.—_.-.......-.. ..~ ._ . ........-......._.. ,,., _. _ POISOKED BY .-'l.‘~.' §.\'5E(‘T. Strange Incident Recalled bv tlir Death of Stowrnan Emil)‘. °.l'he:rir;r-szh r.-I téliriur.-sari J.-.-:r_r-. Rzllv Isa: 3-Son4Ea-.' *.'.~’'‘'.— ~—, I -~:‘.v--n~».‘=... 1 ‘r-2:4}, has brr.-:2;;ls- ‘.534?’ 32:4-2--.~~'. i:.,_ C11-"lOlfi *1-t'.ThiF.'- -2:! ‘.l.--.- -1. -1? '. - of poi~ L ans i,-i'i.¢-- i"=.’1."r.c- 3. . _. n: :'.':u-.' was an-Ii ii :-. -:«r=:‘. .~.:.:1 re:-,~r::;:s'::§-.' ht-.I‘.‘.§.'!::.' vr'.~r_-':~.:5. i~'i:—‘— V\‘‘'' 1''.--:: mini‘. ' 1'-F1-' an mi-i. ‘l.-'~ *-'-‘:i- '.'-.r'. ‘fuzui r-l ‘ fl-'2*fi*.':?— '.:.‘. is:-..-. '~. «,:.n‘::;: n.-:;:.'.‘ li\.-:;-_- ‘ plan!’-. *-'-at :- e~ri:zi,_; -i.-- '.a.~-.- ~‘.,§nr_: ah-.13: l.» : i.--:-.-....'. S-l '..:::}:. '-‘~l'.:i Le: : 51¢.-t:'-"S. }.f.‘w'.wl l‘\':.:’i'§ 1-‘; «him vs-_-.r.i;o n ~li(: ' ham.-(1:--vi :4.» ls--125:’: I.E.:a.?. :4 L"'lii-3. lj-' D£:en and hr.;;_<_:y. and never had any trozxliie \\i.'.h her. She retained her high spirit. and wanted to move rapidly on the road. bus was al— ways gen’.-le. never offereii to kick or rear or run znva_v in harness or under saddle. She rarely shied. and then only Sli$_‘,b‘;l_\'., and proved one of the safest and most serviceable horses I ever own- \\'hcn ‘ Weekly etween Win - peg and Victoria. Large Circulation ’ a.u..c::'.: 1..-: verv ‘Des: classes of rizc community Hewsy, Well Printed and Well Edited. ITS TELEGF..-XPHIC & '..\'l-Z\\'.$ JOLUEIXS contain THE LATEST lllfl BEST lllllllilllllllfi To the 'D'.il\il(.'. flllkl may always be considered reliable. Itcirt-ulati-5 not only in the city ‘nu’. l-Inst and “'95:, in l'.Jl villa5.;c-5 and towns on zlzeline of Ttlll\\BV'. T0 ADVEllTlSERSl THERE L‘ -.\'0 BETTER llfiuilill Ill Till‘. .\’0llTll-ll'lISl Far mt;-5 .i;‘~_!v!_\- at the 0151765. In order to obtain a still greater circularinn the publishers have decider! [0 place ths subscription price at $32.00 Per X’"e ax‘ POSTAGE FREE. 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L‘ou-.:‘:u:-..-—:mu liuck. and ..u l!'.—ll'.A‘t‘\l to Tin 3: are ‘.::.:‘nt runn::i-- .\:ni~,~I: 2:: .-umirm Hun *3-"1-3‘ "l-v!‘:t1:--L do.-~lrul-Kc and:u-king-u‘1u:;:L-:l:isthe lw~i and mow. i . l-.~.‘: _\l..:~m::-- v.-\{.‘s':\[. :u'-' .22. ~ and will ‘.nv‘~rv: rind xlrzll :0 .1 \ Y .~a!x.~:.’m-:orll_v in all i{1!‘.d~‘ of its llzuxl Pun (:!':*.‘~'r.‘l, l..u\":i. Baum. I TIN}. “TU l‘H\l0T ‘rd D) ~mu:- U! In-; ‘..‘.::1y.-~'. ."L«i'.c t.lIlic'::v..~ l'l'.-:\ ~\\ Hm .'.- nan;-l_\' Lu ’ speclirg for Seal, field. Sliver. Goal Gil & all Kinds of Minerals, 1' >333"-ll-I -\-'lc‘~!:i'h \\'\'l:.~ an-.1 (‘uni >li,i!l.~. .'.r . llirx arr 1.::x*.‘u‘vll- ll \\ 1 .-.I~n l".1‘.'x'.L~l1 x Bull:-r.~._ \\ au.l .\lu!.~. ll;:ur:un.r l-inn-..~'. llurw l'U'~\L'l‘: Brick Mar an-.~. .\linLm2 'l0u;_~‘ §'urx.~.l-in .‘r'or;.': 5' line}: 1‘:--ll: nmi .\‘.:u‘:: in.-:';- o: nil k.u. _~. _ Iein every Gcumry in the World. Address, Victor Well Auger & Machine, Cc., 5|I, Pine Street. ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI, U. S. A. State in w‘n.it paper you saw ll1L~. war YOU S:-i0iJLD co T0 ‘WV- SE]l\TI{IIE3EII_l’S, Pioneer Boot & Shoe Store, 9th Street, —-For BGOTS AND SHGES--~~ l$l’.‘;C.-\l..'.‘l‘-.-—.\’u bl‘.mlll_\' (.0-ell.» «L113 nulii. BEL’.-\ L'>l£--l sell L'h~.-apex-. l'2i-I(_‘.-\L’.\lI- - l lx.Lvu ‘.l l.:u'gc .\'t(-cl»: to choosc from. Bl-1'.-\l.'>l'I—~ it is no trouble In >'hn\v li(>(_)1i.\_ Blilf.-\ l,'.~"l£- -You _'_‘\'E lnurc v.il\n- lul‘ $1 than :m_v\\-lwic else in ‘.h.-. Citv. nuc.-xL’.~'1-1 -1 h.u-.- no old .«....-1.-. ' Custom work a specialty. July 31. ‘$4. l_\'. \v. .