Cioldfachs. ' The hm-<2 ::*4:*.“5';§;'f.i'¢' ztbmzi :.E~.s-e».«r.-.1-:‘.~:.-;—:r:ar1-_fi=- practice.’ and they are country fire. steadily diminishing. .-‘:5 ; 3};-e3,g~,- ._-, Smizh (wearily)— the c1:l'.1\'af:ot1 of the .-xmern-an soil! --r'n3;'.~,_, ;...;.,mQ am. lave mt“ e.-I--la 32- _. .’ _ -= , ‘-'"",E_. *= ‘.=;’*1~*;;»%?:.;:*~’*..*f.:i.*: ‘Pl: : .: .=» :-em a..:..::.£‘ ,..: .1.‘ ' :1-1“ ““ E. : 392» 2- -Jones-‘-M_v. when "r: _‘__**_" _f’9:‘_ 0°‘ j could be .. ::reater boon to humanity trruwn \u.e rorme.-.l_s lreagucnt, but of 5 man 30;; _,.. mus; .81 instruulentsyfs fate 1==‘£L!‘S then; has been no failure i < u}, . 4... 1.1-— 1, - ' 0‘ tr‘. mull nrrain crop‘ fr:-'n this i -1 ‘high-1 rgbbglgdgelmr‘ _a..- ..r‘..:_ : ,- . e5__-_ Lis -~.__ ' _ pause. '.then the number of days in P nisia Call. %“*'+....... co::rl:::.-ted to . lllllll, . ...._-......__........-._..._.......-............. '_... ... ...,._........_._ ....... .... . . .... 5{.'.’£{'l?£}L AHD l."lIURCK. —-We ‘szam am-:' .‘5m,0D0 school tericlzer-, :.::d an :a2'e:.".;::.-;«. of more than 1 Y’ 1' u or r; p-.3_mLs for a.-ax.-n.——_!v. F. I‘!-1&3 $4.. l‘re~by:~?r§:tn church in -;r Vfrzireranes in "--.3‘) now in the —. ..'. +-.=. -- .’::::'. ';>o-Ii: ..I ~- . - .. ts‘;-2-::::cle ‘:1-.-.~:S::r: no respect of .2 ‘-.=.E:‘.n:a =~T:1- A -E uis \ :’n_:::ess H .-- tzxhas "r “‘""*-* —'- — -N -— v.-..n—......s_..» .-..m- -‘ ii}-10\\'Z\"$ F?.li_\'C-ll l3lr‘.l~I*'r‘l.\'I. _i'1'F:’.i1~s or m-.\' uooos :.~..=.-1.-at from. ._ .. _. . ... .._._._ ..._...._....~. ........._......-.—. ASK. &” ROS Gov. Roses? Are. and H th Street- 31 " ll.\\'E. Jrsr'.rvr.:. 6 F011 l-:\I'l'rL.\‘ liUtTl‘S. --.1‘ i...-t:~;__'_u stuck of plain and broczulcd Silks and l.l.'l;lX'.\ l‘ -:.r l'.\ll-IS, -z‘:-lI‘I~‘(lT-I'.~‘ i‘ll'.2I~‘i .‘-‘£."..\', ‘-‘C-'.':‘.l1 - »~'.‘~ l‘l"i;. ‘.'.\ii-'..<. 2 E ' :t..:-11- .su.u*.~_, ', 3.1.} 3-11‘ ‘ >03? 5 I =- ' - lnditu. L-anl. -‘~ "5 i'I.\'i»l.l>ll 'l'l.""l‘ll lilil ~‘:7l~I_<. ‘ ' x=§:'-~.'\rf\.\‘ ‘:‘2:Lll Hit‘-i‘.<. I ‘It - I d E-IX: l.l~ll .\Z. Li \'l.Vl~?1;_\R, ;.- .‘~‘.‘-.E1l-Ui: i.l«-:i'l' 1‘u_'tl. UIL. ‘ n 1- I. -'bliI\_‘\\. t.-.l- l-I Tflli.-\C‘L‘O '.-.-E -2 :. ft ...-...~_.. ‘o 5 .=,_..- F,.,.,.,'§. E...” ,: J P ,.- - , , _.~_‘_._ .‘.t D1 -.:l.'..lCE}‘ lL;uEalBS Ell‘ lDHSlGllS. . . v. -V.‘ . ' ’ i I u:¢xv'%K.. .... . ..:y_ .. K31 -2.: "~— = Q ’\ rs: ii‘ m ‘ ‘ ." ‘ » ‘. 1 l - 3 ' 3” u '4 - 1 5-_; -1 - - :l K; ..-z... Ln z..i.. ‘KJ .f '. >11. -; I T -r_...... , .\..-._,\ - - . . -«=2. -.9, — G :.=.:-.c«.--.' J.-ON. -" ~ -, - ”-“'5 4,.-,/-‘7-'"y;\;, ._~; ;.- §:..~.-- (,( ‘,\:« :-_\ -\.\u !l.‘-(u_\11.\t 1-. L.\1IL ‘:1 . ' ‘ . i , "5 """_i'-”,i..‘.T" = '*’?.”\\'r-.1-21.‘: .\'£‘n.._‘l~'. as :»:~ -_-151» or H‘: :1: ‘_ . _-. 13- -3 :‘ i'1;u; i (3 (II) {\ - . .-.. . .._ -_ i -' _ '5 III .‘n".li« 1-‘. L! .. 1 H. H: ".\b i _“y I Q .‘__ r) 1; . .-_-. ‘._ _ . .. . «_-_ -_-_,‘--__ x \‘s'nrtli of llry t:-..z..3.=-_ Lj1\r_'nin3_v, (';p.-p. ts, '2'-"_:tr.lLL:-, Furs, llnts and Caps, Ba its and S_hoes, ;._,,:_ ;-.__ _-‘.- _.._;_ _ __ .,g ._.d i Itruc--L-ries. .'tc., “ill l..- ut‘;'.-;—ul. tn the l'ul=lic :-.1. and far .-cluw cost. As we are engumngtn ., --I,‘ . '.,_..; - 1 1. ;._, 1;“: olizgd i ‘m:_=i;;g_<5 in (_)n;_-._,-;._, 11,3, gull} _..i1;_>_;-,. ;m.l no luzxulrug. (lur \\lwlc- stack must go at any - their i l‘”°"' l -x 0. . .ou mi’ .".lr_ '-.".' s'.1iri'~:‘.rm . _ "'l'l\.«.- ;'.3::-‘rm. ‘.v..y '-"".\.'.lCll of the ye:-.vs ulioltml to ‘ life are c-.>:.-uined upon the ._ -2:21‘: ..t-:ici-' that tha-science Ezzis be-4:1 'cl-_-.-.‘e§o;>-_>(l‘ in most. of ourtext books to a ncccllcss extent.” He finds a _9:.r<-at umuy supcriiuuus subjects are in: r".: iuzrn.l::-.-ccl: {hat the :ippli:.-:'.=“.'1 '-f :1rlll!H1! to ullmxinner of possible an-‘Z iznpossiirlc transactions is extended so far aha: life becomes a burden to tziauy :1 pupil before the book is lin- i-'n-"l. He would shorten the time of this study two or three years.——E:z- I.'.’:.ruz_',-c. ' PUVEENT PARAGRAPIIS. girls from New Haven are takings. trump through the Adirondack Moun- tains. The tramp must be havinga good time.—.:\'. 1'. Dial. —The young men at the seashore don‘t seem to be benelitted by the change of air. They are, if anything, so ayoung lady informs us, fresher than eve'r.—-Boston. Globe. —A Vermont. women is awful mad» because she mistooka London Punch joke in nu almanac for a cottage pud- (ling recipe, and made the whole fam- ily sick with the blues for two days.- Burl:"1z_qt.Im. Free Press. —-"l’r-‘unis-2 me, dear husband." said ' young Z‘-I:-s. l\'ew'nride. a§‘;' Ch:v.rl’es——“p:ouiise me never. in your darkest. hours. ever to commit suicide. 1 am told that it. will v'itiat.e your life in—'ur:1nce. -C.’/'2."crzgo t/'b'l7'71Cl.,. —'l'iic:'e is an old fellow in H:imf't;on Cou:u._v. uhio, who is nearly :1 hundred and two years of age he has been ch-.xwin.g_; tob.u:.:0 for the last st—\'em;y- live _v¢.-:u's. :‘.'Ol.lllFl_'_’: less than st;:'_':ch- nine will kill some 1nen.—-Burlington 11 ./cc:'ve_-/c. -—--.\Iolly.I wish you would be 8. b..-'tter girl." said an _-Xustiu father to his-little (l?.*.:_:;'l‘llt3l'. “You have no idea. how sorry 1 am that mnmma has to scold you all the time.” “l)on‘tworry about it, pa," was the replyof the littlen xgel; “I am not one of those sensitive chil- dren. Half the time I don't hear yhat she says "’—’1’e:ras Si/'lings. ——---.\'o," said 1-'ogg. "1 never rip a. waiter. Of course, 1 should like to give the fellows something: but then, you know.if 1 yielded to my feelings and ripped my man. I should be better served than the rest of the d;ners. Therefore. not. to :1ppea.r selfish, I re- frain from tipping altogether. ”—.L'oston fl‘rcz.~:~'crz'pt. ——“\'Vbat-’s all this I hear about the Mother Hubburds? “dint are Lhey, an_vway?" ‘-0. they a.';r{ dr_u'ssc'- that are not pleasing to the fastidious \V'est'.- erners. 'l‘he\; seem to be afraid of them. ’ “Women wear them in the East, too. don't they?" “O, yes. they’re Worn all over.” “Have you ever seen anything: in them to be afraid of?" “Yes, my wife."—1i’ocfzcs!er Post- firpress. —Domestic I-‘elicir._v—“John. what is that peculiar smell?" The hour was late and he had just returned from the lodtre. '*Th:tc is the incense we use in the odge-room, my dear.” “If r.hat‘s all you go to the lodge for I don't see why you can‘t buy a. few bottles of it and keep it in the house in case of sick- nex.” He merely remarked that he thought she was incensed enough already.-— Chicago Tribune. —--Do you know Mr. Duder?" asked one Newport: girl of another. “I can’: say that I know him, but I have met him several times.” “_Well_, you ought no_culti-rate him.” “B, by. 15 be any- thing muc_h?” "I don t know how be willilae in the future. but now he needs cultivation about as much as any man I ever met.” Then they smiled softly into ‘each other's eyes and went: their several ways.—.!lerr;1wnz Traveler. ——An Eastern paper says that. a dor.-.:n i STOCK O1’ CLOTI-lI.\'('l AVYAY DO\\'.\'. 800 J’.-‘AIRS OF BO A_\'l)SHOFS, RUBBICJ Vclvcts for lircsses and .\l.'mtlcs. 100 l‘icces Dru:-s ( from me. _ 35 Pieces Dress Cusluuexc all colors. 30 Pieces Hr4'_\' :11:-l l’l:'.i«l \\'v<'l l-‘lunnelsl!ul0\V' 005!- 25 l’it-ccs \-'cl\'..~t«:c:is, all slizxtlt-s and prices. 75 I.:ulics' >.'-lnuvls and .l:xckct.s at half price. 4.’; Ladies" Fur Cups and .\luii's Sl.‘.‘:':._ lb‘ T)nzen Ladies‘ Knit \\'n<-l Hoods, Clouds, Jerseys, &c., cheap. 1 LARGE .-\SSORT.\ll3I.\‘ I" of I.adi-ss‘ Hosi:ry, Gloves, Corsets, Ties, Collars, Silk and Linen Haxiclkerchicfs, &c. 240 All \\'ool lllunkets. from Sl. \\'ooJ Yarns 50¢ per lb. ' '25 Pieces \\."ool. Hemp. Tapestry and Brussels Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cocoa Mnttings, Door .\1:ut.s, 6:0. 7 5 Pieces of Tweed and Cordoroy, very low. -10 Dozen Men's “"001 Under and Top Shirts 65¢. 50 Dozen pairs of .\leu's \\'ool Socks and Mitts. Tweed Suits from 36. Buck Gloves and Mitts. )Ien’s Fur Cups from S5c. :’~ .3 .-\.\'D MOCCASINS BELOW’ C051‘. 5 can LOADS or onocnmz-2s must be clenrctl out. I opportunity for years to come. i‘. 15 lbs Extra Bright Sugar for $1. - 1] lbs Extra. Granulated Sugar for S]. S Cans Fresh Sweet Corn or Po.-as for $1. 9 lbs Dried Apples for $1. 3 ll) cans Fresh Tomatoes 15c. Come earlv and take advantage of this _Lrrt-at Sale; you may not have another such Terms Cash. SQVREEM ‘& JGHNSTON, 'l'ORON'l‘O STORE, Cor. 7th St. and liosscr Avenue. 1 v-my You suoum so To VV ._ SEN'IK:BEIL’S,‘ Pioneer Ecol: 85 dhoe 2:75 lore, 9th Street, -—For BGGTS AND 3!-ICES- BEC.-\USE—.\'o Shoddy Goods are sold. BECA USE—-I ‘sen Cheaper. BEC.-.‘\.USE——l have a Large Stock to choose fr. 111. BEC.-‘tUSE——l't is no trouble-:to Show;Goods. BECA 7SE—-You got more value for $1 than anywhere else in th: City. BECAUSE—I have no old stock. Custom work a specialty. .7 w.;s JNKBIEL. /1 ssuaiiic Ann snowmen I_834- B*URN_f'yURE. ID. SCOTT 625 SON have now on hand one of the best assortments of Furniture ever brought_ into thm city, comprising everything from a. child’s cradle te the_elegant dressing-case or handsome sideboard. None of our sttcl; is loosely put together, but everything guaranteed. We Sell at Bottom Prices, and Won’t be beaten. Give us a call and examine our Stock. July 31, ’S4, ly. . CANADEAN PACIFIC RAILWAY LAND FOR; SALE. W'ith or without improvement. nditions years for payment. and one half 938 purchasing price sliswsd as r.-7': s-: .. """"Pa.rties wishing a. solid investment can purclzaaa 95 Ca.-L 5: L --... - - -5- T a- Deed at once. of B:-uflbn Some good Sections for Sale close to line of P.ailwa.y and in the vicinity THOS- WASTIE. Agent. B:RA.NDoN A splendid lisr of Improved Lands for Sale throughout the Brandon District. TIEIOS. VVASTIE. UFHCE Uppusithe Passenger Stinddnn. May 8th, 1884. 3:11 crass“