a i. av: PAM N12395. A gush rm sized fine cums g? m; paéh. with mature in a quiet and reflective way amd for families ta) picnic together or min}? scenic wallks and drive&. The small design muzzhes that Champion provided indimafite finmething about the rural feeling that he tried to create for park pleasure-seekers, Rustic: benches and favor bridges of rough wnod with «he bark left intact suggefl a, rural experience" Triangular islands of trees and, shmbbery di- rected traffic where walkways divided. These islands #311121 after; he composed of both deciduous and evergreen trees along with artfully piled pieces of 31mm. The mm- ways themselves might be edged with 5mm. The ambiance he strived m create was that of _. c; 909“ A m‘ grfmugiz 52a Tamm- Fm ‘ Mtge Pam's; 5". 19911 W fifth? “traffic flaws “at the pants mime Wmmvs me: was a mzmn gum 0f yubfié marks a? in: Mm «337' the century; Thu: ' flied“ up armfly m iafikas é ‘ they had My; fhwgfarm mm mm to suggest a mm » landscapes. PM: a walk in some quiet country place! Music was also considered appmpria‘te for a public park. Although We board had experimented with giant plfimoghphs and speakers, {Eh-airman Stave] favoured live band mmerts, even an Sundays. Same peo- ple, he said, wouldl mt appmve of Sunday concerts but he believed they were a Virtual necessity, “It wauld be a great gain if the crowd of young men who mam up and down Partage avenue and Main street amid be carried from these streets an Sundays tn the park where pmperly superviged concerts were giwazrm.”M Nuns of me programs fat than cancel-ts have survived buf: since mili- tary and pipe bands predominated in Win- nipeg at that tima, it 553‘s likely that they pm- vidted sis; 1e fare. Fur example, the 13314 sea- son uf anti cancerts featured the 79th Camerun Highlanders Band, fihe Iflflth Grenadiers Band, the 106th Winnipeg Light Infantry Band, the Citizen’s Band and the Winnipeg Highland Cadet’s Pipe Band. In. that season, the Ward had allecated $5,000 for music and had not been able to apend the full allocation,” Reading was another pas- time of which Champion heartily approved. He suggested that a branch of the city library could be located in the pafilian of Afisini- Emma Park during the summer months. In W