QGOQGQQGQC3OQQOGGQOGQGfiGQGQGfiGGQOOQGGOQC)Q{3{ in 1883. They had a family of six sons and one daughter. in 1883 Andrew married Janet Keith of Granton, Ontario. She died in i916. They had a‘family of four daughters and two sons: Kate (Mrs. 'Joe Lindsay), Mary (Mrs. Hubert Pollock), Jennie (Mrs’. George Simmie), Violet (Mrs. John Cawsey), James Alymer and my father, George Newton Victor. Andrew, (or AD.) as he was often called married Mary J. Sutherland in' 1920. He died in 1940 and his widow in 1946. " In 1908 he had been instrumental in securing a railroad extension line from Neepawa to Beulah. ‘My father, George or G.N. as he was sometimes called, was the second yoUngest in his family. He was born in July 15, 1894 and received his early education at Viola Dale where, as he grew older he was responsible for lighting the school fire in the morning. One of his teachers, Mrs. George Short (my husband's aunt) who is now in Foirview in Brandon remembers him as much bigger than she was and a pupil who could have made it hard for her but with whom she never had any trouble. ' Following. his early schooling. George attended Manitoba Agricultural College and 'when he graduated from there he returned to'work on the home farm. in Jan. 1918 in Hamiota, he married Mary'Allshire. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Allshire of .Hamio‘ta and the young couple began their life together. The first World War was stili in progress and he was called into Winnipeg to take training, leaving his young wife on the farm where his father still lived. He- was allowed to come home on harvest leave and this stay was lengthened because of a severe outbreak of "flu in the barracks. Before he could be recalled for further training the Armistice was signed. He was now free and able to begin his career of forming, an occupation in which most of his life was spent. He was interested in agriculture and the welfare of the western farmer, and maintained a life-long interest in farm organizational work. « . ‘ ' He became secretary of McConnell Co-op Elevator Association in 1928. Then he was elected to the board of directors of Manitoba Pool Elevators in 1931, became vice-president in 1940. in 1956 he moved to Winnipeg when he was appointed to the Board of Grain Commission- 159