provided valuable advice, they took on executive responsi- bilities and they contributed their time and energy to the work bees. '

Indeed, for part of the 1930's it was the Principal and Staff of the school (including Tommy Benn. custodian of the school from 1932 to 1946, who was a fixture in the actlvities of the Club) who operated the rink and toboggan slide. This came about as a result of a meeting held in the school on October 27, 1933. The details of both the meeting and the plans for 1933-34 were Spelled out in the following Newsletter which was sent-home with the pupils at the sch

,wflm 51/35 "

a me in Rial: 5nd tibial-m am. “.11 so erupted this year by tan

King Georg; school. his occidental man by 00mm” B‘iu'b it it: in on 11-May notch: “in! m ' u a 1' 27th. “A. guy iwm‘u‘shnoffmwng. beJIuinJy'ci-n

a: a1 :amggfi. frsmn’gfihr will be ,50 in: person. other child.

to “a “so I a .50. m: um: omit-lo- ma 1101an “Huh 0 the rink and Ilido for m anon, me: will not be firm-

;ogw 1- n sums, to, 11m: A From “$45. Bums-i tin -~- 2— I vag—huf—Zn— ----—¢ 95.60 mm (31:00 per mi-—--——-—¢12a.00

- .3503? List Whilt miwp—mq—m.._.._._ 8'22 nom:i——-——---—— ...... 1...-.. 3:3: :“m‘m'w‘ ""‘ 1”“

mm ~~ ~— ~--—-—~——-— 22.50 Printixe and. adverfisinpeo—‘éw— mam..-_~_._______ "9“

ROM innoipw-meflm 95 55 m1 "' 2-55 A hi» my DDfluLb—Nd by MW mute—$9 B i 2 91105 by lull! School I

‘— n _ 511.11 ... .. ... .— _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ m _ _ _ _ _ .— wo up to spun this war “that a deficits: ms can he slant: 0 - an;

in; 11mm matador mm mm mum: at 50¢ _ ' . each. m toth 71 pro-

ceed: of a carnival, will. um enough money he meets ufi'mk serrtha 23:21.. no use at m uni and. mwun no I:qu a. fella; I. '

bluish 313%? I to 10 o’clock—om to .311 '

Elihu _mu.—-.~...__ in s crumb—mu children «21:: "-‘ s to 3 o'clock—diockay :02 11:15 Genres, Ell-1 pm: I.

and. Dents-:11 Ballard 5 to lo u'olnch—aomiul man; with main. '

.- chads-en mm not anal-Emir slum (if the m: of the rink. m! {33g g 13 roamvoi {ran 4 to g I 1 flux-n £12: It. 3511. mil-inns“ will nk‘fimnlso: again thi: 21:23:“ mu 3 a

Season" t1th will he on leis in a money _ s will be calling on you. my are counting on you; ha.

and up 9:23;} amass; whom sum: in Canada. to: us gm it an

Jonas... 14.;peuiblo. buy «mourn fimte—nr-mltdmn m-mt— buy ‘39-

mm:- W :1» be purchased. of. Earl. “Hm I“ m “cur” G a“ mug and. Central Schulz, at: Jam’s

hurl for n lionlttw ad baggy winter, m am,

{1's Dunn 8911”)


Community Club fund-raising activities were also based

,in the school. Teas, bake sales and social evenings and

dances were staged in the auditorium, with everyone being informed of the events by the notices which the children took home with them to their parents and by word-of-mouth. Social evenings were particularly important to the Club. They helped raise a bit of money through the admissions of 25 or 30 cents collected at the door. They provided parents with a rare break from the rigours of everyday life: dancing square dances, waltzes and fox trots to the music of Cece Campbell and his orchestra, parents putaside their worries for a few brief hours. And finally. they renewed and sustained the sense of commun- ity on which the Club depended for its vitality.

Come'The End Of The Thirties

At the end of the 1930's the Club was in sound condition. The facilities were in good repair, and, as the financial statement for 1938-39 shows. there was $76.92 in the coffers. mam mix a. sun: 1355559.

m 1!; Jackson amt. KNOW-428311883 5: Sale or Ticketew ---- «3 58.25 lbs. Wilson} ‘3'. ST-EthlIr‘ " n " -" -- - 52.75

w. Poem 533Tea4horse-j---— " " " " 26.3 urn. names-a. Ire. flaw-~- " '9' " n .4' 49.20 1 -- " u“, ‘3. ' '! 17.75 -- " - " ' ' '3 25.25 ................... .- u I '1‘ 19.35 _ .00 ' 5.00 if. i . , , . -75 gantcemiul - ' - , 107.62 in sooiel‘lveni.‘ ' , 15.55 and SIM-darltwnime . _' 15.10 flame. ninja-her Depaei‘ . 10.00 Refund enlist]: Depopi‘ 10.00 Onfisnd'tm-IES? "‘ , 14 45 amt-:7 _' menses

Rink Supervisi..- $ 120.00 Donation from Carnival to Bay: at. Rink ------------------ -- .630 Mr. Burneski for Radio 201' Sheet: -------------- -- 40.00 Commission-paid School. to:- Sale of Carnival. Tickets- 25.00 city for Water Deppsi --~- 10.00 Nan. Poster Camissflm for Light: Deposit ----------------- -- 10.00 A. Reid, Coach at; {in}: 10.00

Batons ror Stove-fir Shack ----------------- -- . Han. Power Commissaon (totallight 1:111) ------- --'- ------- -- 28.12 Orchard Hardware 3111 ‘_ 15.90 City for Water 312;]. . f 7.00 'I’acksons Grocery tor Boys at Shack. ---------------------- ~- 13.0? in Social 13113111135“= , . 5.65 v and Social Evening; '7, 15.16 Winn Repairs to Stave Pipes --------------------------- -- 4.10 Corningly & Clarke» (records 84.00 and repairs) ---- --—--— 5.45 Man. Power dominion for wire --------------- -- -- 1.50 Brandon Sun itiokefia and advertising) ——————————————————— -- 5.25 Wade 1' 1.74 First Aid Kit h .3;

Certain Pa 9: ltr. .7"...

p 333.35 Income ----- --$ 0.87 Expenses-"u 555. '55 On 116 ---- -- 75.92