rropouu far ,h‘ Iluudrrd Fr!-nth (‘ana- dhns (0 Join Cir Exp:-dnlon.

O?':.wr.v.. .\7::*_. 1.’: «H 5.. E'I:.'.r.-1.4;-.-z::.-;.' the

Y .

~ I. . rrr";i-.'t._~d in~.:.'t:c- aiana frrozrz :E.z:- Iv:;;~«.-$2.2 'u‘l':1r U‘.‘.-‘iL:»ve to fumisla fail’) wzsy.-ar;w.zr— In 2:.» up tlze Ntie to the rt-liv:-2' Lei G-.-::n-:21: Ger-Inuu at Hilar-

l l l I l I . i l i u l l . 2 K 2 I . 1 I I









- - - u . - '

mam, 1,.qm_: 1% .~,.—«-. _.'-.. e-23;».-rat-ace In _‘ _ _ _ H __

P_m1_ R-._._‘_‘. ,_,;._,_,._¢_',,n 391,3, 3:; . 301,9. ——'l'H};. J. I. 4-.s:~;. .: ..:.\ I~i.—XCi*1l- . CO. .: CLLEBR.-.\.ThD——

lieere that. «war ("run ii--.5: c:::2r>«.- men are l_ H _ _ __ M n _ _‘

:'um2=«.- =2=«~r«:=«=i ;* .. sf:.r~.l5.Z E

- - ., ,, 2.. .. . .:~- - tr '

tum. I'l‘-- -~ < -';-'!-.r!...».»:".l.=. -<‘---' :““"l I 2'-:..— :4 E ‘5 '- L In ' " fa; -_§;§., .4-n-~_-.; i.-”\.~ hr--:1 \'!.‘.'.."l5~'s1.": l!_\ ' ’“ " “" §

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luml~n'-r ..«.~»-::-. ~-‘ :~=-- “M M»; .JL.........«.... .. .. sr-D Bmders,

airs-:::.ij.' lm.-l :1 r.::‘.::.l-«_-r _r_.f a:»f.‘«r:ra' '5 0:11 . _) ___.

Ire-.—.«-.3. -.s-.;:-::.~,- ts» ;: ~ In-.-_-.':_-:. And Steam an I .~v'-2r ; .';re:~.he:.<. --; } 5

Tim" - 5.-.-~ M !-!r..\ 1.‘!-.s3l.'ZZ-Lfrlli 1 M . - ~ * ..;. -

3“. e_§,.,-.- -Mm i...-.'-; in-»-n c-usage? in: _

rurminfl ::‘.:.‘I--r w- ( ':x:'4.tlx-:-.u riv-;-r~. - _--- :l_,-, _'.~".'..I-.2 All-I L,”l‘Tl.l7-Ilr5I"..-X'l'i~II.)——

TlX(r}' ulll l--' 2'~ v’ 7-‘ ‘-

. l lxn -.Z~ 3 ' *4-~ 2: -I ' l $ " A

crizsfi :—- nu : ' I p 33 ‘F9

(is.-r." rz.-=:'-(':~ '..r.' Q "‘° § '2 \'.r(:.4r!.'*i.'. "-I

'1'. .

3-. 1'; rl l‘ r A .7

r_‘;.._««-rm. r--. -2--. :-.. -.~!:n_-:2 :--:=.v~~~ ‘Wt: .:.~., :1}--»';‘ tlw '- --in 2‘. Lb Mi‘;='i"_?- - ; ' . -:1 ~ enltlzrl 1' - 7 -'-~‘=I'H~-'.'='r==Iv'-‘- ‘-13 "‘ A-. :~s,.-:. .._. "“-‘n— - - -

-.:v_-., ;.—2;. ..::i 2.. ---_ . ..i ("LL'l:l--11:‘ 59:1 52..-_; _L-';._;=,v gn Efi-,9 Field 3

1:.-.12. :: .. I 1 . 2 ..2 ;-.':- -:2: $70‘ In .: _

H; .3,.!:*: '.; ta 3 -— .,_'v‘ I!1'l!i"_\'.Cll'.-1135.1:

2“! ' ‘.‘__ _ L __;-_g The Deere Gang Plcw,

ILf.iIl''.‘:’'1‘.£‘' «- £2.31 =‘- 5 ‘r-“==="H The .F"r:E:Ee Queen Breaker

:‘ . - .-.1}--_‘-.‘ ":H ‘..' ‘:'\« El'}:.~'. I -- I- T’ "' ' ‘. _ _ ; I he highland Cross Plow. .~n :li..: Ilav:-~ .'--- 2.-v.» 1:4-<7»--~~.’._'.' mi‘: 5 3.131-n)!_' $3.1: ' ii::"«-.'li;l1lL-s!'_\'cll (.'ll’lH)(". 5 rush Breakers! &C- tls 1.1%; ::-:“ul in 1:i‘..‘-.-13'-rr::~-u f1'|)f.'l the .

()t'§1;\';1.‘,l~Il,t‘3. .L: l .';l‘._) 2:'.:!:: Ill-.2 Q‘ll.-

};(;(g :11}! .“-E13’-!l'.'*.‘ Ir.-','.'.':Z:‘. Flilllld

.l::-.ii:I.;.~ ‘J. .. :4-1*. "'- :-'.1'l- la!‘-"--311*.‘ l"?“'

b.r_-r11;.-rch;n~:~lu':' ~ ~l" Zll‘."\' ll dill '.’llv'!'-.'

will l-¢- no -31:33.-:1lt'.‘ it: -.'t".‘i!:-_' ill.» num-

‘ber of in--u r.-misrc--3. in"-vi-?."vl °.fn- au-

duce.-nu-nt r.l'."z-1-mi .~:..:i.-Er :1: l-t.:":m~F.*

lumburin-_'_ in Y v:'_'a' «lull !.-'v_'.\'. at; ‘:n:1n_\'

)'oun',I Lu-»zi with .r in-:r.2:t--~ w- HM rc-

tlarrl Tl. '.llrF.*l' ur i. =2: i1.~ui:1!“‘..vf'3-"it:-‘ ‘L'> - , - . __ _. .

}-Z.‘.'.)'l't x:;--r.~f-.- {D4 71 :«..ul lam:-1".‘ ‘.:'n~. If 3'01} wx:~'.: tszc E1¢'iiiuZ:.‘ :‘_;_.-..-<-:-:':- E'a:>w.~'. .\i‘i' that c:u*h one has

- ~ - - - . I. - . -. -. - . ~ ,.I ' L0,‘; 1_,._,,_.3,.-M.-.15.. L-.,;..u,;...x ~.\;«_:. g-. the .21)--'. .:.u- n..:. it .-2.1112,»... on it. ; - ." I.-‘l -(_: 'l1nl\v:‘ In -2:“’:r H24. _._ .— -__ . , _ . - _,,_ _ : _ . . . .

m” ’l“,r “, Qt‘ ,.“ . ,‘ .~.--. , , _; .-3.009 Gui}.-=.. 5-:L}u*t -'..».. \ :z.m {J :l.\(‘ m tin-,l:m‘e(l:«\t:1I(-.~_‘. wlxr. -1.»-a :. :v:'r .-:1. _=r- -1 ..u_ xll at %

e3:perie::ca-«l ill (‘::!Z'_\'lil:,f i.-xi‘. .:u- .~=:nL-me. G. J.‘

. A , _________<___,_______. ' 1.5 n.-.— .a..J.....— ‘J 1. U 3 I -' ‘--'I . . ?.‘ " H.‘ DEATH 0 F LURE) Lit Din L).5..Lt.-. i .-: l...— war 3-. . r‘-' 13"-" - - __ ( _ E .-‘—_-_.—«_‘_._ ,. _.-_d.. ,,‘ .,,-._ .. ,. ., .. .- '8. , ,, e orig.-1 .,n.«. ..«...e.. -.,.W..,;1:1o.t,:.. 1 Wine .1: er A tr-it--,;r‘a.xn iruin .u1....~m_.x .~ .-.«_s «Am; Ln;-.1 L.,;~,.‘;.-:.‘2;-.i.- (llI_'(l >1:-..r§‘:_\' ln_‘- The must pr.-rftt: l}in.I.—r in :l.-- ‘.‘-.' :?«i, '_,0.0{.:O>'|l1l ill the I:lllIL.‘Ll. Status. fore . :j_:l::. x u 'l'=:«>~ l:-5' frum the of "ii '?-_?‘,.,_;;"£a"g""‘* ,1 IE‘ _5_ I - - ‘.c-‘ha. ' ‘:1 :1 facts‘ «~fl>--121': xérm-‘r: lay lzgutliiixg rm the ' ' -"" - '4' 9 I

rnoorsu:lirn:u£~i::xr:r1;:. cuuuty uf .\Iid- ]0I.l)lMu. nu Tun-~:i.n«r:mr~.n.

T1,.» P;-q--.-< _\-.~'u(-iution Erlinlmrgzli cur- reslxiudr-nz _~.r,»g=(-a‘ ‘.,l:'Lt. lils liirllnlllrl \\‘a.§ struck an (in: fur.-in,-:1.l by: liglxtnin_r__r. mm than 3 (lamp wutxml was inilicted on hit‘ torelxt-ml and breast. The fluid melted his watch and ¢:l:am. mzel t.ll£.‘D. being divcgrtt-<1 intu two cnrrv-ut<. run down main side of lxi< it-ft lu-.1. its cuum: b--me plainly crnct-Cl by : >(:fll‘Cl)f'(l mark. 112» clothes were Illa‘) l-urns. The 1.-nrl was taken to the 11:22.1‘.-st f£i.I‘lnlll1U<P. where. after El. time, he 2“:--_'ziim2d cm:<cion:<ue~‘< but be(':nne- czmnutuse almnr. eleven o'clot-ii. 2:241 (ll(’il wit-liin an hour.

Th»: cit-ct:;i~--tl liurl uf Lat:-iertlaie (Sir Clmrlos. B-t:-cl:n~.\l:.itlruuix. Vi~cnnnt of T,-\u.l.-1-ii air» 2-_-‘. i I\i:ai''i. nnrl Baron of Tllrilesmxzer. l-iultnnu. null l._;ll‘lll(‘?'Ill'.l('. of 'I'lirilt-~I‘..'uxe ‘ii! the pvt-'-‘=I‘.!-" Of SCUL- lzunl. Elilll u. 15.»:-~:.r .-: .\'«-vzt .\'L:.»:.m.. was born S(:ilIt‘lll‘.‘ -r 3.‘. !n“.!‘.2. aussi ~m'--:1-eded to tl;._- '.':§e 1.-. l‘.~!:i:. '.".;xrl .\‘«.-p:~2n:lu:1' 1.

157*. -———- ——-—- —— ——1j--— --——-—--—- Somi; .-.13-_~.~_~‘...l r.\:p3nr:ti:m< lzzive

boo.-n iumle in tlw (‘L‘l:ll'Hl and we.~tcrn mrt of .-\:-in "lnmr iv.‘ R un.<n._\‘. the .Is‘;:.;;L-l: :r11\'ul("E'. :‘.zuE Dr: .'\'to.-rrett. nl'tl1(‘- .-\m(*rir°-.:n .~c}:«~--l in .-\:lu-n-. 'l‘l1e_\‘ m:ul:_- an c.\'}»-.-nlitiv n xx-i'lx .-in;-c-1:11 refor- euce to ruin~: nf !l:r.= citis-a ni :u:<'ienc Plir_\*:_'_1u. l’i~i«Ei.'1:1wi L} C:10lll:l.ll1(_‘ll1tlll)£_{ uh.-. ilgnlllis to wizicl: il3'.L'l‘l‘~I is given by the '.r..~.'.\is of the .'.J:».-.~.‘.3e.-3 Paul. Tlic-_\‘ have hrouglit haul: nlv-=1.-rvrttinne on the reumins riml pzritinn of more than ten Greek towns of xxhicix no ntln.-r modern explorer h:t.~' ,-,:ivcu 21:21.‘ account.

“Tim Ql1+.*v:]'_< decision to bestow II. Garter upon l‘rinco.- George c.-t'1.<ed great surp"i.<e." .~:1_\'s the Lr-mlon ‘World. as uh:-re is n 1-.ra-ct-«it.-ut for «,:i\'1u;: a. blue ribbon to 2'. juniur member of the ro_\'z1l fmnilv who is also :1 minor. Prince Ed~ W3. ' wlxu received the Garter inst Year. is. of x.-n-.2r.-<~. niitferezxt. as he is lieir nrcs1::u;‘.:n-.,- z.-. :,l;¢~ ilmnm,-.und lizul tln.-n :\t?.:1incd lnw‘ l-.-_~,1..i !nuj:)rir_\'. Tlirce of the Qzim.-n's f_’:':|ll<i>h!)>‘ lirtvu imw rec-.i\'ul the Ga: I--1'. :=.< it \‘.‘:\.< ht-.~rn\\'eJ nimu Prince \‘\'ilii;un of Prl1~‘.~l:l about


four }'e.=:r~ 9.110. When He: .\lajv.'~'t_v cxuuo to ‘C-0 ti:rm.:..- zlzerc were four royu! li‘lll4_:l:{.\‘ uf ‘Ellis must, ancient. noble and l!n::«'\rr.l»l:- ort‘u':r:' hut. 1.-mv there are no fc\\':_'r than :33. l,nm:_;: 2!.

larger L:-tuuln-r tli:-.n I.llL‘I‘U are of Lhe ordi:1:u'_\' lcui-gin: c:~:np:uncn.<."

While «irt~~.<S-.15: l:E:nself one n2o:i:iz:; 1:15: wev.-k .‘.lc\u:'.n .\l-m-re. of'~rl:v:;:E.;_=_:;t. ‘n2 . trnr..<-:-r- xx ere 'n(::n‘i.:'..' tlmax n.~'.1::l._:*.::fi aft-.-r l.-ztviz:-:1 put, .~I‘x.~- ponder over his ~l!D:Il(l1"(‘ he :'2ru~t l:‘i< right h:1:1_7_ i:::0 Elli‘ pOt‘l~2ct Ea) :1.<c~_-r’.:11u the C.'U.l~e‘. Ills lmrrnr mm‘ he ‘I1:'::7.gim-Cl when we liL':ul ti :1 ~u:Ll.'e-dstrrc-ll cut of the pooh‘: and risxml a: him. Mr. )I0-Jroquic,-i;‘.}'Clix‘-zxtml him.‘-tif of the

.~::.1}:c 2:-zztiv ulitit-ti l 5-Tare. :\‘;vp:irE-:xtl_\' as i‘r~§-_~:::.-::t-! :-.< .\Ir. .\{u<»r:-. who~e 7: c -‘:.u:ci:z;; mrer the 130-21‘ :0 tun-'*’

Z} r.‘


from muvl:

agile :3. "L H". :' -

:1 much 1'--. ':-.-..

1 l\.' L}:

l~'.u ll) .. in-ai .\,‘:.::-_-5

'.l'l1cs.e two .\lZiL'l'lll.‘k>.' -..x-.

1: z.::1.1'.'.t::.1uI a-_\' the .\Ic(‘.'0n.-rack Harve chine C(n_ Lult gt). lll



' DAR'liACH,

“gent, BRANDON.

Lam“ ifle ‘iivilegchine Oil 2

-——-——~— :0:

‘'3 F’-'F?"“‘.-“§‘-ft"; TE-“§‘E‘_:"€ E ‘[5 . '{ '4,‘ , E. 1 Eu’ vi -.:_\;:r_~._-:.~_.~’.1.3 P " § p , it ‘.-L.-E.‘ ."_£&:§.‘ ;.l M ...". .5 .. - 5.} W31‘. Sine .\lULlL‘;\' in‘ l2.~.l.".: l..;i ...:.u-. .\I- . 1211- -\'x' '.:'it. and will out-wear Lara or C:-..<Lm' Oil.




'- 33¢ (_‘.\l_L I’.llOS., Toronto.

.‘.._ .- A-_. __ _ _._ ....a

~—--FOR JAE A. SMAR"-5'.


BUILDERS’ l‘v"ATERlAL., HARVEST TOOLS, MACHINE OIL, Barb Vi? ire, iT_‘a,r Paper, Wooden Ware, Cutlery & Plated Ware,

.7ul}";ltl1. ‘..\~l. fin:

—-I 1


1 :


-.!i:=.n "l"l.~lw:".< Horn

pipe." 'l‘l1:- .~u:1':;e w:L= three feet in

lei)-.::'!:. :=.z~.~.i wnxs of the black-snake

_~'pel.'ic.<. I _._-.- _

C'2m:':‘ R-_—id at Portage la l:’ra.irie was '

intlxc eitvou Monday 1351:. and was

being shown the by Chief Mc- Millan.

lamp and Tin Ware. SPOETENG 90033.

R. illcl.Eéll’S.

BOSSBI’ between ‘$11 & Elth Sts.

7;‘? 2--I‘: - _ _?--".r;_' ._ _ --‘-"“-‘JIA ' -A51" '4'——"4--u ‘~'


_ ("v.;.'¢3 I.‘ '::«.-u‘_~..;. I -3.55 r_."--1‘;r.;)tI£r«:_. .-'r:v.'Yyt'..-;'a.»'J.-1, 13‘zf.'o:.r.;-,~a-_vs.3, ‘ff? _Dys_:>.*_;.5.1:. Jzuiulizrcé. .»1__fi'ectz'(/ns of the Liver and Ifidneys, .P£nzp.’e.s, .E.’or-.'.-"L::s, J>'o£I.s, I1 umars, Salt Rheum, Scrofula. Erysipelas, am] all a':'.32ases arising from Inmure Iflr,-ad, .Derazz;az' Sfomach, or fr-rvlzulnr ar.*"on of z‘?ac.Bozre:'.s.

.lr':ivalaz1:l Drp artnrc of Rails

nu: < P-;.=:: rvrsrrcs. cloned in mi»: oztice as follows: for the east .-or the writ i~‘ouri:~ and .‘-I:-;.o1u :'-..-~.::o.- ‘Fri ‘av. at T Turtle .\it-u:-.12-in rout» 1-‘rxtlay :1: Wilford and Run:-is Zniouth route. lion and Thur.~da:: at 7 a m, BI-!‘i'-1 "HS and .\(iz1nx-rlnsa rnuie 3-:..m‘.:13.' “v4"1n-L-~d~-1-' nu-A I-‘rl-lay RE 1 p m $4‘-l:.':~ 0 ‘}‘Y‘nesd:.y at 2 p ll!

nu«iFl"hl:_1)‘ at 5 an. m.

l..-zp:' .‘it_v mule. Tnzesday Tin:rs‘m\' am-' " x ll 5:. m :;r :13».-. Ilu::.1_ig:. S2: :3 a.::-..

H!-"I-'l{“FZ 1‘

Tu-.' K"-1'2“; .~ ~..,..:... Ir:-In ~ :1. m. l ' '

.‘-l‘»::<‘_\'-‘I 3!. 1-;

i-'.t-::‘..—‘tv-re-ui:1mttc.-r :nu.~: '1'-Curr !llH‘l wlum-_-._


zu. . an-rhogven 1'1-um n. in.

he in

z. c. A _x \'_x.\'.u;34. . i'u~( .\l:i~Ie-r

\ '.'.~tr1:« ’-in-ln«i::‘._' llun-2:: r_\',:


ll--n :.-tr‘.:-um u: ::i.: l--Hum: E _:-:..- z.. in is.) F...'.-:-'— 1-‘mu.-v :.:rl .\lL"‘ (1'l‘rur.ii'.;1-'. ' Til-Alli unnll

v .

I _ \

nun :_

P-l cl)-"

nl .\'/.uH'>. l~:u~~::« .um i:-zu ‘iniuzm.-‘ ' ui ,\n.“_. .3, I ' ‘v

n. Mrs. -r..:nxl. l‘ur§-:.-_\- Lt-no-r rm» P-.-r .~. .

- .,__. L‘ --Y we-.'-!< --:‘. -"1 !1¢‘\&‘~H1\\p-*r.~'. \::~—i--r ;: u,-, l(‘.. l-uni-: .-:10’:-:t~. sznnpk-.<. t'lI'.. pt-r -_‘ cw“, _-._ rc:€.~tr:ctiuri. .'~r'.

.\«i<-n (.\ ) E%x'i:i.~“n Guiana via X. ‘' s‘o,\_\'lnn. limit: K! n. ‘.:I‘lI'll‘l'llil£ .\n.n_\'. \':.: 1-‘nu-I_‘l (nr. linnk-~':.', '\‘;n-_'p= :iu:i sw; _ \'::1'4. 'L'..) .‘-2:uurluu~ and ii lb.-3.--1).}.-1;.-1,..—_ Htr-tits Svttlvim:zn< -if .~‘in..:u\0rr-_ l'.~:;-.-~-_- .“l2Il1h'I'il.2 i.:-:24-r ruze in-r 3 n-/_._ in-- 1-nu .‘2lI":l~‘.'_'L‘.:l1i".\‘\p1lpt:2“>. unti--r 2 u;:._ -_ .:x~'.r;H l(\li .‘-L-.

in-'li.-. il'l"lll.~li) T --:1:-r rare r 5

V S 1


.\‘null-. and \\'('\L .-‘\.u~!r:1lI:1. Tu.~‘ni.~.niu. Vin :~'-an l-'r:m(:l<(-0: '_r :1» Lvttvr rate. Tc. DE!‘ cj nz.,——; m-w.<p.-um-r.<_ untlur 2 n7.__ 29. book pau-Rx-t.~'. .~‘:unplo.<. k‘l('.. (xn)3c. pt-r-.5 oz. regl.-«tratlnn.——.

sew South \\’:tlc-.=, Victoria. and Qu-=--nu luntl, via S. 5": (Cl l..ettca' rut-1. 150. Per 5 022.. p«_1.~i c.~urrls.-—. m»\-.'.~p:mer.~. under‘ 2 nz_, 2«:.; l.-(ml: p-u-lcetx‘. 5r(:ll.!)ll_'$, c:tc.. «lc. der 2 02.: re- ::i.< 15¢.

.\'<-w Zenland via 5. l-‘.: (C) Lei!-;>r ratio 13.-_ per _i oz.: pn.~‘L:'.l cards. ‘.1 cents e-zl("n_ l-nu}; mu-L::'l <. .\uH'l}ll('S. C-l(‘.. -10. per 2 07. I'U,‘.'l.-«I!“1- 1101; 1.39.

B-’ril)l1(l:I: Letter rate. :30. per f n,,,; “-1.1

1-.a:tl<, ‘_’(- mu.-n: in-\v.<p:ip--rs un=lt-r -.2 oz.. i:-.; no l: yr-<--<.-t<. sz-.m pie». -:tc.. lc. p«_-r o7,_; r.-. :l.<tr:ni0n .30. Brazil. viu I-Inllfax: 1)etlr-rmte. 50. per;' 02.; pawl 4'-:1rtl.<. ('7. : in-\‘s'.~p:upo_-re undr_-r 2 oz.. :4-,. hunk pm-lcnt.-=, S.-un pl:-.~'. etc.. 20. per 2 oz.‘ l:“_'l~".!'nlllII‘.,‘-")f‘.

izmzi , -.-in _\'.-w Yoriza lA'llL‘l"l':1l€, inc. p--r ; n;-..: pu~l (~:urd~'. 20. each: ne\v.~;mper.~.. umlur -_» ._.z.. 2c. hank puckst.-',~:unple-.-;. (‘lC.. :.'c. per 3 n::.: r(_-.-;i.~l l':t'.l()H. -Sc.

Cn-,u;- of Gnml Ilopoz Letter r.-:t«_>, 15¢, per oz.: p~‘st czv.rd.=.—; n¢»\\‘.~'pnperS, under 2 oz. Ea. Emu}: pz1(‘kt_"s, -eanzplc-9.. etc..3c. per 2 oz.: reg isl ration. Tc. _

L‘hi1l. via .\Tew 1 ork: Letter rate me. par i 7 pnst curule. 20. each; n0\V.~‘p<x)(-rs, under -.1 n7... :‘.<:. hook packe.-.t.<, samples. etc.. Be. per n oz.: l‘::L'lSl rat ion. -5 c.

J:u-.1: 1.0114-:' rntu. luc. 1---r «} 02.: post c;;rti5 2;:-Io.-zit-l1: m-\vsp:nu~'-rs. an-ler 2 07.. cc-ms; hunk pm-1::-t.<..< unplt-.~ L‘lU..Z3C. per :2 n'1..;ro.-<_v-

si r.i:in‘.x. -3c.

M.-xico. via New York: L6-tier rate. We. pr-r


- oz.: {.0-iul 1'-irvl<. --wh. I:--\r~g,m,'v-r_~ m,.g..,--_:(,-L Lmnk pm-kc1s.~'.:11nplt-5 cu-., 2

0,1):-r‘ ‘.3 0.1.: i ._.i~:r:n l\“a'l Jr-.

l".H1:Illl:I_ V121 N. ‘. :Loiu-7 r::n-,:'»<- p--r g «.1; 1»--<1 card. «n: in-\I'.'~‘}\u}'~(:l'.5‘. nnrle-r -2 or. ;:c_: hook nzmke s:unpl1.-.~‘ etc.: 30. per 2 oz.: rt'££lSIi‘:1llnn. Sr.

Peru, \i:| .\'. ‘.'.: Lott-=r Tait}. 1|'<" 5-z-r‘ '-. n7...

pns: r':nr.i~. ‘_’«'. ":‘.I"liZ n~_-w.~pup(-r.~. un -.-.' :1 u‘/.. ‘(-.-, lmnl-. p:1('ki‘l.~ :~'I'.l:l_Du:s (‘l(!.. ‘Zr. p.-r 2 oz,; r-.- v'<ir:ilirm. -30. . iulwlclx I<l:IIx.!_=.\'i:1 S. I-‘.: l_.-'.-tt...-r r:1.f,L‘ .-‘,0 p._.r g “-5,; post -.-zxrrls. ~_’<-. l'1lCll2 !iP\\'.~‘papg-rs unfit-r‘.Z0z lQ.: h0n_l(_'p:t_('.l-Ir;-L.K'. .~:;un1rlt-5, cit,-. H-lmlrlugl rel ‘\'.1irlnHM)l::L(Ml" ‘tn r to "

- :_}l .~‘.:u1(.<. ‘l - . Z :I. .41.‘; : [L .. 4 0. pin § «)z.:1)o<tr':L ¢l~‘—: nr-\rsp:zp9‘r~‘, undt-r:Z 07,, -_:¢-; hrmk pat-,iu:t.:. surnples. etc.. -I('. per 2 nz: res- :.~: l'.i!lUll.-

hlL‘l‘l'zI. L‘.‘(.IDeZ L911?!‘ TZ).[(‘. 100, Her uz; p051 .-;.r._i.- -_'(-. um.-‘n new:<p.:pers, undv-r_ 2 nz_ -_»(-; imok pzngkcts suzxiples t':lC.. 2c. per -.2 oz: regis- rr.'H.i<)n. ac.

Urtxzixnfc: Letter rate,—perl;_x oz; pos: cards,

(: z-nch: x1e\\'.<p:lper.~‘ under .. oz. _I.(_'.: hook pzu-kcts. sxunples, e‘c.. 2c, per2 oz- reglstra- .

-1031. .31:


I-‘iahanms, Via A‘ Y :LettP" rate. in‘. per 07.: })OSL(:H!’nlS, 2c. each: new»_:pupc-rg,-‘ unde g oz. 10: book rou_cl-:et~'. samples, e:c.. lc per nz. refllstrmion. ac.

(tz1'n‘«?,\'i_z-. X. Y.: Lettr-r rate. 5c. per 1 oz; Poqoztrti. 2o. (‘al'll§ riewspaptirs under 2 oz lo: lrnk mack»-I.‘ .'-cm es. etc.. (2 ::r:2 oz; r.:r- i:al|,r:1llnn.5C."M P p 9'

I-‘rem-ix PU!'=SCSt‘l"InStl\_\' :l1ll 01-outesl: Letter rare. we per 3 oz.: pox can '~'. -c eac 1: zxs-'.vs- punt-r.<. unnderfl 2c. ‘book . pugkets, surn- p]p:_\_ e:c_, _c._per_-..o_z: r<_u.=: sir-oti(_m_n ac.

Jzunnlczt via .\ . 1.. direct man: Lettr_~r rme 5c. per ‘g oz.: post. card.-'. ‘Zc. em-h: m-w.<pn.,o:_=:-s umlex-2 07.. la! boink 1_)acket~'. saruplcs, etc‘. oz.1c.;r-.:«:.i:<tr:u on Jamaica Vin. Halifax Letter rare. lflc. per oz: post c.'1r«is.-Zr. each nt-w.~'pap¢-rs, under oz.. Eu...-boat}: 1»:-_r-_k<~'c, szxrnplc-s. etc., 2c. per 02: rt-;:.~trn n:1.a- _ _

.1l:qytiunvlEan - -nlm:_o.via .\ 3., dirs.-rt nmil: Letter rate. - . f‘ljt‘1':n0Z§ )IOSlb(:11rIlS. :20. e--.u-ii: nr-wspaper:-. -.n t=r.>r\7.. c.: on): Da(-‘-- . is-. uzunples. eIc., xc. per 2 oz.. re-::i.~Lr:.-.txou, Sic-:-ms. _

pm-gn Rico. Vin. .\. Y .: Lotte-.1 rate. so par 07”; p02; r-2:‘:-.:.=. 2f r-In!-h. x1rm;sp:1pe.-rsi under _ (')'[__ 1c- )0!) ' nar- ‘F: S. .-amp.e.~' €"!C'., c r)(_-r -2 oz: re«_".\xrntir-n. Sc.

Lncln. Len»-r mu-. Sc. gr.-r §_r:z.: ;vo.~t ('.'1rd:_ 2(-_ .-.;.(-1.: nev.x--papers unuer 2 “oz. Jr: _‘n.-mi; p:lCk£:I.~‘ samples, etc-, 1c. per .02: r-:-;;)strrs- Linn -:-f‘.

Thornas, £'~‘,'._Jo_lm and st Croix (Dzlnishl cirr:(-t mail. via .\. 3 .: Lettz-rrate, 5c. per;

N.‘ A-

. I -7

-em‘. r~ard.~'. 2c f*a.('h: ne-wspap .12H(l(:." 1 oz. zhrmk nnckr-Ls, sarnpies. ex, .1L-, per 2 oz

p<.:i:~u-atiou. 5c.

Thomas via. Halifax ueiter rm‘.-.l0c D“?

02: pmt card=. 2c. e-ach: new-‘papers unfit-e

oz.. :2c.: brmk pzackets, ssun pl:-.-;. C-Ir-,_ -_>c I,“- oz: re-:i:-:r:=.tinn Sc.

carcl.=.'2cr.-aoh:newspaper: nrzrk-r -2 nz -_’<:,

; hook packetc. sample-.=. etc. -‘.'c; r -azzsiration, [ other places in \\'m.-: Imlies. «iv. 3.‘. '1'.: ‘P 3; ' , Lezter rate. 150. per 5 oz.: ,'>f)=L('a rrl~.—; n--u-<. 1 ape-rs. under 2 oz. 5::-.: book par-l:"t<._s:IXnp1£-5 r c.. 3c ter -2 oz: regiitratinn, mo.

3 0th -' - . -v st Inrii-3-". via Halifax. .1- 5 an: Letter rate 230 3- §\<'~'p'.;:w.-r.~. -.:ndt.-r 3 oz.. 3c: book__nac_l-tet:-‘. 1: am pies, etc., 3c 111:! i oz;registrat1«.-n oc.


5 Prenayznr.-at compxxlsory.

l B. __-Xddjtiouztlcrxarzc on civil"

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3(.LI A .'<n'x.~u tr ".'1lIsfl!‘I-".("E. From the ea: 1;-;;, p, FTOYD the W‘:-~ I - - 1:, $(\L!l'§.< uni \l' n. \.;go_"‘-“H “In Turtle Mnu-I Mn: ‘-1 ¢-_']‘ \'f}l\‘.; 3 llilfor-Jnnd Sn-.2r1~' .~!us:w rn.;u3. ‘Ii av :

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iaza 31.133)‘ to _ J L1! B5 SI‘ 1-2“ .1. RT. Bmmlon.


0:: the E‘rv.*:-.:is-_-s of the sul:-.~‘t-ribor. sec. S. tp. 23. 0:: ur ab«~'.:.t the 133:!) -.\f 2-155. lhn’ , By p:m.".::-. §~:-~g\e:':y :u:.i p.w._\-2::-.: 1 ex

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¢m.L:um>oP.A'1'1_'1).) C.&PlT:’;‘xi;. 3-£3,809.

A Divi:~'ion of !~2m';»l::.= Stet-k will :nl:u g-Ltr.-r: on CDC’I'C):B__.F'R 22, 1884.: SL'l3SCI’.IBE .\'O\\', Sfl.U{E§ FOE: 5.13.!-1, 5-1.11,‘-ll. This is the ins: Ill‘-‘I.’-‘[lll(:I)C in the Country. Semi for pl'()H|)L‘.l'[U3 ILUJ lull izurtix.-ulur.-s LO J.-\S THO.\1l'n‘u).‘-'. lzl. .\. L. \\'}il'I‘E. I’:--side-x:t. Sec-‘V.-Tre R, St. Mary's. Ont. AER!-2.\'T.s' “'.L'I'lZD. RH: (‘0.1!.\ll.-i.s'E¢).\'.



A Rare_6hance!

The under~‘i:.'.'ieri l1n\'in;: removed his Bln.(:k- smith zmcl Carri gt: lmcim.-<.s ta tiw cor er 0! Princess A\'<.-uue a-.::rl Uri; street. he will now oflcr fur male or it xx-‘.--.14.: 1: \'er_\' low fitzurv. that \':tllil1l)ll' prom.-:".;.' un l’m'iii«: .'\'-'t'.. 1.'1t(:l3'0ccu— pi-.eri lay Jr-lm Mc.\'nlm iinmvzx us the lirmxdou L'arriu.:-.- \\'ur2-1.». smtahlo fur I.'i.1(:lzlllu shop, curpunu-r‘.~: shop or .s[l:.l;lv.:. 1-‘ur further par- ticulars nppiy tr;

-7OH.\' .\lC.\'.-Xiili. Bmntlon Crrririge Works. .\Iu.V 1. «it! . Cor. Princess .A.\'e.. and 0th St

Hiféageri “Racké:

nl I‘. '-.‘. 41:11:01:

cur!-. u,1w9.=i:c.-(I:i;~0:.'- .~'-:.~.l.i«.-.

JOHN R0'-c‘-IN.

J:.l'.' 3-i:",1.%~1. it fine Canada

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Q . Hl-I unlit-r. -'".--d '- Z A_v._-uz ! for ..h::- en.-l pre- ] pare-‘ll :_o -.4 _ _ ~~ -..«.-ix.-my at i Low l‘!'l(.'t'.‘: and on l.'..'l‘.‘~[J:4'll). . I1 r:.u-.

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