Margaret lives in Brandon. She has five children. Darrell and his wife Sharon (Drewlo of Moosehorn) live in Lockport. David, wife and daughter live in Minnedosa. Dace (Mrs. Doe) lives in Calgary. Murray and Michael live in Brandon.

Joan has four children. Helen lives in Toronto. Paul, Koralie and David live in Brandon.

Andrew Robert McTnvish by May Compton

Andrew Robert Mc'i‘avish was born in Perth, Ontario, March 29, 1881. He married Mary Elizabeth McLean of Perth, on August 10, 1903. They came to Winnipeg in l903. where he worked at blacksmithing un- til he moved to Asher-n in May 1913, on the first train that went to Ashern. He had a farm south-east of Asher-n. Later he started his own blacksmith shop in Ashern --« the first in the town.

Andrew was thrown from a horse, during a horse race at Ashern on July 1, 1915, and passed away the next day at age 34.

Andrew and Mary Elizabeth had four sons and three daughters, they are;

Ernest married Edith Bender of Manitou, they had thirteen children. Lawrence married lrene Nohbs of Winnipeg. Allen married Peggy Reid of Wake, Sash, they have four boys. May married Roy Crompton of Dnriingford, Manitoba. Irene married Clarence Comp- ton, they have one son. Irene passed away March 5, 1945. Gertie married George Fry of Darlingford, and they have two boys. Raymond married Isabel Nelson of Ashern, they have five children. Raymond passed away September 6, l97l.

Mrs. McTnvish married Clifford Harrhy of Ashern, on September 8th, l9l9. Mrs. Herrhy passed away May 4, l970 at age 89. They had one daughter, Ethel, who married Neil Stolwyk. They have three children.

I recall we went to Barnwald School some two miles from our home. Some of the teachers i recall were: Pat Miller, Miss Finch. Miss Todd, Miss B. D. Cooney, who is now living in BE. '

McTnvish and Harrhy Families by Ethel Stolwyk

My father, Clifford Harrhy was born in England in 1879. My grandfather, John Hat-thy, owned and operated the White Horse Hotel in Abergavanny, where my father was born and raised. At the age of eighteen he was apprenticed to carpentry for four years.

Dad came to Canada in the early 1900’s. He worked on a farm near Morden, Manitoba, during harvesting, and returned to Winnipeg to work at carpentry until he took up a homestead three miles south and two miles east of Ashern.

My mother was born Mary McLean, in Perth, On- tario. in 1881. Her father Robert McLean, was a pointer and decorator.

Mother married Andrew McTavish, also of Perth in,

1903, they later moved to Winnipeg, where they lived un- til they came to Ashern, in 19l2. Mother, with five children, Ernest, Allen. Lawrence, May and Irene, Mother‘s sister. Mrs. Charles Cope and her three children, Frederick, Albert and Alphonse, came at the


some time, Grandfather, Robert McLean came with them, but only remained for a few months.

Andrew McTavish had a homestead south and east of town, later known as the Barnwald district. Charles Cope had taken land across the road from Mc’l‘avish.

There were on roads, no ditches to drain the water, trails followed the ridges where possible.

The house was not finished, still had no roof. The women and children and grandfather stayed in a shanty my father had built the year before. This just had one room for himself, the other half housed his animals and chickens.

The men, meanwhile camped out at the McTavish homestead, with the sky for a blanket. After getting the children to sleep, the women wearily settled down on mattresses of hay. On hearing a rustling in her bed, my mother found she was sharing her bed with a garter snake.

Andrew McTavish, who was a blacksmith, opened a shop in town, where he worked until July of l9l5, he was thrown from a horse at a picnic and died of his injuries on July ll, 19l5. Mother did not want to keep the horse, so she sold it to Mr. Joel Gislason, who used to carry the mail to Silver Bay Post Office.

Left to right: Cirflard Hunky. Robert Ford. Mrs. C. Hartley and Mrs. R. Fond.

McTaw'slr famiiy. Left to right: Lawrence. Ernest, MayTGertrude. Alien wt!!! Raymond. Irene, Mrs. McTnvrlrh.