him. His stores are located on Dominion street, where he carries a heavy and varied stock of every class of goods connected with his line of business.


In the development of this new country the subject of this sketch has acted a prominent part by furnishing the hardy pioneers with labor-saving farm implements, thereby enabling them to speedin open up .and make this, not only a self sustaining land but one ' which is looked to as containing the great wheat producing fields of the world. No better index to the fertility of Southern Man- itoba and the faith placed in it exists than that afforded by an enumeration of the amount of farm machinery and implements sold here in the past, and the amount of consignments for the coming year. Messrs. Maxwell & Co. will handle, during the com- ing season, about 15 complete Maxwell threshing outfits, 200 Deer- ing cord self-binders, which they import from the States, 100 Max'- well reapers, 150 Maxwell mowers, and *500 J. I. Case plows, of which they have the sole agency in Manitoba and the North West Territory, 200 wood and iron harrows, 75 Van Brunt broad-cast seeders, 300 Maxwell truss-rod wagons, 4O buckboards, 100 buggies

and a proportionally large amount of necessary supplies.

Such figures are convincing evidence of the position this firm holds in the building up of this country, also some idea. of the great work of settling up which is going on at the present time. Messrs. Maxwell dz Co. have seven branches which receive their upplies frOm their house here,- one at West Lynne, Morris, St.

. Jean-Babptiste, Green Ridge, Nelsonville, Calf Mountain and

Crystal City. These branches are all valuable auxiliaries and are under the general management of Mr. D. Potter, who conducts the branch at this place, and although he only dates his advent as manager for this house since last fall has made many friends for himself and firm by the careful manner in which he conducts all

business relating thereto.