
IHE BR;’i;\'DOI\’ SUN .

8211;:-‘D0.‘-'. 3LA.‘i. AVG 7- 155‘-

Tnz City Council will meet on Mon- day evening.

Tm: "Brandon" Hum ha.-2 bf:-3:1 taken hold of by Julr. Tom Quaun.

B21‘-‘. llr. Fraser. of ltotlisay. Uni will preach at Yizden on Sunday 11811-

Tiu; Council for the Iilunicipuiity of Cornwallis was in session lJ£'.‘l'(: on '\Ve<l- nc-hday.

Bin. (Jan. ll. 25T.LEL£'. has sold out his feed store and stock to Air. W. ll. Par- rish, of this city.

Tm. 4‘u.lju'.i..'”l;U.l :r.'a.:c'.ln;.; of t" -2 .'r.:-.-;-cn- tive Comniiitcq: of the Teiripcrzincc

A :-_ia.uce will be held this evening at 5.3-U _

112 the Alliance Rooms.

Tm»; .\'ici.«-.= l'ia.Le Circus. had but ht- Lle r-.l.ll:C(:b.-s ‘..'.. l'or-:=.gt.- ia 1 :::.u.Lc«. T1.- wcallier vi. 3:; against 2'. iu.-=1 they gave an exhibition in the town hall-

TILE sczcson for shooting plover is now

open, and the birds v. .11 sutier .ic.-urd- ingly. A numbtrr of our cr.-.a.-is shots from the city lza.ve conic hoiiie '-'-itii well fillui bcig.-i J1 ,,_,_-..¢.-:- A cool.» ucalof amusement was nishc-_i those near the tirelniil on '1 nes- day evening by a mule. The mule ed itself stick and clean from the sad- die and z.'1m«.-st out or lI.:a ill-it‘.

Tux. ultl_ lndzzui Antoine, who makes himself the most conspicuous during the pow-.wo-v.‘ in taking up the COllU(.'LlUl.l has 20 l.-usl-cls of wheat sown at Uak liiver rest-rv-:~.

T211; Liounteu‘ police en route lul the b0I~.ié_:2. in coxumztutl of _‘ii;:_;0r Shuxiiiil pu9:- up at the Langlizun yesterday noon. 'l'h'oy were accompanied to their des- tinat-‘run by Collector llcsson.

Us uccount oi the late ruins J.'u-rners have not been able to do anytliing on low luud with their buy. Should wczithci continue fine a good deal will yet be put up this wee-k.

the ;-I it

0: Monday morning on the down:

{min ten Mounted Police ii-an in charge. son.-e horse thieves. bound for Stoney hlountnin to serve sentences _of impri- sonment from two to four years.

'l‘iii_‘ number of cautlitlatcs u 1 for (‘Ii- 1

anxiuution at the Central School are f:-ir

in advance of those expected. Some fifty eight are new writing, while only about thirty were expected.

It is a. hard matter just now to dos- cribe the joy of the C. P. ll. employees. On 'l'ue-2-day. word reaclied them that the pay car left. the City of Winiiipeg at 12.45 p. in. and would likely roach here yesterday.

A SUMBEIK of horses have been quar-

antined iu the County of Dennis. Dr. .!IUIl;Ll;L:..pl£;=.l..'vl:.:L4 ';".'_.. Air: this week, on a. tour o inspection.

Sexerni horses have been condemned, wliilo.-. others have been liberated.

Iv. .~ liglit gr:._v nuu-as belonging to Mr. D. A. Rose of range 30, were stolen from his place on Sunday night last.

‘Mr. Rose has not been able to get. any word as to their whereabouts up to this time.

THE culvert and crossing where Prin-

... , 1

(;L__--- .. CZ"...'.‘.L~‘ ~- ---- -- -4". as 'LnL(.2i considerably diiumged by the late heavy may . ml is new in an unsafe condi- tion. the volume of water passing down bl.-mg r unethizzg oxtraonlinztry.

G1'~'.E.\T prcpurzitions are being made by the fanncrs for harvest, which to :-ill appearances will come upon them with a rush. E :ery farmer will make it his greatest turn this year to keep clear of the frost if possible.

0GIL\'I2'."s elevator at Harden is nearly I

oomplctsd. els. The old :13: \\'!'l'v'.:lJOUZ~‘G east is to be removed next week and made use of near the elevator. The total -Loz-age

capacity thus afforded will be about.

70,000 bushels.

‘-.\l.i.\'i' of our our citizens will remem-

ber .-‘uigus l\lcLain, who was formerly‘ employed upon the Police force here. 3

We regret to say that he was seized

with a sudden attack of Mountain fever .

near the end of the line. the week be- fore lust, and has since died.

AT the social, given by the W. C. T.

U. on Tuesday evening, Idr. Thos. Beer ' gave «number of fine selections on the '-

clnrionvt. Mr. Beer's music was fully approciuted. and the style of his playing

showed that he was quite master of his '


Tm: firemen of this city propose 9.2- _~

sending a grand firenien‘s tournament to be held at Portage la Prairie on Friday next. The men have had several prac- tices running out the hose and handling ladders. and we expect they will make it wa.rm‘= for osliers who may be there to compete.


Its capacity is 50,000 bush- .

41 T22 "Bcanbier" House. of which M‘- l thoroughly overbiiulc-cl and repaired for E The out.-side will be laihod 3-1143 receive a coat of concrete. wliich will rcndcr it irnpossible for the cold blasts oi mater, to get through.

3 3111. McKay, Russet’ ave., has quite a i meuagerie one small scalezit consists of 3 in_ volving cage in which there are two l gopher: and a ground squirrel- They i seem contented and liap y, and amuse lthemselves by turning their mansion 5 a.rou_nu_a'. aspeed which would astonish 3 Long John.

- ‘fur; examinations for the qualifica- l non of tc:-iclic-rs has been going on at ; the Central School during the past two ' days. 'l'h:'.- resui: so far is a number cf - fine looking young women upon the 1 street, and if there is any sparsity in l our local columns in this issue, it may be accepted as another.

Wont was re.-cciveu, a "cu-.'tiays since, i by tiir: r~.«.iJroa-:1 8.l]illOl'l2'i¢:- litre to noti- Efy A number of employees that their 1 leaving the employ oi the company would be necessary if they did not ac- ::cpt a reduction of ten per cent in their l wage.-.-. 'l"ney accepted the reduction, a \'-i':(; act on their part in the present lstate of affairs.

311:. .F.‘.l\\'8.It_l Inglctou. from Winnipeg the inventor of the Steam Plough, was 3 at the Langhani Monday night. He

left for the Sonris District early 'l.‘ues- day morning, with Councilor Crisp, who will introduce him to the principal far- mers en route. It is said that they have a big scheme in hand, for relief of the Souris farmers.

Ma. W. Peters. the very popular agent of the C. l’. 1. here, arrived home on Thursday last, accompanied by Jlrs. Pctei-s. During the past few weeks they have travelled over 5-UUO miles. The Sr:.\' shakes hands with the happy 5 ouug couple, and joins with their many frieiids here in wishing them unbound- ed prosperity.

W1-: made a suggestion last week about post oilice boxes being supplied to all the mail cars. We do not think that we would be trespassing upon the goodness of the Company to ask them in return to urge the P. O. Llepartinent in furuisliing ii mail box at the station :1 his would prove :1 great convenience to them and also to the public.

! I l

_ We mentioned last week that Mr. _ Fagin c_\'pected to reach this city short- ly with a number of imrnigrant boys. l'l'lic-so youngsters. some 15 in number l—£irrived on llonday and any farmer ; who may require them‘, will find them ? at the immigrz-.ut sheds. They are a. 1 smart looking lot, and with proper hau- harvest. Some have secured places. l.ton.J. W. Sifton taking two of them,

I.iir1.z ttsdone in the police court during the past week, yet the business

continues to be a profitable one. On cliargcs of assult and battery, Gilbert

i i I l l I I I

Wood. paid $10.00 and costs: \\'m. Arm- s".i..‘.;,:, $5.6-5 _aii-1‘. costs; John Cracton, $12.59 and costs. Under drunk and dis- orderly, ll. Daulop and J as Cockrach; were allowed to go on paying the usual initiation for, of $8.50.

A GOOD deal of interest is now felt. in -*;=c~r'ivg vii-cleslmrn, by 2'. race that will _l likely take place on the 15th inst. be- tween Crawfords "Charlie" and McIn- tosh's “fslosgrove Gait Rep ort-er." The stakes are $150.00 8. side, best. 3 in 5, .-‘~ iv-«=2-d.y a good deal of- moncy by outside persons has been put up. Considerable interest is being tak- en in the afiair.

ynuitx ‘“nu_g-c.

It would be a good idea. for "those , ititcrestcz‘. to at once set about the es- It = would lac of mutual advantage to buyer 'and seller. It is said that the.Winnipeg buyers and it is also the case with our , own. have now to roam all over the : country in search of cattle. and the far- mers may depend upon it that they have to pay their travelling expenses, the price offerred being cut to cover the l.).Lll.

112:. George Smith of the firm of Smith I Evans, agents for Cochraue Agricul- tural lmplrrnents, met with a. serious 3 accident on Tuesday evening last, while :uttendi'n-_v_ a vicious horse. Y\"hen he ’_ was no- .--uking, the animal sprang on f him. and throwing him down, began ; traniping him wi'th’his feet. Mr. Smith ! was considerably hurt about the head I

l l I l

I tablishing of mohtlily cattle fairs.



'and legs, biitlortunutely he got away with his life. but it was, however, a _ mtraculous escape.

Sour. ladies and gentlemen, driving in 3 carriage on Rosser Avenue on .3 Sunday last. had a narrow escape from serious accident. When nearly oppo- site the Merchants‘ Bank. the neck yoke snappedin two, and but for the pre- sence of mind of the driver, who brought the horses, which were full of life, to st

_ _ stop, it would have :Fred Jelclnto;-h is proprietor. is being

1 6

dliug, they should be very useful during 1

I difficult to have told the result. As it was there was no damage beyond tin:


112. Lee, manager of the Wesgen Canada Loan and Savings Society, left hereon ‘Thursday last for the east, having visited the country in all direc. tions. lie so satisfied. with the country and its prospects. that he has given the local agents, Messrs. Burns & Patterson, instructions to accept all the business that presents itself. Crops are looking excellent in every part, and advice to farmers would be to at once erect comfortable out-houses and dwellings, the our--houses having the preference. .

T111: Rifle team of this city went to Winnipeg on )londa_v morning. They commenced active work on Iuesday, when three matches were shot. In the ladies‘ match Miss Buclzan took the first prize. Capt. Buchan making 33 at the 200 yard mnge. In the same match, 13. Clemeuti-Smith shot for Mrs R. N. l:lun- ter. and made In Llie.\'ursery match 400 yards, Freeland made :29: Knight 23; Shillinglaw and Rigby 14 each. in the Patrons‘ cup and prize match, CV00 ya.ds Capt. Buchan made 25; Capt. Wastie, 23 and E. Clementi-Smith 2;’. During the day Capt. Buchan made five bull- eyes.

Pl-3I{S0.\'.-11.. Mr. Fisher, of ‘Wingham, Out-, has been in the city for_some days. lzle has returned to Ontario.

Rev. F athcr Larche, of Regina, passed cast on Tuesday. He is quite satisfied with the success of the church O)_)eI1l1).:7_

iev. Mr. Fraser, of Rot-hsay, Unt.. and daughter arrived in the city on Friday evening last, and are stopping with Mr. A. C. Fraser.

Mr. Harder, formerly trafiic manager on the C.P.l{., arrived in the city on Tuesday, and is making arrangements for introducing a branch of the Manitoba Warehousing and Carnage Company.

Mr. and Mrs. Christie left on Tuesday for Lake lllinnetonka, where llrs. Chris- tie will spend a few weeks for the bene- fit of her health, which has been very poorly for seme time past. Mrs. Chris- tie-‘s many friends will be pleased to learn of her speedy recovery.


specchly gets six months.


Cecil Hunt Speechly, who was up for forgery was scnt up for 6 months with hard labor on a charge of obtaining money under false pretences. The second charge that of forgery, the magistrate refused to proceed with, ‘claiming that the young man had re- ceived punishment enough. This may be according to law but not the proper course to stop forgery by any means.

W. (J. '1‘. I}. A Successful Parlor Social.

The idea having struck the m..mbers of the Union that a social would supply them with all the little necessaries required for their rooms by charging a small admission fee, a committee was appointed, and the time set for Tuesday evening, the 5th inst. It having been announced that papers, maga- zinesand books wouldbethankfully received, a. good supply was furnished by the friends of temperance. The rooms were more than couifortalily filled, and everybody seemed ‘to enjoy themselves. An excellent programme had been prepared, and too much credit can- not be given Madams J. H. .\Ia.tthews and G. Thomas for seeing that: it was successfully carried out. A good lunch had been sup- plied, and was furnished free, and heartily enjoyed by both old and young. \\'e are informed b ' the President, ;\Irs. Davidson, that the receipts already amount to $23.50, and when the remaining cakes, &c. are sold it is thought the lump sum will reach $25. ‘We heartily congratulate the Union upon the success of their social, and also upon the admirable situation of their rooms, and trust that the good work they are engaged in will , continue to be appreciated by an interested and generous people.



l Mounted Police stationed along the Border south of Brandon.

They Mean 7% usiness.

Yesterday morning on the western train Major Shnrtlefi’ arrived with a. force of ten mounted policemen. with horses, saddles," c?:c., to proceed at once

to the boundary, to form a guard of protection against horse I.-hievinn. The settlers of Alberta. and Assiuiboia have lost scores of valuable animals of late. the thieves either making for the Amer- ican frontier or running the stock across the western boundary of Manitoba, where the jurisdiction of the Mounted Police stops, and then proceeding with their ill-gotten gain to the States. and there sell. A short time ago this state of afiairs was laid before the Ottawa. Government by Col. Irvine, and it was decided to give. the police control from

gthe Rockies to the Red River. They

will guard the frontier from the western

3 making Wkkopa. no doubt. their head. _ quarters. It is useless to add ma; this lmovemeu: on the part of the Govern. ment has long been looked for, as the special need of such a prozecgion mum not be questioned after what has taken place during the last three or four months. lair. Stewart-. of Deloraine, who was in the city yesterday brought the information that the boiindarv is besieged with cow-boys from over-‘the 1 line. The other day in Deloraino thev were brandishing revolvers in the 5;;-e.e£_ We have no doubt. that with so well 3 selected force and such an efiicient ofiicer in charge, the settlers in this much troubled district, from this out, will be able to enjoy peace and qtfieg. ness.


Dreadml Freaks of Lightning. and con- Kinucd pour of Rain.

On Friday morning the sky beg . :0 cloud up. and from many of our - -.:'.l established weather prophets we learn- ed that a big storm wa.s soon to break upon us. We had not long to wait. for by 9 o‘clock _tl:c_ distant rumbling of thunder unu an occasional flash of electric fluid through the air gave the ivarning notes. About this hour strange faces began to show upon the streets having driven for miles About S o'clock the ‘show train‘ came rattling in to the station, and at once all prepara- tions for unloading were quickly put in-

- to action. The men had hardly begun

to work when a heavy clap of thunder apprtrently let the bottom out of the great celestin reservoir, and the rain fell in torrcu; . Still this did not stop the work altar zctlier, but a general rush was made by many for places of shelter. It now became quite clear that an all days rain had set in. Occasionally the storm would ease up, but only’. to be followed with adown pour. The light“- ing during the rlay‘wa.s very severe and was reported it have struck in the city several times without damage. We have not heard of any damage being done to the crop, but the grain is the better for it and has grown more dur- ing the last week than any two before this rain.


A Di~‘a:.'.'l‘(‘(:llbll: night. iuula Poor Sh ow.

As-per advertisement IV. H. Harris‘ . - . §

Great Silver Plate Circus, was on hand at the appointed hour on Friday morn- ing,.-lug. 1st. Considerable interest had been taken in the coming of the show by mauy,and when the day opened with such unfavorable prospects it’s not to be wondered that the boys felt cross. The red men were to be seen standing in groups taking in with all the earnest- ncss of their nature. the greatest curi- osities of the age. Some delay took place in the morning in pitching the tent, both on account of rain and the management refusing to pay the 575.00 for showing. This was finally arranged, and at noon the band took a drive a.- round the city enliveniug our citizens with some very fine selections during .the down pour of rain, which hindered :3. street parade being made. In the afternoon abou‘ 300 attended the show and pronounced it to be fairly :"'od, but owing to the rain the fine cos‘.

vies always worn upon such occ: ..._,..,-us

had to be laid aside. The ring w~.~.s in such a state that no fast riding could be done. In the evening about 100 were in attendance. Mr. Harris expressed him- self well pleascd with his visit to this part of Manitoba, and stated that he would visit; Brandon again next year. Thére is little doubt had the day been fine a. great many. who had come to the city for that purpose. would have at- tended the circus. Taking everything into consideration we feel that we can cheerfully recommend this circus. M r. Harris is an Ontario boy, from near Georgian Bay, and certainly done more than any other showman would have done under the circumstances to give the people the worth of their money. ——-———-—-<-o3o>*— A Cure for Cholera.

Procuro from your druwgist one bottle of Dr. Fowler's Extract of \\'i1¢l Strawberry and take as directed. It cuies all Summer Complaints.

’.ev. Dean Boomer, who conducted services at the Chaper House, London, Sunday morning, was in the act of clos- ing his sermon when be was seized with 3. paralytic stroke which completely prostrated him. He was : i 11, his home in a carriage and 11 5 l. at once summoned but a; the rev gentleman is in his 80th year his s dition is necessarily a. critical one.

Mr. Peter Vernietz. Hc-chelega. P_Q., writes: "Dr. Thomas‘ Ecloctric Oil cured me of Rheu- matism after I '.Tierl many medicines to no pur- pose. It is a. good medicine." Just think of it —-you can relieve the twimzes of rheumatism. or the most painful attack of neuml:'ia—you can check a cough and heal bruised or broken skin with a bottle of Dr '1‘houia.s' Eclecrric Oil. cost- ing ouly 25 cents.


'I‘tm.£r-—Pi-:.icock-—Dn the 12th Julv. at St. Zilattliews Church, Brandon, by the Rev. J. Boy-.l(.-ll. \\'illii-.m John Bridge Turlry, to Apuie Dorothy Peacock. late of England.

PICK'l'B01'l.\'—EA5'l'EIi—O!.'! the 12:}: July. at St. ldatrhevs-‘s Church. Brandon. by the Rev. J. Boydell. Frederick Leopold Pickthoru, no Annie Easter, late of England.

H.4.:'rr.r:i'—M.u'ru)ws--On the 30:11 u]:.. at the residence of the bride's mother. sec. 10. tp. S. rg. -27, County of Dennis. lllaniooba. by the Rev. T. B. Beynon, l~’..\., Methodist Minister, Mr. George Hanley. of the County of Bran- don. to Miss E. Amelia Matthews. third daughter of Mrs. A. 3luZi.l1t3'W.!,la2c':0f F.-u—nia., Ont. Sarnia. papers please copy.


“'0 good Building Lots, Cunt! ally located in

this city. cheap for cash. Apply personally

or by letter stating terms. to \¥'. A. MACDO25.‘

Aug. Tin. ‘Si :1.

.D, Barrister. Brandon.




Judicial District.


-5 l-11;‘-'1‘*"b.\"r —-.21.‘ that all .\rro'u.rs oi l‘a..vcs for ‘J*.‘}=f*" - 3% -'33:’-. and 1.-mi‘. within Luv Wes’.- ‘"7-‘_ T1” 21'” U_|=U”_1C= of ll-nxmbii. cozrxprising *9“ “5 19> 1 10 =4. in-mgcs 1. to 2.). inclusive. the (.it_\ of Brandon only excepted. me puviible to the District Treasurer. 1.o{L\VreuL-¢1;[}CuLl.[) Bran. dun. who is duly autlio;-ized to receive the as ins and grant receipts the: clot‘. and from whoui all information as :0 zuuuuuts and pu,r:;,;u[m-,- 0; the same can be obtained on nppliciuiozi.

1’1‘0D0rty owners within the limits of the Dis trio: w-.l.l_savc future u.\Uv.:ll3t) nv paving the axuouut or arr: 2.-Lrs to the District ' l‘ru:\'.~uroi' in an em-l_v date.

By order of the Western Judicial District Board.

l.a:\\\'Il£.\'CE BUCH AN.

DASUJUI '1‘ieas urer. Brandon. August 1st.1SSl. 61.


On corner 13th and um stre-etts, Plum Creek trail, a Birmuo Cont. owner can have byprovuig property and p.tym-.5 for this ad- \'r:"L1seuxcnt F 13 .\lCl{l:‘-\'ZlE, 13:11 at. July 3.151. -'5-1. it


One Large _l:’lu.tl'orm Scale; one Show Case, one new eonee M111: one Iron Sure. All in nrst-class order. line will be sold :1 bargain

Jul)‘ sum. 3t C.-3.kt.\IA:\' ck CO


W'il1bc received up to .ugust 9th for build- ing Friuue School House, is x -:2. lutlphtou Scrool District S‘pecllica.tious ut lseuubier House, Brandon, or subscrioer’s residence

5 J K1-;.\"l‘, 6, 12. ‘.23, Lothmr, 1‘ 0

July 31st, 1:


.-t_'_\'oung v_voms_.u with experience would like to rind a. situation where She could liave the 9 lure cure of children. Good rcfcreucc.-s given. Apply at [1315 Oilice.

July '2-ith, :2;

r r r \ ‘1 u A) 11.1),

An agent at Brxuidou,t'or the Manitoba Mutual Insurance Couipu.n_v. 'l.'lJu CL-mpu.11y has it cun- sxdoruble number of risks in the city of which the Agent will get the honour Apply to

A. L.-Uil-2, 515, Main Street. \\'innip cg.

July :2-1 ch, :It.

beenlt-ounam of Manitoba to Emerson. ' TE_\‘1)1-;[{:<'.__‘y_\'_.\_\‘rpgp_

EZVDERS will be received bv the uni!-x~.u‘,::md

for the erection and cv.1mp1'._.u._an of ,_ ;.~,._.,_3._u

School _Ho:.-.s¢-. in the \\‘ellu-cod sclm-at Zhstricx. township ti’. rn:i_:o.- 2:‘. Plans and :-pocifi-.~n.:inns may be seen at the house of

soar. a.*.'-.'-51..-;siot.\i. s.-.-..r.-.-.._t

J'Jl\' 5111!}. IL 'I‘ow;;_.-1;: y 15



COURT of llEVlSlflN

.‘ dvertiscd to be held in the

MUNlBlPAliTY DF BlVEllSlDlE "Win not be so held -

The requirements 02' the

. _ AC! haviu-,: slmady been complied with.

H. .\lc.\I1[.L.\.\‘. lh-cvu. Jul)‘ 24th. 1:.


Laird’s~Livery, Feed & Sale Stables,

Reopened yesterday under new umuiigumeut,

and the present proprietors purpose nmkiug

this one of tho best Fitruior-_~" Stables iu the .\'or:1i\x-est.

Tlieycxpect to arrive in in few days a carloac! of szock for sale.

Ever-_vr.hiug tidy and neat.

E‘ lleuiembcr tho smnd

Corner 4th St.&Princes§_£ve.


have a. kiln of the

BEST WlllTE Rlfill

Now Burnt.

It will be sold at the It-ilk or on board the cars at we lowest Il-‘._'Ul‘t:S. For Pr}.-e and further particulztrs apply to


.2i"Kiln o_ne-and-a-hzilf miles south of city.







Canadian Mowers & Binders,

And Steam and Power Th

reshei's||of the best Makers. 4'



John eere Am

erican PLUWS.



Wh thesuperiority of its work,

case of management, and lightness of draft

has won for it the reputation of being the

Best Sulkey Flo


'.l_'_l_i__e,Deere Gang Plow,

J-‘......4.. .

w in the Field!

The Prairie Queen Bréaker'

The.{;Highland Cross'.'Plow,


M0 11 you wish

52 , 000 Gilpin Sulkcy PIOWS D



the genuine John Deere Plow s. see that eachzone has 't-he above trade mark stzunpcti on it.

Brush Breakers. &c. A

‘Eb Cl‘.


ow in use in the linited States,



World-renowned McCorma.ck Twine Binder

The most perfect Binder in the VV rlri,

‘Z0,(00 sold 1


18,000 '

These two Machines are manufactured by

Jrithc United States I

the M cCormack Harve

Chicago, Ill.



chine C0.