ww»g.-.’:v'£>t —~:r-zr-'-“-"‘- ' ' ' Winkleiilospital J. HIEBERT (/ " (1-2-7 0 x mm flgflf'fl‘ 4’ ' J”) - ‘ j The Winkler Hospital was Built as a V /= I. Splendid (30111112111113; Undertaking FRESH MEATS 3 GROCERIES I It is of fireproof construction and has R RklsTERS _ soLICITORS ' 15 beds and 12 crihs. It has an air- BA ; conditioned heating system and flush- CONFECTIONERY v waiver sewage disposal system. It. cost $7,000 and is located on a beaut- BARRISTER K G I. ‘ iful three acre plot in the southern I and. E E' Spencer’ . ‘ pant of the town. It is registered as for , . ‘ 131' has 'tal H MEAT , FRUITS SOLICITOR 11 A; Duncan, LLB : a P“ ‘c 1” FEES “as a I m" 0' w' WIEBE VEGETABLES and ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION 7E 533 - 1 former M.L.A. for Morden-Rhineland ‘ , a is the GRETNA, MANITOBA ‘ N 1 Resident Physician in Charge MANITOBA TEACHERS! ATTENTION !_ To Help Your Studies of Canadian Industries the Millers of I < and (Esmw 1883) ‘ Roym [302d Oats . . hunts * ' ch - lung) General Men: I ' Offer You Without Charge an mustrated Booklet “The Staff of Life" ~— Write for Your Free Copy to GRETNA. MAN‘TOBAM mnoodMillsLimitgl MOOSE JAW, SASK.» Gretna Representative: J. J. FRIESEN, Gretna, Manitoba