mnemcmsma Insurers. . 27
ment to the energy and enterprise of their proprietors and found- ers, and must always maintain the first positicn among the indus- tries of Southern Manitoba.
These gentlemen own and operate the Emerson Flouring Mill, which they succeeded to September, 1881. This mill was built in 1878 and has proved a great boon to the farmers surrounding this properous place, especially since it came into the hands of the present proprietors who are all practical men, who give their per- sonal attention and labor to the running of this establishment. and have succeeded in building it up to its present magnitude and importance as a manufacturing institution as well as spreading the reputation of Emerson as a point where good flour is produced.
This mill is 40x60 feet in area with three stories; is operated by a 45 horse power engine with the engine house detached from the mill proper, thereby lessening the danger of fire; has two run of stone and one set double rollers for making. patent flour and has the capacity of turning out eighty-five barrels of fine flour every twenty-four hours, also 480 bushels of chop and feed in the same time.
During the past year this firm has handled over 65,000 bushels of grain, and their trade including custom work has been so large as to require their running night and day part of the time at their fullest capacity, also the putting in of new machinery and the making of large additions to their mill. Messrs. Staufi'er, Curran & Frazer have labored diligently to accommodate the prosperous farmers of this new and rich county, also the general public, and have been very successful in building up an extended trade and reputation, much to their own. credit and that of their chosen city. . Their business gives employment to eight men, and their trade swells by many thousands the commerce of Emerson. They will doubtless increase their capacity with the rapid growth of the city ‘ and development of the country and remain the leading establishment in this place. They fully intend to adopt the roller system in the near future.