FAMILY HISTORIES Mr. amt! Mm, Henry Aim»: and Beris. HENRY AfléLMS FML‘Y Hemy’s dad, 3 91m Adams came “to Canafla fwm Austria in the 1am eéghtaen hundreds. Their famiiy WEN: Henry, 1mm, il‘i‘filig;1 Easier: (Mm. Freé Haas}, Elizabem Mrs, George Haas) and Mary {Mm Gagrge Maasch}. The? 5632th in Elm Langenbmg dimict when they we}: a hmmestead in 1391. Emmy marrieé thi: farmer Katherine Raihgaber in 13‘11‘ Katherine hm? aim came from Austria as a mild. Ham? and Katharina {had that children, Herb hem in 1912, (3mm: m 2913, and Emma in 193‘. Thezy buugm a hardware 5mm from Mr. Ben- mark in Shellnmmh. Racmds Shaw they» built {mm the hauae in 190?. The slim: burnt in 1934, This was tbs: site fmr ML Ridgewagr’s harness Show. They farmed in the Hizaffemhai mm Landestrew districts far a mamber of years, mmng ta Inglis in 2’924. The? van a garage in partnership with Peta: Ratii‘igahm'. Henry late: built a poaimam and Barbar Shep in ingfis, Whm‘fi he bar‘bared umfl 1923 at which time he tradefi {he Paolmflm far Biil Mench’s farm 6—23-23: Herb can remember driving a mam fmm Inglis in Rathgabers in the Landesmsw district, twenty five: miles Weak)?ng 9} mg and Saws: fiat:% 433ng Adfims‘, Haw Adana Firm and Emma {Azimm} Emma Effie {Em/m2 and Manama? Mxiimfig, Fimver Girl. in mm with thwghéng. He wag {waive yem‘a {2M 3:; EM Eime. Hem farmed wiih his Bad anti! @339, than renting the Busch gm 26=32=29 Ea Saskamhgwam In :94? he taught 3-22-12? H63! Shailm’auth} farming fer the next twenty years:S retiring it} Russell in 196?, Hfiffi was away; mmmanity mimicfi, active in many sports and aiwaggs managing ta haip when he. 5:22:16! Herb tuck his fim airpian»: ride at the Shslimamh Fair; the wane takifig eff and 533$ng near Garnemk Gearga fa;me 23.2 hmne magi? hfis rsfirement £453 Langenburg in i9?& Ha married Afiefiaida Ears $3} 1947‘ They have We hays Wayne and. Ken. Waging Marks in. Winnipag as a camgumr {Emmiciam Ha mamad Estimate Scherioskin The}? have um chifiéran, Smphen am: Neil, Ken i001: {war 61: Emma‘simd in 35378. He maxim Rainy Paiefi cf nganbmg. The}: have a ban Buyce and: a 351‘: Jaimim Emma marriézi Fred Baum in @415. They farmed in the Rathbet‘ry {iixtrim near flfimhbridgg, ~ Saskamhewan, moving late; is Waivegine in 1948. They mid am and mavefi m Ezanflang lane: haying a Metal at Shea! Lake. A: graseni $31.93? have refimcf to Oak Lake. The}: have a {3:12;}? of stimm chiidrm: Gama}, Shawn {wagixmfi 393m (Barlewjit, Jean {Chegus}, Sandra (Weseigw, {Mia Peafl {Rag}, Brace, Pauli, 3301111322 ami Brian, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adams. ii‘vefi in fibeiimfiuih anti} ihey mfimd is} $45, heaiih fogciag them {0 mm: 120 the Luaheran Emma in Mehziiia um}! 19?}:5 Wham m0 mamhs iater Hem}; diezi. Mm Adams stayed in Melvifle iii; 1m. 53152 9333613 away at am: Sgesial Elam Esme; is: Langem in 29?? 16}