erg, Helen Sul, Myrtle Wilson (11 years), Joyce Qnembership has grown, but over the years we have number of our chartered members pass away. members are greatly missed as they knew and did ,ch for our men and women who were at war. For years Mr. Sid Burton, Sr. kept our v1ew around enotaph for - many years with arrangements of 1: kinds of flowers. They were always colorful till e. ridgnearmen Spratt and John Hiebert, of the #50, installed our officers for several years. i e Spratt was always on hand if the Ladies needed advice, and he directed our Color Party for our y when we hosted a District Rally. ay have left out some facts and names, but we 9 have brought you up to date on the life of the '1 Legion Ladies Auxiliary, Branch #50. ii

1 .


.— The Women’s Missionary Society of the V ist Church was organized. Pres. Miss Gilbert, , es. Mrs. W. Bristow, Rec. Sec. Miss Jackson, iMrs. Scott, Correspondence Miss A. Bristow. ' The organization assisted in missions. Officers e except Vice Pres. Mrs. Hearn. 7 Officer change, Vice Pres. Mrs. T. H. Gilmore. ' .— Officer change, Pres. Mrs. Rogers; Vice Pres. ckett. -— Officer change, Pres. Mrs. Wilson. ' —- Mite boxes and systematic giving was k ced for raising funds. '— Officers: Mrs. G. Cawston. Mrs. Stephens, Mrs. ery and Mrs. Hearn. A mission band was formed by Mrs. Edwards. .' esbyterian and Methodist ladies worked together. Three papers on foreign missions were pre- to the club by high school students. China by lGoddard, Japan by Cassie Orr, and India by Clara an. Mrs. A. D. Russell and Grace Poole led the ' n band. Miss Mulhern of Winnipeg spoke of her welcoming strangers to the city. Pres. Mrs. A. W. Wood, Vice Mrs. W. J. re, Corres. Mrs. C. McGorman, Rec. Sec. Mrs.

.. . Pres. Mrs. F. Wilson. Mrs. Manthorne was on band leader. 4 Recording Sec. Mrs. Wm. Spratt. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Letts and son Roy lived in the basement as the manse had been destroyed by

‘7 Pres. Ruth Fleming, Vice Mrs. Mae Baker, Sec. .T- Glel‘lim. Treas. Jean Werhan. An evening auxiliary rm

Volunteers: Clayton McForman, Mrs. G. W.

11. Mrs. E. Innes, Wm. Cheesman and Mr. E.

.- The Kelwood manse was put up for sale, asking was $1.500. When there were no takers, it was Ved to tear it down and build a church hall. In her a beef dinner celebrated completion of the hall.


1955 In June, an anniversary dinner was held to celebrate 50 years.

1961 The evening auxiliary was renamed the Young Women’s Association. They later joined the U.C.W.

1962 In January, the name of the organization became the United Church Women.

1967 Barb Habing was the centennial baby. In September the U.C.W. served lunch at J. Adamson’s sale. In October, gifts were presented to departing members Mrs. A. Hearn. Mrs. A. C. Becker and Mrs. J. W. Adamson.

1968 Pres. T. Gunn, Vice S. Gebler, Sec. R. Innes, Treas. R. Munro. Commitees for 1968 were:

Social Action: Mesdames R. Gunn, J. E. Becker, I. Innes, G. Habing, E. Campbell, B. Munro, E. Lupier, G. W. Cawston. Supply and Welfare: Eileen Lupier. Membership: Mesdames Watt, Cawston and Innes. Showers: Mesdames, Wood, Spratt, Newton and Anderson. Posters: Eileen Newton and Peggy Harris. Bazaars and Teas: Mesdames Becker, Gunn, Newton, Lupier, Wilson and Campbell. Quilts: E. Winthrop, Mrs. C. McGorman and Mrs. W. Spratt. Press and Publicity: Mrs. E. Innes. Manse: Mrs. R. Gunn, Mrs. A. Watt and Mrs. J. E. Innes. Puddings: Mrs. J. E. Becker, Mrs. L. Harris and Mrs. R. Gunn. Flowers and Cards: Mrs. L. Harris and Mrs. W. Spratt. Nominations: Mrs. G. W. Cawston, Mrs. Alf Newton and Mrs. W. Lupier.

All showers were taken over by a community organization. George McMillan showed slides of his trip to the Holy Land.

1969 The U.C.W. helped to take an Explorer group to Neepawa. A request was made to send used clothing to the Middle East. The U.C.W. catered to Mr. and Mrs. Austin Smith’s 50th Anniversary.

1970 In May, a guest speaker, Miss Wall, spoke on the study topic for the year, “Alienation Generation Gap and the Indian Question”. Pres. Mrs. B. Munro, Vice Scotty Gebler, Treas. T. Gunn, Sec. Daisy Newton.

1971 Mrs. Spratt gave a presentation on the services provided by the Red Cross. Mrs. L. Sirett, Presbytery President, showed slides on her trip to Africa. Senior Citizens are given permission to use the hall every other month for a meeting.

1972 The Explorer group was disbanded. Mrs. Innes moved away. Donations were made to the John Milton Society, the Children's Aid, Leprosy and Missions. Pres. T. Gunn, Vice Peggy Harris, Sec. D. Newton, Treas. R. Munro.

1973 A fowl supper was held in October. Average attendance at ten regular meetings was nine.

1974 A retirement party was held for Irene Gunn.

1975 A supper was held to celebrate the church anniversary on April 20. Pres. Eileen Newton, Vice Burdie Zboril, Sec. Lorna Cawston, Treas. R. Munro.

1976 An Irish Supper and a Harvest Supper were held.

1977 Pres. Byrdie Zboril, Vice Eileen Newton, Sec. Lorna Cawston, Treas. Peggy Harris.

1978 At Christmas, boxes of goodies were packed and delivered to shut-ins at Kelwood and to former residents in East View Lodge in Neepawa.

1979 Prayers were said for the passing of Rev. McPherson.'The travelling basket is being sent from