The Pioneer Centennial Committee invites all families in the Swan River Valley to be part of our proposed book “One Hundred Years In The Swan River Valley”. Everyone fiom Mafeking in the north, to Benito in the south, and Cowan to the east, whether your family came with the Tent Town Pioneers or much later, you’re a part of our valley and we’re looking forward to your contribution.
This was the original invitation published in the “Star & Times”, the responses were numerous, both about families and groups. Therefore the book has been divided into two sections, the first - families and the second - organizations. Hours of volunteer work, meetings, and difficult decisions have been part of bringing this book to the point where it could be sent to the printers. The Book Committee had made minimal changes to any writeups, then just for readibility, only photos of scanning quality could be used. We thank everyone who in any way helped The Book Committee with this project.
Jan Linklater Co-chairperson for The Centennial Book Committee