Hugging the Meridian
Sm 4. A special meeting can be called at any time by the President.
ARTICLE 6. Any propusal amending the constitution must he presmitca at 1v:th mm nmnlh previous to being role upon and a two-thirds rote of those present will be necessary for its adoption.
BYLAWS OF THE SOCIETY ARTICLE 1. SN‘. 1. The violation of oli'icrrs shall lake place at the annual nwvllng; the (influx bring those encumbem: upon such officers. See. 2. Each officer shall make her mmqu report at this meeting .
Sm. 3. Voting nhnll be by ballot.
ARTICLE 2. Hue. :1. It shall ho the duty of the President to preside at all Inm‘tiugs of the Suclety, and to supervise the general interests; she shall call spuclnl meetings when necessary to transact urgent bushings. ,5 , 8w. :3. It shall he the duty of the Vice—Preshlent to perform the duties of the President in the absence of that oil'icer and in aid in devising means for thé’c-l’ficiency of the Society. Sun. 3. ll; shall he the duty of the Sneretary to keep :1 fair rot-0111 of the pruwmllngs at all meetings of the Soriety and m give proper notice of nil special and sin-ted meetings. she shall mil the mil and talus n rel-rert list of all present; she shall "unify (-nnnniitees of their appointment and the duties thore_of; she shall prepare the annual report in conjunction with the treasurer: and shall send a copy to the Church Sec- retary to be embodied in the annual report of the church: she shall also report on bills rendered. SN. 4. The Treasurer shall receive. hold and keep an account nf all money rw-uivml by the Six-ion, and shall calla-ct the fees and prtvsmit. :1 financial smtmnent at each meeting. she shall give an nun-uni report of all hills: [mid and shnll help pre~ pin-u lhr :uumnl ropnrt in vonjuncl'inn with tho swn-iili‘y, Soc. 5. The President and Trmsurrr nlmlt juinily sign all cheque .
ARTICLE 3. A quorum shall mnslst of smell members im-lnding the affirm in the chair.
ARTICLE 4. The annual dues of the Suciety shall be Three Dollars, pay- able monthlyr or annually. Soc. 2. When any member is in arrmu-s fur lmr dues for one yrnr her name shill-l hr automatically zlrupprd from the mil.
ARTICLE 5. "* Tim visiting committee shall consist of three (livisiuns: West, Ninth and South. twu Inmnlwrs for each lllviximx; {hey nhull Visit HOW-("Ollll‘l's in their division, welt-bum them into the rummnnity and amen-warns invite them in join the Spcivty.
ARTICLE 6. ' . A iluwer committee consisting oi! twn nhnll visit. lhr. sick nnd . \vlu-nvrer oxpwliunl. shrill sc-nd it taken of klmlnrsn or synip- '
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