Rheaume enon a fighter moment, 1910.

The Shouter

There was once at Arthur Meighen a nastier so deaf that he had to shout to hear himself; Naturally, his classes were very loud (they sounded like WWW—— bemeen tea'dier and students) and could be heard almost anywhere in the school.- Unfommately this tead'Ier denied his dis» ability and did not seek the help of a hearing

aid. One day, lsbrandt Friesen (the most gen- tlemanly soul you could imagine - but one who had a very keen sense

of humour) centered

the shooter in the staff mom and him to listen to his watch.

"What do you hear?" he filed, "Tick hock. tick lock, tick tack” was the loud reply. "No, no, no,” said lsbrandt gently. "it says'buzzzzzzzzzzz' it’s my new electfic watch.”


much more outspoken in their views on school ismes than Was commonly the case in other Portageschools. When he was promoted to -as'sistant:superintendent, Students and staff were Very happy for but they knew they would m'ms his orgartizafidn and effi- ciency, consensus andout‘going Holmes also served a suc- term as superintendent, before

Peter Kripky (1959-74)

As Virgil Holmes’s replacement, Peter Kripky faced the obvious difficulty that no one could molly replace Holmes in the hearts'and minds: of students and staff. Having an outspoken (some said "rebel") staff complicated the situation and made it for to reach consensus withthe stafifand be as successful as he no doubt desired to be. After five years at ~AM-IS, Kripky transferred to PCI as vice-pfindpal-and later taught history there until retirement.

Walter Bohonos (1914-86)

With the departure of Peter Kripky from AMI-IS, Walter Bohonos came over from PCI to become principal. Friendly and efficient, Bohonos demonstrated a hands-0n sense of leadership that won respect from 'smdents and staff. His stint of 12 years as principal was the longest (until Ken Lisowski later served a dozen years, too). He Was the first AMI-IS principal to After retiring he moved to the outskirts of Wirmipég, but still Visited Portage and his many friends on a monthly '