
Ashen] School No. 1880

The first Ashern School was three miles north-west of the village (later named “Beatty”) until l9l7 when a one room school was built on the present site. As the town grew. the one room school became inadequate so another room was added. then another and lastly a room was built on the east side for grades one and two U950};

In 1954 a new modern school was built officially opened by Mr. Miller. During this time classes were held in the Legion Hall upstairs and downstairs (in the water) and in the old curling rink upstairs and downstairs also. The upstairs became very hot, so classes were held out- doors in the shade.

In 1962 a new high school was built south of Main Street just off Highway No. 6.

The grade one to eight school became overcmwded due to the closing of rural schools. One class was taught in u storage room with wall to wall desks. The same school also began to show signs of deterioration due to saturation olwalls and ceiling ._. so was condemned. The classes moved to Units with toilet facilities still in the old building. This caused considerable inconvenience in wmter time.

Finally, in 1971 the present Central School was built for grades four to twelve (sec floor plan) and kindergarten to grade three moved to. the High School building.

After six years of constant use by approximately 500 students. the condition of the building shows the respect shown by pupils for this place of learning. Teachers, pupils and parents are all proud ofthis line school.

Ashem Primary School. originally the first high school.


New Asher" Central School. 1971, Gr. IV-XH.

Principal’s Message J. Mudry

Welcome to Ashern Central School. The opening of Ashern Central School has indeed opened a new chapter in education for the students of northern Lakeshore School Division. The students are now able to choose their academic programs from three area groups; the uni— versity entrance, the general, and the commercial. Students in grades VII-XII can take home economics and‘industrial arts as options.

We as educators and students should be grateful to our community for their interest and endeavors to provide the educational facilities we presently enjoy.

Special thanks and gratitude is extended to the board of trustees of Lakeshore School Division and the

Superintendent. Mr. Grosse. for devoting their time and energy in making Asbern Central School a reality.

On behalf of the community. the teaching staff. students. and myself 1 would like to thank Mr. .loe Schwartz for taking such an interest in our school and all educational matters in general.

i would also like to thank the teachers and students who so willingly cooperated and helped to move the fur- niture From the old buildings to the new.

At this time it is appropriate that we acknowledge the work of the staffs who have taught diligently for years under the sun and rain. Your years of dedicated work was and is appreciated. May you have many more successful and enjoyable teaching years in Ashern Central. Students

may your stay in Ashern Central School he enjoyablew,WM"

and rewarding. Let it serve as a stepping stone to greater and better things in your future life.