Fami y Histories
Clafur was born on June 10, 1863, the son of Ami Magnftsson and Helga Oiafsdéttir from Austurhéli, Nesjum, Astur— Skaftafelissgslu Olafur married Sélrun Amadéttir born September 24 1864 daughter of Ami Amason a farmer from Eldleysu in M} oafirbi and Ingibjérg Ogmundsdét- fit from 8&jarstaebi, Seyéisfjcirbur After their marriage, Olafur and Sélrun farmed at Gilsé in Mjéafirbi until they emigrated to Canada in 1903. They brought seven children with them and left their nine year old son, Seebjijm Kristinn, with
Claim and Solrun Anderson.
Sélrfin’s sister, Kristin. She was to follow them later, but lack of funds prevented them from ever com— ing to Canada. lafur and Séirfin spent the first two years in
Gimli, where their daughter, Sigurveig, died. They then spent a year‘in Hecla, Manitoba (Mikley) and two years in the Isafold district before they finally took a homestead in Geysir, NW. 1/4 2«23-3E, which they named Gilsé.
Helga Jacobson reminisces thus:
“At Gilsé, they built two little shanties and painted them blue. On the river bank north of the house they built a barn, which was later moved
Solrun Anderson Oli, Helgi, and Bjorguin.