The Stage-Driver‘: Story.- Bow Goat:-al ~tou‘- Life unloved and How Ella Drlv of Twin: lhcupcd Death. The :.rzn°r.-.ilu:r of the pres-e::v. day. -'+.'~ ho is imrrir.~..i along lay ‘Jae ligzhtning ex- press, in- x:-- lnifict cars and palace l WE STBEO __ ........n.. n... ...... .....-g g1g.:_-pr;-., -r_-l'i-u::: rev-.:r:.:- in :‘non9,i.lz to ~ 1114,. 11:33 when the -cage can/:3; and pa.c- 2 kg: were the only umnns of c-'.r::muni- cation bezwe-on llie-tent Doints. It is rare l'.h."l.l. 0 _e df the ft.’-.1i oill-tin:-.: stage driven. :- met with ::r_-xv :4-days :Lua3. wvbvrn th-= vo’3'iK*'l' recently ran across ‘Roget:-. lla-ktli. of l_aU'Cl:‘.]7(lI'E«. N. l'.. he felt like :4 bihllligfflnllflf over the (lib- .-,m~._-rv of 4.-mu-:— rare -rolozz.-e of " forgot- ten 1.-fr.-_" .‘-Ir. l‘{‘|l~l-is.‘-ll. although one of And Steam and Power ...._.... .... -..._-.......... ...._.—.,—.... the nioner-r’-. in -—t.4,:v: "l!'i\"1lfl (he for:nr_-r- ‘I to I\'iar;:.u:. -‘zl ix-.-1r:_‘.' ‘rm. t !l'.!l1‘|."‘ iv r.‘-1:; is-:22: --_~'.x:e-:.=*.vu I-Calls rust l3=i!'."i§n . i- _ 111.1 ll-.4» lair to live for ::..;n'. _-. -1.-'1: -.;;r: -1<'JTlt:\ of i;l.- 1- \rl_'. :-. would fill l‘. '.'r-l!.i:n£,-. .l.'_ goinl_:vi-~;-.-l :: 2 u.wnn‘.:m: :.-'-.:- l.e\x1-t-oz: with n - i~—-- A p-.;.-- :r.=.r,:-: i.2Z~l!l Gvz!‘..:'1tl Sc.-.1: 2- -'1. pas.-2!:-'_‘z‘.". tl.-c l‘I'?‘.l\'t\ ;;.v.'r- wax’ and the c--ncl‘: ClLZ1IL' --n the heel- of line as l:t--.-E ll n -4.'.-_. yrs. 2; ~.-.hip tii-.- lezl.-len :4» :1 gallop. Ga:nln,; ll.-lvllllflflill r:io:nuntmn ua-_'n rnvolutioz. of tin “'.il(.'L~l.~ the coach 1'-1.-I-7..'.-.-: ‘-2:. h aidr Hill) t=u- .-t.r-.-:-'.- ui La:-.-.:-: Stxniglst n"l.l..I'_"1-i ‘.l.i. ‘.1:-:-: -V. -'.r.=t-3» hlli ti-w.-L--ltl.-e .\'i:-._;ar.. liiv--:. '. v\vur»i-_ whlcl. l.ll'I.‘ 1'-vs! i.=<,~r---'--la..~.ln- l. 7L:_Ii' ~.rt-!_tl_v L9 «::-rL:s::; ‘ ' Yet ‘.h-- f.ll'l.ll ll.‘l.l..:'l nt'\'<'r r- lax‘--l i'.- ll-ll l um‘ i.ll'.' -.'l<‘.L!' h:‘:‘.n: its I'1n!:(.‘n-llI_i.::I of vlln: mu-,'. he «i-.~n-- in thv mm-rgg--: On sl:-l-in-vl .‘h-.- until the 1;; llocla “us l'l.' '.cheIl-l\l-3l'.\'= Implements, .\l Aéfiil I}? if CO. '5 C EI.EBR_-XTED-~ STEM ililil Fllliiill THRESHERS, Canadian Mowers & Binders, of the best. Makers. I02 _-our: _-\«.I~:_\"x'.- E-xI~: Till-.‘ (_'l-23,5‘:-;i-‘..~‘.'l' eere fimerican THE Cii..i3’ili FLOW. ~ \'\ hi.:n uwinaz ' The Deere Gang Plow, to :l‘.-.- -npu.-ri-.»:i:‘. of its u-J:'§;. -. h:L.- won for it the r-.-pntzltiun of l;cln:_: the ‘ Best Sulkey Flow in the Field! iu'rVa'.‘y‘L‘l tnli }»it<:ilv:v.l «luv-‘ll the mountnitz ' ' - :0: .';.--.~ ‘J! xn:tn.'ag.:in»:zl'., and li'_:htne.s of draft imws l l l l l l I I l l l l The Prairie Queen Breaker‘ The Highland Cross Flow. 9' ».." M6» THE - - THE McCDRi.-{"2 lS,0UO Q or \ .,:’?'~.'':. I. ,. v __ LINE. ILL. If you wish the ,*:enuim- John Deere i’lows_. see that each one has the above trade mark .~'I:Iln[)(‘:i on ti. .'»'3.0l_|0 Giipin Suléiey Plows now in use in the limited States. MOLINE WAGGON. -—Tl:ll£-——- World-renowned Twine Binder The most. perfect liimler in the \V {‘ll_l, ‘£0,000 sold in the United States. ACK IRON MOWER.‘ the Uniteul States Brush Breakers. &c. These two Mztchines are manufactured by the .\lc(.'oruiuck Harv sting Machine Co. C-hicago, Ill. - ROBT‘. l)ARliACH,i Agent, BRANDON. lowest. NEW JADIES JAMES PAISLEY, ‘ ESUBGESSDR Tl] SCOTT 8:. PMSLEYJ PIONEER DRY E0008 STORE T0 THE FRBNT MAIN! ALL SUMMER GOODS AT COST l Uuderclothiiisg, Parasols. Gloves, Hosiery, and alarge stock of Men’s Clotliing to be rushed off lower than the REMNAT:-firs. A large stock in all goods, at half the regular prices. Come and see the very low prices. 0 GOODS Now coming forwztrd, we will discontinue our Discount Sale ; but prices in all above lines will be far lower than ever. The closest buyers will be satisfied. Dealing, Straight Goods, and Bottom Prices. Our Mottoes are Fair ‘P‘A_'I‘S:i;i?;Y. BRANDON. THE Cor. 6th St.. such as cause them The startling press the smoker BLOCK! and Rosser Ave. Our Fall Stock is Now Coming Forward. And those who hztve already inspected the lines now in have no hesitation in saying the assortment and prices are ‘ASTONISHMENT AND DELIGHT! reductions in orices and good quality of the goods at once'iim- SEARCHER AFTER. BARGAINS. That the place to buy their DRY GOODS _.__15___ JERRY ROBINSON &.Oo’s. B l{.$..\"D{}.\' i.‘O.‘.~"l‘ OF.’-‘.l(‘E ,1:-rit al and Departure of Dlails .-nu s 2-on :~-..-rvn-ta. .. v s .a: this 0.“ilc-.~ fir-‘ follow.-*1 For t‘::.- --.t-: - - . - 2 -15 For {hr ":2-st - - 5' SOD!"-~ -ind \f-.".u'.n r-.\:1:x- Fri fin‘. T!E?1l' .\l~.rur:'.-In route Fr:-lags‘ at Milrm :and~'uuri.- 3.1:»-,1y,‘u nut-3. lion-.ih_v. an! Tm-~.--la_v H‘. T :1 m, .1’~*-ll‘--L~-_".2.van«i .\lllJl}:"nl0~.‘l route .\x .n:iu.\‘ V’ 9‘-ilk“ ~l‘}‘ M3»! Pro! -3‘ at l p In R’. K $01‘!- l" ‘)'l'ue.~:l:t_v ‘I":‘*.r-.i.-4-. an ‘ K : E: It. in ' I-‘:\..‘sIo:x‘.:i_s.l1.:L=5;~:_ ¢).“l'I(‘l-I x=- - -v -_.-‘-- 1." '.:r- --xvi-ph-«I, EH . . nnch or-=n "rum 3. m. be:'«\r-.- tn:-nl clog.-_-_ -2 2. t‘. l-.‘_-\ \'A.\'.-\uH. lr“u-‘t J-faster. Aust.-:.\ (l!‘lClt.lll'.llL' ‘lluncm-_v.} lit-ig|m,. ‘De-n_n..nrf:11:11-iluluu: ll'l.liiKl|l nod l-‘nrne ls- l‘l.i:Il~'.l F "F -. I-‘.' :n('v .:n-l _.\]<_n-rl,n_ (:.-1-n;,”,v_-_ ' and 3'. half storcgw 2 ..---_..._....... ..... . .._~..—...._....,_.-...... .... I0 15 tmnu'.e.~ A (:l00DMc_!H.t.\%i:E. I ‘HF. _~'uh:‘-cube!" .=:.-srs for solo or for {Ann pro:-«-r:_\'. re '=-l‘-tlvtisliai Stony. one __ l '1... \-....l colmr in Satin: Cit)‘. .h ‘ -..~ on I.‘J.1'l‘{lt‘!1'! ogxpcurtrxniry for run- one wtskzznu to .-':.:\r:. s then: 2-: no 5:-are in the plnce .1: pl‘>.‘.\:-:12. r.-i_v in -H1-‘>1-'.i l'.i.l..!(\T’!‘ ’ .~.-::+-~..- City. Sonrishurz. 1’ 0. .J::::cl Debentures. .-\iwa_\s 0:121.-in-lend -_.~r-znzox‘. to ..‘!‘Il¢‘!‘. Lures for .\l'.:::-.«::;—al n--ll sumac‘: 1‘-:s'.rEc'.s. —.4. ‘ - The Best. Bond Pa.per 15. D se_d. and o:x:_v:i1s:ci:l.-‘s v-‘ark ‘allowed In ;...“,;. ollfvr. 3?‘ Onion. l-v trail :~.::u~:i.ievZ to. Sun Printing &.Pl:l1lisliEng C0. D1 i.'u.‘:: i .__.. o PATEflT$ ‘ In:-'!\'.\' .t (‘0.. of the scn:.v'rn'xc .\.\u:mc.\~:, r---. l,"!»r.ult:a. . ‘ rilnm and lrulunn, in-.-...-.. Rru l.‘IIl')li|. '..- .«ll(l~. ]lHl_\" .l;(p;.1n_ ‘\{u'lv_,:__ \‘_<-lllw '- n-l-‘. .\nr\HI_\'. l‘ortu;:ul 3 H1 {sl:ln-l.- ; . . -. -\.zur:-s. l’.us.~:u Grand ' .‘-‘lniun-i.\t. .Pl*‘l"l'Ir' wt Mlqn.-:._.u .~'p:iin' ~‘w.-ll.-n. \‘\vl'.-;,.-;-1;.ml_ Turl-:1 5' if-.::'-up l':li.i'.'.li \-mIi.-- 1.:-1'.--2 rule-PL-r § l'.z._ '..-, 1‘-0.=~=1'rIr'é-I7.‘--xno-nt.-' nf Hiu-_'ap(vr,g .\lalu(-ml: Lr:llL-t‘ rate per 5 nZ.. 100.: cur:l.~.-_’c.: m-v.v-pllpers, un.!-.-r 2 n;:._ -_'¢: glstrul lon so. Hllll pus’. - v-r., .. Ix lndln illrllisul Letter rule p» r § oz.. 15.2: post (‘:U‘ul.~ each 2:-.; n.-xvspnpers. und--r -3 ¢.z__ 3c.:_ book pin-kL—l.-. .