valuable ipapers. The finder will belihcrallv rewarded . by leaving it 5! the Kelly House.
Hl=_‘.\‘l’.Y JACKSON.
Strstherno. P.O.
Horse Lost.
4 From Brandon. on Tuesday. the 30th Sopt.. 3 blue roan Montana. ponv. \Vhcn last seen it was going south. and had a bridle on.a.rid are e halter attached. plates on its fora feet. an a monoqrani brand. 'J.P.' on hip. Any news of l him will be gratefully received and rewarded.
Oct. 9 1!: Royal Hotel.
At a low rate of interest. Mortgages and Debentures purchased. Apply to CAMPBELL, HARKNI-:55. O CO..
Agents for the Canada Permanent Loan sud Savings Comasnv. Omce. Corner Bib Street grid Pacific Avenue. Brandon. Oct. 2 15
Oct. 23:
lurks. Co yi-lab tor the Unite‘ Staten. £1-aaicefaei-many. Luna Boot sbouz Pntaau sent tree. '1'hli-t -oevun an'expe.-lance. ntsobulnod th-on: MUXTN 3 G0. are nouoed in the Sana-rrrc Aunxux. the but. ma " W62. widel clrculntcd Idmtlfia . Eu yax, Iendld can! of in “.3 ‘ . ' ‘ on. own! en mar- ‘ son: tree. Add:-cu HUN! O0. Bcxnrrcnc
"-zxcax Ofloi. 3:: krona:-I1. In York.
in '
wliicli hour :
Mr. \‘\'-.it.~on .s-.-«mnllul by Mr. Veiining :— ‘
.. ‘ '1 amt:
Sun-lcn Out. 'C‘Ull1lllll»Zx :l-uicidc ‘
1,-vi-mn;_;——tl:ie first -
Air. l;‘2'.\\'COCi. mm: of the l:Ll',-,§L‘St private '
S5 .-cczion za. :1.-. 7. me, 2.‘ -_~.-_: :_;- urua tzc.‘-1'20 Sourtubv.-.:.: at-ac T:-I l'J:'03.v:l and ten t;'::vle- part} can i.s.Ie 3. :5 oz yacht. l‘0€~m"S.llCD ii:
. xvo-:.;. '- x-:1.
\ g \-
. J’.-ii--.u. 1'L)Illf0l‘|.1bIe shanty 1:‘. x 22. will be sold Cheap. For particulars apply
‘I'll [5 OFFICE.
I :l ~=~.-u
". . .11‘-
:5»... '. l-ii:-i‘-.l.\‘.~ .2 Cu “innipzu.
non sA§L‘E;
.8:-y-:. ‘.13. ill.
...._. _....... ...............—.......__._ .. ....——.—....-—
"** d 1- . .. . Coat) -..’ 01111 . :6-:: ‘u-.=1:_\ 1.9.1.-c of s ::ou.l uavzug Hotel for F ~~.':i 5;." i :--.'_v r:~.\.~v.\tis for 501 inn. -urn: UL: E-‘i'nir:_\‘. the .11. . ..:.. :. .i..' 2. r:..v.-_=T ' - . . -, - "‘1:L'!!ol‘\.\llnl \ _--_»:-s 1. ‘.i..l" . -. ;..-z. on 'lm“" “‘ ""5 0mm‘ 1 - q ‘ - 1 L ‘L12 Lives .i- E1:.«\i'.-.. . _\l.~u .i - we Ducks For Sale. -\l*l‘5.\" ' - 1... L1. 'I‘z{u_‘.;}'59_\‘_ Rxtllcll Dziclz-' icr 5.‘Llt‘. at £3 per PEHT.
b('}‘ L ".5. ‘:1
.\ppl_\' to N. H. M.‘..’t‘KLl<}. 01-on-n P.0.
L 4 Tu: >2. 1: l'.i-:. .\-». PIGS FOR SALE. Tl::r:_-.' _\0l£‘.Z~=; p;;_._ .\i-1-ly :1!
5x151. 3...‘ {I
_\ i\t'l'U2l1L2t‘ll§. Sltlllliiflll for is I‘x‘.\[Mct.\ble girl. .\ppl_v at
Sl‘.\' Ol-‘l~'lL"l-3. lfirnndon.
==~p:. in '5: L0 ST .
‘-’“_‘\3°3-1-=‘.\. .11:-_’nsi -.6‘... fro:-.i om-. it-. rp L‘. 1'=-"-'- 10- 1lvL.v.Lii. u p.-.21" vi xl:u":. urm\:: \:ul_>i'L-in-ii k1(‘lxl.lll‘_'~_ izsznc: 1'...“-_
I V \-““.‘f"-U s’-*1!-1.4 1'1:-‘Ix.-r:-.n.~.--. \\li:..:: \v.z:2 is.-.1 1 :9 ; .l-ciri:-c-:1;-r_. -sill rm El:1:l\l.~ullltl_\' rl'\‘.'ll'\:l.'\l lxlllll .\ l=::lk)i~.:
Sept. lL:.
I ‘ ‘ l Q 1; .\.‘First class aiilusin.-i::. cm: who lliuy.-;; _-g__-. - uiiu:-isL.m-is the clu'.£r.u;,' .-in.; hL".l'..~ iuriizs znl: trzlxlc. _ .\.iu.~L l.._- ;. ._.,U‘5 i,,u,:‘,._ _,,-,_._,-_‘-,_.,-_ an _ Ki man or st;-any li:iL»i'._~ an '\l.!ll:i:zl'l‘lt'\l mun 1.,-..{..,-. 2 cu.
_ _ film-l_\ In G 1-2u.ll.\ Will: .', i10xdt."-1 Lion k lotliliu. .~:ui'c l{u~.~~.:i' .-\\:‘ liriizi-ion. '
‘ "TRAYTTD I b Ill , To :1": l‘r‘-‘ll-‘-i5‘-" ("I ll U ‘-ll:-’l"'.~l;l{v.".i. 51‘: ll). ‘ 3 ' ‘-‘l‘- ‘'51’ ‘—’-‘- W. Um‘ _\‘«-iw u: n.\:-... Uuc is bru:- - ‘ . : n . _ _ . _ -
- ‘-l°'-- 3”“ ‘ Mill”: 01-I. inc um.-r lth‘. nu; \\li:h'
. with wlutu in-.-c-. nig_:lz 1i..;-;, 1.,-..}._._.,, , ;; MM gg._,_. _ "'~‘“~” L"-‘U1 -‘U'M!ll15 llnvii U\\lli.'!‘ viii-. :m\:- [he 5
.i\‘e~:-3'. Salt‘ & Feed Sizible.
-—-l)F,.\l.l-'.RS I.\'--
Exen. Wagons. Sleighs.
1 Buggies. Cutters. &c. _ _ _ p _ __,.,.,..{:":~,;;FIRsT CLASS RIGS \I-I-\iL=lE)K‘Hl\;‘L“:'l3lI,'t:ElL-;\:11}:l5:\.1:§5r;;;;;l\'l']“}\l. ::l ' l‘»'ru S'l‘Rl<Il-Z'.l‘, .-\\']-3.
(‘arm-r lln-1sm- Ava
3“-W‘-‘ l-'." l'1’U\"-UH l'l'U1h-Hi .i:i.l pinu.-.: ex;-c.-nscs. '
st-p:_ 1r..:sz .
1:" \.\L‘ ll}-‘.5 l‘
Pure bred .\vl_.~'uur\ I.‘\l\“r{.\ ;‘..1- ,5,- , _. _ _ _ .. . . 3 iruxn l.l1:}IUl‘Ixl«l pr:/.,,--\\n_m;“._; 5;...-;.;_ . per lrlu llrundoii.
S'l'.-\BLl~I UN NEAR
0}-‘l-'lI"l‘. -—D:i:u- ‘.11 Hrn:=.. mh htra.-ct _
Snccnl l.'llh:$ to Commercial Travellers
, I I 1 1 . 5 BRONZE TURKEYS. i I'l'l£‘i.' .§lUpc':1'pa1r_ I um um! shipiiur. ntzciiuml to.
.\'u u-_\:ru «-1.211141-
fur 1-nu-k- Urd-.-rs by
1ll.lll 1|l"Jlxipt_\'
I.‘ I
Z( \ ii. .‘_»i.i.\‘\"\ 2\‘.
Sept. 16 if liouuihwnitu. Mun. 1:5-
L.. .._.. . _. _. __ _ _
Has Large Consignments of Goods just to liuud and more expected every day all bought at Low Prices in the Eastern Blzirkcts. A very tine lot of
is expected i1if.::i few days.
HATS, GAPS, Etc. i’-——.A.
Just to hand and will be sold at LO\Vj PRICES. Also,
Teas, Fruits, Spices, Vinegars, and everything in the Provision Line :8’ AVVAY DOWN LOVV FOR CASH. ‘S1
U .
Spruce Boards. 8cantIing,_Joist and S u re flrnbor. DresaedaPIne Boards, Flooring, Siding and ceiling. Shingles, Lath, Sash. Doors, Building Paper, Mouldings. eto., etc.
"(Successor in Cameron 8:. Larkin.) COR. atria: ST- .A.II.\TI) ROSSER AVE.
Sept. um. 1384. 9'1
......_.._:__.._._ ....._ ......--_. _. .........- ....._.
SlDE l
N}-3\‘V PLUSH '\'ELV"ETEE.\'S——All Colon.
P..3'.——l£xi-urrzn nvxxv on A GRAND .-rrocr»: or Nrw Pom, um Fun Cour: nu: Ji'flhl‘IG-
Corrox use vaxr cnur.
Sopt. 3m