.—_.-.......-.. ..~ ._ . ........-......._.. ,,., _. _

POISOKED BY .-'l.‘~.' §.\'5E(‘T. Strange Incident Recalled bv tlir Death of Stowrnan Emil)‘.

°.l'he:rir;r-szh r.-I téliriur.-sari J.-.-:r_r-. Rzllv Isa: 3-Son4Ea-.' *.'.~’'‘'.— ~—, I -~:‘.v--n~».‘=... 1 ‘r-2:4}, has brr.-:2;;ls- ‘.534?’ 32:4-2--.~~'. i:.,_ C11-"lOlfi *1-t'.ThiF.'- -2:! ‘.l.--.- -1.

-1? '. -

of poi~ L ans i,-i'i.¢-- i"=.’1<l -'.ii;-,.;-.. "l 1:; .:.-er. sore!-:2-.-:: of :?w -.v?;~‘. :-:=-;-_ my er-.i~. 11:; .j.- " .2: . .'-. :..:;-;—_; ;;__ ‘- TH! I-~.« r- ‘_h- -E‘’.»- r yd:-~1o‘.-r4l.aj.', "I '.x’a.,~. .121.‘-

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. r. 2 .. -:- . H: .1 .‘..'.5'1.' -3.. 2;‘.-


.'(:v-" 'io:i.. r-1: l.'>."r.c- 3. . _. n: :'.':u-.' was an-Ii ii :-. -:«r=:‘. .~.:.:1 re:-,~r::;:s'::§-.' ht-.I‘.‘.§.'!::.' vr'.~r_-':~.:5. i~'i:—‘— V\‘‘'' 1''.--:: mini‘. ' 1'-F1-' an mi-i. ‘l.-'~ *-'-‘:i- '.'-.r'. ‘fuzui r-l fl-'2*fi*.':?— '.:.‘. is:-..-. '~. «,:.n‘::;: n.-:;:.'.‘ li\.-:;-_- plan!’-. *-'-at :- e~ri:zi,_; -i.-- '.a.~-.- ~‘.,§nr_: ah-.13: l.» : i.--:-.-....'. S-l '..:::}:. '-‘~l'.:i Le: :

51¢.-t:'-"S. }.f.‘w'.wl l‘\':.:’i'§ 1-‘; «him vs-_-.r.i;o n ~li(: ' ham.-(1:--vi :4.» ls--125:’: I.E.:a.?. :4 L"'lii-3. lj-' D£:e<!r.~<i r-l’.n'5.n' v.'.:'.«'-r. Tin: iicy W2-.- in i an cart}:--in j-ir. mill ;»:c"«.m-_: it up 11.! liter _ hami—. vu.lC'».: -: 13.»: l.‘ anal out. 1-3: :.‘;a- law}: 4:’.-ur. vi.» -i.v' ;.i-~¢_=.l int.-‘i t'.'n_- 6;»-:. :.:r .:i. '-‘~l..::':: -".1; tool-«: '.z.l»c fl» ill’,_'I'

1‘.giit.l.~«i oz: in : E05:

t.V6‘I":.n hr-r '.vri‘~‘. :-.ml (ii:-')‘.\‘. ilauliz !~'.in;.".i':-' ~- .--.'s:':uu. rm-i

V5 in

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3::--:-"-’.. 1:‘\.'. Iii -I.-'”e 3-:i:.-l .-.r::.-. llzli iv


.‘-lie: It'll ..

I ll: -= I'Il.l

as «l.-1; C"-'2}-l no 2 ‘sin. jar llr.)'~sl], ~l1I_- 3 br‘.J-in-l 'l:a_- ':r.~«:i‘: rfl. .‘li.Y.r:-'-v‘. iii-E-:11!» 1}‘ _~lu.-fl-1‘. zl r-mi-:=;~ }-:':c: '-' all ti‘-'-:r her l-oiy, ll-r -i:,'i.t :;r<:'.v "tin: mini ~l.-.-.

be-;1+m 7.-2: -,,rr.v.-w :V.:i.-L.

"'.l'l:t- ;»:=.:Jlr_v '.v.n- y"ri:.':.;~'- —'.‘.-.-,-:-.:_v~:'1vo- leer it'll!) up? -:n': ~ll(* ~?, 1': i. 53:‘: S.'_!'(.I§n‘:tl ' her wu_v tinungli tho; in:.-.-rv--L-in: ro-air” ' into zlmv. am-i -lmnl; at is-ac. :l pin: 01 milk. Tin: zingzlin-,1 .'<€:.:-?‘.I.lCD!l -L'«"-lltll:!1- - ed. ulltl in .ah:..- ]1E2.~:1(."l nu‘. into an ()l.‘.I£'l‘ f room, -llv: Nisl. lll.-“ll. an-l. llI’1l.\\ll}',‘, ht-r !:ll}3[)(‘T.-« zxuel -‘zoclaixigzs s.-ll. l'<_mml that. but fret. like h-_-r arms. hall turned to $1. l‘(‘.i.-3}‘ r-.-xi. Tilt: :-()lv:.~& All her f(‘{ L £'l'.1(:il(‘vl. Eh t.i:ou-,:i: -hr: h:s«l ~‘l.-'.'p]n’.-«l on u~:t-‘.l(:s. A Inoxm.-ii: ll-.L’.L't nil!" hall :1 lil of XtCll' inn nu-i din c.'Ll_\‘ nlzer she felt. in um. I was znvuv from 1.30 hon.-e. anal it was hall nzzlz-uzzr tifu-re~ln:~ xv;-.5 .-Lnii;.,' that my _vl.»uns_'--r hmzlmr four.-.i me. When I reach;--l iii» lzwllau and .~_uw her I was tcrrilily 3ll.i.l'!l.9 -'1. ul:hou<_:ii nllt: xvus much ln~'.'.~.-r .--.1:-l nlil-.: to \vz~.i".-:. Her face '~'k'n~ a «ii.-up. lixil re-<1. excel»: for :1 wliitc 5;--‘rt -in c.-rich <-ii-.-».-ls. llcl‘ !"_V'C'.'S were em-.:l<,-I. null lul-.uu':'—lmt. and she was shivering; ll.-s thnu-_'ii colzl. llcr slciu at the slum: [l!1.e.: v.:i~ nirv flllll ii:;:. Elihu Lri-_-vi [-1- .~]w=5ii lit 1' \ui':-.- \‘.':~:.« chnl-;C-ll and it \\€L\ \\1.'ii -h!l':cult_x that fhe could euuucinte \\0l"l‘~. Win-ii ll!‘.\t .~1uzi;_: .~.l:c couul nut. '-pl-.:§-L ~=.-‘. all. 'l‘l:is ocvurrctl In the morni:i;:. l‘-- fore m~,:h!. her skin hurl r«-gzuiu-xl ll..~ norxun'.cnlv;.i'. nun! she was very xnucli lulu r. ller arm was svvolmi nrul l.lil'(\l)lIC(l with pain. and C0:‘.tlllll(‘ll to fur nl'\‘(‘l':'ll uln_v:~. Rice has llC‘\‘L'l l-uzin-ly l’¢‘L'l'\'('I‘(.'ll :‘r«-rn 1 cl‘- foctsoi thrr pr-‘--m. nnrl i-3 suiur-tinies even vet unnhle in —pon}: clearly."

'\\'h:v.t \\‘£L- Lise lll~L-(:L‘:‘"

"VVC: nc.-vsr l».ucw. Some people thcugzhs it, \-ms 2. w:1.=:p. and others were Sure it was :1 i101.-'-€:ll_\‘. My mother. '-‘.""‘ always livo;-Cl in the coumry mid all the common i.i.~‘ects is sure it. was neither. nor any insect. she lmd ever seen. She believes. Loo. that if she had not, drunk the milk she would have died then and there from the effects of the poison. I run inclined to agree with

her." —..—........{Q Q .9-§r—---—-—-———.—.

How I Broke :1 Spirited llm-se.


....._...«... -.. ........ .- --._ . ..... .......


N. Y. Tribune. When a young man aux] lircelling horses I found. on taking up 8 nearly Lliorougl.bre<l filly to break to lmrues.-:. that she was very high- spirincd null nervous. mid tlnis unless I was parniculurly careful she might. take to kicking and rearing during the pro- cess. with nttenipts t-orun away. ltirsb bitteti her well by letting her walk around 3 short. time for several days in succession, is: n strong fenced yard of ample dimcntions. l then gradually accustomed her 10 the liarness Sl.\Sl.l'J\ll1l,‘_‘_' in the stahle. letting her first look at. it

iece by piece. and then smell and rub

er nose and head against in. then placed it upon her and led her out. and around the nrernises to look at the different. ve- hicles nncl touch then: with her nose.

Alter Z1 few days of such (’.'.\'£31‘Cl..~C‘ l hitch:-cl her up no a slemh-—-in the open road. so nothing could obstruct. the start ——along side of quite :1 fest trocing and very gentle gzellling. Some snow had fallen the night before, 'll1d only a. few sleighs had passed over in. just enough to show the truck. One man stood at her head to hold her, while another juinped into the sleigh to drive. All ready, he touched the gelding: with his whip, and he instant-ly started an :1 rapid gait. The filly gave :1 wild jump and then atteuip:,ed_Lo kicl; up behind. but. her more in the harness znoved so rapid- ly she had no time for such ac-r.ion—-in fact had to gallop sinartly to keep up to the o:her‘s rapid trot. After going: a. couple of miles in this way she began to tire :1 little. when the driver slacked up the gelding lo a slower pace. and she sescled into a. square trot.

Soon after this he turned the sleigh and returned hcrrc. gmrlrially trotting slower and slower. till the last. half mile, which he finished in 3 walk. The pro- fuse swan: caused from her firs: rapid action had nearly dried up when unhar- nesscd and pun inw the stable. She was then blnnkemll, and when well cooled. X‘1‘llIl.‘h.'.‘£l down. We used her with this fast hor.~:-e alone —it. being necessary b€C:1’d:.& she herself had a last; natural gaiL——for over eight. months before har- nefiihg her single to 3 sic.-igh. and subse- qnentl}: to .1 light sv:1::r.>n and hr.;;_<_:y. and never had any trozxliie \\i.'.h her. She retained her high spirit. and wanted to move rapidly on the road. bus was al— ways gen’.-le. never offereii to kick or rear or run znva_v in harness or under saddle. She rarely shied. and then only Sli$_‘,b‘;l_\'., and proved one of the safest and most serviceable horses I ever own-


Weekly etween Win - peg and Victoria.

Large Circulation

a.u..c::'.: 1..-: verv ‘Des: classes of rizc community

Hewsy, Well Printed and

Well Edited.



THE LATEST lllfl BEST lllllllilllllllfi

To the 'D'.il\il(.'. flllkl may always be considered reliable. Itcirt-ulati-5 not only in the city ‘nu’. l-Inst and “'95:, in l'.Jl villa5.;c-5 and towns on zlzeline of Ttlll\\BV'.



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In order to obtain a still greater circularinn the publishers have decider! [0 place ths subscription price at

$32.00 Per X’"e ax‘


T r: W""t‘.Kl.Y Sllll

A 48-Column raner.

Is by all odds the best paper (but two) published in the Province. and contains in careful elli‘ tome the news of the week. local and xorcign. Our stat! and District. Cor respondents have been well cho- sen. and care is always taken that only that which is of general interest 5 in- trodnced into in: columns.

Its circulation is larsrer than that. of any Paper outside of


The Job Department

Admits no superior anywhere.

New Presses. New Stvlcs of Type. (1-‘:mc)‘ & Plain Careful VVorkmen. Reasonable Prices.

Are guarantees or its completeness and effi- cxency.

Municipal Work Receives promp: and careful EIZQIIIJOZX. JIERCILLVTS‘ ‘WORK.

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In lac: ex-eiything required in the Printing can now be done a:

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.Acv'r«*-, BR.A._N'IDO.N‘, '1xz:_A* ‘“"':N"" HA..- RI-ZL‘i~Zl‘\'l~Il.I AX l‘l.\ll-I_\'.~l~2 .~"l‘0CK OF

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FLOWERQ, F‘E_A_'I'iE1jE3Z’_'%S,

.-\l.l. Til l~L---




\\'c challenge the \\'ORLD to conipctc with our Hills in Power. '__‘j _ _c3sc of ruuniu;___; and Durability. 3,\\'1n«.l1‘nills from one man to _;.o- ‘horse pox».-cr.—-—\\'c have both Force

F ~ .- . =a:.d Lil: 1-’umps iol‘ E1ll_‘-' depth \\‘Cll.

‘;\\"_-xi<;<.\.\"i‘1-:1: not to I-‘iii-.l:’»:i:. | .:

JOHN G. TUDD & SON, Send for circular and price li.<t.

Sate Agents for lflanilcba & cw. _A.CE‘.-_Ell\'l"I’S WANTED-


Bil.-21‘-a'ilUf\' 31.5.2»,

spams AND SUMMER I884- :E‘lJ'IR.IQ'Ii7F TJ'IR.IE.

I). SCOTT 86 SOl\T

have new on hzuni one or the best ussorciiieiits of Furniture cvcr hrought_into this city, cornprisiug everything from a. chilll"s crzi-llc to the elegant ll1'cssixi;_;-case or lmmlsoun: sideboard. _\'r»-iu of our st» ck is loos-.-ly put tc-gctln.-1-, but cvcrytliing L_Illlll‘£1ll'C(.‘L'(l.

We Sell :11 Bottom 'l’1*icc.~.:,:m(l ‘N011’? be beaten.

(live us .1 call xml ex.uninc our Stuck.




‘With or without improvement. Comlitions years for pa_vment, and one half the

'_.purchasing price zillowcxl rebate for improvement.

Parties wishing a solid investment can purchase for Cash or Bonds, and receive clear Deed at once.

Some good bections tor hale close to line of Railway and in the vicinity of Brandon.

T5193- WAST'iE,' Agent, BRANDO N

A splexillxrl list of Improved Lzimls for Sale throughout the Brandon District.

TIEIOS. 'VV'_A.S'I'IIEl. OFFICE Uppusithe Passenger Station Brandcn,Man

May 5:11, 1ss4. 3m

()U1% S’1‘()(3IK ()3?

llEllERM. MER€llAll|llSE

IS NOW COMPLETE- WeZ"ilnvite an Early Inspection.

New and full steel: of BOOTS & SHOES.

‘Ye think we can suit any one in this branch.

Piain, Fancy and Cheek, are

OUR DRESS GOODS. Silks, Satins, Pvinis, Sateens,

the Newest of the New. are our own Importation. Splendid value in Brown and Drab Ducks, Denimes, Shirtings, G.i.le.‘.ia.s, Jean Selicias. T?:eeLls. Ulster Cloths. Hollands, Cretonn es, Grey and ‘White Cot-tons lS'. Croix, Lonsdale and other makes.) We slioiv in Hosiery and Gloves the finest ranges ever brought no this cin_y_(our cl-,vn importanionsl. Pnllings, Laces, Lace Collars, F.rnhro1dery, Muslin Frillmgs, Silk and Lace '1‘ie.<. Plain and luncy Collars, Buttons, Mantle Ornaments, Gimps, Fringes. Veihngs. .vc., xc.


New Ties, Collars, Shirts Handkerchiefs, Haas, Iulens‘ and Boys Suirs. Sac.


This branch will bc. found complete, Teas, Sugars. Cofiees, Spice 5. Essence

runs. Bacon. Flour. 3-lea]. Canned Goods, Cheayg. _ Parties requiring large parcels should appreciate the opportunity of seen ran

all they wzmt in one place.


Corner 6th St.. and Rosser Ave.. Brannon.

-1 r ____ __ _25 TO $50 PER DAY. Can easily be made min; the OLD P-'EZ.1.\1‘sl.':‘.


Well Bcring& Rock Drilling Machinery,

\\'-c- mrzm 11 no.3 - rc ;-r-iv-r-xi as \l:*I110!1~".r'.‘t2a‘ -the £:m:. 'L‘h-.- \\'!-‘.I.1.~.\ll-21:17}-IE3 SUC-

t‘fZ.~'.~' “'1 ;v‘.‘: ".:t~ -':~m:'n-~:u _ ._‘\-':~ lu.'::~.: '.!i-.- -,\.~.~1 :l:’t:---1: _\‘«--ir.~. n.-ml iviih !Z_\'=".~'.l..\‘l0R for our 51-; I :.‘-.r. wv are .\..u_ .\E.\_ .5 u: .\x ‘. lll r'\‘cr_\' cuumry 1:; ll“: sv.~:-la. unr .\l:u~lunorv - ‘.3 0;-:-rated D3 i-:7.::»-r fslnn. H.»-.'~»: 5'-.-1 : .. "\! we-rl:~ vi-r_v r:n_vl«ll_v. '1‘. -.-_v T:L1l‘:" :n ~im~s


4 . i .

. uxatsc (tin \cr_v hes: ul ‘w-\':-ii: in L;-.1 ':v.‘k .‘U'.lll


i 3 inch to 4‘-.4 Feet in Diameter

\2l’il1F.D DE-Zl'Tl>l 'l‘!i=‘_\‘ will imr-2 .~".;<~-er-.~.~:':i‘.ly and em‘! .\‘.~uul mul l‘.lIH'.\1n::i‘ E‘.::u::-‘.nui:.x .\‘:~-v:::- Unui. blue. Sc rg.-:n.im- .-in‘. L‘ou-.:‘:u:-..-—:mu liuck. and ..u l!'.—ll'.A‘t‘\l to Tin 3: are ‘.::.:‘nt runn::i-- .\:ni~,~I: 2:: .-umirm Hun *3-"1-3‘ "l-v!‘:t1:--L do.-~lrul-Kc and:u-king-u‘1u:;:L-:l:isthe lw~i and mow. i . l-.~.‘: _\l..:~m::-- v.-\{.‘s':\[. :u'-' .22. ~

and will ‘.nv‘~rv: rind xlrzll :0 .1 \ Y .~a!x.~:.’m-:orll_v in all i{1!‘.d~‘ of its llzuxl Pun (:!':*.‘~'r.‘l, l..u\":i. Baum.

I TIN}. “TU l‘H\l0T ‘rd D) ~mu:- U! In-; ‘..‘.::1y.-~'. ."L«i'.c t.lIlic'::v..~ l'l'.-:\ ~\\ Hm .'.- nan;-l_\' Lu speclirg for Seal, field. Sliver. Goal Gil & all Kinds of Minerals,

1' >333"-ll-I -\-'lc‘~!:i'h \\'\'l:.~ an-.1 (‘uni >li,i!l.~. .'.r . llirx arr 1.::x*.‘u‘vll- ll \\ 1 .-.I~n l".1‘.'x'.L~l1 x Bull:-r.~._ \\ au.l .\lu!.~. ll;:ur:un.r l-inn-..~'. llurw l'U'~\L'l‘: Brick Mar an-.~. .\linLm2 'l0u;_~‘ §'urx.~.l-in .‘r'or;.': 5' line}: 1‘:--ll: nmi .\‘.:u‘:: in.-:';- o: nil k.u. _~.

_ Iein every Gcumry in the World. Address, Victor Well Auger & Machine, Cc.,

5|I, Pine Street. ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI, U. S. A.

State in w‘n.it paper you saw ll1L~.

war YOU S:-i0iJLD co T0 ‘WV- SE]l\TI{IIE3EII_l’S, Pioneer Boot & Shoe Store, 9th Street, —-For BGOTS AND SHGES--~~

l$l’.‘;C.-\l..'.‘l‘-.-—.\’u bl‘.mlll_\' (.0-ell.» «L113 nulii.

BEL’.-\ L'>l£--l sell L'h~.-apex-.

l'2i-I(_‘.-\L’.\lI- - l lx.Lvu ‘.l l.:u'gc .\'t(-cl»: to choosc from.

Bl-1'.-\l.'>l'I—~ it is no trouble In >'hn\v li(>(_)1i.\_

Blilf.-\ l,'.~"l£- -You _'_‘\'E lnurc v.il\n- lul‘ $1 than :m_v\\-lwic else in ‘.h.-. Citv. nuc.-xL’.~'1-1 -1 h.u-.- no old .«....-1.-. '

Custom work a specialty. July 31. ‘$4. l_\'. \v. .<i«:_\‘i<m1~:1_.

iiwniiciu c wiaiiilnw.

Has Large Consiguxncnts of (Sculls just. to h.uui and morc t::\pL'cl’.i.‘(l every day all lmu;__:lit at Low Prices in tho l'Iu.~n-i‘n .\l:l1'ii('ta. A vc-r_v line 10!. 02

Srllil-’LE D RY GO 0 D S la c'\PL‘L'Z(‘(l in :1 low «lays. .-\lsn.


HI" l-I\’ El’. Y Kl .\' I L

HAvs,cAPs, ____A___. LOAD OF

GAR Just. to hzuul illikl will be sohl at LO\\' l’Rl()l'I.\I. Teas, Fruits, Spices, Vinegars, and everything in the Provision Line .—\\\'.\'i_' l)O\\'.\' LU\\' F0}.-’-. U.-XS}-l. ‘cs. GIVE US A CALL.

WHl.TEHEAD_ 85 \i?ii1TELi;jy__


8 U G-ABS,





Has gone East to nmke a.persoua.1 selection of Furniture.

He will buy in the best. markets, and will shortly return with a. stock tha.n,on account of reduced prices and reduced freight rates, will be sold cheaper than anything ever before offered in this country.

W. 1*. WILSON.



BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTHING, Gent's Furnishing, And Dry Goods.

.A.'I‘ C3OS'I‘ll


ZD‘.E<fU'C3-S-IS‘.E'S 82: GROOERS, ROS ER AVE-. BRANDON J .__ _-._._..

'. Cures Di::mcss, Loss of .4p[etitr:, Imligogstwon, J1[l.'o—u.sness, A Dyspepsia, Jaumlice, A fact ions of {he Liver and Jfélneys, j-f Pimplas, Blotches, .Bm'Ls, Humars, Salt Rheum, S-:rofu(u. Erysz'pe1a.s, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood, Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of the Bou:el:s.

-.; 7.3 ..—_r__,._ ._

3* ,.,v. —,