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% . _,,. " y 3 WESTERN i --'r- , 2 ‘lowest Current Rates 01 Interest:

The entry of the 1\I.x.\'rrnn.~. \VEEK.L‘x' I-‘mar: E’n:—;‘~;-s upon its tllirt-e:onth year of publication will be marl<c«'l by the most iil>r.=m‘. offer yet made to int.¢m_lim: .sul)s(:rib(-r.~:.

Two D0ll1ir.\' (one _v(-:1r's .=11l;:<cz-igltiom will he :m(-mated as full payment from any time l_1o>rz.-uftrrr till .T:um::r}.' lst, 195515, Lziving to those who S1llrFCl"ll)€3 at once :ilmn:-1 um-~thir.'l of :1 year for :~.b_=solutel_v nothiurr.

Tliis is an offer \\'lll(‘h it is (.-unliclc-i:'(l_\ i-.'cp(:l:tt_‘-Ll will he availml

a {Judicial D‘strici. ~ ; . TL-5 —m+1“5 5‘ ' :ThB Job Depfirlmllfll Farm 8: filly Pruperiy.

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.\|‘“\‘.- I rL'.'n- . -..._:.- requzrei 2:: :‘:-.~.- l'='.:.:-L-_.' ' -- -—~ ~-

lilanuizm. ~ v-.4. =».nc-ar-3. Brmulun l'zlI'I'izl'.:'(* ‘v'i'02'I.-~. _ _ -..;:. 1..«h‘1-t:I'.~.lh .x‘. T H E A a D O N

tsupz. -.*.'.i, ‘M. -1 1.;-.-: em :_'- ;\'[7R.%I‘.\I(1' .‘~'flSTER.5' JOHN Momma, -1~h(_, 5,1,, Ofjig-(_:_ _ .1 . Hm‘ rm-uaou-.i !nsl«-'.~.x.~:~~~ :- :'z:z- - r m’ l';z . i co.-.\c .'n'eu:xx- and ‘J11; ~::-wt -M;-.ru :.-- z: ;-:- . I l

<_iev«;l- .1» its great re-.~«-urn.-.-, :ll1tlnj)pnSll1‘,! vrlmtm-r-r is iuimic-.:il to its Interi-sts. rv.-'_::4rdl<A<.< «-2 p“:‘.~‘n!lill or ;:z:rt_\' ('U]l$(5I'jl1L‘Il(_'C§.

I‘he_ .\fS‘lI‘l{€‘t ."z';:-)rI~ are [)!'f'p:ll'o-ll with the gm-ai<-st care, with an eye .~iu:zu- to m.-<-urzu-._\'.

Fhe .\lx.~cL-llzuzy 1.-5 ..~‘<.-l¢.—a-u.-«1wnlxtln- nlJ_l~_-(‘I nf pleasing and edifv- mg eve=r_'~' mt-ml»-r of the llUUhl‘.|J“lIl. ' I .A;ll'4),S.'l_'ll’:l"!‘ Ill!‘ ‘.\‘l«'lllifl-lnl ll‘: ]"r4-.-;- I‘ng:_x; _§115_;f thp ;h'i];,.‘- that .=lmul<l in-fmzznt !no—\'f*."_‘-' ‘.z:;:li.-ll rz-.'uli!14l‘m:1.=-r- in-\,=;,. (;;;,,;,,_1im, ‘.\0rtln_vé-+*t,;xml lk'.IIlL'll1I_'li1l'L’!".—'l rap»-r pui)l1.~l.:r--.9 i: i‘:nm:l:4, '_—'lnj1;:.- .=ul).~('I'1l:H".~tll£- l.-1'4‘: '.zillxo-nl.l:.1u;.l:lc fur Llw ;.ru--_~ -_ ,4 -u!,,,(-,-ii-,Lj,,“_


_ _ . . . _ ’: . SH Ll ' Z"Y [TA J '. . . . . nu-ad Qnurlrh m uannnba I:l..L\:>o.\. -_“;3_-nag-3 &3iaGkSmmu; B0 “J 1 H K‘ 5 Bl E~ Exif,-luéé I‘wn_ .l)nlmr.~ m_a rf‘L,'l.‘tt‘l"I7‘(l lam-r lwrIr.in'.' :x:::n«. ,,,:,; ---— l |[th Street, near Rosser Ave .‘7 post 0in('(- as pl::1nl_'-' as pO:.~'ll')lPl nml zulllrcsa‘ 11 ’1“rr.::u:-ai Sun;-5 nil‘: i-c >432‘; i-_\ the Ssh-r.~ :0 I{¢~..-_‘;|‘5 of -. km L; 21-51,‘; u_;:; g;._..-,_;;,(--, mm 1.'j;].'E pl”-‘~;\ Inez:-r.l :3lxz:-..- - 2 312 ‘am:-i~.x:: ]‘rn‘.wh: -’.'§L!l‘1llO:\'.LI d;,p.—.:;_~h_ ' “.‘]"

15:11:: 1.11:. .\.:R‘.:-I 1-1. l~~‘. "2 I - v M‘ . _ _ Daub“: sgelghi Eoc" * . ;1H.‘l:t'H.L\’l‘.*~ vs (um. n _ _ _

,’]::'_;‘, CI'F:u'l\‘ SIRE? -:31; :4.» Kilt‘ ’l".‘.r:l«- .\Iv..nz:.

--..._..... .

01- S. .l0F}\ THE l.Jl\'L\"z-Z.

'2 r-»'.-.: i‘ul:m.i.- psue-l Lo do all snrt.~ 0!

Good stabling and firs: class ll\'i:r)'- Travelo - . lens pr0Vlde(1 with good horses. com {unable

an inn: 91:3 1- .\‘n.-:1: \\‘.-,2. _ T "»'_ " -‘1*‘1t=* -‘~ '-==‘~1h‘—f l‘--'!H="' 1;‘ 11‘-‘“’ “P011 I“ 15%‘ A fir" sine: ht‘rSrE-~:!.Dc-I‘ :~ \-l1:'.‘.\:!\.~.i : . rigs and carefuldrlvers. S cial :-icoommo- _ _\l \_-,-;-;-(,n_\_ Bmnm-1;. tmr Her rw«*1-=w=2 «'1 M'<'Hh‘==u~- f«‘\~‘r- strand :0 11:: L331-.vrl:x:l l~:‘.5'.:cLio:':2xu1-«:2.~:u:-=.~ cation and skllfnl m-2-dica auenuance for .~ p_ 5____[).,m Ux,-.;-1-look tlm {ism that Llm.-4w who .‘il!l).\‘{'ril).<_- (M.

1-1:. ma. ‘lily - - _~ “l L: . : .:l-l; Horse‘ .- . - . , - ~ ,- _. _ _ _ .

.U7!~i:-:.:'L.i.c.r~ Xur nel::::~i-.‘(Ii! or lur :4 ::1.:r.~<- 1.: V‘ " 5-‘ ‘~‘““‘ 3 5*“ " -‘ ; 3‘ FRET‘. TORRAXCE B.:‘.. edrlufit xi’: flu: Iglflat X-‘Ur tnur "Inna" d..° ‘[‘v'‘' D"“‘”'’ l’a-V” {rum mm

be lnguiv to -- .1..- s.-..:.-.— -.5 (‘hunt-' N. 5. s. .1. D. .;,.,,,..,,,g,,., .5. ,....1 ¢;h~._- .1. . ¢ .11, , ' ' ' . date of sl1l)S(‘2'll')lIJ2 till the end of 183»).

'11:: ."~is::.-Ix‘ :~‘~.::-.<::.:: ll:-2::-~ lirazuig-xx.‘ ; _ Veterinary .=‘.~ur_{eoh " .lnz:.1-:N. -.-.-an JOHN 31e.\' \B « Ans. -‘uh 1-a: . 1'-’-' .:‘:- .- - ' ~ « » ; -. -