Pagosz «one tell of 1930: Ielt horheforthe first time to begin myteeching When i arrived in Baidur l waNoldt-hol - I mold be boarding with Mr. ' Lou Schultz and this was fortunatelor me. Thelrhome became my thenemsixyeareandmtmuvaellke‘ armthenome.- ‘1 v Monday morning . off to. my first. day or nlettl‘laother‘teaolaersi.ail-' v » been teaching in Baidur‘for. and all very friendly; ? Principal, Mr. Fines: aid. Whom Miss Solomon and Miss. _ Fines showedmeto‘my whiohwastheGl’adeXl andXH the if .l men l'arrived I I filled in the register with dates of births, etc, and. discovered. Lthat several of my pupils were I was. After races! went up to the'Grade lXathroomendmettheimtofmy' pupils. ' ' .- Mmlgottoknoulmypupllel found that - with very fewlexoeptions - they were not only. hardworlong, to know. We all - were the days h‘aglto meet the challenge of June Provincial Exams. The Grade Xll students lnschoolbutiheirclaseewerehold‘ ‘ warming- films will excitations; that err-allow». a joy to teach; not. mutilate intelligenthotwere.‘ ’ ’ i ’ \ wiping, lateon the first. day clown _ .of .llnnand" nmntheammipi‘aétlw x folk-dancing - the school » the : field parties. by . with I mlmfnrmllmellhe ' of'our rye I ’- - andin 1942 Waller in Queen Elizabeth where he, vice-principal. “Millie 3'119731' I “ with Children, l, for fifteen alwayshadaveryspeoialfeéllheyjm first pupils in BaidurHigh Lillian (Fisher) Hawn ' ’ Baidur'Sohool holds memories for tltousmdsomlanitobms. Formeltw‘as thehomeofall myacmolda‘ysandmy share of those memories. The school mys'weregood ones and my memories 0f myteachers places them armngthe‘ m . Mes Florence Fowler started me along the way of the 3 8'9. In this she. was. followed by Miss Alla Miss Louise Wilson then tookover and ~ M. Fines guided me through my High 'Sohoolyea's. Asllookbacknowilmow that-they were among the long list of . dedlcatecl teachers who guided the learningofsomanyo I x . After serving m_’apprentloeehip .ln_two of the rurolfa'eas, I. . returned'to Baidur in'mem-S ' bar, 1938, as one of Its statfmembers. l-j'remained for threean’d = ’ ‘ years-.9119 of interests during this; > ~ period, . "alien willithe‘Gi'rls.‘ I ‘ . Williams” ' ' . many victoriesand defeats. A “Hello!” to all you girl 4 Baldur School holds an amiable place among the schools of Manitoba. w. Hawn' lflmeriest-"QZ-in' '1 perhaps r _,:..;oesrqssanmlrnsm;meauedihe .. ‘llrsl Grade Xil class of Students, four people in Baldur' School in November, 1922. This was an extra class‘with -voiunteer teachers - Mr. ivan Schultz, - Mr. Fl. A.‘ Fines, and Bow w. E. Rowan-Methodist Minis-tori. The mummies, English, '_ i ’ and Poetry and" History were taken, butSolenoewasnoteludiedthla V y'aw.Claeseswersheldlnabesem1t roomancidesksandfueiweresupplied_ .haithestudelns. { '- Mr. Fines’ classes were taken after ...fow.o'clookaod on Saturday momingsr The others were at convenient-times ‘during school hours. ldon'trememberell final resultsbut » therewereeomeclearpthah ksto , the interest of the teachers, low the unmounlty to further ' illouIHo _. $91 (Pages: