Municipal Matters

the shack. Council also rented the section house at La Salle as court of toyision for several years.“

All along, Council conscientiously carried out its responsibilities as set out in the Municipal Act of 1881 (as ammended periodically). Efficient operation of a municipality meant overseeing many tasks. Minute books are filled with various transactions regarding taxes, providing an intimate look into how people were able to make pay- ments. Farmers were encouraged to work ofi their taxes by doing work on road allowances fronting their property. Entries like the following appear frequently: “That the Councillor for Ward two be authorized to auction off the cutting of the brush road between Sec 25 Tp. 8 R 1E and Sec 30. 8. 2E, Sec 24 and 25. 8. 1E on Saturday the 8th of June at 6 o’clock pm.” Despite this indication that all was fair, inferences were made that favoritism for friends and relatives took place and irate letters on the subject from ratepayers appeared in early newspapers.

Councils survived most criticisms and continued to assist the ratepayers in managing their affairs. In 1889 minutes state Council would provide seed grain to owners of land or livestock.“ The purpose of this program was to enable municipalities to advance money to farmers so they could purchase seed grain. In the early years the government

—The Allinson family

A seed grain note of 1901 in the Allinson collection at Starbuck, showing that William Allinson paid back the loan in July of 1903.

The Western Municipal News. September 1908, Vol. 3 No. 9. 31