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was mze -~:' i’n:riin::tor.'s bus: ‘.0 1-2: '?l"'i. .2’: i 131:’: *":!ol-l -iv.-:uu. that ‘his 34:2: ii:-.-l Ir.-:. i\'.‘as' by no m--au- lizuitcd to the .~.E.:«: -.-1' Adolphus‘


W ’_- that verszitiijrv of re~our-"e ch::r::.-=.«-rE~=1.iz- of he d- .i--. in: szoopcnl. 5('!'.'\l(_‘ll|:=l :1 crooked 51::-.l :":~'._v pin :ro:u

.-‘idol; -bus



the max::t-l:\mi'.'1_--l rm:-.i -viii--Ex pa-s-.--' {or :

agruva-l«:».l uulk. and with it. tenderly gr-Lspetl in his lily (ll',’_'ll.S and a quart of Allin:-32.123113 d_u_-‘t un-.1».-.r his zinger nails, ‘he approa.c'm-d the object of his desire-

"Ow. can-use me. Pway did you dwop this?"

A smiling acknowledgement that she had. led to further convcrsatio a few moments the two sou’ srapport or words to that at. -‘is the way to spell it.

The ac iuaintance led to r. -the friendship to an intima._.. . . ‘inti:n3c_v to an ice-ere-an) .-':LIovm. ~. re, ;under the melting glances of :2:-'e gt-:1- ytle fnir, aided by the porsw-.~' ;quenuc of her eyes. supplcn:--:~.:-2! ':.z'

u . P‘ ,_

‘the cntlnisinstic L'O'Op<:!':13.i\'m » .--.~.+. . aiine gums. _-‘ulnlphus' we 1. ~. . E ii:-.: caterers icc-cream daily .1 - uxrcd '

in geometrical progression.

A troubled look gratluully stoic into E

Adolphus Augustus” Ian;-uitl eyes. as the drain upon his purse m:unt:uned_ with a relentless and insntiate ::npe- mite, graduztlly reduced him from -.‘..liu— .ence to want. Under the extraordi- znary mental strain, us. d:-.y after day, the dairy and his bank ::ccount were exhausted to furnish frigid lnctealto the warm-hearted and giddy young creature, who had learned to dote on ‘him so {i::'!l_v, he pined and wasted away until his attenuated bifurcitted garments Lizmpped like :1 sailor's breaches about his knees.

But there was no respite-

l)a.y after day the old longing, she said, returned. ‘club. His dues were unpaid. There seemed to be no end to that woman's ,a.ppeute or her capacity. His plaid ulster was still left from last. winter's wardrobe. :-.m.l with unsteady gait. and haggard brow he seeks the intervention of my uncle and procures the means whercwilh once more to gratify. alas. not to satisfv. the cravings of it disor- dered .~‘t.0!1):;cl\. As they approach the portals of the palatial refri_<_rerator where zro/.-3n pudtimg is recalled at lif-

tecn cents A-poonful,'.-'tdolphus can not .

fail to no‘.:-that \-.'lxilt-cnrkiugcnre, like a. worm in the mud. has gnawed on his _dnma,=_:ed check. in just that same ratio has the manipulator of corn starch and Gilletfs e\'t'r:u:ts arisen in splendor, and . the dome that protrudes obtrusivcly from his countenance exceeds any similar de- sign presented even by a. Government ‘contractor. The end is reached. Not of the sweet one's appetite. but of Adol- phus’ pocket book. Not. a nickel left. Not a street car ticket. Gone is wealth and happiness. gone is the languid re- pose of those halcyon days when a. thought was: burden. But the appe- tite remains vigorous, active, aggres- 5l\‘(‘.. The chill blasts of autumn moan 3 solemn requiem through the denuded branches of the trees. The bovs no longer wash their feet in the fountain at the park: the bull-frog croaks in the Third street pond a gutzeral roundelay. -The night. watch clozcs lenderly and peacefully on the pine seats. the pale moon looks down in waning splendor

and 9sd—eycd grief upon the dangling: _

form of the late Adolphus Augustus. while the ‘retreating dog-stai: beholds with a sinisrcr glance a bridal pair de- parting on an extended tour through 3 region of perennial ice-cre3.m.—R. J. Bu:-dale, in Burfingfon Hm/:l:eye.

llodlfying Nature.

Speaking of s. recalls the fact that the dry and‘ ari regions of this

.-xd-olphus nc_:=:l12ctecl his .

.......«I —. u......

Collins follow-.-al an-l '.v:=.< the bank of the vi‘.--r. 1.-:2 fur :‘|.\':x_'x'. ".\-U\‘v’.“ t3\.t'..". zm--1 ‘Lin’ :vl'l :1. revolver. --we'll ‘C1130 this x.hiu_;*. “'l".vo of us (3 -3 cl -wn here , Only one of us will 55-’: l::;-:1-1." 5 The drummer took on‘ .'L pistol, ball as long as his arm. uurl remarked:

“I’m 2:oi»ng bu-..-k,"‘

“\\'ell." said the old man. returning his own {list-rl. and cying the one held by(_'ollZ::-'. “I reckon 1‘ at under the (3l2"‘l1il;:-11111003 well both better go ."——--lrl:ans:zw '1'rar.'c.’-:r.


'. California View of .-\lllSk3.

ska is an anomalous Territory. -' nfull set of ‘United St:1te-:otii- . i:1<':luIliu_: :1 Governor. a l-istrict. .Lml;:-.-. 3 District .—\, :1 Mzzrszzztl, n ‘filers; of the Court» and four <..‘o'.:2mis- fsioner-' stzitionotl at (lifl'er«.-nt points. ' Tney have not much to do; but to Lrive g-some of them alittle nd«.ii'.ion::l employ- mcn: ti‘:-: Clerk of the (“orirt is ox- oliicio Territorial but-reta.ry :m=i 'l'rens- urcr. and the .\l:1rshal ex-ollicio Sur- veyor tieucrni. There is no <l:1ngc:' of their exerting themselves in the dis- charge of their mulI.ifz=.rious duties to the injury of their health. Alasica pos- sesses :1 bracing ntmosplzt-re thus is conducive to longevity. The white population does not exceed two thous- and in number, and the annual in- cscase to it is merely nominal. ‘.'isitin_r_r :Ld\'enr.urers from S_an l<'ra.ncisco are of course not included. Business is dull; tlxcolliciuls smoke their pipes in undis- turbed tranquillity: and the court-‘- that is. the Commissioners. otherwise Justices of the l’e:1ce——languish in ennui for luck of occusionl excitement in the shape of some petty cause of lit- : igation. A I.cgislaturG.- is of no earthly requirement; in Alaska, as avcrred by the half dozen or so of Government officials. the Alaska Fur Uouipany being fully competent to t:'3.nS3.L't its bu iucss without the impertinent intcrlereucc of such. The Postmaster at Sitku ap- pears to be the most important person- agein that pleasant region. He does not receive much pay for his labors, such as they are, but he innnnges to live as well as the best. of them with commissions of :1 higher grade. (lov- cruor Kinkead was 1’ostnJ:tszer:tt Sitka in 1857 at :1 s:il:u‘y of twel-.'e dollars :1 year. ‘Whether or not he saved the whole, or even fifty per cent. of it, is a matter which concerns only himself. But he is now the Governor of the Ter- ritory. He has jumped with a single leap from the Postmastershin to the Governorship. (Jan 111-. or any mher of Alaskafs National nfiicials l.'l_'_:llBI‘ as- cend? They have the :u:d-.t-.:ious ex- amples and the decisive success of Dr- ctfou and .\'evadn. before them. and two Lnited States Senate:-ships are worth struggling for. Still a white popula- tion of only 2,000 is too slim a basis upon which to found so great a struc- ture.—-San. Francisco Bulletin.


—'1‘he leper quarter of Jerusalem is just outside of Zion Gaze. \Ve first saw 9. woman without any nose, who was hanging clothes upon a line in her back yar . doing a little farther we came upon sights that beggar description. Stumps of arms were held up to us, hands from which fingers were drop- pin’: away. faces wrapped about with cloths to keep the parts together. Mum appeals for charity gurgled through throats without pa.lates.——Cor. New Or- leans Times-Democrat.

—.a!one:——~-:13: na: Lure wru naw ba worth living. I must show this item of news :0 my new-door neivhbor. He c-:r:':. fail to take the hint. 1‘he paper says some genius has inverzsed ‘noise- less violin- '—"'>=- practice.’ and they are

country fire. steadily diminishing. .-‘:5 ; 3};-e3,g~,- ._-, Smizh (wearily)— the c1:l'.1\'af:ot1 of the .-xmern-an soil! --r'n3;'.~,_, ;...;.,mQ am. lave mt“ e.-I--la 32- _. .’ _ -= , ‘-'"",E_. *= ‘.=;’*1~*;;»%?:.;:*~’*..*f.:i.*: ‘Pl: : .: .=» :-em a..:..::.£‘ ,..: .1.‘ ' :1-1“ ““ E. : 392» 2- -Jones-‘-M_v. when

"r: _‘__**_" _f’9:‘_ 0°‘ j could be .. ::reater boon to humanity trruwn \u.e rorme.-.l_s lreagucnt, but of 5 man 30;; _,.. mus; .81 instruulentsyfs fate 1==‘£L!‘S then; has been no failure i < u}, . 4... 1.1-— 1, - ' 0‘ tr‘. mull nrrain crop‘ fr:-'n this i -1 ‘high-1 rgbbglgdgelmr‘ _a..- ..r‘..:_ : ,- . e5__-_ Lis -~.__ ' _ pause. '.then the number of days in P

nisia Call.


co::rl:::.-ted to .

lllllll, .

...._-......__........-._..._.......-............. '_... ... ...,._........_._ ....... .... . . ....

5{.'.’£{'l?£}L AHD l."lIURCK.

—-We ‘szam am-:' .‘5m,0D0 school

tericlzer-, :.::d an :a2'e:.".;::.-;«. of more than 1 Y’ 1' u or

r; p-.3_mLs for a.-ax.-n.——_!v. F. I‘!-1&3


l‘re~by:~?r§:tn church in -;r Vfrzireranes in "--.3‘) now in the —. ..'. +-.=. -- .’::::'. ';>o-Ii:

..I ~- . - ..

ts‘;-2-::::cle ‘:1-.-.~:S::r: no respect of

.2 ‘-.=.E:‘.n:a =~T:1- A -E uis \ :’n_:::ess H .-- tzxhas

"r “‘""*-* —'- -N -— v.-..n—......s_..» .-..m-

-‘ ii}-10\\'Z\"$ F?.li_\'C-ll l3lr‘.l~I*'r‘l.\'I.

_i'1'F:’.i1~s or m-.\' uooos :.~..=.-1.-at from.

._ .. _. . ... .._._._ ..._...._....~. ........._......-.—.


Gov. Roses? Are. and H th Street-

31 "

ll.\\'E. Jrsr'.rvr.:.

6 F011 l-:\I'l'rL.\‘ liUtTl‘S.


i...-t:~;__'_u stuck of plain and broczulcd Silks and

l.l.'l;lX'.\ l‘ -:.r l'.\ll-IS, -z‘:-lI‘I~‘(lT-I'.~‘ i‘ll'.2I~‘i .‘-‘£."..\', ‘-‘C-'.':‘.l1 - »~'.‘~ l‘l"i;. ‘.'.\ii-'..<. 2 E ' :t..:-11- .su.u*.~_, ', 3.1.} 3-11‘ >03? 5 I =- ' - lnditu. L-anl. -‘~ "5 i'I.\'i»l.l>ll 'l'l.""l‘ll lilil ~‘:7l~I_<. ' x=§:'-~.'\rf\.\‘ ‘:‘2:Lll Hit‘-i‘.<. I ‘It - I d E-IX: l.l~ll .\Z. Li \'l.Vl~?1;_\R, ;.- .‘~‘.‘-.E1l-Ui: i.l«-:i'l' 1‘u_'tl. UIL. n 1- I. -'bliI\_‘\\. t.-.l- l-I Tflli.-\C‘L‘O '.-.-E -2 :. ft ...-...~_.. ‘o 5 .=,_..- F,.,.,.,'§. E...” ,: J P ,.- - , , _.~_‘_._ .‘.t D1 -.:l.'..lCE}‘ lL;uEalBS Ell‘ lDHSlGllS. . . v. -V.‘ . ' i I u:¢xv'%K.. .... . ..:y_ .. K31 -2.: "~— = Q ’\ rs: ii‘ m ." » ‘. 1 l - 3 ' 3” u '4 - 1 5-_; -1 - - :l K; ..-z... Ln z..i.. ‘KJ .f '. >11. -; I T -r_...... , .\..-._,\ - - . . -«=2. -.9, G :.=.:-.c«.--.' J.-ON. -" ~ -, - ”-“'5 4,.-,/-‘7-'"y;\;, ._~; ;.- §:..~.-- (,( ‘,\:« :-_\ -\.\u !l.‘-(u_\11.\t 1-. L.\1IL ‘:1 . ' . i , "5 """_i'-”,i..‘.T" = '*’?.”\\'r-.1-21.‘: .\'£‘n.._‘l~'. as :»:~ -_-151» or H‘: :1: ‘_ . _-. 13- -3 :‘ i'1;u; i (3 (II) {\ - . .-.. . .._ -_ i -' _ '5 III .‘n".li« 1-‘. L! .. 1 H. H: ".\b i _“y I Q .‘__ r) 1; . .-_-. ‘._ _ . .. . «_-_ -_-_,‘--__ x \‘s'nrtli of llry t:-..z..3.=-_ Lj1\r_'nin3_v, (';p.-p. ts, '2'-"_:tr.lLL:-, Furs, llnts and Caps, Ba its and S_hoes, ;._,,:_ ;-.__ _-‘.- _.._;_ _ __ .,g ._.d i Itruc--L-ries. .'tc., “ill l..- ut‘;'.-;—ul. tn the l'ul=lic :-.1. and far .-cluw cost. As we are engumngtn ., --I,‘ . '.,_..; - 1 1. ;._, 1;“: olizgd i ‘m:_=i;;g_<5 in (_)n;_-._,-;._, 11,3, gull} _..i1;_>_;-,. ;m.l no luzxulrug. (lur \\lwlc- stack must go at any - their i l‘”°"' l

-x 0.

. .ou mi’ .".lr_ '-.".' s'.1iri'~:‘.rm . _ "'l'l\.«.- ;'.3::-‘rm. ‘.v..y '-"".\.'.lCll of the ye:-.vs ulioltml to

life are c-.>:.-uined upon the ._ -2:21‘: ..t-:ici-' that tha-science Ezzis be-4:1 'cl-_-.-.‘e§o;>-_>(l‘ in most. of ourtext books to a ncccllcss extent.” He finds a _9:.r<-at umuy supcriiuuus subjects are



iuzrn.l::-.-ccl: {hat the :ippli:.-:'.=“.'1 '-f :1rlll!H1! to ullmxinner of possible

an-‘Z iznpossiirlc transactions is extended so far aha: life becomes a burden to tziauy :1 pupil before the book is lin- i-'n-"l. He would shorten the time of this study two or three years.——E:z- I.'.’:.ruz_',-c. '


girls from New Haven are takings. trump through the Adirondack Moun- tains. The tramp must be havinga good time.—.:\'. 1'. Dial.

—The young men at the seashore don‘t seem to be benelitted by the change of air. They are, if anything, so ayoung lady informs us, fresher than eve'r.—-Boston. Globe.

—A Vermont. women is awful mad» because she mistooka London Punch joke in nu almanac for a cottage pud- (ling recipe, and made the whole fam- ily sick with the blues for two days.- Burl:"1z_qt.Im. Free Press.

—-"l’r-‘unis-2 me, dear husband." said '

young Z‘-I:-s. l\'ew'nride. a§‘;' Ch:v.rl’es——“p:ouiise me never. in your darkest. hours. ever to commit suicide. 1 am told that it. will v'itiat.e your life in—'ur:1nce. -C.’/'2."crzgo t/'b'l7'71Cl.,.

—'l'iic:'e is an old fellow in H:imf't;on Cou:u._v. uhio, who is nearly :1 hundred and two years of age he has been ch-.xwin.g_; tob.u:.:0 for the last st—\'em;y- live _v¢.-:u's. :‘.'Ol.lllFl_'_’: less than st;:'_':ch- nine will kill some 1nen.—-Burlington 11 ./cc:'ve_-/c.

-—--.\Iolly.I wish you would be 8. b..-'tter girl." said an _-Xustiu father to his-little (l?.*.:_:;'l‘llt3l'. “You have no idea. how sorry 1 am that mnmma has to scold you all the time.” “l)on‘tworry about it, pa," was the replyof the littlen xgel; “I am not one of those sensitive chil- dren. Half the time I don't hear yhat she says "’—’1’e:ras Si/'lings.

——---.\'o," said 1-'ogg. "1 never rip a. waiter. Of course, 1 should like to give the fellows something: but then, you know.if 1 yielded to my feelings and ripped my man. I should be better served than the rest of the d;ners. Therefore. not. to :1ppea.r selfish, I re- frain from tipping altogether. ”—.L'oston fl‘rcz.~:~'crz'pt.

——“\'Vbat-’s all this I hear about the Mother Hubburds? “dint are Lhey, an_vway?" ‘-0. they a.';r{ dr_u'ssc'- that are not pleasing to the fastidious \V'est'.-

erners. 'l‘he\; seem to be afraid of them. “Women wear them in the East, too. don't they?" “O, yes.

they’re Worn all over.” “Have you ever seen anything: in them to be afraid of?" “Yes, my wife."—1i’ocfzcs!er Post- firpress.

—Domestic I-‘elicir._v—“John. what is that peculiar smell?" The hour was late and he had just returned from the lodtre. '*Th:tc is the incense we use in the odge-room, my dear.” “If r.hat‘s all you go to the lodge for I don't see why you can‘t buy a. few bottles of it and keep it in the house in case of sick- nex.” He merely remarked that he thought she was incensed enough already.-— Chicago Tribune.

—--Do you know Mr. Duder?" asked one Newport: girl of another. “I can’: say that I know him, but I have met him several times.” “_Well_, you ought no_culti-rate him.” “B, by. 15 be any- thing muc_h?” "I don t know how be willilae in the future. but now he needs cultivation about as much as any man I ever met.” Then they smiled softly into ‘each other's eyes and went: their several ways.—.!lerr;1wnz Traveler.

——An Eastern paper says that. a dor.-.:n i

STOCK O1’ CLOTI-lI.\'('l AVYAY DO\\'.\'.


Vclvcts for lircsses and .\l.'mtlcs. 100 l‘icces Dru:-s ( from me. _ 35 Pieces Dress Cusluuexc all colors. 30 Pieces Hr4'_\' :11:-l l’l:'.i«l \\'v<'l l-‘lunnelsl!ul0\V' 005!- 25 l’it-ccs \-'cl\'..~t«:c:is, all slizxtlt-s and prices. 75 I.:ulics' >.'-lnuvls and .l:xckct.s at half price. 4.’; Ladies" Fur Cups and .\luii's Sl.‘.‘:':._ lb‘ T)nzen Ladies‘ Knit \\'n<-l Hoods, Clouds, Jerseys, &c., cheap. 1 LARGE .-\SSORT.\ll3I.\‘ I" of I.adi-ss‘ Hosi:ry, Gloves, Corsets, Ties, Collars, Silk and Linen Haxiclkerchicfs, &c. 240 All \\'ool lllunkets. from Sl. \\'ooJ Yarns 50¢ per lb. ' '25 Pieces \\."ool. Hemp. Tapestry and Brussels Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cocoa Mnttings, Door .\1:ut.s, 6:0. 7 5 Pieces of Tweed and Cordoroy, very low. -10 Dozen Men's “"001 Under and Top Shirts 65¢. 50 Dozen pairs of .\leu's \\'ool Socks and Mitts. Tweed Suits from 36.

Buck Gloves and Mitts. )Ien’s Fur Cups from S5c.




5 can LOADS or onocnmz-2s must be clenrctl out.


opportunity for years to come.


15 lbs Extra Bright Sugar for $1. -

1] lbs Extra. Granulated Sugar for S].

S Cans Fresh Sweet Corn or Po.-as for $1.

9 lbs Dried Apples for $1. 3 ll) cans Fresh Tomatoes 15c.

Come earlv and take advantage of this _Lrrt-at Sale; you may not have another such Terms Cash.


'l'ORON'l‘O STORE, Cor. 7th St. and liosscr Avenue. 1

v-my You suoum so To VV ._ SEN'IK:BEIL’S,‘ Pioneer Ecol: 85 dhoe 2:75 lore, 9th Street,


BEC.-\USE—.\'o Shoddy Goods are sold.

BECA USE—-I ‘sen Cheaper.

BEC.-.‘\.USE——l have a Large Stock to choose fr. 111.

BEC.-‘tUSE——l't is no trouble-:to Show;Goods.

BECA 7SE—-You got more value for $1 than anywhere else in th: City. BECAUSE—I have no old stock.

Custom work a specialty.


w.;s JNKBIEL. /1

ssuaiiic Ann snowmen I_834-



have now on hand one of the best assortments of Furniture ever brought_ into thm city, comprising everything from a. child’s cradle te the_elegant dressing-case or handsome sideboard. None of our sttcl; is loosely put together, but everything guaranteed.

We Sell at Bottom Prices, and Won’t be beaten.

Give us a call and examine our Stock.

July 31, ’S4, ly.





W'ith or without improvement. nditions years for payment. and one half 938

purchasing price sliswsd as r.-7': s-: .. """"Pa.rties wishing a. solid investment can purclzaaa 95 Ca.-L 5: L --... - - -5- T a- Deed at once. of B:-uflbn

Some good Sections for Sale close to line of P.ailwa.y and in the vicinity


A splendid lisr of Improved Lands for Sale throughout the Brandon District.

TIEIOS. VVASTIE. UFHCE Uppusithe Passenger Stinddnn.

May 8th, 1884. 3:11
