GOLDEN were usually the colors worn by Dand. They had a beauti— ful banner which they carried in the parade. The children were always so willing to participate and the parents so co—operative that Dand usually brought home a fair share of prizes in the various events. Mrs. Edna Hodgson, wife of Mr. R. E. Hodgson, formerly Edna Anderson, and fondly known as Aunt Edna to many of her pupils, deserves a special paragraph for her devotion to her pupils and her dedication to her work as a teacher. Altogether Edna has taught 19 years at Dand. Each pupil has been the most important to Edna—she urged and inspired them to learn and to pass their examinations. I heard our school Inspector say that "Dand, under the teaching and guidance of Mrs. Hodgson, had the best pass- ing average of any school in his area at that time. 'l This is a record to be proud of— she taught Saturdays and after four———a1ways making herself available to pupils to help them in whatever way she could. Edna is especially gifted with her musical ability. She can make up words to fit the occasion and somehow match them to music. Her Christmas concerts were en— Front Row; Bruce Dickie. Herb Cassils, Jimmie Dickie, George Hodgson. Second Row: Howard Tiernan, A} Norton, ? , Wes McGill, Kasmir Katchinoski, George Btyson. MEMORIES joyed by children and adults alike. She also made a great contribution to Community activities such as concerts and showers, etc. Edna trained the children for Field Day so they were among the winners. Her custom was write an "Inspiring Thought" on the blackboard each day. We feel her work has been an inspiration to all who have known her. You will realize that Dand started out as a two—room school, teaching grades I—XI, then operated for six years (1958—1964) as a three—room school, teaching grades I—XI. Then in 1964—65 the high school pupils were transported to Deloraine and only grades I-VIII were taught in two rooms at Dand. The larger school areas were the new idea, and right now in 1966 there is an active movement to consoli— date all the country schools in one large school unit, so we do not know how long there will be a school at Dand. There are so many changes in curriculum and such need of new teaching devices that larger schools with more facilities are being recommended. Improved roads and school buses have made transportation quite possible and comfortable. , These are changing times and this is very evident in education in Manitoba at this time. JUNIOR ROOM 1926-1927 Front Row: Edna Briggs, Agatha Katchinoski, Erma Tiernan, Clint Whetter, Nort Cassils, Bill Chapin. Second Row: Emily Katchinoski, Frances Woods, Viola Hamblin, Kathleen Neely, Phyllis Weidenhamer, Ralph Manshreck, Ross Day, William Mc— Morris. Third Row: Bill McBurney, Arthur Woods, Kathleen Hogie, Marguerite Manshreck, Bruce Dickie, George Manshreck. Maynard Norton, Herb Cassils, Norton Eastwood, George Hodgson, Winnifred Woods, Ethel Reynolds, Margaret iobbins ' Fourth Row: Lillian McBurney, Evelyn Hamblin, Marie McMorris, Marnie Cassils, Grace Day, Albert Couling, Garnet Wright, Norman Briggs, George Bryson. 1929 Front Row: Bruce Dickie, Kasmir Katchinoski, Herb Cassils, Annie Agnew, Ruth Hodgson, Olive Burke, Marguerite Manshreck, George Hodgson, George Bryson Second Row: Chrissie Bryso'n, Vera More, Edith Briggs, Lois Dunning, Hilda Tiernan, Evelyn Hamblin‘, Jimmie Dickie. Back Row: Al Norton, Wilma Dunning, Ches Saban, Howard Tiernan, Ma- bel Day, Bernice Tiernan, Grace Day, Lillian McBurney, Marie McMorris. 1932 Front Row: Herb Cassils, Rowena Hodgson, Kathleen Hogle, Evelyn Hambliu Second Row: Helen Norton, George Bryson, Jim Dickie, George Hodgson, Dam] C°m°ndated S°h°°l Harry Rose, Marguerite Manshreck. 19 Muriel Hedden Amy Beavis