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across the road to the" NE. '1’; 11-15-23. This land had originally been crown land and was purchased by AD. McConnell. Alymer and Viola buiit the houseand other buildings and formed there from 1909 until» 1947 when they retired to Hamiota. in 1914, they added to their farm by purchasing the SEE/4 14-15-23. During this time they raised 4 children, isobel, Ronald, Anita andMarion. Alymer and Vioia were always good supporters of their commun- ity, she was an active member in the-church, working in organizations, teaching Sunday School for many years and playing the church organ. Alymer served on the Schooi Board and Hall Board, managed the McConnell Livestock and Shipping Assn., as long as it was active, served as Councillor for the R.M. of Hamiota, etc. Viola passed away in Hamiota in May 1961 and Aiymer in Jan. 1970.
lsobel was barn in 1910, took her‘ teacher’s training in Brandon in 1929, taught at Killarney and Alexander.‘ She was married to Robert Thompson of Killarney in 1936 and they moved to reside at Spirit River, Alberta. '
Anita was born in TAugust 1913, took her nurse’s training in Brandon where she worked for several years before moving to Vancouver, B.C. 5 " I
Marion was born in November 1914. In i935 she was married to Dohl Robinson-of McConnell. They farmed north of McConnell until 1941 When he. ioined the airtorce and moved away.
Ronald was born in February 1912. He worked at home with his father until 1946 when he and‘Nora Grchard of Miami, Man. were married. in 1940, Ronald bought the SE% 2-15-23 known as the Grierson Hill, from the AD. McConnell estate. This quarter had been bought from Mr. Grierson in the late 1800's.
Ronald and Nora started renting the home farm in 1947 and continued renting until 1961 when he became owner. He was also willed the NW. M; 31-14-22 by his mother who had received the land from her father in 1940.
Ronald and Nora are still residing in the original home built in 1909, and have been active members of the community. Both have worked with youth groups, Sunday School, Church and Community Organizations and Ron, for many years on the Pool Board. They have raised 5 chiidren.
Marilyn Jean, born Dec. 1948 took her teacher’s