. Alfred 11::-E.3u~.



urns Blocking. of Toronto. WIU 9035*‘ Sta 1%: ippoluxed.

U‘rT.o..'. A. 31:13‘ ‘.i‘.‘..~— IL ‘;zz;~ lv‘_"LD l-.-arnc-ml t.h.roog.-th xiv‘: I3».-go .:*.:..¢ 1 r-.iJ:z=»1.4ce Lam’. Mr. Aifn.-:1 il:-9.1-'=‘::~. t-2' 5'-'a-'0l'J?-'.'- “'1” likeéy r.-- :.;a;--'.»i:.:- -: 1- - ‘sin’ l~:FICh fl? 3¥Jsr.'.l’.r;l:.»:. :~:.=' .1-.-3.-s .—.~r:'--'5 '.ls'.' bi‘? 10 “‘i.':1:i}'€1£ in until: ml» 1 H"! I1J“!3. ‘H33 from the I-.r-:..5i he: re; the 013!"-’ {F033 the ouhuialc ‘bar. Tl. - '.:um_~.t ':¢‘!.I€v do’-I-‘D Irere 12.0w; «'-1 Mr. A. L‘. EH33.-.-u am_l_31r. Oi -i-..-.(.Is.".". V3“-U 3

wtrw.-g pteiv r4.-=.~=.-:- E--r L‘ r -'!.rI§h:-‘- 3 15 and-r.-r9-.'.a9d 3:! John '-If:-l -1! ET"?-“i‘3_9° uxtenzzoo

sppoin: 5-Ir. KilE=u'.l.!.-1:‘. 1::-_ met. uinh :~-och -tr.--x.~.: t:ppI.r~lLlUn from the French s.§:.:::«:m. uf Iaimlisobn. nous- blv 2':-.r.n Ii 4:: J-.m.-pl: }:x._1-ul. that. be was 3:.-luv--:1 in r-.‘l'.:1;:r: §:i~ mimi.


With :3 (is-ntle Hand.

Tim)‘ ‘-7: :z- nu.1‘m'.‘.7 "“l' H": (Wain?-r‘? and :5 ;;uI'xr rn-.51:4:«~ I-1 M--I)‘ 1- “ll”! '-l-“' 3.-r(-we-r..-cl f.«::.':l&--- til-Cl.’ 31'?!“-' '-‘U9 *'—'-"‘ml"~“l gm} 5,.c,.,-.. ,-_._-,1. g 1 .:-.-.¢-'lli.'.z-_'_ mu: almzlxcr of 1111- ..n:.; :1;-‘. l" *1 °-hi“? “'3' "’ 30:”: .. “E, .,.g -,1, ,;-_~ . :,—g-.- ;:::o '..h«.- new." -Kn’/i 'l.1o I -1 ll.1(‘l"a LLCU “'3-* ‘-“!3ri("ui‘v f"r . n w . -I I . ;1,,_.u. -,..-M, nub ._.: um little flock lnmslugz. no. 19,- }.u- §_v.-.n-- bcfurr: Into the new‘ I In 4 '5 "‘ ,. hon-n n. '.i:«: (.‘ii\‘ “hue-.c Wtsilri 116 YOU!‘ ‘1w.!‘(-'. .

‘q:n“._ 3. §,.,;.I«r-in-ti that one l1l.‘Ll(‘ room .,_.a._. ,=, g;_ 3.. .. law, and as 5; rough vsorkm-u.= 2:-.-E "i-9 l:.n;rl on the door and puaizn-.': i: «m. n. :2“; IZ:Ui.ilE:! Cried out u. If i.v.- lnul ~‘..—‘-::-L hr-r a blow:

-_-! No: illcr-:3 I will zx.~;.'.~'.t.:lf. You caucus -


" (Ill, :1 .. -i. '1 muvaz all-N ?.‘lH!1L;'1' Loucril ti.-ens 1“

" Pisa‘. \<. 1“ lulu" Gmcc.-is mom. and ,,h._. 41..-«l :1: Ln .: liiziu bed." .-«aul ume of thy {},Ili1_'l" ‘l il':zn_-n.

‘Flu: r.-mzn -..-...:i;m:ul et.n_vr;<1 his foot on 115., 1);;-o--lll.i1l. ‘I-llffn llr: t.Or)Cl)£:'.l ill‘! hat‘ gufli |;,;g;1- \'u1l’illu$l‘:_\' 3.5‘ ll‘..' fifli ii

--1;‘ \.- rm:-:s~-'.-. ll:.x'am, I'll llmlrlle ‘hem ;g;,._,;_-‘ .1. 5,-l_v. I've :1 lmzle one of rm’ own an '__Ii:e1_\' the hens-r:n< be her b(I,3__ M31 j:_‘., 5-,.v r‘.f wil1<ev_-thorn not

' I'll settle in .;c._\:onrl

e ..I

a ll: 43 '._".'. -:.~'L with

]._ .,.,_, :g,. --._;,L- ;n)ZJCl1 of :m'u:re' that --1._“_:;.-., ::_'_r* \,\1lul(s \\‘I)l.'i‘l l'{lU.""' ‘Ill.-:l(=i'. Fri-r: l'l'-.‘~--.

-.,.-!.D—D— -

’l'IlE_0RH.‘."x 1'.1.£.f5.LVi«i I-‘.\iLl'RE._

gr.-31 {)1-»INI.1iu:J and Jlnuy Inn-klrn it--u:H.&

L(,,,.1;.;,_ ).;n.- -;n,———\\'i«lc.-qvreeii (lusti- t.uIi(n zuul z.-.;2l'.' .L 1-:c-‘::'(.' 0-’ Sllicillvs h{l_v(_-, :.,;;.,-x- .-.a ii:-.-:'a.ii\1re of the Oriental \‘~.L\ cazupellcd no close itg (}l)('.r‘ («:5 Liz; Hfvl H15’. Hlllglfl f11illllc “hi:-is lr-.< nccun-ml in Green Brit:-.:.: .~inc:: L! c '~~xIs;wl1>'l011 0! ftlle Git)’ Bank of (Na -mu-: E.::~ «.- -I12-ml “ucu whole- uasc-:s of alusolute r:mizn.ti0u of_ the


ban}-, '.\l:l\‘ll

hale rz:-in u.!.-it .~'s :: destiz -'.:v»:-.. For _ Or‘ex:t:*.} B m}; ,-;,-—~.*.--mryn -.\-a.-9 pU(.:ll1:.'.t in lg-‘\‘i;1~ l_;\'g«1- our lIU.utll'(:(l tllollsatllkl ,},;._n.l,-.,3.1_Lq_., :.l:l:.,m_rh its entire capital WM, W1; _gg_,x;u;).«;s‘e19, an that. the imlivid- nu] )1‘,-'g.,i|_;:_"_~. nf Illa: 5lI2'U.'8l!0l(lCX’S fl.\'Cf- aged less zlxau hf’.-=en pounds each. Having; i _ _ ne,-(Hy _:,{n';,-t. \'ni‘.,ll 523' “n H). John -‘V l-

:l'.\' 13:‘

Let B:l_\':u.~::, l:i:H’t._. a..~: elmilnmu or II

nrclu-ad of x,h-_- (,‘n:l»Lm' Direct-ors. it had .

. __ -r_ 3 b1‘51):L‘l}a'.~ 111- ll-"ll:lm:_\_'. (_,‘u.i\.\ltt'c.‘-. Maclras, , Puil-1-, _D.-;, c_.; ' - .~;g.;;1:v_po_1'ce. Colombo, 5

l.)I<] 15312.13

E. L.-...1 ¢-film -.- at. 400 '1‘lxrea.d- ' RUBT. DARRACH, .. , o.

WILSON 60% Co.,

Hardware, Stovesflllware. See.

A Full Line New on Hand Comprising

Milk Cans, Flour Seives. Mill: Pans, Dinner Pails, Dairy Pails, 0i1_Cans, Sfcramer Pails, Fish Pans, TUBULAR LANTERNS, &'c.,


Boiled, Raw, Machine Oliveand Neatsfoo

Glass, Putty, Shelf and Heavy Hardware.

Corner 7th St., and Rosser Ave.


Are lztnnliiug this year full lines of both

AMEEICAN AQID CANADIAN Agrie ..-1tural Implements.

:0: ——-——

rd’ C.-\I.L .-\.\'D SEE OUR CHI.)-l}’.RA'l‘F.T)


.-Xckllowlulgzcul by all prar:l,ic.-.1 farmers to be superior Lo a.u\,' in Lhe .\la):l{et..

————:o: --

.-x 1-‘ULL STUCK OF C().’s

Hand. Suiley & séawa.

With Extra Heavy Points.


Jfarmgcr. H. ‘V. TVHITE, ) .1 t [C b r .“ {/5}! S {'1 H?’ ‘Fr '. J(:.HxsTo.\'. Trazveflcr. A. DARRACH, J L

V’. F. BURLEY. Agent at Plum Cfdd/l’. icb 14. wtf.

I-luv.‘ rim: '. :'-i('li‘.Z;1‘... ..

l.h:2.«_=_- :\:.'u.:.. 35

~y;lu¢.-_\'. At. all‘


fig, n_:,:,_~;;.-x.-;.‘g _..} ;.-.1~ U: ~u:a.ll iIl\'L‘Sl’.Zn(.‘uZ.$= from (:i‘.'-1! :~;c:-.2‘.-at er:-:vu:_'.e..-. .~;.-:"‘Z"’-3. w;'(;.»;x-.-_.__ .{¢.l_-:.-r».. ClL':::_'_\ 1.2:.-:3. am; in ;'.-.n! [1-ml, ;._;§ . 1,..,.~c-:a in tho liugzlislx (:ol0nic—l _ at t.in:.*-‘:3 ;x-an»:-.. _.\‘._ L-cm_«_: «_wr;z:~.nize*;l ' on zl.«- l--.~. ac... . - -~-!::._'.' mac: » 9. one x . one :-1 :E:-- ;.!~. is-3'-:i-I-1-fin the! concern

in ex. x'mEi:_r Lu L?--: l

is livl-in. 31 Eli.‘ wu:-Za’.?_\' 1; ',~.'~r-.~.ui~\:1~'. f:.l' flu; debts of Lu bfllgk_ nu r_~_u‘_:,L::‘ 3; iv: clzlrlll lli‘. §:l(li\‘illu- ' ‘g 2.37.2314; .3! six,--.‘.L::~‘-l1l~.3.' ho. 'l‘l1on.~':mv.ls

of N1; _~. of 2-;,2,7IL‘lH:l(f.‘|i: have lb ca lihuétl ' fl;:.1i!1\'I at-..-.z—.2'l.‘.t.-.: all IX'l‘.ill.3l\‘l(‘l‘."

boa. in F.-.1-,:l:m l z*.:l.l {he l'.'.a.~.b. and it 1! ,

c;,,_.¢_x.. of 13;: :r ¢:a“.:rc ma:zu:< of .suh.~'is- 3 (

l~'.m.-;_'. Sl::...;~_:.a-.i.Yokolmma. .\I».u- .‘ —-~ ~-----—-

AT COST. .~.n(l t.; :¢-:E:;L-c- our llc‘.'.\‘_‘_5' Sheri: '2:-. .~1_>(:eciil_y 1‘0.~:-ililtl‘.

r:‘.:t.! (:5 of ins entjn; B.-autiful Bloc}: Caslinlcre, ‘25 e. per _vzm1 he Heavy All-\\ ool Dre-as (iomls, 20 e. per cost

Silks an-l I\Ta*:ins, at znzu-vullvms lmn prices , Bcautiftll Black ‘Jci\'¢:’.s.-ens. at .'':-J«:. for yd. l I3 _\‘a.rd§ i":-.:tm-y Cotton, for $1 , _ \\'hi:e 3.; I

t-hi‘ 5'35 “-~-'“l‘7-""- ‘'‘“-3‘ th“ l”-“'~“' 1” ‘"75? “Waite Blankets. at co.-.t, from 3;‘. up ircy Blaul-zefi, S 12.5., for to- tx,-~:.,: . '.!:‘i ha. -~.u'.-c-n ~u znasgv of the j l~luax-y llui C0llif0:“tul‘3 l"-1:-S1


I '1 n

9 q -1 1-739. swag E3“ 1 is ;es;:.::.. 53] W1 . We l:a\'e (letcrlaine 1 to clear out. all


Durand‘ 1

———-— 0

the following-: with n.:l_=.'r..‘l:rl~’.' £3121; 31:1-3 ever best: crffcrz-:l in tile; city : , Bear, ‘Wolf and l311fi.':lo Rolls;-s am! Coats, at

vmd , Ladies’ beautiful Alaska Sable Mail‘ for S

Beau-tiful Red and Black l’l::iLi Goo-Es, l0<:. .-\st.mc.':a.n Caps, $3 and 15 e. per yard 3 Ge-nis’ Otter .l’..'uu". ‘;':.-.;)~:. 0*.‘ 3'2.

' I.:u':.L-.5‘ Ci-ni-. J:n:l:<-ts. Fr $1.50 '20 yards Good Print. for S1 _\1cn‘s ll cavy Overs.-r;at:< If-.-u'.~' H-2:~.\';.' E‘1:'It.~', for

:‘.l-_-n'.~' l“le1\'}‘ Top S.lIil‘f.'s :)Gc. .\ier.‘s Sail-»l' .l<::'sc '5, .)'


m-aacls, ll-4. $1.25 Lach

‘In _-

"‘ pct ;\".i:'

.'.~ .':.u.‘;l

n;;:'_ -. ,;':-_~.~‘_ -:14 to rl.-.-‘perutloz: aml . I)rug;gcting for Lining lilliiii-} llnhcze, 35 c. 5 _ _ dcxzfh. . per yaql l .‘ul‘e!: s_LJa1-d‘i:_:'1n Jiltr -_1.s, g_-v-:34}, SL75 ________ ._ ______ All Carpets at cost g .:‘ul-\\'03l.(.';o‘n1l.S_ ai bicarrs. :_1:_c.-cs‘: llcmp Carpets, at me. per ;.'al'd .-‘. L:-.';‘_::- htocl: or l3o".s am‘. .\'!1r>-._-5, at close

-- :;_s-;.-=..=. as *_;I“.O'l 11.‘! a circn.=,"s-ufé S::vr:«:.-22;’. I\ir.Il:-l!l:ul.i. " 1 was \w.;‘.l§;iu,r,z gL~.,n'.: l.‘l£‘n.\'l\\;‘.'_\ !l.I~< morning when I saw a ‘L.-in:-‘n-:..z.'. Izm ml: coining furi- 0:1*l_'»‘ up .\lv.:-2-.1_\' .~"n-(«C-r. The driver ECz*2\.::-xi '.'l 1'('- 1'--. .z;_«_‘ ':vi~ lnwt Y.“ atop the . 1 nniztaf. l_)'l-“. it KY1‘; 1‘ll‘.!l.‘-"..L‘.“\'_{|?-'Jl}lC. A ] Dlli. xx cl‘. ‘off: ?‘.!Z’!!. 2.1;.» diil n-.3‘. .~cc- Llic run.-.x-.-..;.' V-..:\ cm_;.;n;: the s‘rc-ea. I.-Zvu.-:\‘l.\~.d_v c:'i::-..l on: to him. lvv I-lzo horso was close mgvn him hcfure ho 5-nw i:,- Qaix 1: 2:: tl:on-;h'., he put) out. his 1-igh: 1:9-.~.al. ~4.-1:-.ed :.u~ lmr.~e by the nos.- taril.-'. ;_!rz\'c av. 9:-.-.'§fl.c»:: t'\‘i.~':. and the run- gwav was ljcii-.;; :‘:a.*. on his Sldll‘ on the cl-o5;ixxg_r'. 'l‘l:L- cal: Llri\‘r~z' was too much astonisllvxl :0 say a ‘.\‘«pl‘(l. and the RQ‘.'}l2- get :\i;:§;._-.l up his Ila-', an-l wall-:-.--l 0:‘: as- couliv ‘:5 H .‘-_._l:'.2'.z:-_: lvul izzuv;-ex:-.-:l. I lmlrzigii t‘:;-.3 lxz.- wae Mr. l.¢_-I121]:-l H. _<.;«_u-.;.;-:_ 1-he o\\‘z;-.*r u.‘ a czttlu ‘."u2PEl in 'l‘«~\‘.'1<_ Hz: 3: . -.-. a trick Lila: Ill!‘ cow !‘-mus lmv-3 of :,hrnwin_:: a rstvcr l»_'.' ;;iTE..-: i';‘~ L;-...*. .-. Ei::1u r‘:-‘i~:. H-2 prac- ticed it «:2: 151-«:;ni-.\‘3_\'. z:n.l Elm: r::z:aw:1_‘.' boziw 29.): Ex l€_'.\‘\‘!i'£X rim‘. ll? won't fa-l';.'_9t if in‘ 1:;-.= :1:~}' :~:-:’.~:‘."--—‘-'_.\. Y. -§‘-Ht

u. . .........—o......


All Fur Goods at cost.

_ pz-ices.

(:‘..‘u\'-E-.‘RlF..*€ no will :.:‘is'(- You lhv l:ni!wn'i7:::_. ‘.1 hit.-3: (-annnt Kw heal.

311).‘. Good 50 cc.-:t. Ta.-:1 for U3 § :' (-ans l'Inj_;lisl1 Cl!!.'Trio--_ _ _ for 31 00 9 ll . (Rood Prunes . . 1 :30 if .1 r.-ms >‘tmw1_»crric-.-:« . _ 1 O0 3 lbs, Rice .. . . . " l Uu ' .3 ::;:s Pears .. .. .. ] .3 0 lbs. be:-uxtifxzl -\‘u_::ar .. - 1 0'7 -7 czuas Swc-ct Com . . . . I 00 C ibs. Graulllatcxl .\‘.xg.lr i (.0 _ 5 pans l".:s . . .. . 1 £70 A Brinze Lo; (3: -.,n:-zrfo if-':'l l‘-ati.-:1‘ an-.1 }:‘re:<lx E;;;:=. CllE’£Z}_)

1 ALL OTHICA (£00133 .1’? Will’. E~‘-\.\iiZ i_’ZIO'i"(‘I?.'l‘IOI\.'. F01: :70 L~.x';':s C-:.'1.1'. l’.‘_'::lP.12:lnf‘,‘l' Ill»: 'l"«-:'e:::«~ I‘~'?r:~:-, '.;0‘.c-Ll l01"BZ'.3;{22il.S.

‘-"Fr". 3:‘: 51: J5.-‘r‘§‘-.7:".'.“-"aT€'_l:ii. .4;

NEW R103 BL-€;*.--<.::.».=.,—-.

g s -‘— ‘C ‘- Kai

And will completely change the blood in the entire fistem in three months. Any per- son who will take 1 P111 cad: night frcxn 1 :3 12 weeks. may be restored to sound health, if such :2 thing be possible. for curing Fcmzue Complaints th:-5-c Pizla have no <-qt:.1I. rlzysiclmns use them in their pr:1:‘.Z<~.- " "‘"' 25 cm. in -stamps. Sand for }'Y.'IrnpI1_l-"f.

. Sold everywhere, or 5c:t by mail for E‘-. JOH.\'SC2\' 3: C001 ?~‘.(.‘FTO.\'. 51.195.

3l.I}'39.—-—Ei_;:'u:cen _

_.i :. -_;a:a-.~ of ln-I-.~ ha} :13‘; herw -.‘;.1-.. s.'.:-.-'._-.: to .~.c:;:¢-ll \\ilil p:.“.~:.-. -. . :_a'. -.;-: ' V5.1 of «.ls::i‘ii;.‘ lum-

L: inc‘-. ml :. .'..":. Tim at-\‘.< cs: freely. .-ill . ' - u ~- \\‘£=:1- :.:-ie'.: V. :'.':).’.l:. .~2c;:. Two mod L 1::

*3. l

.Zl.".t IE3; lfi‘-ilfilikfifll


CR1‘:'L2P,_~ ASTE-5:’.-«A, §ngr;§HlTls. t.-::1a-ou:i;: 1:: ‘- ll-deiny .-. :::s:;u::. -. ' 7;“ (Fcr}:::.a-11:1 and 3:-

z<*rr:;-.’ Est). CL'::l-LS

:53 n. {'}‘$5°.~f.":iE §_«iNiE’:':::§

is .1-.39

20. A.

E31111“ . .‘i - - -.';_‘-K mill fiTc Eu‘? -1 gs.-n_r ‘:3. ' 1.. .:. : 1:. 3.1;: -..C’*m:_:IIoarse::es1:.EI§rckixz:'s_‘4::2-.:!i.1\’BrF;:f!=.'7 Cofilzf-.

:.' _ 3-L: :5 . 3 _ - _\- ,- -.—.;.,_x 90 \.-:\- : l.‘~cn:-..-. .1-.n..¢..r~'.rf: .7}'<e':'i Lholer-.1Morbus.h:d::ev.rnu!z.es. suns:-so 1.3 c.r“k 1.1. F" ‘H, 0”‘ ' P3‘ 6 l ".“"_ . _ : .: ~a:. -- ..-:2. . -zu 5:: p....---*'. .1.:o l.S.Joax:-03: I: ('0. El->-'1:-::.3...'-53. live. 1 a-_- o'.-::rs ah? .~:-Z;-..‘:':‘-g 5-:1‘:-rs:-W - '

-—--—————+-—- __.

Suixssrilxe for die weoliiy Sci. the

cheapest 2-.ul L»-:_~.: paper yzzbllsincu between Winnipeg and \‘:c:cria-

Horse and ('n‘:3(~ l‘.2m:‘e.- sold :11 mix cs:-'::s:r_r u u .r':.!css. €3.32 (‘mrfizucn P5 315?: :3 BEA?-tl!llt’l_“ ‘,‘|ll& 3.38 Yen‘! rhiuwfih ' ab '1 (.6 1 P :1

tr?! maize ens any 2 Re en: en’: ' in not: ow er Drsc. one tr.\spotm"tl1to ncr: pir. in". sex: ever:--here. arse.-:: by nazncxrzrcas. n:u._..*'“,u’ "‘ I

e. 1: Lu : “':'ll-‘A561’-T1) am: out most of 1*)» . iii EiE§$ hi? horn: an earth g “a

1 3 Joux..=o.~r<t :o.. Bosrus. ."‘~4LS.&

..._... so». ...l-.-

......_....... _.......... ..-..


Compare ;

Bl{.i;’DO.\'~ POST OFFICE.

Arrival and Depart are of Hails. -

.. 1.... para:


run :- rr-u m-z-2:21. .

Clo-4.-ri .1‘. ihli 0131‘? as l'r)iln‘.r.-: :

Po.-thee-4.‘; - - . - 1.43pm} For the we»: - - 1245 13,31; F-ouris and .\Ie'm:n route Fri-tax. 3:. 7 It on Turn}? .\Ioun'..-Mn route Friday at T a in.

Milford andsourls Mouth n-me. lzonahy. and Thursday at 7 a m.

Rapld Fix: and Minnc-dosa route Munday W'edne-doy and Friday at 1 p m

Souris o ‘yTnesday at 2 p m in: ‘A -'1‘-I\'I."’G 41' THIS orntrx.

From the ca..~ 1:35p. From the west - ~ - 1:-15

Sour!-I and .\I ‘M. ‘Iu&e.Thu..sus_

Turzle Mouumin r -:.e.Tbnrsday 4 7

Milford and South .urout.h route. 1: :5- nud Friday at 5 p. m.

flap:-' '.‘it_v route, Tuesday Thursday am’

‘.11: r_‘ 1! n. m “fin uh. Zl[onday.1‘ ‘-)a.m. OFFICE xv .

The om»-a a c.=a:v. -n-xdnys Pxcepted. from S3. ma -:! : xu.

-‘50D9S'OT . anch op-.-:1 from a. 3 p. m.

Rnsrlstere-d mnuer must be in 15 minutes before mall closes.

m. to

1. C. K.-XV.-\.V'AGH. Post Master

Po rclzn rostmrc Table.

Austria (Including Eun::ar5'.) Belgium Denm-trktlncludlug Iceland and Farm; Ila- hnds.) E2_v;.t F-‘rance and Algerla. Germany. '_:ibrx-sitar. I‘ ritain and Ireland. (ifs-ece an-H nnlm. —.-nds, Ital)" Japan. Malta. !\'€-Itherlnnds, .\'orwa}'. Portn¢.rnia.1c'2 Islands of Mr.x.'.-ria an-i tzorc-~'. Russia and Grand Duchy cl‘ E-‘:nland.Sl,. Plerrie et, Ml m-Jon Spain’ ’<wed--n. Switzerland. Turkvyl Iurnp eanaml -Ulaticz Letter rate Per 3 oz., so, cost vnrrla eac‘l.'lc.;new.=-paperc, under '2 oz. 10.. book nach».-ls. so m pies. et--., per :1 oz.. 20. reglsu-at lon . 5c.

Aden (.-\rabln..) British Guiana. via ‘)7. Y.. t.‘o}'!on. Hons: Kr-nc (including Amoy.CanLon l-‘no-(_‘rnw_ Hankozv. Nlnepo and Swalow, via F .) Dlaurir-us and its 1):-pemlcux-les_ straits Sr.-ttleznenme of Singapore. PL-nan:

.\lalnc<--\: Letter rate per i oz., 100.; posl (‘-'|1"'l-*1‘-“-I11¢‘W§pflpeTS.l1ud£'r 2 oz., -?c.; re-

¢.,'n=trm!0n Sc.

India lBrHl~'h) Lettc-r rate per § 07... 150.; post nards‘ each. '20.: m'>w.=pnpL-rs, unrlorfl oz., 3(-.: book packc-ls..=a.n1ples, etr:.. per :2 oz., 40.;

eglstmllon Sc MISCELLANEO.

A!‘£r:I)Xl1)¢': R--public: Leflc-r rate per § oz.; l0c.; D0:l. cards ..’c. e-nch; llewspapers, under 2 oz..‘2(-.: hook packets. smnples. e!,c., Per oz.. ‘.’r.: rt-gl.<1ra(-lon. Sc.

ASplnwal1. via X. ‘x'.: Letter rate, 50. per g oz.:po.«t cards.-2(-. c-nrb: newspapers. under 2oz.. 2<'.: book pack:-lsfltmnpies.cu-.,lm) gt; regrlntralion. 50.

South and we-sl .—\u:<lralm. Tasinzmh, \-in S‘-an l'ram~l~=«-n‘ (r- an Letter 1-ate. Tc. per i uz, pn=:t C.-n'd_~',—: rww-pap:-r:=_ under 9. 07... 29. book p:\(‘ket=.sal:1ph-5. c-l('.. (m) 3c. per 2 oz. rezlsx rm lml. -—.

.-:(-xv South .V\'a1es, Vlc-torla and Queens- lnn-l_ via 5. F.: ((3) Letter ralo, 15¢‘. per 9 oz,‘

outr-:1rrl<.—-: n-w.<pnnr_=r.=. under -.2 oz., 2c,;

mnk p:1(-kets. samples. el'.c.. -1c der 2 oz.; re- gl.=:r:1tion.1.3c.

New 7.caland vln s. F.: (C) Let.‘..-r rale 150. po‘—r ;' o7..; postal cards, 2 cents each. book p:1c!:(=ts. snnipic-s. etc-.. lc. per 2 oz.; rezistm. tlon 15c.

Be-rxnuda: Letter rate. Sc. per g nz.; pas;

mu us. '20. each: m-wspapers under '2 02., 1c.: ‘on L: n .c‘-:1-Ls. smnples. ‘:Lc.. lc. pcr oz.; re- gistration 5c. Brazll, via I-jallfaxz Dctter rate. 50.. per 5 oz.; pa-2. 1-ards. :50. each; new.'<pap(.-rs under 2 oz., lc., hook pncl-tats. samples, etc., 20. per -.2 oz.- regist.rntion.5c.

Brazil. via New York: Letter rate. 101:. pay 5oz.: pus-I cm-d~:. 2c. each; newspapers. under '2 oz..2r:. book pzxckstfi,-aniples. e‘.c.. 52¢. per -2 oz.: r-.-gzisn-anion. 5c.

Cape nf Good Hope: Letter rate, 15¢. per n'.:.: pest cards,-—: no-wquz pors. under 2 oz 2c. ‘molt pa:-E-:1.-1 s, s:uup1es,etc..3c. per 2 oz_; reg lstrmlon, 7c.

Chill. ':l:\ New York: Letter rate we. par g, z,:-pv‘»'~‘: r':'n'IlS, :26. each; newspeper5_ nude,- -2 n7,_, .':::_ lmul: pa.--l:ets,san1ple-s. etc.. ac. per !) o7..:l'r:.'2.-6:1-9.1-ion. 5 c.

.l:1\—'»1: I.-1:9: rate, 101:. per é oz.: post (-;.:-as 2;’:-3 ‘_“ri('lJ n--wspaw-rs. andc-1 2 oz. 3 «-:-;;:_ug

Jbr-r)!~'. mu-'-<--t.<,s mplcs <:lc._ -2c. per :3 02.; ;-._»;_;.' ‘-‘§.Tl"!ir‘. ,.'~:'.

Islrxzr-'1. \‘i:=. .\'e-w Ym-‘.<: Le-tier T1ii~l',l0f‘.‘[l(_-1' ;,out::l r:=:rd.~'. -lc. each. m_=v.'spap.;r.=

; oz. Cc. Hook pa:-kct.-=. sample-s etc., 2 o_ '5)-«r :‘ «-27,; l‘f‘gl$lT2ltlfil‘l 5'.‘.

I’ mrur: :1. ‘via N. Y :Lett-:2: rate, 5c. per 5 oz; pest -'-:1rd "11: n-:".vspape-rs. llndar 2 .,g_ 2v. 'l)I)(>k xmr-kc: s:ur:plc-S vtc :3(:. per 2 07“; r.- _ <'r:m-1:1. -30.

ppm, via .\'. Y.: r.e-.*.«_-.- rate. me my 5 03,, 90:3. t"7'lT‘1iS.2C.('.'¢'lI'.'ll§ !le\r.-pnp(-r.~‘.un-‘er 2 07..

-_'r- - 'n-x‘-- ;~-ac-Lu-ts sazzzpil-s 2-l.C.. 2c. per 2 02.; .'_:':i. ion. 50.

:1 S. I~‘.: Letter rate .-T-c. zpm-I carfls, each: ll(3W.<pnpg-rs, :.z 1c.: bank packets, sarnples, ct.-:.. lr our 07.. re -lslralsnn. 5:‘. E-‘iji l‘-‘lnnds. via 5.. F: (R) Letter Tu.L0.7 (_‘. pep - -rm‘ «-:x -E-——-: ' -'-'~'.’.=_o.'1p-:r.-:, unrlm-'_I r-z_ 29; : p-It‘'v-.-*‘.s. 9:11:11-les. etc., Be. per‘: 07.: reg- {I-‘.Y2.— -- <- 'Df.‘ZT;C‘i¥£'l' ra!-‘.100. per 5 02; post -_-at-1: newspapers. under 2 9:. 2:2; :r-kr:!.< .~'nmpl=:3 5-t.r'.. ‘.10. per 2 oz: regis-

u( . v-\': Lat:--:' rnl(*.—-per § 02:‘ nos: cm-.}_.:, n-_~\-r.-papers uni}:-L‘ 2 oz. _}r'.; v on}: -‘-ct-f.t-‘..!~'ax!z1vit:S.C‘c . =6. pert! 02- re.r..'istra-

tion. .'-<~

Vi}-'.S'1' IN DIES .

!3*ll1!‘I‘I!‘I:‘-<. ':xn .'~' 1' 2119!!‘-F rate. .‘>c. pm

' !'-55. '3-'.'- ruck; nu-v."'p:1_l-era. undo -ml: ]In:'!€F.‘iS. sa.-n p!\,-:~'. e'.c.. lc per :l‘.‘h>l:. .511. _\'ie: .‘I. Y : Lo’.-ft0r‘.'ntP. .-’-c. per ,1 oz; . «M. :0 (-«ch; n~.-W:-pnz:-'-rs under 207. lv: E-ml: ;~:.«-i:- l.=.sav_np£r's. c-i::..ic per-.5 nz; reg-

-"nn_:‘m. H'!x ‘.‘-.~*=c.<(-lon.-' by all routec: Letter -_-;. _.','rv f‘-I-r1_u::.', post (-ard-2. ‘Jc u-avh; m-wg- ..- x).-r~ x-mile-r:2 oz’... 2c. luul: :racl:er.e1,r:am- ~.. .-'-~.. "0 r-r-r -lnz" r--'.'i~='"r-‘J--n \--2:. N. Y.. .'u:-rt-1 mnli: l.elte-r rat‘: ; mu‘. curt).-= E:-. mu-n: ll“'\!"s'D.'lp(-.‘.'.~‘ rih'\n‘.:l1:xeF7r-!~t. =:-.mp!r-5:, etc. .. ; . '


=‘=‘. I-"P. peri- mr.-Ea nz--.n< ‘per.-a. under '2 u-l<, -i."IXll}.':P.‘*, (_'Z‘."..'l(‘_ pr-1' Jr‘.

Hm‘. l-hr-:\, " _‘i>r)nl{

" :'~.:n:.'r:. via I~.' ‘.‘.. rlirm-:

. . r —.-Lu. pl-2‘ ‘. 02: pots. rards, ‘Jo . - s ~:‘.'i}‘(-Ta. mtdur 5-2 1:.-.. 1:00;: l)}‘.L‘li-

-_ ~:.rnri. ~22 t<~.. la. per ‘.2 07... l'CgiPi.l’Hl.1()Il,


"’- - '35- ‘C Y,: {.r-1':-J ra'.c..'u- per 5 - .1 : - - s. _-c- \-‘-1:1.‘ '~‘m:‘,=-r~'.-1:11..’-Ir 2 .l;,, l:- -'=r‘- ' '- \"'u".-. ~':.'r.y -.'- ctr-..1r our 5 - u ‘I. (‘ I .' - 1*.-.-r 3 av. 1-1-4‘. car’!-1,

r.~='.::uiar -' oz. !~- Ln--2.:

-.; _;'«m,.:~. F-* .In‘..;l an E 'I':'olx .f.'l:;:2i=l:\ - 2- . Y: 5.--it--:‘r'.:c. 5:2. pa:-:-‘

:l.: n-~v.'~;n.~.p .u:xde:' 1 oz. . -~'1:n;‘.l-.--t. 4".‘ . 1c. 1‘-.-:' 2 rnz

-'!-*:"rn‘.I=.1"-x: :_~r-r «\ 47.: poem: ix-_-2: per-' utlder :2 oz. 2.-:; ‘. .=:.-..-;:;-!r_-.-‘-,r:t.'_- -1r‘:reg‘.=lr:.-.:lon.

t‘.'-_: _:v!-..-.*: :n ‘.‘.'<I-L ‘in-‘iii’-4. :21 N. Y '0 z:,‘ L-:z:- r :-me-. L’-.-, per n:.: [I-1:1 c:l.nls.—-. . rp-

::pr-‘.”.~, on-J.-r -.5 oz. ‘wok px:<-"::"t~,s:x:npies

r- . .:u --.—. -2 22:: n::;..~lr.v.Linn. 3-\(-.

CH1 ' -: ~: ir.r_lie-_-'. via llzzlirazr, (\- e=: Lo’-?.!r‘r ran: 13¢‘ '\--: fin:-:P1r--.'.-x-p:*.pvr.t=,t:nder Imozc 3-at-_2:e=.s, _—_1l.Hlpl“E. etc.. 3:: per

"':".l~:“.! :-:

P:-ennyzzzc-n1. :-o:v:pnl.=o.-3:. a. Aqditlonal charge on delivery. Saroplcs can not in-: .-.-2:21 excepts: la tales

. RRS 0 C‘-,’s NEVV "



The Most Hand me in Manitoba, Contains a Full D_e_s_._- 0: ption of our New

Spijingnooth Seede“-;=

We will be pleased to Give Oneto Al! who will ca atou', ofiice, 9th street. Brandon.

THOS. IIERRITT. .\. .\'I(.‘-HOLS & F. A. 5'.\lI l'}i. Trzwcl1in:_' Ag,:uut.s.f,


Brandon. .\Ian.. Feb:-1'. ry th. ISS-L

Bonk 1~'.cuper. -— .\lana.g:r:r. Gt"!I£‘l‘B.l .—\«,{ont.

CL‘oon1bs & Stefivax-t.



Boots and Shoes, Graceres, Provisions, Etc. 3333.,


.-1:fi_____ .,_


1—-|- I

‘L: ‘I



fflerchani Taiimsrs aiai in ‘-iers.


i{.E3{0‘i7ED T4) ’i‘i‘iiS.ll?.. 31‘ EW f=‘;"4}ilE,

—-——————0N THY’

Corner of fioeeer Ave.

.5 iii


T. T. ATKIQE E%35O"lI<i’S

A splendid range of Black (iros Grain and l-Srocadcil :'~i1l<s, extra. \'a.iue.


A full range of Colored Silks and Satins. Splcmlirl Lion-.1.-:.

New Gimp Trimmings, Laces, 1‘assemr:ntrie Ornaments, ice.

Our Stock of Dress Goods comprises the DC‘.\'«:.‘~:t thin

.=. in i'lJi(ls, Plain and Twilled \\'ool'l".fi'cut.<, Sergcs, Lace Melaziges, (Jolorexl and Black L -

P’ 5" . .. 4133:}; I-.-res, c\:c., &c.

Our Staple 1)-zpartnleiit is renlctc with new 1’rint.s, l\Iu.=,iin:s, Crc-tormes, Trblings,

Slieetiligs, Cottone, Sliircings. &c.

58' Gentlemen will find it to their atlvantage to call on us for a. complete Outfit, from :1 Suit. of (Jloiilcs to a. pair ol Socks :1: Hock-iaott-om Prices.

Boots and Shocs, Groceries. C\'.c., alway.-; well assozted.

Special inducements to Parties Wa.."1:ing Large Orders.

T. T- ATE£E§e§lT$%§*§, Cor. Roseer Ave. &5th St. Brendon-



emcaaay, GLAssvw.:=.a, _C.F:.".;éA, Lamps, Chan;.rlie_rs,' . Plated Ware, lsutiery anti i5&i3"_,. Goods. PORTER &. R MALE,

I88 Main St. Winnipeg.