Notes for columns: " .
A: Ptofessional and F inancial Services: Doctors, Dentists, Banks, Insurance and Real Estate, etc. ’- g ' l
B: Acconunodation and Food Services: Hotels, Roaming Houses, Restmuants and Cafes.
C: Retail Trade: General Stores, Grocers, Fruit and Produce, Confectionery, Meat Markets, Bakeries
D Retail Trade: Drug Stores, Dry Goods / Clothing, Tailors / Dyers / Dry Cleaning, Hardware / Furniture, Lumber and Building Supplies, Garages / Auto Dealers, Specialised Retail ' ' ' _ ' ' ' ’ General Services: Transfer/ Cottage, TaXis, Barbers Shops I Beauty Parlors, Funeral Homes, Plumbing / Heating / Electrical ‘ Recreational Services: Billiard Halls / Pool Rooms, Bowling Alleys, Dance Halls, ' Movie Theatres ' I V ‘
Professional and Financial Services (A): ‘ ' ‘ ‘
Most of the decline in this category was accounted for by lawyers, banks, inSurence and real estate. - In 1929 nine lawyers were listed. By 1935 the number was reduced to 3, where it remained thmugh to 1941. Of the 5 banks listed in 1929, the Bank ofTo‘ronto Wes gene by 1932, the Bank'of Montreal by 1936, and Bank of Commerce by 1938. Only'the Reyal Bank and the Dominion Bank still listed in 1941. In 1929 listings for insurance etc, stood at 5 and was reduced to 2 by 1933 where it remained through to 1941. cf listed in 1929~1930was the Flin'Flon Realty Co. Doctors and dentists, numbering 6 and 3' 1929 were 4 and 2 respeCtively by 1941, more in keeping with the population decline. _
Accommodation and Food Services (B): " "
Not smpfisingly, given the fall~off in activities to the north with all the coming and going this -. , entailed, accommodation and food services declined rapidly from 25 listings in 1929 to only 9 by “ 1933. Ten restaurants / cafes were listed in 1929, but only 4 in 1931, the same number as in 1941. ‘ In 1929 the directory listed 9‘ hotels and 5 houses. Most of the decline had occurred I 1933, and by 1941 the listing was reduced to 5 hotels and 1 rooming house. 0f the 5 hotels present ,;
in both 1929 and 1941 four, the Cambrian, Opdsqua, Avenue and Alouette, had beer parlors, g
probably played a key role in their survival. The 5‘”, The Rupert House, in part functioned like apartment building, with residents occupying Small suites. _ . l" ‘
RetailTrade(CandD): I __ The decline in listings of retail trade establishments was quite modest, and the decline inboth , ’ was similar. Both listings increased slightly in the early 1930's, before a decline set in. 111 Gate
C most of the decline was in businesses listed as general stores, fi‘om 13 inl929 and 1930 to 7 by 193 5 and on through to 1941. Other business types listed under Category C constant. The greatest attrition in Category D was in specialized retail, while. remained fairly constant. Garages I auto dealers actually increased, fi‘omrl lis " {5192 “ 1933 onthroughto 1941. ~ ’ I. »' :f '