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l their own account, and are proprietors of West Emerson, across

the Red River from the business portion of the city, where they have some hundreds of the most beautifully located residence lots in Manitoba, which they sell both at reasonable figures and on easy payment. The sale of these lots forms a. large portion of their business, but they are prepared to attend to real estate mat/- ters for other parties, and give special attention to looking after the best interests of absent property owners. The firm organiza- tion dates from January, 1882, and already they have a business reaching pretty generally over Southern Manitoba, which is steadi- ly increasing in volume. Although the firm is young its members are old residence of Manitoba, and know well the value of real es- tate throughout the Province. They are therefore rendering valu- able aid in the building up and settlement of this great country. The- firm’s oflices are on Dominion Street.

D. J. MciNNEs.

This gentleman carries on business in the McKay Block on Dominion Street, as a real estate, loan and insurance agent, while he is also agent here for the Winnipeg & Western Transportation Co; and the Canard line of trans-Atlantic steam-ships. His advent in business in this city dates from June 1879, and from January, 1880 to January 1882, he was associated with Mr. J. W. Horn as partner. In the insurance branch Mr. McInnes is agent for the Commercial Union, Citizens, Lancashire and Royal companies, and does decidedly the leading insurance business of the city. In real estate he buys and sells both city and farm property, princi- pally on commission, and in other respects attends to the interests of investors in property. In his loan department he acts as agent for the Manitoba and North West Loan Co. and for that corpora- tion has been the means of bringing a large amount of foreign cap- ital to the work of building up and developing this countrv.

Altogether Mr. McInnes fills a very useful place in the business machinery of Emerson, while he is recognized as one of her pub- lic spirited citizens, and is at present a member of the city coun- cil. -