Friesen Printers, after receiving the material and drawings from the grcup, shipped the brochures. It wasn’t too long after that before orders for books began arriving from all over the country.
In keeping with the policy uf publicizing the aims 0f the Historical Society, an interview was arranged with CKLQ on Jan. 18, 1978 in their mobile studia in Minnedosa. Attended by Nelson Easier, Dianne Iron- side and Morris Stefaniuk, the interview touched on a bit of town history.
A special feature in the bank was the use of poems written by Mr. Thomas Parker. Each one relates to people and events in the area.The cemmittee is
grateful ta Mrs. Kay Humphries for giving us permis- sion to use her father’s paems.
Finally after months and months of work, the first histories were sent, to Friesens. Things were looking brighter at that point, especially when the first galleys returned for proof reading. By the end of May 1973 all the remaining material was sent to the printers‘ Delivery date for the book was set for late fan SO that they could be used for Christmas presants.
This then is a brief 100k at the Rapid City Historical Society; an organization that worked to produce what ytm are reading .— Our Past For The Future.