birthday cake for Manitoba centen— Rapid City nlal 1970. An Indian Pow Wow did not materialize due to large fee demanded. Fri. July 3 —— sports at beach, street dance, beard growing contest. Sat. July 4 —— boat rides, mutt show, bingo, fastball tournament. Sun. Juiy 5 « Legion decoration parade, picnic and farewell. Also throughout the week, a temporary museum was enjoyed by close to 1000 people. A feeling of ex- citement and nostalgia was quite evident as people met friends they hadn’t met for some time, Perhaps it was the holiday spirit hut civic nomina— tion day produced a blank. After appointments, Coun- cil of Scott, Robinson, Wells, K. Waldon, L. Simpson and M. Stefanuik was headed by Mayor H. Hyndman. Bidding farewell to 1970, many peepie were on hand to dedicate a time capsule destined to be opened in 2070. Norma Christie proposed the toast and then handed items to Roberta Stewart who placed them in the capsule (later seated by Norma). Some of the items included The Reporter of 1970, coins, the Manitoba Proclamation, names of school children and teachers councillors of both municipalities plus many more treasured possessions And so 1970,1319. Manitoba Centennial came to a close. AN OLD PICTURE Only a faded picture, twee A scene of long ago, Bringing back old memories Of those we used to know. The View, is to the southeast, Whose hills are black and bare; Houses scattered wide apart, ' No sheltering trees are there. The Windsor in the foreground, Long run by Sandy Brown; The home of Webb and Norriss Both well known in town. 64 The river in the picture, Looks both deep and Wide; Where the Baptist Church now stands The old toboggan slide. Third Avenue, Gossatt Jackson, McAlpine, Billy Vaughan, McCallum, J. G. Hindson Oldtimers long since gone. To the right, the old time dam, The water, calm and still; Reflecting as a mirror there McCullochs woollen mill. Beyond the mill, John McPhail, Where later lived Geo Rouse; John Ryans, Gardners, Truscotts —- on The prairie, Lockharts house. Near Truscotts, Mr. Peplows Head man at the mill; Professor McKees Academy Higher up the hill. Fourth Avenue, in the double house Mrs. Simpson once held rule; Upstairs at Harry Newtons She taught a little school. The Cavanaugh the carpenter, Next one is McKay, Sid Smith, Geo Stone and D. McNaught, Mac’s barn across the way. Across the corner Chas McQuinn, Close by the old south trail; Before Hewars house, the Fair Grounds, And in there was our jail. Looking east from Ed Cranes house Again the space is wide; Hoppers bank and Warrens bakeshop Standing side by side. On the ground, now occupied By our town office small, Dry goods and the grocery Owned by J. M. Hall. On fourth street, the tinned house, Upstairs a cozy nook; The town Clerk had his office when A cow ate up his books. Across the other corner — a Building long and tall, Where the school and rink now stand Head’s stable and corral. Fifth avenue almost empty Two house I recall, In one the Rev. Garrick, And home of J. M. Hall. Sixth avenue looking eastward, In this picture seen; Homes of S. L. Head and Flaws And shack in Bods ravine. Scattered on the prairie, In winter no doubt cool; Bailey’s, Maddens, St. Paul church, Stone Manse and public school.