And what does this mean to us today? It means confidence and comfort. It means standing by an open grave trusting in Him whom death could not contain. It means forgiveness and reconciliation. It means that in our moments of hostility and estrangement we trust in Him whose forgiveness we received when we merited it not. It means compassion and service. It means that in ourhours of joy and comfort andease we are kept mindful of the hurt of others, by Him whose love is not limited and whose mercy is not bound.- To be grounded in the foundation of Jesus Christ is to realize that our Christian confession is not somethhig which we have wearily to bear—but ’that by which we are home—up! That is Christianity. It means feeling with- in you, as long as life here lasts, the carrying power of Love Almightyand underneath us, when we come to die, the touch of Everlasting Arms. It is all this because it is a root conviction of Christian experience that when a man has been gripped by Christ, he has not only found a personal moral hero to follow, but he has been grasped by the Ultimate Reality—the Love and very being of God Himself—the foundation, not only of the church, but of the world and all that is. There is no other foundation laid than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” » . At the evening service Rev. Harland prefaced his sermon with a few brief. remarks in which he paid tribute to the older generation, and expressed to them the gratitude of the younger people. - " - _ The following. paragraph reproduces the sentiments ekpressed at that time, andwill sen-vs as a very fitting concluding thought for this booklet. “I to say a few words that will, however inadequately; express the feelings of the younger people of this congregation to you who are advanced ' in' years. It can be said simply and briefly. We want to express to you our gratitude and our love. We are grateful for the great work that you have done in our community. You have given to us a heritage that is both strong and ' good. We are grateful for the example you have set us; for the wise counsel you have given: for the standards you have upheld; for the courage, loyalty . and understanding you have shown to us, who follow after. Above all we'are grateful that you have been men and women of sturdy faith, and that you continue strong in hope.,We pray that we shall be true to the heritage we have received through you. May goodness, joy and-peace attend you all your days.” ' - ‘ . . 18