Swami Municipal Office with living quarrem upstairs.
i never knew there was such at variety of work in n Municipal Office. in 1945 Council bud rue appointed assessor to replace the late Mr. Geo. Sell. Mr. Selfhud been assessor from 1936—44. This meant extra work for me. to write up the assessment roll and balance same. However, 1 had line help from the Assessment Branch in Winnipeg so i managed till l949. Mr. Eade of Winnipeg being uppointcd Municipal Assessor For 1958. There was it big boost in assessment and size when Sigluncs Municipality took over all of Section 23, 24, 25 —— ol’TW from Woodleu Municipality.
1n 1950 Mr. Foord resigned as secretary-treasurer and council appointed him assistant secretary-treasurer so so that i would still have his help in municipal financing. 1 was appointed secretary—treasurer in l951.
The Council were members ol‘thc Union of Manitoba Municipalities for many years. The late Mr. B. Th. Jonasson, Reeve. was an Honorary Member For the many years ol‘ service as Councillor and Reeve of the RM. ol‘ Siglunes.
Mr. O. S. Eiriksson now of Lakeland, is also an Honorary member.
The R.M. ofSlglunes was also a member ol'the Good Roads Assn, and won the following awards:
1954 Framed Certificate of Merit Class 1 Div. C. Best kept system of Municipal Roads Annual Road Competi- tion 2nd prize.
1955 The Willis Trophy To the municipality making the most improvement in municipal roads, old or new.
1%8 The Willis Trophy To the municipality making the most improvement in municipal roads, old and new.
1959 Certificate of Merit Annual Road Competition —- Best kept system of municipal roads - 2nd prize.
l964 Certificate of Merit Best maintenance System of municipal roads in the RM. of Siglunes under 50 miles.
l have been a member of the Municipal Sec-Irena, Assn. since 1950, and although I am now retired I still pay my membership fee and attend each year. I always looked forward to this. meeting because the Municipal Act gave permission to close the office for four days. it was like a holiday to me.
in i957, l was asked what the work of a municipal sec-treats., was like. i replied “Everything“ -—- everything from cutting off ears from coyotes and foxes (in 195? I had clipped off 250 pair of ears), to collecting taxes, writing and balancing tax rolls, road programs and puyrolls for employees. This Indy that asked me replied —-— “Oh I thought all you did was collect taxes". As the saying goes, “people are funny“.
Well the third move was lucky for me. Council had the new office built and we moved in February l963. it was the first office with electric heat and plumbing, so i had eight years working in comfort, retiring in 1971.
1 am glad of the privilege of growing up in this area. making many friends and serving the public to the best of my ability.
Here is a brief resume ol‘ how this area joined the RM. of Siglunes:
1n January 1920, residents ofAshern called a meeting to discuss and propose Ashern joining with the Municipality of Siglunes. Mr. J. W. Allen was chairman, Mr. T. Webster, secretary. At this meeting the following were appointed to meet the Reeve and Council of Siglunes re~umalgnmaiiom S. Browne, C. Hoffman, T. Webster, H. Denhard, l-l. Dunlap, F. King. At a further meeting. the Reeve and Council of Siglunes, unanimous- ly accepted the proposition submitted by Ashern residents. namely to combine with this municipality, the territory outline was; Township 25 Range 6 and 7 and south live miles of Township 26, Range 6, 7, and 8 West.
The first council meeting after amalgamation was held in Ashern School on July 20, 1920. Mr. R. .l. Perry was reeve, Mr. P. Forseng was secretary-treasurer, The first council was: Wm. McFayden — councillor for Ward 1, J. H. Johnson -— councillor for Ward 2, O. S. Eiriksson — councillor for Ward 3, Albert Arnold — councillor For Ward 4, B. Jonasson "- councillor For
Ward 5, and T. B. Bomford — councillor for Ward 6.
The first councillor for Ward 6 — Townsite of Ashern, was Mr. T. B. Bomford, a farmer, he farmed on 34—25-11“! m the land where Mr. and Mrs. R. DeGroot now reside. »
i must also add to my story the fact that I knew ull the men personally that worked for the organization of the Townsite of Ashern and surrounding districts in the Municipality of Siglunes. The year was 1920, they were: .l. W. Allen, manager of the Asher-n Creamery was also reeve oi“ the Municipality for a period, resigning in l926 owing to pressure of" work.
Mr. Hyde, General Merchant and Post Master ~— with the post office in the store. This store was situated where Chicken Delight is new. Mr. Hyde also farmed and resided on the farm where Mr. and Mrs. Roy Geisler now live. The train used to leave Ashern at 4 am. sojust imagine in the winter months the cold walk Mr. Hyde