Halldor took a homestead at NE Sec 16-36-29 (and later acquired SE 21—36 -29) about 12 miles west of the town of Swan River. The first school in the area was named after him although a boundary change ended up with the farm being in the Crestview S.D.

Egilsina, the eldest, married Sam Helgason. (Sam was one of the party that came from the US with Halldor.) They farmed in the Crestview district. She died, afier a long illness in 193 1 . Sam died in 1964.

The Halldor Egilson Homestead

John married Hilda (Tillie) Bjomson who died in 1921 . He later married Jane (Jean) Keating. John farmed on a half section, NW 22-36-29 and NE 21-36-29. He sold the farm and retired to Swan River in 1960. After suf- fering a series of small stokes he died in an extended care facility in 1966. Jean died in 1965.

Amor (Norie), who married Loa Oliver of Selkirk, took a homestead at NE Sec 14-36-29. When Halldor and his sons undertook to build a large modern house to replace the log house which had been their home, Norie and his father made an arrangement that in return for taking over the homestead farm, he would sell his home- stead to pay for the house. He sold his homestead to Harry Paddock.

In 1941 Norie held an auction, sold equipment and livestock and moved to Vancouver. He worked at millwork a short time before getting employment at Burns Meat Packing plant where he worked until he was 7 1 . He died in an extended care unit in 1980.

Helga married Joe Bj omson. He took land at SE 27—36—29 and farmed there until he bought a farm just east of the town of Swan River in 1943. Later they re- tired into town. He died there of a heart attack in 1965. Helga moved into the Swan River Personal Care Home where she died from a stroke in 1976.

Kristjan (Chris) worked with his brother Norie on the homestead farm. He died, unmarried, in Winnipeg in 1929 from complications after an operation for internal goitie.

Jonas, who married Ethel Abrahamson farmed at NW

Sec 27-36-29 but left the farm in 1937 and moved to Swan River. He worked in the Northern Utilities pow. erhouse for a while and worked for MacLeods Ltd from 1943 until he retired in l 966. He and his wife moved to the Okanagan in BC. shortly thereafter. Ethel died in 1992. Jonas is living in an extended care unit in Penticton. He was 100 years old February 1997.

The brothers operated a small sawmill for several years. They owned a steam engine and a grain separator.

Margaret who had been blind for many years as a re- sult of glaucoma, died February 1937. Halldor died a month later.

In the third generation:

Egilsina (Sina) and Sam Helgason had eight chil- dren - four boys and four girls.

Margaret married Michael McGreevey and they lived in Toronto. They had two boys.

Halldor (Dorie) married Hilda Beck from Benito. They had four boys and one girl. They farmed in the Crestview area and later moved to Swan River. Dorie died in 1978. Hilda still lives in town.

Helga Jacobina (Byna) married Neill Gillies and they had a son and a daughter. They lived in Toronto. Byna died in 1960.

Ellen also lived in Toronto. She did not marry. She died in 1 969.

Rose married Tom Thomasson and they lived in Bea- ver, MB. They had a boy and a girl. Tom has since died and Rose is living in MacGregor, MB

Neither Harold or Julius married. Both served in the Canadian army. They later lived in the Crestview area. Harold died in 1988 and Julius in 1993.

Fred lived for many years in Crestview. He married Marian Byron. Marian has since passed away. Fred lives in Swan River.

John and Tillie had two children, John and Tillie.

John spent some time in the army and when he came back he farmed in Crestview. He married Emily CheSs and they had two boys and a girl.

John and Emily are now retired and still live in the Crestview area.

Tillie married Gordon Watts of Swan River. Gordon was in the RCAF.

Afler Gordon was discharged from the Air Force they lived in Winnipeg for many years and then moved to British Columbia. Gordon is retired from sales and they lived in Port Moody, BC. They have a son and a daugh' ter.