Sidney 4-H Calf-Garden Club led by Arlene Lintott marching in the 4-H parade at Portage Fair One year Darlene Hawkins, Ken North and Bert & Margaret Lintott starred in the production "Shotgun Wedding" and it was so hilarious it left the audience in stitches from laughter. The last weekend in June usually was Trim Day. Every 4H calf was trimmed and polished within an inch of it’s life to be ready to show come fair day. The club first showed at MacGregor fair and later at Carberry, and did very well, on many occasions bringing home over half the prizes offered in their different classes. In 1968 the Sidney Club took part in 4H at the Red River Exhibition winning their share of the prize money once again. Some of the Gold Watch winners over the years were: Diane Hawkins, Doug De’Athe, Alvin Hickey, Grant Lintott, and Bev De’Athe. On two occasions members of the club participated in the "Calf Scramble" at the Winter Fair in Brandon. Glen Loewen and Grant Lintott were fortunate enough to catch a calf each, which they showed the following year.Both placed in the prizes the next year. After 1972 the club started showing at Carberry Fair with the club once again coming home with more than their share of the money.. Grant Lintott won the Champion and Grand Champion of the show in 1972. Brother Lloyd repeated the same honors, and in 1975 sister Bette followed her brothers into the winners’ circle. The Sidney club disbanded after this as there were not enough members to keep the club going another year.Bert Lintott had worked with the calf club for many years and after the Sidney club dissolved he became a leader of the Carberry club and worked with the 4Hers there until 1983. In 1982 Bette Lintott ended her 4H career with her big blond steer for which she got $1.60 per pound when sold. In 1983 Bert retired from 4H after 27 years of working with 4H boys and girls, and turned the job over to the next generation. 682 Sidney Garden Club The Sidney 4H Garden Club was formed in 1952 under the auspices of Agricultural Representative, Vern McNair. The first leaders were Arthur Thorn, Mrs. Harold McMillan and Marjorie Williams. They were named the Sidney Green Thumbs Garden Club and had 21 members. The club ran for 13 years, folding in 1965. Leaders over the years were Clara Rogers, Lena Beswitherick, Em Hudson, Marjorie McIntyre, Elsie Edmondson, Terry Williams, Bette Thorn, Lily Early, Ann Early, Ethel Lintott, Muriel Alton, and Mamie Rothwell. Sidney 4—H Garden Club c 1965. Back: Bill Carritt, Joyce Early,-—Middle: Joan Carritt, Arlene Lintott, Heather Williams, Glen Hyde Don Carritt-- Front: Mary Martens, Terry Blair. Brian Early, ---- --, Ken Early, Marilyn Early--Missing: Jim Early, Joyce Densley ' IIDNIV lei. GAIDEN curl FIRE The 'IIII Cmolul "Inn- 1 mu ‘2 {I -. are! 5115!. "f . v w Brian & Marilyn Early of the Sidney 4—H Garden Club doing a demonstration at Portage Rally Springbrook 4-H Club Some Springbrook youth belonged to the Austin Club before the Springbrook 4—H club was organized in 1957. It was called Springbrook Jolly Gardeners,