,The first day of school at Lundi was heid dur- ing the winter of 1878-79. The teachers were Sig- tryggur Jonasson and his wife Rannveig, Tar- hildur Holm and Holdor Briem. The first regu- lar school was opened in i889 with Miss Salina Petursson as teacher. Classes were concluded in an extra log house built by Johann Briem at Grund until the school house was built on the town site last south at the bridge in 1891.
When the old schooi was divided into two rooms, about 1916 and high school grades first taught, Mrs. Lina Olatson was the first principal. in l9l8, a tour roamed school was built on the present site. Later, a class room was added in the basement and as the attendance grew, two more rooms were added in another building.
To ensure a higher quality of education and better and wider opportunity for all the children in Riverton and surrounding schools, consolida- tion was approved in 1965. To meet the needs of accommodation for all these pupils, a new 21 roamed school is under construction. This school will open in September this year with a staff at T3 teachers under the supervision of Mrs. Vigdis Peterson, a dedicated, experienced principal, who is well known to us all for her efficient teaching.
The high school has grown steadily since .1916 from the one classroom until in wet when
it occupied the present collegiate a six-classroom building with a stahc of .six teachers. Two years later, an extra classroom was added.
The adoption of a single district school division according to the Department of Educa- tion, has the advantage of providing an ad- ministrative organization that enables more ef- fective planning of the whole educational pro- gram trom kindergarten to grade twelve and further equalization of costs.
Riverton high school has been fortunate with its teachers. Two outstanding principals are late Mr. Eysteinn Arnason annd Mn Peter Onysko. The last three years, the school has kept up its records of orderliness and progress under the administration of Mr. Abe Friesen.
in the pubiic school during the last forty years, have been many teachers win: the records of devoted service. Those who benefited from their teaching will not forget them.
From the Riverton High Schoo. have come many fine graduates, who may be found in various walks of lite .such as medicine, engineer- ing, teaching, nursing, etc.
With better facilities, more teachers and in- creased demand tor higher education, it is to be hoped that our young people realize the wonder- ful opportunities at hand to prepare and train themselves for adult life.
The country schoolhouse, taken in the lnterlcrke Area l927. These are now obsolete - being repiacecl by consolidated schools. ‘